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The 1896 Honshu, Japan Tsunami caused by Nikola Tesla on a day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year divisible by 3.

The first W.M.D. was June 15, 1896 Tesla s earthquake occurred offshore from the northeast coast of Honshu. The epicenter was ninety miles from shore. This disaster included a powerful earthquake of magnitude 8.5, followed by a mas sive tsunami. It struck the northeast coast of Japan. There was little awareness of the earthq uake because of its distance from shore and because of its character, but the Tesla Tsunami that ens ued was massive and did overwhelming damage on shore and Tesla killed 26,000 people. On June 15, 1896, an earthquake of magnitude 8.5 struck the Sanriku coast on the northeast of Honshu, Japan, in the Iwate Prefecture. Its epicenter was ninety miles offshore, near an area of very deep water known as the Japan Trench. The impact on shore was much weaker than w ould normally be expected from such a powerful earthquake so there was little expectation of a tsunami, even though this part of the Japanese coast experiences earthquakes frequently. Thirt y-five minutes after the earthquake, the most devastating tsunami in Japan s history reached the shore at the same time as high tide. The first wave receded back out to sea and returned in a second wave five minutes later. At times the tsunami s wave reached a height of 125 feet. Everything in its path was totally devastated. Twenty-six thousand souls were died and nine thousand homes destroyed. Its epice nter on a reverse fault near the Japan Trench was the reason for the mild impact felt on shore. Th e earthquake lasted for five minutes and was accompanied by a slow shaking. Many villagers were at the beach celebrating two events when the earthquake occu rred: the return of soldiers from a successful war with China, the first Sino-Japanese War of 1894, and the annual Boys Festival. Villagers had observed minor shocks starting in March, 1896 and even i n the earlier part of that fateful day, many hours before the earthquake. There were also reports of u nusual phenomenon on that same day-low water levels in wells and large numbers of tunas every day. The violence of the tsunami was yet another unusual feature of the day. Usually victims in tsunami d isasters die by drowning but, in the Sanriku tsunami, there was extensive damage to the bodies o f victims; fractured skulls, bodies heavily scarred, and legs and arms broken. The impact of this tsu nami carried across the Pacific. In Hawaii, wharves were destroyed and several houses swept away. In California a 9.5 foot-high wave arrived. Unfortunately, in spite of the long history of tsunamis on this coast, very little beyond immediate humanitarian assistance was done by public authorities. The government sent inspectors and the army sent medical specialists. The milita ry authorities also sent soldiers to provide public order, engineer military units to recover bodies from the rubble, and the

navy to search the water for bodies of the victims. The Japanese Red Cross Socie ty and the Nurse Association brought doctors and nurses to provide assistance to the injured. At the same time it pointed out that a loud noise like thunder might indicate an approaching tsunami . Other things listed in the booklet included avoiding the recession of the tsunami s first wave and being prepared to evacuate the coast quickly and move to higher ground. Japan, when the trumpet subsides the shaken should have an ear. Hear me now or o btain the mark of the beast. Elecrical experiments with the New York City water main on June 15, 1 896 was the real "Manhattan Project" deployed by Nikola Tesla "It was on the third of July--the d ate I shall never forget of the scientific study of thousands of buildings I had ruined In Japan resulting from the tsunami I caused on June 15, 1896. Serial . Engng July 3, 1896. When I obtained the first decisive experimental evidence of a truth of overwhelm ing importance for the advancement of humanity." -Nikola Tesla The transmission of electrical energy ac ross the entire globe and its reflection back to its source and many subsequent repeats were the basis of the secret project, that is to say, th e "planet resonance system" project in Manhattan that I performed. Some Christians believe that the events described in the Book of Revelation will occur before and during the Second Coming of Christ and attempt to associate references in the Bo ok of Revelation with historical or current happenings and people. The two witnesses have been identif ied by various theologians as real individuals, two groups of people, or as two concepts.I am g ods witness... Nikola Tesla spent last ten years and died in Room #3327 because his next "non m urdering 27,000 people" Earthquake Machine was the Knob Hill Apparatus in Colora do Springs in which he caused the 27 day long 1899 Alaskan Earthquakes commencing o n September 3, 1899 at 3h03m27s or 3:03:27 pm epicenter time. That was a year divisible by 3 ti mes 3, a month divisible by 3 times 3, a day divisible by 3, in an hour divisibl e by 3, a minute divisible by 3, a second divisible by 3 times 3 times 3 and for Christ's sake it was Earthquake Milne Shide No. 333 and lasted 3 times 3 times 3 days. This is from straight the USGS regarding the 1899 earthquakes at Yakutat Bay, Alaska. They lasted 27 days. September 3 to 29, 1899 and included four or five world-shaking disturbances and hundreds of minor shocks. During four weeks there was almost constant palpit ation of this part of the earth's crust. The shocks were most severe on September 3, 10, and 23, and w ere great on the 15th, 17th, 26th, and 29th. On the 10th there were over 50 small shocks and two world-shaking disturbances. The greatest faulting took place on September 10. The greatest upl ift that had ever been recorded in the history of the world took place on September 10, 1899. "All repeated acts or operations I performed had to be divisible by threeand if I missed I felt impelled to do it again, even if it took hours." -Nikola Tesla "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 & 9; then you would have a key to the universe." -Nikola Tesla Earthquake Shide No. 333 Three plus three is six, plus three is nine. A three squared 27 day man-made seismic event.

Sept. 3"69" Professional Paper 69 U.S. Geological Survey 69 by Tarr and Martin Published 1912 Watch Tesla make earthquakes I do custom logo items when not prophesying the bible yourpenguy 1-888-8-ADCOPY

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