SB BLD 430 Quiz 11 Key

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BLD 430 Quiz 11 1. 10% bleach or UV light are acceptable means to decontaminate a surface in a molecular laboratory.

A) True B) False 2. Separate functions should be isolated within a molecular laboratory to reduce the risk of contamination. A) True B) False 3. Contamination in the molecular laboratory can be reduced by controlling traffic flow, having sample moving uni-directionally through the laboratory from isolation through the setup area through the post amplification area and never reversing direction. A) True B) False 4. FDA approved kits are good to go in a laboratory as long as the established protocol is proven to work in the laboratory and there are no modifications. A) True B) False 5. Laboratory validated assays are more difficult to bring into the laboratory because the laboratory is required to establish specificity, sensitivity and predictive value for the assay. A) True B) False 6. Assay reports require that the method used to determine the assay be stated. A) True B) False 7. Assay reports need to have the date that the sample was received, tested and reported stated. A) True B) False 8. All reports need to be reviewed and signed by the director. A) True B) False 9. All laboratories must perform proficiency testing which entails at least two surveys per year and they must achieve at 80% success. A) True

B) False 10. All clinical laboratories must have a CLIA license and comply with the federal CLIA standards and regulations. A) True B) False

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