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13th March 2012


access, filter content and imprison bloggers. India and Kazakhstan have also joined RWB's list of "countries under surveillance" because of concerns that they are becoming more repressive. The body says 2011 was the "deadliest year" yet for socalled "netizens". It says at least 199 arrests of internet campaigners were recorded over the year - a 31% increase on 2010. Read More Censorship", still includes countries such as China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia from the previous year.

'Enemies of the internet' in Reporters Without Borders study - 13/03/12

Bahrain and Belarus have been added to Reporters Without Borders' annual list of "enemies of the internet". They join 10 other nations on the campaign group's register of states that restrict net

Bahrain added to web censorship blacklist 13/03/12

Reporters Without Borders has updated its 2012 "Enemies of the Internet" listto include Bahrain and Belarus. The updated list, which was released on Monday to mark what the organisation called "World Day Against Cyber-

The Paris-based nongovernmental organisation that advocates freedom of the press said that internet users in 2011 were "at the heart of the political changes in the Arab world and elsewhere". In Bahrain, RWB said, the government "has bolstered its censorship efforts" in reaction to the pro-democracy uprising that began on February 14, 2011. Read More

Other articles concerning Reporters Without Borders Report - 13/03/12

Reporters Without Borders: Online surveillance more effective, more intrusive | Daily news in English from Romania - Bahrain added to 'enemies of the internet' list - Media Reporters Without Borders lists the enemies of the internet - The Inquirer Stay Informed: Enemies of the Internet List | News & Opinion | Is your country an enemy of the internet? | GlobalPost Technology News: Internet: Journalists Battle Web Censorship With Internet 'Enemies' List Enemies of the Internet List Released | International | World | Epoch Times Enemies of the Internet List Revealed by Reporters Without Borders Forbes

Meet the 'enemies of the internet' 2012 - Internet & Networking Reporters without Borders Releases Its 2012 Internet Enemies List | Observations, Scientic American Blog Network Reporters Without Borders Releases Updated Enemies of the Internet List | Africa: On World Day Against Cyber Censorship, BCHR Calls for Action From Authorities Bahrain: Monarchy added to internet censorship blacklist Reporters Without Borders Names The Enemies Of The Internet | TechWeekEurope UK Reporters Without Borders lists the enemies of the internet - Democratic Underground Enemies Of Internet Named By Reporters Without Borders - Technology News - redOrbit

Demand for freedom 13/03/12 Bahrain: time for reforms - 13/03/12

Interview with Dr. Christian Koch - Director of the Gulf Research Center Foundation. Well, the protests in Bahrain have quite a long history and they go back even to the 1970es when there was a debate in the country about the setting up of the parliamentary functions and how to really divide governance and rule in the country. Weve seen spiraling protests in the early 1990es when the Government was suspended and this continues to the modern days. Read More Interview with Nabeel Rajab President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights. Being the part of the Arab Spring we have decided that the 14 of February is gong to be our Revolution Day, we started on the 14th of February last year our day of rage. But unfortunately in stead of seeing the Government meeting the demand of the people the Government has invited the Saudi and Arab Emirates armies to take part in a heavy, bloody crack down that targeted all the people that took part in the protest, mainly the Shias who are a marginalized group in the society. Read More Parliaments legal and legislative committee head MP Ahmed Al Mulla announced this during a meeting on constitutional amendments in the presence of Justice Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej reported. Read More

GCC national can be MP in Bahrain 13/03/12

Bahrains government has agreed to a constitutional amendment allowing GCC nationals of Bahraini origin to become members of parliament or Shura Council.

Al Wefaq condemn deporting of Doctors Without Borders from Bahrain - 13/03/12

Bahrain Opposition party Al Wefaq has slammed the decision by the authorities to deny Doctors Without Borders (MSF) to operate inside Bahrain as against international practice. According to Doctors Without Borders, two staff members

were refused entry into Bahrain as they tried to reenter the country, whilst a third was denied a visa renewal. Al Wefaq issued a statement claiming that MSF had played an important role in Bahrain, helping to save the lives of many whilst doing its job neutrally and professionally. They claim that in denying entry to MSF, Bahrain is guilty of contravening the UN Human Rights Act that ensures medical care for all. Read More

When the Empire Struck Back - 13/03/12

-Saudi Arabia helped ruin Bahrain. The GCC intervention to crush the Bahraini protest movement terminated U.S.-backed efforts by the more moderate elements within the Bahraini regime and opposition to find a political solution. Instead, the Bahraini regime and its Saudi backers launched a scorched-earth campaign against the opposition, with a massive and unjustifiable campaign

of arrests, torture, repression, abuse and arbitrary dismissals which have been fully documented in the report of the Bahrain Independent Committee of Inquiry (pdf). The crackdown succeeded in the short term, clearing the streets and cementing the regime's hold on power, but that momentary advantage came at the cost of a generation's worth of lost legitimacy and challenges to come. It also badly hurt American credibility, as Arabs across the region pointedly noted the public silence of the United States on the crackdown in a Gulf ally.. Read More

Bahraini protesters hold anti-regime demonstration in Diraz - 13/03/12

Bahraini protesters have held a demonstration against the ruling Al Khalifa regime in the northwestern village of Diraz. Read More

Saudi-Backed Bahraini Forces Attack Peaceful Protesters, Injure Several - 13/03/12

Saudi-backed regime forces in Bahrain have attacked protesters outside the capital, Manama, injuring several of them. Read More

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