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Late in the night on the street of main and Avenue of Robinson Street, infront of a small little brick house

with purple drapes that dressed the windows shunning and enclosing the rays of a nearby street light as shadows shifted back and forth behind the thick heavy sheets. With the twinkle of the stars in the sky, a large ray of light bursted across the windfilled sky as the night scenory was ripped inhalf by the sound of a roaring motorcycle engine and the screeches of a black tomcat the had wings stretching high as the meowing softly, creature landed on the ground with its puring followed the sound of the roaring engine. "Shut up the infunioring puring, Venus." An old man with a long silver beard braided with the outline of sparkling diamonds that made him appear as a god as he brushed back his long velvet black garnish silk robe away from his palm as he raised it high above his head. Large whispers of the wind grew strong as the tomcat, Venus, pierced its long slender body high on top of the tall street light with the screeching meows filling the night. Cold lusts and pours of wind turned and twisted above the old gezers head with his diamonds flying high in the air. Twisting and turning, twistin and turning, and twisting and turning til the air stopped and the light post exploded with the gravitational pull on the ground froze lifting the old geezor up in the air for his hand to pull off a diamond from his beard as if it was like a seed as he tossed it up in the air and threw his palm with the rush of the twisting and tightening air swarming and crushing the gem into dust. Dust that was broken down deeper than dust into the air as the wind form a small ball that broke everything within down into nothing, but small particles to small for even a microscope to see or detect. Venus rolled around in the air stretching its wings wide catching the current of air that flowed to the twisting and crushing air sphere. With long white teeth raising high, a small faint orb floated from deep within the tomcats stomach for the old man to grasp hold with his free hand twirling another current of air around the orb, but focusing the orb's mystical light into the current making it grow stronger. In the paused light, the quiet sound of child's laughter filled the air from the orb that shined bright in the streets. "I have done it...I have brought the only savior that can save us back from the other world." The old geezor smiled, raising the two balls of current together. Giggles and chuckles filled the air as the explosion of the two currents joining shot a large quake in the air making the tomcat fly uncontrolably in the side of the brick house and the panels of trees and glass windows shadder. Force and the pull of the Earth grew strong again pulling the old man's feet down to the surface with his feet dripping and

smothering in a small little puddle of blood. Blood that dripped from his beard and his two old palms that held the slashing violently currents of wind that pushed together with the cries of a small, infant baby boy in his hands. The shine of the broken diamond of his beard appeared on the baby's chest over his heart. With a wrinkled weak smile the old man looked over at the limping, but uninjured tomcat as it flusted its long wings in the air stretching any tensed muscles. "Venus, scout out this area and find a suitable home for this child to stay." "Yes, my master." Said the tomcat with a loyal and honey sweat voice of that a young girl around the age of ten years old would posses, but the cat's tone was that of an older and patient butler. With her wings strecthed out high, the cat jumped high in the air grasping a current of wind and flushed around the sky. With its wings stopping and flocking in the air grasping a pause of silence, the voice of a lonely woman singing a song of love walked into her kitchen with the veiw of her home out in the counrtyside, Venus swooped down into the brush listening to the sound of her voice as it sang a familiar song that is normally sung in churches. With a flock and twitch of the cats ear, she listened to the woman sing the song that was song probably a million times every sunday mornings. "Creator of the stars of night, Thy peoples everlasting light, Jesu, Redeemer, save us all, And hear Thy servants when they call. Thou, grieving that the ancient curse Should doom to death a universe, Hast found the medicine, full of grace, To save and heal a ruined race. Thou camst, the Bridegroom of the bride, As drew the world to evening-tide; Proceeding from a virgin shrine, The spotless Victim all divine. At Whose dread Name, majestic now, All knees must bend, all hearts must bow; And things celestial Thee shall own, And things terrestrial, Lord alone. O Thou Whose coming is with dread To judge and doom the quick and dead, Preserve us, while we dwell below, From every insult of the foe. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Laud, honor, might, and glory be From age to age eternally." Her hand touched her lips as she closed a book cover with her hand trembling along the cover. "Creators of the stars, answer my prayer. Bestow apun me a child that is marked with greatness and courage as Jesus Chist." Venus jumped with excitment as she pierced herself on the window ledge to watch the woman light candles around a picture of a handsome mad with short clean black hair, and a green eyes that sparkled in his frame. A box chin and long cheekbones, he looked slightly ugly with a boiling mole piercing and wobbling inside his photograph. With a twitch of her whiskers, Venus transformed her fur and body from the

