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Edited by: Comite International pour Ie Developpement

et l'Etude

de la Construction Tubulaire
Authors: Bergmann, Reinhard, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany Matsui, Chiaki, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Meinsma, Christoph, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany Dutta, Dipak, Technical Commission of Cidect

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pue :>ijelS Jepun suwnl:> eJ!! l pesodxe slu!of

UOij:>es MoiloLl pell!! eleJ:>uo:> JO! ep!n6 u6!seo uoij:>es MoiloLl leJm:>nJlS JO! ep!n6 u6!seo MoiloLl (peLlS!lqnd ApeeJle) 6u!peOI Jeln6uel:>eJ JO! ep!n6 u6!seo MolioLl !O Al!l!qels leJm:>nJlS

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!O suwnl:>


-Design preparation) By means














these and and

design designers engineering

guides as well schools

CIDECT as the about



inform and


enlighten students of

the the of

architects, technical and

constructors universities construction We Dr. are Reinhard

professors the latest



with thankful

hollow to the

sections. two well known experts Bochum, -whose the support collaboration of the CIDECT in the Germany, made field of and this member composite Prof. design firms. structures Chiaki guide Matsui, possible. -

Bergmann, Fukuoka,

Ruhr-University Japan, gratefully

Kyushu Further,

University, we


Dipak Technical CIDECT

Dutta Commission



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Concrete filling procedure of structural hollow section columns on site. 8

6 !O UO!l~eJ!p e4l U! Je! se OD lOU Op ewos pue v:)3 U! se ewes e4l AIJeeU eJe selnJ ewos "p04leW V epO~OJn3 e4l Ol Jel!W!s AJeA eq II!M l! le4l ele~!pU! [6] l~erqns S!4l uo SuOile~!lqnd e4.l "uo!ssn~s!p Jepun lI!lS S! suwnlo~ el!sodwo~ JO! p04lew UD!Sep e4l e!leJlsn'v' ul 'euole uoij~es leels e4l JOuoij~es el!sodwo~ e4l Je4l!e Aq pelS!SeJ eq Ol pewnsse eq Aew DU!pueq e4l 'uo!sseJdwo~ le!J<epue Sluewow DU!pueq 4loq lS!SeJ Ol peJ!nbeJ S! Jeqwew e !I .v epo~oJn3 U! UeA!D le4l Ol Jel!w!s snlnpow eleJ~UO~ e4l !O uoij~npeJ e Aq peJep!suo~ eJe eDe>jU!J4Spue deeJ:) luno~~e OlU! ue>jel eJe suoij~es Moll04 Jeln~J!~ U! eleJ~UO~ peu!!uo~ e4l !O sl~eue le!xe!J.l 'uoil~es eleJ~UO~ e4l !O le4l Ol peppe S! leels leJm~nJlS e4l !O Al!~ede~ e4l eJe4M 'p04lew uoij!sodJedns e Ogle S! II "elelS l!W!1 elewmn uo peseq S! [8] suwnlo~ el!sodwo~ !O UD!Sep e4l JO! p04lew ue!peue:) e4.l suoij~es uwnlo~ le~!JleWWAS-uOUJO! UD!Sep e4l sepnl~u! ogle p04lew UD!Sep eseueder e4.l "eqm e !O ep!SlnO pue ep!su! eleJ~UO~ JO! UeA!DeJe S4lDUeJlS lUeJeu!o "eleJ~UO~ e4l U! SeSSeJlS elqeMolle e4l DU!~npeJ Aq uoijeJep!suo~ OlU! ue>jel eJe eDe>jU!J4Spue deeJ:) "suoij!puo~ UD!Sep leWJOUJO! ogle pewnsse eq Ol se4 uoij~es e4l !O 4ldep e4l !O %9 !O Al!~!JlUe~~e wnw!u!w 'v' uwnlo~ e4l !O DU!I>j~nqleU!pm!DUOI !O JeDUep e4l eleJodJo~u! AllSOW 'UD!Sep ~!ws!es JO! pewnsse eq Ol eAe4 4~!4M 'se~Jo! lelUOZ!J04 eDJel e4.l "ueder U! suoilem!S UD!Sep luejJodw! lSOW e4l !O euo S! e>jenb4jJee JO! UD!Sep e4.l .peJep!suo~ S! uoij~e el!sodwo~ oN 'Al!~ede~ peu!qwo~ e U! DUmnSeJ Je4l0 4~ee Ol peppe ue4l pue AleleJedes peU!WJelep eq Ol eAe4 uoil~es e !O jJed eleJ~UO~ e4l pue leels e4l !O seij!~ede~ e4l p04lew UD!Sep uoij!sodw!Jedns e 4~ns J:l "Slueuodwo~ le!JeleW e4l !O S4lDUeJlS eleJedes !O uoijewwns e uo peseq S! 4~!4M 'p04lew UD!Sep eseueder DUijS!Xe e4l 4l!M elqijedwo~ lOU 'JeAeM04 'S! [v] v:)3 Ol DU!pJO~~e p04lew UD!Sep e4.l iL] pJepuelS eseueder e4l Aq peJeAO~ eJe 4~!4M 'sedAl uoij~es SSOJ~e4l SM04s ~ D!:I "UD!Sep SSeJlSelqeMolle uo peseq eJe sp04lew 4l08 'seJm~nJlS eleJ~UO~ pe~Jo!u!eJ JO! eJnpe~oJd UD!Sep e4l DU!MOIIO! pue lUeWe~Jo!u!eJ DUOJlS e se leels leJm~nJlS e4l DUijeeJl Aq JO p04lew uoij!sodJedns e Aq Je4l!e lno pe!JJe~ eq Aew suwnlo~ el!sodwo~ !O UD!Sep e4.l '[L] Aq pez!pJepuelS S! suwnlo~ el!sodwo~ !O UD!Sep e4l ueder UI "MOU luewdoleAep Jepun eJe ewos pue Se!JlUnO~ lueJeu!p U! pedoleAep ueeq eAe4 suwnlo~ el!sodwo~ JO! sp04lew UD!Sep leJeAes sp04lew UD!Seo G~

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simplification as EC4. As the Australian design method for steel structures uses different Column Curves than the European ones, it might be that these curves will also be the basis for the design of composite columns. Fig. 2 shows the comparison of the Australian buckling curve for hollow sections according to [12] with the European buckling curve a, which has to be taken for hollow sections, concrete filled or unfilled. The Australian design rules for composite columns are expected to be completed and published at the end of 1995.

