Inside Kung Fu - March 1986 - Sword Myth - Everett

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~ h o f
The concept of Yin and
Yang, sometimes
thought of as the
inseparable male and
female "universal force",
permeates every aspect
of Chinese culture.
Considered the most
representative of Chinese
weapons, the chien
or double edged sword,
is described in terms of
Yin and Yang, positive
and negative, male and
female. As the most
important weapon of
Chinese history, the
chien is often the focal
point of ancient myths
and legends.
By Patricia Everett
photos by David J. Everett
hinese history is filled with
many myths concerning the
. sword. One of the most fa
mous tells of the making of
a male and female sword by
two of the best known sword makers frJm
the Warring States Period (401-221 s.c.).
This was a time of civil war in China. The
power of the Chou emperor had weakened
and many factions were at war. A race
was on to produce stronger and sharper
swords. At that time, swords were the
primary weapons and were extremely val
SWORD CARRIAGE - At the beginning of a form, the chien is carried behind the left arm_ The
hand is kept high on the guard, so the weapon can be quickly shifted to the right
uable. Swordmakers of the day were highly
respected. Two of the most famous sword
makers were a husband and wife team,
Con-Cheung and Mok-Cha. They were
real historical figures and also the main
characters of a Chinese legend.
"Mok-Cha is said to have found two
gold nuggets, both the size of her fist. Her
husband, Con-Cheung, decided to forge
the nuggets into two swords. On the top
of See Sing Mountain in Chekiang Pro
vince, he built a sword oven and put the
gold nuggets inside. For three years, Con
Cheung heated the gold day and night.
The sword oven burned brilliantly, but the
gold would not melt. At the beginning of
the fourth year, the two gold nuggets
glowed brightly and rattled around in the
oven. Con-Cheung surmised that the gold
would not melt because no human blood
had been shed upon it. After consulting
his wife, Con-Cheung decided to sacrifice
himself to make the sword. He cut his hair
and fingernails and washed himsdf. Then
he threw himself into the sword oven.
Immediatdy, one of the gold nuggets melted
and the male Con-Cheung sword was
made. The second nugget remained un
melted . Mok-Cha mourned her husband's
death. In order to reunite herself with him,
she too jumped into the sword oven. The
gold nugget melted and the female Mok
Cha sword was forged."
Of course, historically, Con-Cheung and
Mok-Cha never physically threw themselves
into the sword oven. The story is repre
sentative of the enormous personal sacrifice
that sword makers gave to their art. The
legend illustrates that the forging of fine
weapons entailed a great deal of time and
effort , the kung-fu of sword making.
The legend continues when the Con
Cheung and Mok-Cha swords were
acquired by the Wu Emperor, Her Leu.
"He had the swords buried with him when
he died. They remained hidden for six
hundred years, until a scholar, Cheung
Wah, from Nanking received a sign leading
him to the swords. He saw a comet in the
sky between the Tin Nui and Ou Yee stars,
directing him a thousand miles away to
the provincial court at So Chow. There
he found the Con-Cheung and Mok-Cha
swords in the bottom of the well in the
Cheung Wah was very happy with his
good fortune. He visited his best friend ,
Liu Woon, and asked him to deliver the
Mok-Cha sword to a famous sword maker
of Honan Province to see if the sword
could be duplicated. On his way to Honan,
Lui's boat capsized in the Yangtze River
and he and the Mok-Cha sword disappeared
into the waters.
Three years later, Cheung Wah decided
to set out for Honan to see what happened
to his lost friend. He traveled the same
route as Liu Woon. Cheung-Wah traveled
THE TASSEL - Ornate tassels are often attached to the handles of female swords for their
aesthetic value. Fighting styles use them to blind and confuse an opponent.
THE OCCULT SWORD - The Chinese call the empty hand the occult or hidden sword. The two
extended fingers symbolize two blades. Chi must flow through this hand.
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with the Con-Cheung sword. As Cheung
Wah was crossing the Yangtze River , the
Con-Cheung sword cried out loudly.
Cheung Wah took the sword out of the
scabbard to see what was happening. As
he did this, the Con-Cheung sword glowed
brilliantly and leapt out of his hand into
the river where it was forever reunited with
the Mok-Cha sword." This concludes the
legend. The tale illustrates the l:Oncept of
the inseparability of Yin and Yang.
