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AIMP v3.00 Build 950 RC 1 (06.11.

2011) ====================================== + Player: Ability to use IE's proxy settings + Playlist: %PD Macros was added (for displaying parent directory name) + Skins-Engine: Ability to disable per-pixel semitransparency + Skins-Engine: Blur behind supports (only for Windows 7 or newer) * Plugins: Plugins API - added an ability to access to proxy settings * Plugins: DTS decoder now distributed separately from the player * Player: Ability to reset User-Agent value * Player: Help in russian was added * Skins-Engine: Sliders - added hot-state supports - Fixed: "Default"-playlist not resets when importing files from external applic ations - Fixed: Player repeats one track twice in some cases even if "Repeat Track" mod e is switched off - Fixed: Player jumps to random track in some cases - Fixed: Installer removes multiuser settings from AIMP2 in "New Installation" m ode - Fixed: Installer doesn't remove standard plugins in "Update" mode, even if use r refused from them - Fixed: Player doesn't read metadata of internet radio stations in some cases - Fixed: Plugins - component list doesn't fill correctly in some cases - Fixed: Focus jumps to first playlist tab after closing selected playlist tab - Fixed: "Play / Pause" function doesn't work in context menu of tray icon - Fixed: Program hangs on Windows XP, if modal dialog is shown on finishing drag -n-drop operation. - Fixed: Skins-Engine - bugs with handling mouse wheel messages - Fixed: Skins-Engine - Smooth applying of transparency doesn't work correctly w ith TrayControl window in some cases - Fixed: Memory leak occurs while listen internet radio station - Fixed: Audio Library - "Track Repeat" and "Shuffle" buttons doesn't work - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 934 Beta 5 (07.10.2011) ======================================== + Plugins: New API + Plugins: Scheduler - Button for easy way to set current time was added + Player: Ability to change "User-Agent" was added + Player: Context menu for "Repeat track" button was added for quick access to r epeat options + Player: Playlists in *.ASX format are supported now + Player: Equalizer has been improved + Tag Editor: Ability to resize album art images is added + Audio Library: Displaying album art in AeroPeak * Skin-Engine: Input box - ability to select text via keyboard was added * Skin-Engine: Input box - shortcuts for copy / paste operations were added * Skin-Engine: Memory usage has been reduced * Plugins: "Plugins Manager" dialog has been redesigned * Plugins: plugin now works only with installed - Fixed: Wrong tracks names during the internet radio capturing - Fixed: Player used to jump over 1 track in some cases - Fixed: "Repeat track" function used to operate incorrectly with files which du ration is less than 2 seconds - Fixed: Some skins are used to draw incorrectly on system with non-russian loca le - Fixed: "Block desktop locking" option doesn't operate in fullscreen mode of vi sualization - Fixed: Incorrect work with relative paths - Fixed: Incorrect position of "Add link" dialog on the system with few monitors