:~ :.. ..::

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:~., .::.'.-:.;


1 -Composite


and concrete



by [7].





1.50 3.00 "");.

Fig. 2 -Comparison

of the Australian

and the European






"[] ep!n9 S!41 "5u!peOI eJ!! Jepun e4~ M04s seldwexe MOII04 Jeln5ue~:)eJ e4~ 5u!uJe:)uo:) ueedoJn3 S!41 u5!sep


1.:::>301:::>e~eJedes e u! pe~eeJ~ ueeq se4 jJed ~ou seop ep!n5 u5!sep S!41

e4~ JO! SUO!~eln5eJ e4~ 4~!M leap JO! uel\!5

e4~ pUB SUO!~eln5eJ ewos JO eJenbs 'Jeln:)J!:) pall!!

"v epO:)OJn3 e4~ !O uO!~e:)!ldde S! Uo!~eWJO!U! punoJ5>1:)e8 'SUo!~:)es e~!sodwo:) JO! SUO!~eln5eJ

e~eJ:)uo:) 4~!M suwnl:)


e4~ su!e~uo:)


!O sjJed ~Uel\eleJ e4~ seq!J:)sep ep!n9 u5!seo 1.:::>301:::> S!41 "suo!~:)nJ~suo:) e~!sodwo:) !O u5!sep e4~ JO! SuO!~eln5eJ v epo:)oJn3 e4~ U! pe:)npoJ~u! seM p04~ew u5!sep '[v] e4~ JO! suo!~:)es e4~ !O sel\Jn:) uo!~:)eJe~u! e4~ 5u!sn


e4~ !O uo!~eu!wJe~ep

osle sel\Jn:) 5u!I>I:)nq ueedoJn3 e4~ !O s!seq e4~ uo epew seM suwnl:) e~!sodwo:) JO! p04~ew u5!sep e '~lnSeJ e S'v' 'pewJolJed seM uo!~e5!~sel\u! le:)!~:)eJd pUB le:)!~eJoe4~ el\!sue~xe ue pUB pe~enlel\e-eJ eJeM suwnl:) e~!sodwo:) uo s~se~ snOJewnu e4~ oS "p04~ew u5!sep "u5!sep Jel!w!s e u!e~qo o~ seM suwnl:) e~!sodwo:) uo 4:)JeeseJ e4~ !O w!e e41 e~e~s ~!W!I e~ew!~ln

ue S! sel\Jn:) ese4~ uo peseq p04~ew u5!sep e41. ~eeJ5 e4~ !O esne:)eq sel\Jn:) 5u!I>I:)nq ueedoJn3 e4~ U! pedolel\ep eJeM suwnl:) lee~s !O u5!sep

"edoJn3 !O se!J~uno:) e4~ U! e:)ue~de:):)e pelle:) eJeM /ie4~ uo Je~el "se!~uel\es e4~ JO! sel\Jn:) 5u!I>I:)nq e4~ edoJn3 UI


Design method according to Eurocode 4

General design method

The design of composite columns has to be carried out for the ultimate limit state. Under the most unfavourable combination of actions, the design has to show that the resistance of the section is not exceeded and that overall stability is ensured. The analysis of the load bearing capacity shall include imperfections, the influence of deflections on the equilibrium (second order theory) and the loss of stiffness if parts of the section become plastic (partially plastic regions). For concrete, the stress-strain relationship shall follow a parabolic rectangular curve, whereas for structural and reinforcing steel, a bilinear curve is valid. An exact calculation of the ultimate load of a composite column following all these requirements can only be carried out by means of a computer program (FEM) [6] and is not economical for the practical engineer. Therefore those computer programs should be used in addition to tests to develop a simplified design method. The design has to fulfil eqn. 1, where Sd is the combination of actions including the load factors "fF and Rd is the combination of the resistances depending on the different partial safety factors for the materials "fM. S d~ R d = R

(--L f


f f ..::!:o ..!'!: "\I ' "\I



(1 )

Eurocode 3 uses an additional system safety factor in order to cover failure by stability reason, which is applied to the complete resistance side of eqn. 1. For composite columns this additional safety factor is only applied to the steel part of the section ("fMa). So for composite columns which are endangered to fail by buckling, the steel strength has to be divided by "fMa' alternatively by "fa according to table 1. The system factor "fMa may be taken higher than "fa. Danger of stability failure may be considered as excluded if the columns are compact, that means the relative slenderness )::doe~ not exceed 0.2, or if the design normal force is very small, i. e. not greater than 0.1 Ncr (for A and Ncr' see chapter 3.4). The safety factors in the current edition of Eurocode 4 [4] are boxed values, which expresses that these values are recommended values which could be changed by national application documents. The recommendation for "fMais the same as for "fa (table 1). Table 1 -Partial safety factors combinations. structural steel "fa = 1.1 for resistances and material properties for fundamental

concrete 1c = 1.5


reinforcement 16 = 1.15


The safety factors for the actions "fF have to be chosen according to Eurocode 1 or national codes respectively. These values as well as the material factors for other than normal conditions are not treated here. If the material factors given in table 1 are modified, they are described in the relevant following clauses.




For composite columns the materials may be used, which are included in Eurocode 2 (concrete structures) and Eurocode 3 (steel structures) respectively. Detailed informations about the material properties are given in these codes.


'(8W!18:>ueIS!S8J 8JU 841 5U!Se8J:>U! Alle!:>8ds8) 5U!IIU 818J:>UO:> 8JOl8q SJeq IU8W8:>JOIU!8J 5u!:>npOJIUI

[c:WW/N] 000 L I 000 9 I 000 9 I 009 I 000 G I 009 O I 000 6G


f:J,!:>!lSele!O snlnpow lue:>es [~WW/N] >t:>!

qn:>'>j:>!/IA:>'>j:>! 4l5U8JlS J8PU!IA:>



I 09/0P:) I 9P/9:)


I 0/9G:)



I 99/9P:)

I L/O:)

I 9G/OG:) a~aJ:)uo:)

8l8J~UO~ !O ssel~ 4l6u8JlS

~46!aM Jo sassel:) lewJou JoJ -~ alqeJ.