structure of a tomcat, demon from the pits of hell, to a soft and furry cat with black and brown spots over pure white fur. With a soft pur Venus meowed softly with her paw tapping the window's glass scaring the woman. Her small pale face covered in freckled lightened up in fear as her long blonde hair was tied up in a pont-tail. Her hands grasping the book, filled with the songs of her local christain church, close to her heart with the thought of 'Save me, Lord,' rushing away from her lips. Placing the leather book down, she walked over and lifted the window panel up with her fingers reaching out to Venus. With her new transformed, pink tongue, Venus licked softly on the woman's forefinger. "You are a nice kitty aren't you?" She said with her hands picking up the cat into her arms. "What kind of cat are you, Angel?" Her hand brushed Venus's fur with her tricking and fake pur growing even louder. With her paw stretching forward, Venus tucked her claws deep into the woman's neck sneeking peeks into her memory catching images of a man with a logn robe dragging across the floors of a church, but with a twich of Venus's claw memories of faulse child labor and the screams of a baby boy came to her mind over the thought of church. Venus purred for real as she released the woman and transformed into a silked black cat that was thin a loin cloth as her wings stretched wide like a bird claim territory. "Listen to my words, mortal. My master requests your home and love for his savior he put his blood and soul into creating. It is your duty to protect this child with your life...take it as a returning favor for swiping the pain of the dead husband of yours." Her face looked at the tomcat with her hair flying up in the air like she was caught in time. Venus meowed a screeching sound as a lash of wind brushed violently against the small country house knocking over the pictures of the man with a long face and many others. The shine of stars cresting diamonds flickered in the air as the roaring of a stopping motorcycle froze in the air as the sound of a baby snore whispered in the robes of the old man with a diamond beard. He walked over to the woman and leaned forward. With a soft cough, he choked up in a mutter, "Stand up." With her body jolting up into a full body stand with her hair falling down her back with her eyes lost in focus as she stared at the man. "Hello, Creator of the stars." "Hello, my dear...I wish for you to keep a closer look on this child of yours." Said the old man as he stretched his hand forward with his robe wrapped around the infant's body. "He has a great destiny upon him and he has a great destiny for

you, but neither will be fullfilled if your don't watch him, my dear." He coughed up. Light came back to her eyes as the infant laid in her arms and the roaring sound of the escaping motor flew away into the silent void of space as Venus laid in her transformed colored fur resting of the coouch with her tail swishing softly, fuzzing with electricity from the cottom fabric.

Chapter One

The air was cold and the wind was silent as, Cameron Copper ran out of his house away from his uptight mother as she rushed after him. Her long blonde hair up in braids across her chest with her waving a wooden spoon in her hand. "Get back here, young man!" With the arrival of his fifteenth birthday around the corner, Cameron didn't wish to subject himself to his mother and her christian ways of preaching of how unholy he is with the diamond piercing on his chest, but it wasn't a piercing. Not long ago, he discovered the diamond pushing its way through his flesh, but either way he tells his mother that it just appeared on its own. She still accuses him on getting a piercing. A large meow filled the air as he turned around to see his painted colored cat sitting at the window tapping to panel looking as if she was waving him farewell as he hopped up the steps on his school bus. Loud sounds of children chuckling and the sounds of teenage girls spreading rumors about some pour soul that is uncapable to stand up for themself. Cameron locked looks with a large and unfriendly football player in the back as he start rustling his leatherman jacket sleeves up to his elbows with his fist clenching tight as if ready to attack. His buffy brown eyes looked at him and screamed, "I am going to pound you ugly face in, Loser." Nearly all bus rides started as this. Him getting the unwanted and not so friendly glare as he walked his way to his seat, A seat that was in the middle, not to upfront and not to far in the back, a nice comfortable seat in the middle. He rummaged in a small, but cozy bag pulling out a pair of headphones, along with his history book. "Camie!" A yound