- Fixed: ID3v2 tags are parsed incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: "Disk number" field isn't read from tags of files in M4A format - Fixed: Bitrate for some files in TTA format calculates incorrectly - Fixed: Disk number isn't displayed in playlist, if it is in "1/2" format - Fixed: "Remove missing files" command removes links to internet radiostations - Fixed: Error occures after player restarting and attempt to playing CUE file - Fixed: "Search new files" action adds duplicated files in some cases - Fixed: Tag editor save album art to first selected file only - Fixed: Player doesn't operate via meta data from some internet radiostations - Fixed: Incorrect channel order when playing files in DTS format - Fixed: Player crushes when trying to play corrupted file in MP3 format - Fixed: Small part of previous track can be listened when current file is tryin g to be played and player is on pause state - Fixed: Player hungs some times when trying to play files in WAV format - Fixed: Plugin for multimedia keyboards support is missing in 916 build - Fixed: Audio Library - "Search new files" doesn't process new subfolders - Fixed: Audio Library - Labels doesn't display in the list immediately - Fixed: Player hangs while track navigation, if DSP-plugins are in use - Fixed: Skin-Engine - Some skins doesn't provide an ability to select playlist tab via mouse - Fixed: Skin-Engine - Windows aren't repainted in some cases - Fixed: Skin-Engine - Minimal size of window calculates incorrectly after its c hild containers shown / hidden AIMP v3.00 Build 916 Beta 4 (07.08.2011) ======================================== - Fixed: Player opens files from external applications with delay about 30 secon ds AIMP v3.00 Build 915 Beta 4 (05.08.2011) ======================================== + Plugins: Added context menu extension for Windows Explorer + Plugins: plugin has been translated to API v2.0 + Playlist: Added the ability to disable automerging of similar categories * DSP-Manager: Pitch changing step has been corrected * Plugins: tak_deco_lib has been updated to v2.2 * Plugins: bass_midi has been updated to v2.4.6.3 * Playlist: Shuffle algorithm has been improved - Fixed: Player jumps to the next track unexpectedly in some cases when listenin g audio sets - Fixed: IAIMPController.AIMP_GetCurrentTrack doesn't work with remote files - Fixed: Information line detects fullscreen applications incorrectly on the sys tem with few monitors - Fixed: scrobbler doesn't scrobble when listening internet-radio - Fixed: Portable version of AIMP3 intercepts associations from AIMP2 - Fixed: Internet-radio capture doesn't work - Fixed: Adding files or folders stops when trying to read CUE sheet for nonexis tent file - Fixed: "Copy to...": doesn't show overwrite confirmation - Fixed: Tab created via Drag-and-Drop doesn't receive focus automatically - Fixed: Local hotkeys don't working in fullscreen mode of visualization - Fixed: %DC macros return incorrect value - Fixed: Option "Replay playlist with one file" doesn't work if shuffle mode is enabled - Fixed: %DN macros are ignored in Tags Editor when rename files - Fixed: Wide picture of AlbumArt overlaps some text fields - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to switch between skins with different orien tation of playlists' tabs

- Fixed: ID3v1 has higher priority than ID3v2 in some cases - Fixed: CoverArts in BMP format don't read correctly - Fixed: "Added date" field is ignored when import data from AIMP2 database AIMP v3.00 Build 901 Beta 3 (02.07.2011) ======================================== + Core: Added the ability to save tags to the file, which is playing in one of t he AIMP applications - Fixed: Animation of playlist's tabs stops early in some cases - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to get information about new version, if rem ote service unavailable - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to open folders selection dialog AIMP v3.00 Build 900 Beta 3 (01.07.2011) ======================================== + Skins-Engine: Added the ability to set hot state for playlist's tab elements i n the 3rd and 4th frames of the texture + Skins-Engine: Added the ability to change Z-Order of the elements for each con tainer + Skins-Engine: Added the ability to change indent between playlists' tabs + Skins-Engine: Added the ability to set font for playlist's tab with it is in a ctive and playing states * Localizations were updated * Sound Engine: Replay Gain's "on fly" calculation algorithm has been improved * Playlist: Loading speed of playlists with .aimppl format has been increased by 25% * Skins-Engine: Text drawing speed is increased twice - Fixed: Auto jump to the next track doesn't work with online-playlists - Fixed: Alarm clock ignores "add files to playlist" settings - Fixed: Small delay on start file's playback in AAC format - Fixed: Player skips small parts of audio stream after the unpause - Fixed: Infobar - Settings can't be saved in some cases - Fixed: Infobar - Marks for the files aren't displayed - Fixed: Other than CDA format files aren't added to the playlist when importing CD\DVD - Fixed: Duration of some files in WMA format calculates incorrectly - Fixed: Playlists in M3U / M3U8 formats are parsed incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: Metadata from some internet radio stations are parsed incorrectly - Fixed: File navigation doesn't work correctly for files with size more than 2 GByte - Fixed: CUE sheets which contain information about the few files with few track s are expanded incorrectly - Fixed: Some files in APE format can't be played - Fixed: Slow speed of saving tags from large files - Fixed: Option "Stop playback if current file was deleted" is ignored in case o f playlist was closed - Fixed: Player hangs when switching between files in DTS 5.1 format - Fixed: Player starts playback after physically removing of current file from p laylist, even if it was stopped - Fixed: Player's dialogs don't show files in .M4B format - Fixed: Small sound scratches when switching from one track to another with act ive ReplayGain option - Fixed: Files in CDA format aren't opened on double click in Windows Explorer - Fixed: Cue sheets can't be extracted from audio files with size more than 2 GB ytes - Fixed: Files with size more than 2 GBytes can't be played if caching is enable d - Fixed: Audio Library generates report too slow