A~!:)!~Sela JO snlnpOW







'SUO!l:>nJlSUO:> el!sodwo:>


lOU eJg 9G/OG:) UgLll JeMOI SeSSgl:)

.UO!lg6!lSeAU! JeLllJn~ lnOLll!M pesn eq lOU plnoLls el!sodwo:> JO~ pesn eq f,gW LI:>!LIM 'eleJ:>uo:>

09/09:) UgLll JeLl6!LI sessgl:) 'sUO!l:>nJlSuo:> ~o sessgl:> LIl6ueJlS eLll sMaLls G elqg.l

In order to consider the influence of long time acting loads (not creep and shrinkage), the concrete strength is reduced by the factor 0.85. For composite columns with concrete filled hollow sections, this value need not be taken into account, because a more favourable development of concrete strength is achieved in the steel tube and because peeling off of the concrete is impossible. In the following text this factor will not be mentioned any more. The influence of creep and shrinkage on the load bearing capacity has only to be considered if significant. This will be treated in the simplified design method given in chapter 3. For the reinforcing steel, the regulations of Eurocode 2 are valid. Most of the reinforcing steel grades are characterized by their names, e.g. the name gives the value of the nominal strength. A very common reinforcing steel is the grade 8500 with a nominal strength of 500 N/mm2. In Eurocode 2 the modulus of elasticity for the reinforcement is given by Es = 200 000 N/mm2. For the sake of simple calculation, the same modulus of elasticity for the reinforcing steel may be taken as for structural steel in composite construction: Es = Ea = 210 000 N/mm2. For the structural steel of composite sections, the common steel grades are given in table 3. The sections may be hot rolled or cold formed. The values of table 3 are valid for material thicknesses not higher than 40 mm. For material thicknesses between 40 mm and 100 mm the strengths have to be reduced. High strength steel may be used, if the relevant requirements for the ductility are observed as given in Eurocode 3 [13]. Table 3 -Nominal (characteristic) structural steel steel grades yield s'trength fy modulus of elasticity Ea [N/mm2] [N/mm2] values of yield strengths and modulus of elasticity for

Fe235 235

Fe275 275

Fe355 355 210 000

Fe460 460

For structural steel and for reinforcing steel the nominal strength may be taken as the characteristic strength. The design strengths of the materials are obtained by using the partial safety factors given in table 1. fcd = fck / Yc fsd = fsk / Ys fyd = fy / YMa for concrete for reinforcement for structural steel (2) (3) (4)


(()j; l 9v 09ve~

~ 09 g99~
S! 6u!I)!onq

at II gl~9~

~ 06 g~9~

1/4 W!I VP W!I





Mollo4 Jeln:>J!:> epeJ5 leeJs






.sJ!un ~WW/N u! II! 4J!M


II! ~ ~WW/N g~1 = 3

.SJ!W!I PIelA JuaJeu!p JO! sJuno:>:>e 3 JoJ:>e! e4.l

(9) (q '5!!) suon:>as (g) Mollo4

~3 06 5 J/P Jeln:>J!:> pall!! aJaJ:>uo:> JO! 3 ~g 5 J/4

(Uon:>as a4J !O Uo!suaw!p lIeJal\O JaJeaJ5 a4J 5u!aq 4) (e .5!!) suon:>as Mollo4 Jeln5ueJ:>aJ pall!! aJaJ:>uo:> JO! -

aq lIe4s OJ 4Jdap

.uo!ssaJdwo:> pUB 5u!puaq JO! pal\Jasqo SOneJ J!W!I 5U!MOIIO! a4J 5!! U! SUoneJou a4J 4J!M 'Uon:>as a4J JO! ssau}1:>!4J !O OneJ J!W!I u!eJja:> e 5u!u!eJu!ew Aq pa}1:>a4:> aq ue:> S!4.l .sJjed uoq:>as-SSOJ:>

U!4J !O AJ!I!qeJsu! Aq aJnl!e! sno!l\aJd JnO4J!M alq!ssod S! S!4J Je4J paJnsua aq Jsnw JI .Uon:>as a4J !O sJjed lie JO! pawnsse S! 4J5uaJJs le!JaJew !O Juawu!eJJe a4J aJeJs J!W!I aJeWnln a4J UI

5u!I}1:>nq le:>1

.SUO!JeJou 4J!M SUO!J:J8S MOIIO4 P811!~8J8J:JUO:) -E: .5!:J


m z
:.:.:~:;f:.;o~:~: .:!:"..,.".

::::.;;;;:'::;;;.L -!:.
p ~ (q

!;i;~ -~



e 5!! U! Uon:>as a4.l


'SUon:>as aJenbs pUB Jeln5ueJ:>aJ lie JuasaJdaJ IIe4s 4J!M SUon:>as SSOJ:> pall!! aJaJ:>uo:> le:>!dAJ SMO4s ~ aJn5!~ .AlleWJOU MOllO! plnoM Jau5!sap e 4:>!4M 'a:>uanbas a4J

U! ual\!5 S! po4Jaw S!4J!O uoqd!J:>sap a4.l o(v' JaJde4:> aas "( JO!) oo~ 5'(!O OneJ ssauJapuals e OJ paJ!W!1 S! po4Jaw u5!sap S!4J !O uoqe:>!ldde a4.l luno:>:>e OJU! U8}1eJ osle aJe Uo!suaJ U! aJaJ:>uo:> a4J U! s}1:>eJ:> pUB laaJs leJm:>nJJs a4J U! uone:>!!qseid OJ anp Jaqwaw e !O ssauuns U! a5ue4:> a4.l .Uon:>as e !O a:>ueJs!saJ a4J 5u!u!wJaJap sal\Jn:> Uon:>eJaJu! Uon:>as SSOJ:> Uo pUB AJ!I!qeJsU! !O a:>uanl!u! a4J JO! sal\Jn:> 5u!I}1:>nq ueadoJn3 a4J uo paseq S! JI .al\oqe pauonuaw JO! alqe:>!ldde sJuawaJ!nbaJ leJaua5 a4J sJap!suo:> aJ!sodwo:> po4Jaw u5!sap S!4.l .sasodJnd e sal\!5 le:>q:>eJd V apO:>OJn3 ~" S! 4:>!4M 'suwnIO:> JO! pO4Jaw u5!sap pa!!!ldw!s ado:>s

pue leJauaD




For the structural steel grades given in table 3, the limit values for dlt or hit are shown in table 4. These values consider that the buckling of the walls of concrete filled sections is only possible in the outer direction. Compared with pure steel sections [5], a better behaviour concerning buckling can be achieved. The limits shown in table 4 are found on the basis of classifying the concrete filled sections in the class 2. The classification in class 2 means that the internal forces are determined by following elastic analysis and are compared to the plastic resistance of the section. Class 2 sections are assumed to have limited rotation capacity, so that plastic analysis is not allowed, which takes moment redistribution by plastic hinges into account. Detailed information is given in [5].



of a section

to axial loads

The plastic resistance of the cross section of a composite column is given by the sum of the

Npl.Rd = Aa fyd + Ac fcd + As fsd where Aa, Ac and As fyd' fcd and fSd are the cross sectional areas of the structural steel, the concrete and the reinforcement, are the design strengths of the materials mentioned above. (8)

Fig. 4 shows the stress distribution, on which eqn. 8 is based. fcd fyd fsd

Fig. 4 -Stress


for the plastic resistance

of a section

The ratio of reinforcement is limited to p = 4% of the concrete section. More reinforcement may be necessary for the design against fire, but shall not be taken into account for the design using the simplified method of Eurocode 4. No minimum reinforcement is necessary for concrete filled sections; but if reinforcement shall participate in the load bearing capacity, the minimum amount of reinforcement has to be p = 0.3%. As a proportion of Npl.Rd the cross section parameter 0 may be determined: A f 0 = -!!:-J.!}.


