Animal Kingdom

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Animal Kingdom Vertebrates animals with backbone Invertebrates animals without backbone

Phylum Porifera Most of the organisms are marine and some are freshwater organisms they vary in color from white, gray, brown to red, yellow, purple and black. They may live singly or colonies , the body of sponges consists of tiny pores, the small incurrent pores and excurrent pores Oxygen and food in the form of diatoms, small protozoans, bacteria and organic particles, are carried to the sponge in water. Carbon dioxide and wastes leaves sponge body through the excurrent pore called oscullum. Adult sponges are sessile while their larvae are ciliated and free swimming. A simple sponge consists of a hollow body whose wall contains many tubes. Reproduction of sponges sexually and asexually most freshwater species reproduce asexually through the formation of buds or gemmules BUDS are group of cells that enlarge and attached to the parents for sometime while GEMMULES- are group of cell masses which are surrounded by a heavy coats of organic matter and produce by the parent sponge. Sexually these animals develop eggs and sperms that shed into the water to fertilize the egg. Examples: grantia and venus flower basket Porifera comes from latin word porus which means pores and ferre meaning to bear. Phylum Coelenterata Coenleterates have more specialization that poriferans these are hollow cuplike animals which have a central digestive cavity and a nervous system of a primitive kind. They often vase shaped occurring singly or in colonies. Like sponges , coelenterates are aquatic and mostly marine. Members in this group vary in size from microscopic t o the largest jellyfish with diameter of 3.6 metre. Includes animals like hydra, coral, jellyfish, sea anemone , and Portuguese man of war Hydra is one of well known freshwater coelenterate they are tiny animals about centimeters long quite flexible and may be five times as long when they stretched out. Hydra exists as single individual and exhibits only one body form . Polyp which is vase shaped exists as single individual body. Produce second body type the medusa or bell shaped form that floats or swims freely in water. There are white,green and brown species of hydra which live in quiet ponds ,lakesand streams.

The body of Hydra consists of two cell layers the ectoderm and endoderm which are separated by a jellyfish material called mesoglea. It has single opening that is surrounded by tentacles with stinging cells . These cells bear nematocysts which contain a poison that paralyzes and sometimes kills the animals that they hit. Nematocyst are found only in coelenterate . They perform asexual reproduction it form buds which develop knobs that grow into tentacles from which individual hydras develop. Sexually hydra undergo egg fertilization during rainy season and cooler months . the eggs fertilized in the ovary and resulting zygote grows into a spherical many celled structure with a hard protective covered . Jellyfish stings and brings pain to anyone swimming in the ocean a common jellyfish that is found in Manila Bay is Acrometoides purpureus Filipino call it dikya. Coelenterata comes from the greek term koilos which means hollow and enteron which means intestine

Phylum Platyhelminthes The flatworms the name of the phylum comes from the greek word platys which means flat and helmis meaning worm Flat bodied worms are small inconspicuous animal with digestive , nervous, excretory and reproductive system Some of them are free living while others are parasitic living in bodies of various animals including humans. Planaria are free living flatworm s that thrives in freshwater habitats most especially in ponds and streams. They range from 8 to 16 millimeters in length and vary in color from black brown and white. They are bilaterally symmetrical with a blunt anterior end and a pointed posterior end. Two eyespots which are photosensitive are found in the anterior end of animals body

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