blonde teenage girl giggled as she leaned forward in her seat. 'Cami' the girly name given to Cameron by one girl, and one girl only, Lilly Fox. Her long blonde hair, curled up to a pony-tail on her head, setting steadily over her right ear with gold little rings in her ears. "Cami, Cami, Cami answer me!" She poked her long fingernails into his cheek. "What do you freaking want?" He turned around smacking her hand away from him with anger glowing on his face. "Rumor is you are now going as a rebel. Is it true did you get a tattoo or a piercing?" She said with light shining her face as she jumped over the seat landing on Cameron' lunch, but it wasn't special or anything, just a bag of BBQ wing needing to be heated up and a bottle of water now smashed into his hunk of freshly baked brownie, the kind his mother always makes him. "Can I see?" "I won't call it a piercing or a tattoo, but you can see, and not tell the killers back there." He hand thought for no reason that it will hurt to show the diamond to her, but as he lifted his shirt, Lilly's face blood shot red. "What is the matter?" She didn't speak as he finally pulled his shirt up to reveal the now, large diamond that was piercing out of his chest. In her eyes, a flicker of greed consumed her as waved her hand on the diamond running his fingers along the sides. "Hey stop, that hurts." "How does this hurt? Did you just get this big chunk of a diamond pierced into your body?" He wanted to say that is wasn't a piercing, but more like a birthmark more like it. His hands clentch as he was ready to force her away, but a small fragel hand pulled Lilly way. "Lilly, I think you need to let go, now." Said a young girl with long orange, brown hair as her blue eyes looked at Cameron and Lilly from behind a pair of square glasses. "Shut up, Sara." Lilly jerked her shoulder pushing the girl away. "You also need to stay in that little corner over there in seat eight." "Hey, you the one, who needs to shut up." Cameron blurted out. Lilly looked at him speachless. Her little pampered mouth sprung open as her long black eyelashes flickered open and shut repeadily. "You heard me, get off!" Cameron said, with little strength and courage reaching for him as he shoved her off his chest and pulled his shirt down. "Also you tell anyone about my chest, I will tell everyone you kissed, piggy, back there." He pointed at the overly large football player. "Maybe I will." Lilly got up in the middle of the bus aisle

and walked down the bus hall till, she turned to say, "Cami!" The bus ride felt longer than normally it was, Cameron pushed his ear pieces into his head listening silently to the sound of calm classical music that is normally heard in movies. Every time the melody raised on a high note, his heart would race faster and a shine freckled across the diamond glowing inside his shirt making the eyes of a little dancing sponge grow like a demon. With his hand rummaging his pockets while his knees leaned against the back of someone's seat. The bus stopped. "Hey everyone!" Danced a young black student with spiky unnatural blonde hair with red tips. "Hey Cameron how are you? Wow man your shirt is glowing." His name was Oscar Philliem and he was the most popular guy on the school bus and as Cameron's only friend. With his black shaggy jeans slipping into the same seat as Cameron, her slowly reached up and pulled out his head phones. "Oi, not ignore me, hommie." "I am not trying to ignore you." He was thinking, thinking about the diamond in his chest and a weird dream he had about falling stars. Stars that looked and shaped like the chunk of material in his chest. "Hey, it normal for people to dream of blood and stars" "Stars and blood?" They locked eyes for a moment, Cameron sweating with fear as his bottome thin lip began going under his top row of teeth as Oscar, looked at him with his left eye brow raised high over his head wrinkling his forehead. "Yo, dreaming of stars are perfectly fine, you know, but blood? Blood man that is like gothic shit right there." "Wow, thanks Oscar you just made me feel like hundred percent more like a freak." He looked at his friend with hurt and untented eyes. With a large bump and the squeek of a brake the bus stopped infront of a tall brick building with a large stone courtyard, large pots of flowers and trees were freshly in bloom as the spring air brushed the United States flag in the wind. A small sign above glass doors read the school name. Cameron hated the school known as Raysburg High School. With the sound of the old bus wheels skitting and squealling into his ears as the metal death trap drove away toward the elementary. "Nevermind, man, I was hoping to get comforting or something from you." "Sorry, homes, but blood really sounds gothic and suicidal. I am against that shit, man." Brushing his blonde hair up into spikes with a ball of wet spit, Oscar walked up to a circle of beautiful and gorgeously plumped blonde chearleaders. "Hello ladies." Is all he had to say and they be his. Cameron and