Here NpI,Rd and fYd are to be determined taking "fMa = "fa' This value has to fulfil the following requirement: 0.2$0$0.9 (10)

This check defines the composite column. If the parameter 0 is less than 0.2, the column shall be designed following Eurocode 2 [14]; on the other hand when 0 is greater than 0.9, the column shall be designed as a steel column according to Eurocode 3 [13].


(S~) (0. ~ 5 01:11Jnq) (~~ + J S~'O = 01:11



,(L~+,(S.B~-6.v=O~11 1:-

O~l1 Senle/\

:'( sseuJepuels e/\geleJ eLlJ uo puedep LI~!LlM 'O1:l1pUB ~!Seq eLlJ LlJ!M 0 ~/P 5 e Se!J!~!JJue~~e peal JO! Jno pe!JJe~ S! uOgelOdJeJu! JeeU!1 e

( ~)

e O~


(O1:l1- ~) + 01:11= 1:11



senle/\ 'uo9~es

eLlJ !O sueew

/i8 J

MOIIOLI Jeln~J!~ eLlJ !O sseu)j~!LlJ lIeM eLlJ S!

eJeLlM (~~) ps! sv +( ~ t ~11 ~) po! v + 1:11PAl BV = p~'ldN +

Jueuodwo~ leeJs eLlJ el!LlM peseeJ~u! S! Jueuodwo~ eJeJ~uo~ eLlJ eJeLlM '~~ 'ube oJ B .ube 5u!wJo!sueJJ /iq peJep!suo~ eq /iew suo9~es MoiloLl Jeln~J!~ JO! Jueweu!!uo~ !O J~e!!e eLll
S6qm Jeln:>J!:> P611!~6l6J:>UO:> U! S6SS6JlS 64l JO~ 16pOVlj -9 'O!::I



e illrillI~]]]]rill 1)



e ~r~IfJll]~ 1)

eLlJ U! JlnseJ sesseJJs

el!sueJ Jeln~J!~

./iJ!~ede~ sseJJs lewJOu sJ! 5u!~npeJ (J)1) uo9~es punOJ 'ew9 ewes eLlJ JV ':>.0 sesseJJs lewJou JO! e~ueJs!seJ

eLlJ eseeJ~u! LI~!LlM 'sJ~eJte leUO!SUew!p-eeJLlJ OJ speel r.o) eJeJ~UO~ eLlJ !O uo!sseJdwo~ esJe/\sueJl 'S '5!! U! UMoLls S! J~eJte S!Lll 'u!eJJs eSJe/\sueJJ pepedw! eLlJ OJ enp peseeJ~U! S! eJeJ~UO~ eLlJ !O /iJ!~ede~ 5u!Jeeq peal eLlJ suo9~es MOIiOLl Jeln~J!~ pall!! eJeJ~UO~ J::l

Concrete filling of circular hollow section columns. For uniform concrete filling, the columns are held inclined.


"e" e/IJn~ 6u!I)j~nq pUB '~ ~ JO 8 'sube Ol 6u!pJo~~e e~Jo! lewJou e4l JO! JOl~e! UO!l~npeJ e4l s! e4l !O e~UelS!SeJ e4l S! X PHldN eJe4M

lSU!e6e uoij~es

(L~) 'Jeqwew e~Jo! lewJoU Al!~ede~ 6u!I)j~nq u6!sep e4lle4l

PHldNX5PSN e !O e~UelS!SeJ e~Jo! leWJOU e4l pee~xe e4l !O sexe lOU seop

UM04s eq Ol se4 l! uoij~es

u!ew OMl e4l !O 4~ee J:J

e4l seU!WJelep ueedoJn3

'( oijeJ sseuJepUelS le!xe

e4l uo 6u!puedep

'speOlle!xe lSu!e6e Jeqwew e !O X JOl~e! uoij~npeJ 'v' '"e" e/IJn~ !O s!seq e41 t'e

e4l S! speol

Ol Jeqwew

e !O e~UelS!SeJ e4l JO! u6!sep Ol Jeqwaw


e !O a~UelS!Sa~


S! eseeJ~u!


e '90'O

ue4l ssel Pie soijeJ Al!~!Jlue~~e e4l pUB G'O ue4l ssel '( !O senleJ\ e4l JO! AIUQ lUeWeU!!UO~ !O l~e!!e e4l 6u!Jep!suo~ UOijeln~le~ e4llno 6u!AJJe~ 4lJOM lOU S! l! le4l os 'MOl AJeJ\ S! e6elueJ\pe e4l 'seij!~!JlUe~~e Je6Jel pUB sesseUJepuels Je46!4 JO! le4l pez!u60~eJ eq lsnw II '~WW/N OOg !O 4l6ueJlS PIelA e 4l!M %t eq Ol pewnsse S! luewe~Jo!u!eJ leu!pm!6uOI e4l 'UO!leln~le~ e4l J:J 'ueJ\!6 S! Sl~e!!e lUeWeU!!uo~ Aq pesne~ eseeJ~u! eJ\ijeln~le~ eJ\ij~edseJ e4l liP pUB Pie !O SOijeJ u!elJe~ JO! se lIeM se '( JO! senleJ\ pel~eles 'S4l6ueJlS eleJ~UO~ olleels !O soijeJ u!elJe~ J:J '9 elqel e4l 'sse~oJd U! UM04s ue S! 8 'u-be Ol uoijeleJ Sl! pUB g ~ Ol ~ ~ 'sube e4l !O UOije~!ldde e41