- Fixed: - Fixed: s - Fixed: - Fixed: - Fixed: - Fixed: moteInfo - Fixed:

Audio Library - Table cursor position is reseted after labels' changing Audio Library - Scrobbling settings are reseted to default in some case Memory leaks in some cases, when you add files to playlist CD-TEXT is parsed incorrectly PluginsAPI - Visual data are calculated incorrectly in some cases PluginsAPI - Information about the file's mark isn't stored in AIMP2_Re object Small bugs and defects

AIMP v3.00 Build 881 Beta 2 (06.05.2011) ======================================== + Audio Library: Added the ability to drag folders from grouping tree + Audio Library: Added the ability to copy / move files to the subfolders via Dr ag and Drop method * Tags: Increased tags reading speed from MP3 files * Player: Support of multimedia keyboards has been improved * Player: Function "Remove silence longer than 0.5 sec" has been removed - Fixed: Playback through ASIO stops when opens settings dialog - Fixed: "Search for new files" function doesn't work in the audio library - Fixed: Tempo filter doesn't work correctly - Fixed: AutoTag doesn't work correctly for group of files. - Fixed: Skins from AIMP2 with semi-transparent elements don't work correctly - Fixed: Some visualizations don't drawing correctly - Fixed: Player can't be associated with file types in some cases - Fixed: Animation of equalizer window worked slow on some systems - Fixed: Changes in some playlists can't be saved on the application closing - Fixed: Player stops playback after the changing default output device - Fixed: Part of the previous track had been played when new track started, if p layer had been in Pause state - Fixed: Playlist's name was trimmed when saves playlist to the disk, if name co ntains "." symbol - Fixed: Player doesn't take into account settings, which disallow auto jump to the next track, when playing track deleting physicly - Fixed: Titles of some tracks are trimmed when listening internet radio - Fixed: Player state can't be saved during the playlist navigation via "Next / Previous file" buttons, if player is trying to connect to the internet radiostat ion - Fixed: Playlist window can't be resized when it uses standard skin - Fixed: Information about selected files doesn't updated in QTE, if QTE window is already visible - Fixed: Window doesn't magneted to the top edge of screen while resizing - Fixed: Tag Editor doesn't read disk number field from the tags - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 861 Beta 1 (01.04.2011) ======================================== + Player: ASIO - Added ability to choose the channels, which would be used for o utput + Player: Ability to create a new playlist tab under mouse cursor while dragging files + Player: Added "Auto-adjust equalizer preset for a track" action to the equaliz er menu + Scheduler: Ability to use playlist as alarm clock signal + Audio Library: Ability to play files / playlists in AIMP3 + Audio Library: Ability to manual import of database from AIMP2 * Localizations were updated * BASS Libraries were updated

