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Translated by: Lang Tingting

Crosstalk: Wondering at the mouth of a tiger Continues

B: Such a good chance for you. A: I can leave this chance to you. 10B: Not me. A: But if I had complained my mom before I die that would be too cruel to her. No, I couldnt do that. 15B: Alright, you can still say something to your colleagues. A: What can I say to them? My dear superiors, brothers and sisters, I was eaten by a tiger by accident when I visited Beijing Zoo on this Sunday. 20B: Thats the fact, is it? A: It continues: Its all my fault. Im not organized, disciplined and Im too free-willed and underestimate the consequence of being eaten by a tiger. 25B: That really cannot be predicted beforehand. A: But why I make a fuss now that Im doomed? To make everything simple and straightforward, let me die soon! Though, I had never experienced death before even if I was already twenty nine. 30 B: You are so ridiculous, living people can never experience death. 35A: This time I really should talk straight forwardly to my superiors. Please give me pension whatever you like! Its a pity I wouldnt die for work, only a natural death. Why should I die this way? Eaten by a tiger would not mean anything. B: No. 40 A: The farewell party, in my opinion, would also not be a must. B: But you should have one.

Translated by: Lang Tingting

A: For what? B: Let people remember something of you. 5A: What shall they say about me? Mr. Jiangkun is a conscientious, hard-working, respectable person unfortunately eaten by a tiger. B: Too unconventional. 10 A: At this moment, onlookers were all giving me advice. Someone said: Hey, youngster, the tiger looked tame, let us figure out a solution. Another one suggested: We are finding the zookeeper for you. A young man had an idea: fellows, please follow me! 15 B: Follow him to do what? A: To frighten the tiger. Follow me like this: One, two, three, fight the tiger; one two three, fight the tiger! 20 B: Would that work? A: It was me who had been frightened, Please dont make such a noise. You are going to wake the tiger. 25 B: Such a ridiculous idea! A: If there is something to say to the tiger, Im the nearest one to it: One two three four five, fight a 30tiger up on the mountain, the tiger never has rice, it eats only big rascal. B: Even sang a nursery song. 35A: I stopped and said to the onloooks: Hi, the tiger cant understand words, if you really want to help, come down the cave please! B: What, you asked them to come down? To be eaten by the tiger as you would likely to do? 40 A: Thats not the same. They would be acclaimed as sacrificing themselves for others and dying at the right moment. In other words, they death was even weightier than Mount Tai. Whats more, their photos would be published on the newspaper with a black rim that would make their family pride of them.

Translated by: Lang Tingting

B: Pride? Impossible! A: What about me? Feed the tiger for nothing, no contribution at all, my death would be counted 5even lighter than a feather. B: You would also be mentioned on the daily newspaper. A: There would be only two lines. 10 B: Whats that? A: A younger worker had unfortunately been eaten by a tiger in Beijing Zoo, we suggest people concern their own safety when go sightseeing. 15 B: Thats it. A: They even wouldnt mention my name, just a bad prototype meant to warn people. 20B: How could that meant to encourage people? A: What do you think about it? B: You came up with nothing useful ideas at all. 25 A: Dont be hasty, let me talk it over with the tiger. B: How could you do that? 30 A: Dear tiger, tiger fellow, stop dozing, if you open your big eyes to look at me, you will see Im very thin and not what you want at all. If you are really hunger, I would recommend one of my colleagues Mr. Tang Jiezhong who is stronger than me. 35B: What, you are so mean to suggest me to feed the tiger. A: I didnt really mean that, just tease the tiger. B: Nonsense. 40 A: Tiger, my dear, if you promise not to bite me, sowill I! B: At least, thats true.

Translated by: Lang Tingting

A: My dear tiger, if you are kind enough to let me out, I promise to lead a better life than before. I will work hard and never argue with supervisors. And I will support parents and look after my younger brothers and sisters. Whats more, I will respect the law and never do anything willfully. 5 B: So tedious and meaningless. A: If you were in my position, you couldnt even think of this. 10B: So you were proud because you could talk nonsense at that moment? A: What else could I do then? B: You should do anything possible to go out of this dangerous place. 15 A: Go out? You say this like a piece of cake. Even tiger cant go out of this place, how can I? B: It seems so. 20 A: The wall around the cave was three meters in height. No way to escape at all. Hi, what on earth you guys are thinking about?...what, someone has already gone to fetch the zookeeper?...what, the zookeeper is not at work on Sunday? 25 B: Bad news. 110 119 30A: Hey, its ridiculous that he is at rest today but not the tiger. Youd better call police office what number? 110 or 119? All is ok no matter its a number for fire alarm or reporting mobster what? Cant find a telephone booth nearby? You see, how backward the call system is that one cant pass this message out? How could we deal with something more serious with such awkward calling communication system. 35 B: Thats none of your business at that moment. A: Then forget that, you guys go to get a shooting team of some TV program, they would be able to 40shoot live how the tiger eat me. B: For what?