'8 'ube 6u!MOII0! peU!WJelep eq Pln04s '( oijeJ sseuJepuelS P!oJ\e Ol JepJo ul '~~ 'ube pUB 11 SJOl~e! e4l 6u!sn peleln~le~ II 'OG 'ube Ol 6u!pJo~~e '~ oijeJ sseuJepuels e41 u6!sep e4l S! e4l S! PSN PS'XBWVIJ eJe4M

S! 'pue4 Je4l0 e4l uo peU!WJelep eq Ol se4

'4~!4M 'HldN e~UelS!SeJ e4l uo spuedep 'o~l1 pUB O~l1 senleJ\ e4l JO! AJeSSe~eu

e~Jo! lewJou pUB AJOe4l JepJo IS ~ Ol 6u!pJo~~e speol e4l Ol enp luewow u6!sep




= e

:Aq peu!!ep

S! e Al!~!Jlue~~e


eq lsnw

0' ~ = ~11 pUB 0'0 = ~11'g"o

enleJ\ e4l spee~xe

'{ sseuJepuels


'pe!ldde e4l !! JO O~/P

enleJ\ e4l spee~xe e Al!~!JlUe~~e e4l !I 'eqm e4l !O Uo!suew!p JelnO e4l 6u!eq p '0 ~/P enleJ\ e4l pee~xe lOU IIe4s e e~JO! lewJOu e4l !O Al!~!JlUe~~e e4l 'UOij!ppe ul 'g'O 5 '( !O sseuJepuels eJ\ijeleJ e O~ dn suwnlO~ l~edwo~ JO! peJep!suo~ eq AIUO Aew lUeWeu!!uo~ !O l~eue e41



ee' ~






JO l:JeJJe ellJ 6u!Jep!suo:J



pell!J eleJ:)UO:) JOJ IUeWeU!Juo:J "{!O

O~lt pUB O~lt senlB/\

:J!SB8 -51 elqB.l

senleJ\ lUeJe!!!p JO! O~l1 pUB O~l1 senleJ\ ~!seq

e4l seJ\!6 g elqe1

Table 6 -Increase in !.esistance to axial loads for different for e/d and A due to confinement.


of d/t, fyifck and selected


d/t = 40

d/t = 60


d/t = 80

:'):; 0.0 e/d 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 .0.09 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 5 10 15 5

10 15 5

10 15



1.152 1.238 1.294 1.114 1.190 1.244 1.090 1,157 1.207 1.1371.2151.2641.1021.171 1.2201.081 1;141 1.186 1.1221.1911.2351.0911.1521.1951.0721.1251.166 1.1071.1671.2061.0801.133 1.171 1.0631.1101.145 1.0911.1431.1761.0681.1141.1461.0541.0941.124 1.076 1.119 1.147 1.057 1.095 1.122 1.045 1.078 1.103 1.061 1.095 1.118 1.045 1.076 1.098 1.036 1.063 1.083 1.046 1.072 1.088 1.034 1.057 1.073 1.027 1.047 1.062 1.030 1.048 1.059 1.023 1.038 1.049 1.018 1.031 1.041 1.015 1.024 1.029 1.011 1.019 1.024 1.009 1.016 1.021 1.048 1.075 1.093 1.036 1.060 1.078 1.029 1.043 1.068 1.083 1.033 1.054 1.070 1.026 1.038 1.060 1.074 1.029 1.048 1.062 1.023 1.034 1.053 1.065 1.025 1.042 1;054 1.020 1.029 1.045 1.056 1.022 1.036 1.047 1.017 1.024 1.038 1.046 1.018 1.030 1.039 1.014 1.019 1.030 1.037 1.014 1.024 1.031 1.012 1.014 1.023 1.028 1.011 1.018 1.023 1.009 1.0101.0151.0191.0071.0121.0161.0061.0101.013 1.005 1.008 1.009 1.004 1.006 1.008 1.003 1.005 1.005 1.004 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.001 1.001 1.008 1.007 1.006 1.006 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.001 1.010 1.009 1.008 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.002 1.001 1.004 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.002 1.001 1.001 1.000 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.001 1.001 1.009 1.008 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.001 1.003 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.002 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.000 1.050 1.045 1.040 1.035 1.030 1.025 1.020 1.015 1.005 1.006 1.005 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.001 1.001 1.066 1.060 1.053 1.046 1.040 1.033 1.026 1.020 1.007 1.008 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.001


0.4 ~ -0.01

The values of X may be determined analytically by means of eqn. 18 or by an interpolation based on table 7. X= 1 I_" ;-" (18)


with <I>= 0.5 [ 1 + 0.21l i -0.2) + i2J The relative slenderness I is obtained by: i = ~ 20 (19)





pUB eljl pUB leelS IEJnJ:>nJlS eljl !O !lnpOW SSeU!!9S eljl eJE

53 pUB 113

'AleJ\9:>edseJ luewe:>JO!U!eJ eljl pUB (pe}j:>EJ:>Un eq Ol peWnSSE UO!SUel U! EeJE eljl ljl!M) eleJ:>UO:> e4~ 'lee~S lEJn~:>nJ~Se4~ lO SEeJE lEUO\~:>es SSOJ:>e4~ lO E\~eU\ lO s~uewow e4~ eJE 5l pUB :>l .l1l

(GG) 5153+:>1 P:>3 S"O+111 113 = 8(13)

eljl !O sesseuuns eljl !O wns eljl !O SlS!SUO:> uwnlo:> el!sodwo:> eljl JO! sseuU9s eJ\9:>eue elj1