* Sound Engine: Algorithm of the resampler has been improved * Plugins: Plugin for access to catalog has been removed * Player: Crossfading and pause between tracks settings have been moved to separ ate items * Playlist: Loading speed of playlists has been increased * Skins: Drawing speed has been increased - Fixed: Autoshutdown was executed incorrectly on ending of the playing queue - Fixed: Incorrect name for playlist was set, if it had been loaded from externa l file - Fixed: Autoloaded preset of the equalizer is reset by Alt+Click combination, w hen information about the file from playlist is displayed - Fixed: Value of option "Audio Library: Allow statistics" wasn't saved - Fixed: Titles for the some tracks are displayed truncated when listening inter net-radiostations - Fixed: Tracks are grouped incorrectly, if it has been expanded by CUE sheet - Fixed: Player resumes playing incorrectly on program startup, if few playlists have same name - Fixed: Skins were drawn incorrectly on Windows XP under low color mode - Fixed: Player hung when internet-radiostation switching track - Fixed: Mono-channel mode was active by default - Fixed: Positions of records in the table were calculated incorrectly after the sorting - Fixed: Tag Editor - address line wasn't updated after the file had been rename d - Fixed: Tag Editor - the "Don't fill field if it has value" function wasn't wor k - Fixed: Tag Editor - it had no any ability to disable AutoTag, if it was enable - Fixed: Fixed: Files weren't moved, if keyboard was used for playlist navigatio n while drag and drop operation was being processed - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 851 Beta 1 (09.03.2011) ======================================== + Playlist: Added ability to expand / collapse all groups in the playlist by cli cking with pressed Alt button * Sound Engine: Spectrum calculation algorithm has been rewritten * Player: Playlist view settings has been moved to separate tab * Skins: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved * Core: Sorting algorithm speed has been increased * Core: Text drawing speed has been increased - Fixed: Player hangs when switching to the next track - Fixed: Crossfade settings don't applying in some ways - Fixed: Advanced Tag Editor don't accept WavPack files - Fixed: Quick Tag Editor don't save changes to the playing file - Fixed: Input fields resets when switching between tabs in multiple mode of QTE - Fixed: Quick File Info takes focus when showing - Fixed: Hotkeys don't work in some cases - Fixed: Connection status to the radio station don't display - Fixed: Information about current track on the radio station don't display - Fixed: Small bugs and defects AIMP v3.00 Build 840 Beta 1 (22.02.2011) ======================================== * 3rd party DLL-libraries were updated to the actual versions * Localizations were updated * Skins: Drawing speed has been increased * Player: Integration to the context menu of Windows Explorer is temporarily dis abled

* Plugins: ompatibility with Winamp Input Plugins has been improved - Fixed: Quick search don't work in some cases - Fixed: Player jumps to the previous track if current track was removed from th e playlist physicaly - Fixed: Option "Save absolute file paths" couldn't be saved - Fixed: Option "Repeat playlist with one file" must be available only if "Playl ist repeat" mode is active - Fixed: "Copy to ..." didn't save previously selected paths - Fixed: ScrollBar drawn incorrectly with some skins - Fixed: Link to the internet radio couldn't be added as a melody for alarm cloc k - Fixed: Autoshutdown was executed incorrectly on ending of the playing queue - Fixed: Some parameters of radio capture were not saved - Fixed: Batch tags processing was't available in the audio library - Fixed: Audio Library labels are excluded incorrectly in some cases - Fixed: GUI bug in the "Missed files" audio library dialog - Fixed: Single click at the tray icon activated event with delay, even if doubl e click event hadn't been assigned - Fixed: CUE sheets were not caught up for the CD images - Fixed: Information about selected file wasn't updated in the Advanced Tag Edit or if file list was being scrolled via keyboard - Fixed: Bugs with removing silence filter AIMP v3.00 Build 832 Beta 1 (05.02.2011) ======================================== * Localizations were updated * Playlist: grouping by folders has been improved * Audio Library: 'jump to current file' function has been improved * Skins: Spectrum displays all frequencies * Skins: Compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved * Skins: Usability of the new playlist creation via Drag'n'Drop has been improve d * Skins: Drawing speed has been increased * Tag Editor: AutoTag by file name function has been improved * Tag Editor: File renaming function is not case sensitive now - Fixed: Problem with WAV-DTS playback - Fixed: Bug on file playing with enabled caching to occure in some cases - Fixed: If track has cover with high resolution then it stucks on switching - Fixed: Sound effects didn't resumed after the program restart - Fixed: Scroll buttons are not shown if context menu was out of screen bounds - Fixed: Sorting by %M template didn't work - Fixed: Incorrect device switching with stopped player - Fixed: Format of audio stream incorrectly detected for some radio stations - Fixed: Context menu display incorrectly on multi-monitor configuration - Fixed: Some CUE-sheet files parsed incorrectly - Fixed: Incorrect selection behavior with pressed Ctrl - Fixed: Incorrect behaviour of 'start playback on launching' function - Fixed: Incorrect control of some sound effects - Fixed: Some bugs with labels in Audio Library - Fixed: Player didn't switch to the previous track if cursor was at the beginni ng of the playlist - Fixed: Content-filters resets in Audio Library during the navigation by groups - Fixed: Small bugs AIMP v3.00 Build 815 Beta 1 (30.12.2010) ======================================== * BASS Libraries were updated * Updated localizations: Armenian, Bulgarian, Czech, French, German, Japanese, S