him were Juniors as Raysburg High School, but acted like a super rap star around the ladies. "Catch you in Chemisty, Homes!" "Do you homework or at least get the notes from someone for once." Cameron said waving him goodbye before, Sara or otherwords Sara Kyle, she was a genius and quiet, but underneath she was a rare beauty that Cameron wanted to be the only one to see. With his fist clenching his bag he walked over waving a gentle hand. "Sara, wait up." Her blank facial expression, shocked and terror filled eyes and a mouth popping open with the reactment of a ready scream of help. "W-who are you?" "It is me, Cameron Copper." He lifted up his shirt point to the diamond, "You saved me from getting this thing ripped out by Lilly sticky fingers, remember?" "Oh you...Sorry, I am trying the 'not be notice' thing." She was nervous as she turned her shoulder and dugged her long fingernails deep into her books. Cameron's mind he knew why she was nervous, tension strucked her face tightening the muscles in her lips, the cold and lonely aura of her eyes, and the small gestures of her fingers made him chuckle. She appeared adorable infront of him as she just started her nervous body movements over again. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "No special reason, anyway, you want to be friends?" He placed out his hand with a smile oh his long handsome face, a face that was shorter than his hand, but his cheekbokes were the length of his middle finger stretching down to the tip of his long triagle noise, with lips thin as yarn. Sounding ugly, but his looks were handsome compared to many in his school. "Want to be friends?" He looked at he with a smile. "Uh...ok." She replied with a little weak, but cute and friendly smile she nodded. "Oh to tell you something." She looked up at him. "I like quiet girls because they secretly have something interesting hidden." Her face went blood red, no, redder than blood. She looked as if she was going to explode with embarressment as she collapse backwards, landing, twitching, and gave a look like she ate something sour. "Kidding, you alright, Sara?" "Yes, I am fine..." She stuttered with strong weak emotional words as she turned and ran away screaming in a soft voice, "I have to get to Astronomy, talk to you another time, Cameron!" "I will hold that against you!" With his bag hitting his back, he walked across the courtyard passing a praying circle listening people sing a familar song that he heard million times

by his mother since he could remember. He started singing as he opened the school doors into the locker hallways full of students, prefects, and teachers. "Creator of the stars of night, Thy peoples everlasting light, Jesu, Redeemer, save us all, And hear Thy servants when they call. Thou, grieving that the ancient curse Should doom to death a universe, Hast found the medicine, full of grace, To save and heal a ruined race. Thou camst, the Bridegroom of the bride, As drew the world to evening-tide; Proceeding from a virgin shrine, The spotless Victim all divine. At Whose dread Name, majestic now, All knees must bend, all hearts must bow; And things celestial Thee shall own, And things terrestrial, Lord alone. O Thou Whose coming is with dread To judge and doom the quick and dead, Preserve us, while we dwell below, From every insult of the foe. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Laud, honor, might, and glory be From age to age eternally."

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