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What would you suggest to make the practicum

program more student-friendly?

Text Response

Better structure. The staff and faculty should better understand the new format before releasing it to the students.

More organization and complete information. The process was explained thoroughly on how and when the application for practicum was due. But after the interviews with the OU staff the whole process was confusing and there was very little communication being desiminated. The ENTIRE process needs to be better communicated.

The practicum coordinator should enjoy their job and actually spend time doing it. Before permanently being placed with CASA I was given 6 other sites to contact. Of those some the phone number was wrong, were not taking students, or my favorite, the person they wanted me to contact no longer worked there and hadn't for over a year. Maintaining contact with possible sites is part of their job, not mine as a student. Everything I listed as wants or didn't want in my "interview" were not considered. The woman who interviewed me had not even looked over the application we were forced to fill out to meet with her. Overall, the practicum staff do nothing and I am not sure what they are paid for.

Better communication between practicum staff at the Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work.

I would suggest that practicum forms, specifically the Contract, be explained to the students in order for them to understand it while they are discussing it with their instructor.

Have answers to our questions!

Having a compotent practicum director who will communicate with students and attempt to work with them, along with making staff more acessible to students.

Send out reminders for when things are due so that we don't forget. Answer emails better and more promptly about practicum issues.

make deadlines clearer and explain documents better. Many students are unsure of what is due, its requirements and when it is due. Therefore, everything needs to be made a lot clearer and expectations communicated among staff so students don't get varying answers.

I would suggest that the practicum staff at the school of social work show more intrest in helping the students needs. I also think the practicum staff need address students need in a timely manner. I lastly suggest the practicum staff at the school of social work talk to the students in a respectable manner.

The practicum sites should have been checked out before school started. The Contracts are difficult and because of this alot of the practicum sites will not do it after this year. The school of social work needs to get organized. It is the most unorganized place I have ever seen and it is very sad

Having a practicum coordinatator who coordinates more efficiently with the students and faculty. We have been left in the dark on multiple issues regarging necessary forms.

My practicum supervisor did not attend the training and is now completely lost on the contract. The contract is too long and my practicum supervisor does not have time to sit and go through 22 pages of contract with me and still get done everything she needs to. The School of Social Work needs to help us more with our paper work and explain to us how to fill it out and what needs to be done and not just expect us to do everything on our own with no help.

-Please be organized -Would appreciate more competency in the Practicum Coordinator -Please communicate, network and checkin with Agencies constantly particularly to see if they want to do internships -Please distinguish Agencies for BSW & MSW internships -Please make sure that before phone numbers are handed out; that the Agencies have been checked and it is made sure that they still have openings for interns (thus they are not already filled). -Placing a student where their career aspirations line up with the internship work they will do (placed in the right agency for the student and being a right fit). -The Practicum Team needs to better communicate and listen to students. I have felt like I and my concerns have been mostly ignored and invalidated.

A coordinator who was more involved and showed enthusiasm to help students with their practicum. I would also suggest that the coordinator be open to all questions from students and practicum instructors.

Organize it where the practicums are set up prior to the start of school.

Update the practicum site list. All of the places that i was given by the School of SW did not accept undergraduate social work students.

Get rid of the contract. It's horrible.

i have no suggestions

Multiple practicum coordinators

I do not have one

The School of Social Work being more organized and better keeping up with paper work.

28. Feel free to add any comments or suggestions concernin experience. Your comments may be viewed by members of th and/or faculty.

Text Response The school needs a practicum coordinator who actually does her job. The ma

be given to students. The process overall needs to be redone and then the fa

should actually run it. Although I enjoy my practicum site, getting to the poin one has looked at my time sheets or my contract (you can tell online on D2L

practicum site was a nightmare. Now being placed, the required paperwork is

viewed). Are we suppose to do a midterm time sheet? I don't know because n school's side.

us. I am paying for 5 credit hours (out of state) and basically have no idea wh

Instructors that are involved with practicum like Dr. Baker and Sandra Edge B forget about it.

things to us better, like forms, and remind us of when things are due because

Questions should be answered immediately without having to go through ano someone that can answer the question

The practicum contract requires more time to fill out than most field instructo

This contract, though very thorough, should not be 22 pages long. Also, Our s communication between the practicum class instructor and the students.

should be trained on the forms to address student questions. Also, there shou

The communication with my supervisor is not very good and she is easily ups

have class, work, or other previous obligations. She expects me to be there which is not possible for my schedule, I give her 22-25 hours every week.

I did not start looking for an internship until finals were done in May. I chose t

getting good grades and then after wards doing my internship search. I think

combine internship searching for the students in the last few weeks in school

led to the 3 top placements I wanted being already full when I called in mid-M

experience has been a nightmare. I am not happy with the practicum program

school of social work; yet, the practicum program needs major improvement.

was given were of Agencies that were already full and not taking anymore int early Oct.

consistently very frustrating for at least 4 months. I finally got an interview in

I thought I would have easily gotten a few interviews in May and

happened because all of the Agencies I called were already filled. I am now in

not like and has nothing to do with what I want to do as a social worker. It is n

The agency actually would prefer that it didn't need to take on another intern available. I started late in the first 2 weeks in Oct.

compromise their intern capacity. Yet, I am choosing to accept it because it is

I wish I could start all ov

Agencies that I really want to intern with-all with available openings. Have int know this must have happened for some other students; yet, I know it didn't several other students.

them. Be accepted by at least one of them and all of this to take about a wee

It is my understanding that the practicum coordinator is suppose to help stud

with their practicum and provide answers and information about the practicu

and "information" given by the practicum coordinator has been less than sub

helpful if we all had someone who explained, in detail, what every aspect of t

I'm disappointed with the lack of urgency that administration displayed in res

concerns. Especially when there were multiple incidences with quite a few stu

disturbed with the general unprofessional behavior that occured between the around there anymore.

and practicum assistant. I use those terms loosely since in general we have n

The practicum site list needs to be updated regularly. For as much as we pay a few weeks into the semester without placement. We are given virtually no

part in the practicum, the university should help students find a place and no

university for the 5 practicum hours we pay for, so the least they can do is m

in a sufficient location. Unfortunately, the locations given to me from the sch

undergraduate students, or the people who did no longer worked there. So, t that the school cannot even do that.

make sure they are giving out correct information to students, because frank

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