House 42 By: Sereena Lewis

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FADE IN INT: BEDROOM NIGHTTIME HANNAH (17) and NATALYA (17) are sleeping on a bed; the TV is left on but is fuzzy. There is mysterious loud banging coming from the lower regions of the house. NATALYA wakes up leans over and nudges HANNAH NATALYA Whats that noise? HANNAH lifts up her head and turns to speak to NATALYA

HANNAH (Groaning) What noise? Theres no noise go to sleep! NATALYA and HANNAH both put their heads on the pillow and go back to sleep

(Three loud bangs) NATALYA and HANNAH sit back up in the bed wide awake and look at each other

NATALYA That noise! NATALYA and SARIA sit quietly on the bed with their ears pierced in the direction of the noise, NATALYA touches HANNAHS hand HANNAH swings her feet onto the floor HANNAH Ill go and see what it is HANNAH walks towards the door NATALYA jumps of the bed and latches onto HANNAH

INT: STAIRWELL NIGHTTIME HANNAH and NATALYA Walk cautiously through the corridor and to the stairs. They walk down the stairs. As they go further down the stairs there is another bang.

NATALYA Do you think your parents came home early? HANNAH No! They would have called stay here NATALYA ignores SARIA and continues to follow her NATALYA Where are you going?

INT: LIVINGROOM NIGHTTIME SARIA and NATALYA edge into the living room. They both look around the room searching for the source of the noise. It is not present. NATALYA turns around and heads back to the living room door NATALYA Imgoing to call the police I left my phone upstairs Natalya exits the room; footsteps are heard up the stairs SARIA Looks around the room, she searches behind the curtains another two loud bangs are heard SARIA swivels around the room into the direction of the noise and exits the living room. INT: HALLWAY NIGHTTIME SARIA walks towards the umbrella stand and picks up a walking stick the noise becomes more frequent and louder. SARIA walks towards the basement with the walking stick swung above her shoulder as she gets closer she looks around as she gets to the basement door she realises the latch is loose. She locks the door and breathes a sigh of relief she turns around and puts down the walking stick. She notices the remote control from her bedroom, she bends down to pick it up as her fingers

touch the remote control she is yanked from her arm from behind and pulled towards the basement door and she disappears within it. INT: STAIRWELL NIGHTTIME NATALYA appears at her hand she walks she hears her name sound thinking its enters. the tops of the stairs with the phone in down the steps looking around for HANNAH called and she runs in the direction of the HANNAH the basement door is opened and she

INT: BASEMENT NIGHTTIME NATALYA sees HANNAH at the bottom of the stairs in a heap she turns to run up the stairs but the door shuts in front of her. She tries to open the door but the handle will not turn. The light switches off. And a scream is heard.

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