Women and the Use of the Chien
As the story shows. women as well as
men made swords in ancient China; some
women were also skilled in the use of the
sword. Although the status of women
suffered in China, especialy under the
teachings of Confucius, the Taoist beliefs
held women to be the equal to men. The
concept of Yin- Yang, harmony with nature,
sprang from Taoist thought. As important
beings in the natural order, Taoist women
were allowed to become monks and martial
Women throughout the ages have been
attracted to the double edged sword because
of its beauty and because it does not
require a lot of muscular strength, unlike
the saber. Women's physical characteristics
are particularly well suited to the use of
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Sword Myth
chien. The quick footwork , suppleness is abducted by an evil monk but she uses
(especially in the wrist), speed, and flowing her skill with the sword as well as magic
grace that it takes to properly use to reclaim him. Some women's swordplay
the sword are inherent qualities in most was so extraordinary that it inspired poets.
women. One such poet was Tu Fu, who wrote the
Women skilled in using the sword also following poem describing the swordplay
showed up in Chinese history and legend. of Madame Kung Sun.
One such legend is the StOIY of the White
Snake. It is the tale of a white snake in "Her swinging sword flashes like the nine
the form of a beautiful woman. Her lover falling suns shot by Yi , the legendary
THE GUARD - The hand guard on the chien usually faces away from the handle. It is used to trap
and hold the opponent's weapon, as well as deH.ect cuts.
LOW STANCES - Since the chien is used from long range, the ability to "bridge tbe gap" with light, fast footwork and elongated, low stances must
be practiced to an exceptional degree. Both offensively and defensively, an awareness of distance should be cultivated.
bowman; Its sheath was made of wood and was heavier than the female sword. It has a
She moves with the force of a team of covered with alligator or snake skin to sharp, pointed tip used for piercing the
dragons driven by the gods through the make it waterproof. enemy. The male sword's primary use was
sky; The female sword often had a tassel on the battlefieJ:d as a backup weapon to
Her strokes and attacks are like those of hanging from the end of its handle. Some the spear. The sheath was made of metal
terrible thunder; sword styles created sophisticated tech- so it could withstand the punishment of
And when she stops, all is as still as waters niques using the tassel. It was used to blind being used to block and hit the opponent.
reflecting the clear moonlight. " or confuse the opponent or as a warning The most common carriage of the male
technique. The tassle was sometimes made sword was to strap it to the back.
of silk or wirelike strands so it could easily One very important feature of the male
The Female Sword cut or blind the enemy. This type of tassel sword is the blood groove. The blood
The female sword is also known as the would create tiny slashes like paper cuts groove is a ridge indented on both sides
scholar's sword. It is characterized by its on the skin of the opponent. of the blade (located in the center of the
rounded tip and its long, light body. This In its role as a tai chi sword, the female flat area). Without this feature, a vacuum
type of sword was used for personal self sword is an implement used for meditation is formed and the blade would become
defense; to create a fashionable appearance; and spiritual development. An individual stuck in the enemy's body. The only way
for use in a dance or as a wall ornament. can practice with the sword to develop his to withdraw the sword was to stab through
The female sword was often elaborately projection of chi through the weapon. the body to break the suction, or to execute
decorated. The handle and guard were Thus the chien becomes the "wisdom a widening cut. This procedure was too
often cast into a sl1ape resembling part of sword," used to cut away at ignorance and time consuming for the battlefield, where
a dragon, phoenix or other animal. Ancient delusion. The tai chi use of the female a fighter always faced mUltiple attackers.
female swords were sometimes made of sword also results in the promotion of The presence of the blood groove prevents
gold or other valuable metals, and they good health and relaxation. The female the vacuum from occuring and enables the
were often inlaid with precious stones. sword is used extensively in Chinese folk blade to be quickly withdrawn.
Wearing an ornamental sword not only dances and opera. The chien has not been used in battle
made the bearer look elegant , but it also for hundreds of years. It went out of use
indicated his status. The female sword was The Male Sword in the middle 1800's when the gun was
usually slung from a belt around the waist. The male sword, also known as the introduced in China. But even as far back
Sometimes it was strapped to the back. "martial sword," is somewhat longer and as the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.),
-rr - -----
SCABBARDS AND THRUSTS - Female sword scabbards are decorations. Male sword
scabbards are functional, used to block and strike. Thrusts are often angled downward, to override
the opponent's defense. Withdrawal, especially from a falling body, is also easier after a downward
ation and the Chinese Central Government
Kung Fu Institute. In spite of these or
ganizations, true masters of the martial
sword are very rare nowadays,
About the author: Patrici a Everett i s a freelance
writ er, martial a rts instructor and COowner of the
White Lotus Kung Fu Center in Hartford, CT. She
and her husband teach shaolin kung-fu and ar ni s.
I i
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Sword Myth
there were very few sword practllloners
who had mastered the martial applications
of the chien, Consequently, the female
sword predominates in modern times, The
martial application of the chien has been
preserved up to modern times by 20th
Century organizations like the Ching Mo
Athletic Association, the Koushu Feder

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