panish, Ukrainian * Skins: drawing speed has been increased - Bugs were fixed AIMP v3.00 Build 810 Beta 1 (20.12.2010) ======================================== + Sound Engine: Our output system, BASS is used now only as decoder + Sound Engine: Added ASIO / WASAPI / Direct Sound support + Sound Engine: Extended track mixing options + Sound Engine: Added 5.1 / 7.1 Channels emulation + Sound Engine: Added DTS / TAK formats support + Sound Engine: Added OGG files support with multiple track inside + Sound Engine: Improved works with *.iso.wv / *.iso.ape files + Tags: Increased tags reading speed + Tags: Added reading / writing covers to OGG files + Tags: Added reading M4A / M4B / MP4 tags + Tags: Added reading / writing TTA / OFR / OFS tags + Skins: Added full support of semitransparent textures + Skins: Tray icon is now depends from skin + Skins: Added ability to create round sliders + Skins: Added ability to clon gauge and spectrum elements + Skins: Added ability to place playlist tabs vertically + Skins: Extended elements options + Player: New design + Player: Added ability of random switching visualizations + Player: Added ability to dock player with playlist to the screen edge + Player: Added ability to set alternative global hotkeys + Player: Added ability to pin player / playlist on the screen edge + Player: Expanded tracklist export options + Player: Improved options window + Player: Plugin manager was moved to options + Player: Extented running line animation options + Playlist: Added "Single playlist mode" + Playlist: Added ability to lock playlist from changes + Playlist: Added ability to disable auto expanding files by CUE + Playlist: Added ability to set individual settings for every playlist + Playlist: Added %Up(), %Low(), %Caps(), %Replace() and %Char() macroses + Playlist: Categories - Added optional separating template + Playlist: Categories - Added ability to expand / collapse them + Playlist: Categories - Added information about size and duration + Playlist: Categories now couldn't be separated into few parts + Queue Manager: Added track duration to the table + Queue Manager: Added information about total duration of all tracks in the que ue + Queue Manager: Double-click on track will focus it in the playlist + Radio Capture: Added ability to capture stream "as is" (only for MP3 / AAC / A AC+) + Radio Capture: Added ability to make CUE sheet file + Radio Capture: Extended file split options - by time / by size + CoverArt Downloader: Cache previous search results + CoverArt Downloader: Cover search now doesn't begin immediately after window s hown + LastFM Scrobbler: Now works directly with the service + LastFM Scrobbler: Scrobbling track from internet radio + InfoBar: Added ability to adjust background transparency + InfoBar: Added ability to display track cover art + Internet Radiostation Catalog: Added tab "Favourite" + Internet Radiostation Catalog: Integrated to audio library + Scheduler: Added smooth volume increasing

+ Icon Library: Added ability to set icon for each format + Tag Editor: Renaming one file - now highlight only file name + Tag Editor: Renaming by template: added confirmation dialog if file names matc h + Tag Editor: Renaming by template - added ability to work with copy of the file + Tag Editor: Added columns: Bitrate / Duration / ID3v1 / ID3v2 / APE / WMA / Vo rbis + Tag Editor: Field "Track Number / Track Count" was devided into two fields + Tag Editor: ReplayGain - added ability to enter values manually + Tag Editor: ReplayGain - added ability to autocalculate values + Audio Library: Implemented as independent application + Audio Library: Quick content filtering among columns values + Audio Library: Added ability to group by any columns + Audio Library: Added ability to sort on several columns at once + Audio Library: Added labels support + Audio Library: Added report generation - total duration, favourite artist / al bum / genre + Audio Library: Added ability to filter files by size or/and duration before ad ding to database + Audio Library: Disk number now used for groupping by albums + Audio Library: ID3v2.4 separators support + Audio Library: Added ability to hide grouping window * Player: Main window now isn't frozen on file moving to removable device * Playlist: "Send to..." - Now you can rename by template options * Playlist: "Send to..." - Added ability to copy additional files with main file s

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