90G"0 9~Z.0 Lv~.O a"O 0"0 L'O

LOG"O L~"O 09~"0 91~"0 90'0 ~~"O

60G.0 6GG"0 ~9G"0 6L~'O 60"0 vv"O

~ ~G'O ~G"O 99G"0 ~SG"O G~"O Sv"O

~G"O v~'O L9~"0 vSG"O 9~"0 G9"0

9 ~G"O 9~"0 09~'O LSG"O 6~"0 99"0

L ~G"O S~"O ~9~"0 06~"0 ~"O 09"0

6 ~Z"O Ov~'O 99~'O 6~"0 9~'O v9"0

~GG"O VG'O S9G'O 96~'O O'O S9'O

~G.O 9v~"0 OL~"O 66~.0 t'o GL"O

O.~ 6" ~ S" ~ L.~ 9'~ g'~

LL"O ~v'O 9Lv'O 99"0

~9"0 SZv"O ~8v'O V9"0

9S"0 v"O LSv"O 6V9'O

06"0 Sv"O 6v"0 999"0

v6"0 vv"O 66v"0 G99"0

66"0 Svv'O 909"0 699"0

vOv"O v9v"0 ~~9"0 9L9"0

SOv"O 69v'O S~9"0 GS9"0

~v"O 99v"0 VG9"0 6S9'O

S~v"O OLv"O 09"0 969"0

v'~ " ~ ~.~ ~.~

09"0 L9"0 OvL"O ~OS"O ~9S'0 v6S'O LG6"0 996"0 OS6"0 OOO"~ 000" ~ 60"0

01.9"0 089"0 LvL"O LOS"O LGG'O LoS"O 06"0 S96'O ~S6"0 OOO"~ 000' ~ SO.O

L~9'O 9S9'O 9L'0 ~~S'O ~9S"0 ~06"0 6"0 ~96"0 vS6"0 OOO"~ 000" ~ LO.O

v~9"0 69"0 09L'O S~S"O 99S"0 906"0 96"0 96"0 LS6"0 OOO"~ 000" ~ 90.0

~9"0 OOL"O 99L"0 GS"O OLS"O S06"0 66"0 996"0 6S6"0 OOO"~ 000" ~ 90"0

S9"0 LOL"O GLL"O SGS"O vLS"O ~~6"0 Gv6'O S96'0 ~66'O OOO'~ 000' ~ PO"O

9pg"0 v~L'O SLL"O S"O SLS"O 9 ~6'0 9v6'0 OL6'0 66'0 OOO"~ 000' ~ 0'0

~99'O ~~L'O vSL"O SS"O ~SS'O S ~6"0 LVS"O L6"0 966"0 OOO"~ 000' ~ ~O"O

699'0 L~L'O 06L"0 vS"O 9SS"0 ~G6"0 096'0 9L6'O S66"0 OOO"~ 000" ~ ~O'O

999"0 vL"O 96L"0 SvS"O 06S"0 VG6"0 96"0 LL6"0 000" ~ OOO"~ 000" ~ 00'0

O.l. 6.0 g.O L70 9"0 9.0 v.O "0 ~'O 1..0 0"0 ~ -L elq81 !

,,8" eAJn: 6u!I>I:nq u8edoJn3

aLII JOJ X JOI:8J uon:npe~


"u5!sep 'swelsAs

!O ep!s e!ES eljl uo sell S!lj1 "ljl5uel 5u!I}j:>nq eljl SE ue}jEl eq AEW ljl5uel uwnl:> AEMS-UOU U! suwnl:> JO::l " epo:>OJn3 !O selnJ eljl 5U!MOIIO! JO eJ nJEJel! I U! eljl 5u!sn Aq peU!WJelep eq UE:> uwnl:> eljl!O ljl5uel (eJ\9:>eije) 5u!I}j:>nq elj1 eJ\9:>eije eljl S! 803) 5u!I}j:>nq eljl S! J

UMOljS spOljlew

"UO9:>es el!sodwo:> eljl !O sseU!!9S pUB uwnl:> eljl !O ljl5uel

(~G) c:J ~9(j3) = J:> N

'(pEOIIE:>9!J:> Jeln3)


eljl !O pEal 5u!I}j:>nq :>9SEle eljl S! pUB O'~ =5,t = :>,t = 11,t ljl!M

J:>N 1:J"ldN

p1:J"ldN SPEOIIE!XE Ol uo9:>es eljl !O e:>uElS!SeJ eljl S!


0.8 Ecd Ic

is the effective stiffness of the concrete section with (23) of concrete according to table 2.

Ecd = Ecm / 1.35 with Ecm being the secant-modulus

The reduction of the concrete component in eqn. 22 by the factor 0.8 is a measurement to consider cracking in the concrete caused by moment action due to second order effects. The stiffness has to be determined using a safety factor of 1.35 (eqn. 23). The simplified design method of Eurocode 4 has been developed with an effective stiffness modulus of the concrete of 600 fck. In order to have a similar basis like EC2, the secant modulus of concrete Ecm was chosen as reference value. The transformation led to the factor 0.8 in eqn. 22. This factor as well as the safety factor 1.35 in eqn. 23 may be considered as the effect of cracking of concrete under moment action due to the second order effects. So, if this method is used for a test evaluation of composite columns, which is typically done without any safety factor, the safety factor for the stiffness should be taken into account subsequently, i.e. the predicted member capacity should be calculated using (0.8 Ecm /1.35). In addition, the value of 1.35 should not be changed, even if different safety factors are used in the country of application. The influence of the long-term behaviour of the concrete on the load bearing capacity of the column is considered by a modification of the concrete modulus. Caused by the influence of the deflections on the internal forces (second order theory) the load bearing capacity of the columns may be reduced by creep and shrinkage. For a loading which is fully permanent, the modulus of the concrete is half of the origin value. For loads that are only partly permanent, an interpolation may be carried out: Ec = ECd

( 1-0.5

~ NG.Sd


where NSd is the acting design normal force

NG.Sd is the part of it, which is permanent. This method leads to a redistribution of the stresses into the steel part, which is a good simulation of the reality. For short columns and/or high eccentricities of loads, creep and shrinkage need not be considered. If the eccentricity of the axial load exceeds twice the relevant dimension of the cross-section, the influence of the long-term effects may be neglected compared to the actual bending moments. Furthermore, the influence of creep and shrinkage is significant only for slender columns. If the limit slenderness values of the following equations are observed, the influence of longterm effects need not be taken into account. For braced and non-sway systems: ~~ 8 For unbraced or sway systems: ~~ ~ with () according to eqn. 9. 22 (26) (25)

e4~ !O /i~!:)t!dt!:) ~uewe:)Jo!u!el:l (8G)


:)!~St!ld e4~ DU!PPt! /iq /iut! DU!Jep!Suo:)



:eUOIt! ~uewe:)Jo!u!eJ t! U! pepnl:)u! eq /it!w ueeq 9 eAt!4 Senlt!A e4.l = P~"ld~


~nO4~!M peU!WJe~ep ph!