Translated by: Lang Tingting

A: To promote it later in the global market-- thats all I can contribute to the society at the last moment. B: You see, he seems really self-sacrificing. 5 A: For such a long while, the tiger only crouched with dozing eyes. Hey, will you move around and fight with me, wont you? No? It wont move, and then I dare not move either. 10B: You were annoyed by tigers indolence? A: Has that tiger become vestigial? B: Impossible. 15 A: How do you know this? B: I heard that living chicken and hares are regularly thrown into the tiger hole to keep their animal sense sharp. 20 A: What for throwing those things? B: It aims to train the tiger to hunt living animals. 25A: Hunt living animals? B: Especially on Sunday, the tiger is always deliberately kept starved for a whole day. A: Damn! Its Sunday today, I become the very living animal for him. 30 B: Such a bad luck for you! A: I will not forgive the zoo even after death. 35B: Of course not. They should reflect on the safety measures in case it happens again. A: Never! But, what about me? B: A life was at risk right now. 40 A: Its a life they would cost! I would definitely not forgive them after death. Then, still angry with this, I heard a fair voice from a girl, Hey, could each of us contribute his or her belt to make up a

Translated by: Lang Tingting

rope? We can use this to pull the youngster up! B: Such a good idea. 5 A: Once I heard this brilliant idea, I burst into tears and wondered why I hadnt thought about this. Then, raising my head, I saw nearly thirty people were unfastening their belts. Hey, can you see that girl who was unfastening her yellow belt from a green skirt? Shewas so beautiful! 10 B: How could you think of this then? A: I just wondered that if she intended to reveal her love to me by saving me with her genius idea at 15this crucial moment? Oh, irrelevant thought. B: 20A: Then why she didnt pay attention to all the young men around her? Instead, she was staring at me only? B: What nonsense! It was you who fell into the tiger cave. Who else could she look at? 25 A: Whatever, down in the cave maybe I looked taller from her perspective, I was hopeful to get agirlfriend this time. Alas! People usually say hero saves a beauty, today hero was saved by a beauty, however. Could you think about this before? A blessing in disguise indeed! 30B: Youd better save your laugh and exultation until you were saved. It was not the right time for you to think about courting girls. A: Dont star at me like that. Youre not compassionate at all. It says: Man of honor speaks 35eloquently instead of fight to convince others. I neither spoke nor fought but only thought about this in my deep heart, how could you be so heartless to argue about this with a possibly dying man? B: It becomes my fault. Fine, you could think about it to your hearts content. 40 A: Instantly, the rope made up by about thirty belts came down to me. Looked upward, I saw they all

Translated by: Lang Tingting

looking at me with trousers or skirts on only by their own hands. Oh, I couldnt disappoint them. At that moment, I stretched one leg to draw the old mans walking stick to me while waving the little fruit knife provided by that kind auntie. That is:

5A hero walks towards the mountain,

Despite his knowledge that a tiger is inside. Sun is burning in his heart While east wind rising from below his feet. He dares to fight with the dangerous animal, 10But not retreat in face of the monster. Transforming anger and sorrow to unparalleled energy, There is a follower of Wu Song who fights a tiger. I struggled desperatelygood, I standed up! 15 B: So you were sitting before that? A: Of course, both of my legs trembled so much that I insisted to sit rather than lie down. 20B: Now, its time you climb up with the help of rope quickly. A: The rope was hanging before me and I snatched it quickly. With it in hands, I climbed along the 25wall without much difficulty. It says: A cornered dog will leap over a wall. So will a man. One step, two steps, threeI was full of energy. I wondered that if people who climb the Himalayas were followed by a tiger, everyone would make the peak. B: You are really good at talking nonsense. 30 A: I looked back and saw the tiger just opening one of his eyes. Very soon, I will get of this place. 35Farewell, my friend, my dear friend tiger, farewell, I will never come to your place again. Yeah, I understand that you are starving. And I also sympathize with your loneliness and understand that zookeeper not care enough about you. Dont worry, when I go out, I will introduce a female tiger to you, how do you think about this? 40B: Still talking nonsense. A: They pulled at full tilt and I exerted my legs, I made it. B: You are saved!

Translated by: Lang Tingting

A: People around me cheered once and once again and I couldnt believe it was true. B: So much frightened. 5 A: Then I thought of a important question! B: What then? 10A: Where is the belt of that pretty girls skirt? B: He is thinking about the skirt belt. A: Hey, its here, let me unfasten it from the rope quickly. Oh, I felt her temperature, smelt her 15fragrance, also B: Youd better not smell like that, you can also smell the sweat. 20A: Whatever, I would go to that girl and give her a longFrench kiss. So I trotted toward that girl. B: How could you do this? A: I havent got a girlfriend. 25 B: But you should thank all the people who saved you first. A: I trembled as such that I couldnt even say a word. 30B: If it was like that, you could shake hands with them. A: But they wouldnt shake with me! B: Why? 35 A: Their hands were all holding their trousers! B: Hey.


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