Ow -E:P


:seqn~ Jt!ln:)J!:) S!Xt! DU!pueq ~ut!AeleJ e4~ !O UO!~:)eJ!p e4~ O~ eSJeASUt!J~ UO!SUeW!p UO!~:)es SSOJ:) e4~ S! 4 eJe4M ( ) ph! V Ow = P~'ld~





:suo!~:)es eJt!nbs

pUt! Jt!lnDut!~:)eJ

:( "D!! ees 'UO!~t!lOU e4l JO!) /ileA!l:)edseJ '8G pUt! LG 'sube Ol spt!el S!4.l 'uoij:)es leels e4l !O e:)ut!lS!SeJ :)ijSt!ld e4l /iq pe!ldijinw eq ue4~ lsnw ~ ~ 4DnOJ4l 8 selqt!l e4l WOJ! ue)jt!l Ow put! Ow senlt!A e4.l "elq!ssod eJt! 0" ~ ut!4l JeMol senlt!A e4l eJO!eJe4.l "sn!pt!J JeUJo:) /iut! lno4l!M peU!WJelep eJeM 'DU!II!! lno4~!M uoij:)es leels e4l "eO! 'senlt!A e:)ueJe!eJ e4l uo!~t!ln:)It!:) )j:)!nb t! elqt!ue Ol JepJo ul "pewnsst! ueeq St!4 sseu)j:)!4~ IIt!M e4l e:)!M~ !O sn!pt!J JeUJo:) t! SUO!l:)es MOIIO4 eJt!nbs put! Jt!lnDut!~:)eJ e4l J::l "DU!II!! eleJ:)UO:) lno4l!M suoij:)es MOllo4 leels Ol SUOij:)es MOIIO4 el!sodwo:) !O seij!:)t!dt!:) DU!pueq e4l !O uo!~t!leJ e4l eA!D 0 ~ 4DnOJ4l 8 selqt!.l '5!.,j

UO!l:>ese jO a:>uelS!SaJ 5u!puaq a4l JOj UO!lnq!JlS!P SSaJlS -9



e4l S! S!xt! It!JlneU e4l DU!pueq It!uJelU! e4.l puna! S! SeSSeJlS e4l S! uoij:)es e4l !O euoz

"P~"ld~ Sluewow DU!pueq lSU!t!Dt! uoij:)es e4l !O e:)ut!lS!SeJ !O uoijisod e4l uo Du!puedep put! SeSSeJlS e4l WOJ! DUijinSeJ luewow "sesseJ~S e4l !O e:)Jo! It!WJOU DU!~lnSeJ ou S! eJe4llt!4l uoijipuo:) e4l /iq !O S!xt! It!J~neu e4.l "pel:)eIDeu eJo!eJe4l S! pUt! pe)j:)t!J:) eq Ol pewnsst!

UO!SUel e4l U! DU!/i1 eleJ:)uo:) e4.l '(9 'D!!) pewnsst! ueeq St!4 uoij:)es e4l U! uoijnq!JlS!P SSeJlS :)ijSt!ld IIn! t! 'sluewow DU!pueq lSU!t!Dt! uoij:)es t! !O e:)ut!lS!SeJ e4l !O UO!lt!U!WJelep e4l JO::l 6u!pueq Ol UO!l:>es e !O e:)uelS!Se~ S":

"/iJt!sse:)eu wJe~-DUOI !O e:)uenl!u! e4l DU!JOUD! peU!WJelep eq /it!w


uoijt!Je~! ou ~t!4l os 's~:)e!!e eAijt!leJ e4l 'senlt!A

'( sseuJepuels

l!W!1 e4l !O )j:)e4:) e4l J::l ",,2 -~" enlt!A e4l /iq UeA!D suoij5es e4~ !O lJt!d eleJ:)uo:) e4l Ol /iluo pe!lddt! eJt! S'O pUt! 8'0 senlt!A l!W!1 e4l '/iIIt!UOijiPP'v' "Jelt!M Jepun eleJ:)UO:> 4l!M peJt!dwo:) eq /it!w put! lueWUOJ!AUe e4l WOJ! peJelle4S S! eleJ:)UO:) e4.l "peAJesqo eq Plno:) eDt!)jU!J4S pUt! deeJ:> !O e:)uenl!u! ou /iIJt!eu eJe4M 'slsel DU!Pt!OI WJel-DUOI U! pe!!!JeA ueeq St!4 S!4.l "peJep!suo:) eJt! s~:>eue wJe~-DUOI ue4M 'Sl!W!1 4D!4 Je4lt!J o~ pt!el SOijt!J sseUJepuels ese4.l


is the distance of the bar to the relevant bending axis and fsd is the design strength of the reinforcement this leads to very small

Depending on the position of the neutral axis of the stresses, deviations from the exact values.

Concrete filled circular hollow section columns for the new VDEh-building in Dusseldorf. Germany.



GLOG"~ L9B~'~ v06~"~ ~69~"~

6L9~"~ OOv~"~

9BE~'~ BE~~"~ BOG~"~ 6960"~

BOBO"~ G690"~ v990"~ G9vO"~

6~EO'~ L6~0"~

9v66'0 BvB6"0

9EE6"0 ELG6"0

09~ Ov~

9L9~'~ B9v~'~ ~L~~"~ BB60'~ v9LO'~ 9LvO'~ ~6GO'~ 0900'~ EvL6"0 LOG6'O OE~ g 9vE~'~ 9E~~"~ ~LBO"~ LOLO"~ ~~90"~ E9GO"~ 90~0"~ L066"0 LG96"0 LE~6"0 OG~ E9GG"~ ~90G'~ EBL~"~ ~69~"~ GvE~"~ B660'~
660G"~ 96B~'~ B09~"~ GBB~"~ B99~"~ LLE~"~ 999 ~'~ OvE ~"~ 690 ~"~

OLLO'~ LLvO"~ 9LOO"~ GGv6'O 09~

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v~v~"~ 99~~'~ vEBO'~ 9~90'~ OvEO'~ G966"0 9B~~"~ Lv60"~ 9E90"~ 9EvO"~ GB~O"~ LEB6'O GBBO'~ L990" ~ E6EO' ~ 6 ~GO" 0000" ~ L696"0 ~ v6 ~ ~"~ EGO~'~ O~BO'~ Ov90" ~ L960"~ 6v90" ~ E6LO"~ B6vO'~ v690"~ ~GEO"~ 6vEO" ~ 60 ~O' ~

E~ VG" ~ LEGG"~ 9L6 ~"~ 6BL ~"~ Gv9 ~"~ 9LGG"~ vBOG"~ BOB~'~ L~9~'~ L9E~"~ 9LOG"~ OLB~"~ GB9~"~ BBE~"~ ~v~~"~ E9L ~'~ Lv9 ~"~ L9G ~" ~ OLO ~.~ 6EBO' ~ ~09G" ~ vLEG"~ LB~G"~ LBB~'~ 9EEG"~ E6~G'~ 686~"~ vL9~"~

OGGO" EG96"0 ~ G600'~ vEv6'O Lv66"0 LEE6'O OBL6"0 ~EG6"0 E696'O 96v6"0 BBE6"0 89G6"0

i C;t

9BOG"~ 906~" ~ v99~' ~ 9~E~' ~ 9LO~' ~ LG6~"~ 6EL~"~ ~6v~'~ Ev~~"~ BO60"~ LOL~'~ E~9~'~ v9G~"~ 9G60"~ ~OLO"~ GBE~"~ ~6~~"~ E960"~ 0V90'~ 6EVO"~

09LO" ~ L~EO" ~ E090'~ ~B~O'~ 9~vO'~ EGOO'~ 98~0"~ 0V86"0

~ ~

:'. '




Jill ""I







J4";; ~~I.ou

{$Ci ~ = qJ4 4J!M suo!J:as Mollo4 aJ8nbs JOI Ow JOJ:81 O' UO!J:aJJo:) -6 alq8.L

909~"~ OCv~'~ OGE~"~ Ev~~"~

LOv~"~ EGE~"~ EOG~'~ 9~0~"~

69G~"~ 99~~"~ 9EO~'.~ Ev80"~ L9E~"~ ELG~'~ E9~~"~

E9~~"~ 990~"~ ~G60"~ 6GLO'~

O~O~"~ 90BO'~ 9990"~ B060"~ vOLO"~ 9990"~ vLLO"~ EL90"~ ~vvO'~ LB90"~ GOVO'~ EBGO'~

~BvO'~ LBEO"~ vLGO"~ EE~O'~

VGGO"~ ~v~O'~ 9vOO"~ ~E66"0

0~B6"0 BvL6'O OB96'O E096"0

09~ Ov~ OE~ OG~

"T1 1 g

OB9~"~ G6V~"~ 9~9~'~ 6~v~"~ OGV~"~ G~E~"~

B9G~"~ GG~~"~ B9~~'~ 9GO~"~ GVO~"~ 96BO"~ VGG~"~ 9E~ ~"~ G~O~"~ 9GBO"~

GG60"~ GBLO"~ v690"~ GGBO'~ ~B90'~ L6VO'~ 0690"~ E990"~ 9LEO"~ GEO~"~ LE60" ~ BOBO'~ GG90' ~

9GEO"~ 6BB6'O 09~ BEGO"~ OGB6"0 Ov~ ~E~O"~ ~vL6"0 OE~

~ ~ "T1 <D ~

69G~"~ LE~~"~ L960"~

G9BO"~ 90LO"~ 6090"~

~BEO'~ OGGO'~ ~OOO"~6v96"0

E6BO"~ 90LO"~ GEvO"~ 9L66'O 96LO" ~ B090' ~ OvEO"~ 0066"0 L990"~ EBvO"~ 9GGO'~ ~~B6'O LBvO" ~ 9 ~EO"~ OBOO" vOL6"0 ~

09~ Ov~ OE~ OG~

Ev9~"~ 999~"~ Evv~'~ ~9E~'~ 6B9~" ~ G09~" ~ 69E~" ~ ~LG~" ~ 909~'~ BOv~"~ 09G~"~ v9~~"~ E9E ~"~ 09G ~" ~ 9BO ~'~ GL60' ~ 9L9~" ~ BG9~"~ E99~"~ c:c:v~'~ E09~" ~ Lv9~"~ ~9v~'~ v~E~"~ 6Bv~" ~ GGV~"~ ~GE~'~ 99~~"~

EOv~" ~ ~BG~"~ 960~' ~ BGE~'~ B6~~"~ vOO~'~ OGG~"~ ~BO~'~ 6LBO"~ 9vO~"~ B6BO"~ v690'~

6960" ~ ELLO" ~ L6vO' ~ ~EOO" 09~ ~ 99BO"~ LL90"~ vOvO"~ G966"0 Ov~ BELO"~ ~990"~ LBGO"~ B9B6"0 OE~ 9990"~ BLEO"~ VE~O"~ EvL6'O OG~

i ~





Ov J/4






S.O = qJ4 4J!M suo!J:as MOIIO4 J81n6u8J:aJ JOI Ow JOJ:81 uo!J:aJJo:) -8 alq8.L

Table 10 -Correction

factor mo for rectangular hollow sections with h/b = 2.0 hit

10 It) ~ ~ It) {\j ~ It) ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ C20 C30 C40 C50 C20 C30 C40 C50 C20 C30 C40 C50 C20 C30 C40 CSO


20 0.9787 1.0000 1.0191 1.0364








0.8564 0.9351 0.8645 0.9503 0.8722 0:9644 0.8797 0.9776

1.0093 1.0334 1.0712 1.1009 1.1258 1.1659 1.1976 1.0356 1.0639 1.1082 1.1425 1.1705 1.2142 1.2473 1.0587 1.0900 1.1385 1.1753 1.2047 1.2494 1.2820 1.0790 1.1126 1.1638 1.2020 1.2319 1.2762 1.3077 1.0236 1.0588 1.0867 1.1101 1.1483 1.0512 1.0930 1.1256 1.1525 1.1951 1.0753 1.1215 1.1571 1.1858 1.2302 1.0965 1.1458 1.1831 1.2127 1.2574 1.1789 1.2279 1.2632 1.2898

0.8540 0.9304 0.9721 1.0010 0.8610 0.9438 0.9910 1.0246 0.8678 0.9563 1.0082 1.0456 0.8743 0.9681 1.0240 1.0645

0.8507 0.9240 0.9629 0.9894 1.0097 1.0412 1.0660 0.8563 0.9348 0.9784 1.0089 1.0330 1.0706 1.1002 0.8617 0.94510.99271.02681.05381.09601.12901.1561 0.8669 0.9548 1.0061 1.0431 1.0725 1.1182 1.1534 0.8481 0.9189 0.9555 0.9798 0.9982 1.0262 1.0481 0.8525 0.9275 0.9679 0.9957 1.0173 1.0510 1.0775 0.8568 0.9357 0.9797 1.0106 1.0349 1.0729 1.1029 0.8609 0.9437 0.99081.02431.05101.09261.12521.1521

1.0869 1.1216 1.1500 1.1250 1.16511.1968 1.19901.2319 1.1820 1.2262 1.2593 1.0666 1.0998 1.1280 1.0974 1.1231 1.1366 1.1663 1.1684 1.2002 1.19471.2275

Table 11 -Correction

factor mo for circular hollow sections


10 C20 ~ C30 C\I C40 ~ CSO It) {\j ~ C20 C30 C40 CSO 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 1.0294 1.04911.06691.08301.09761.12311.14471.1634 1.0420 1.0685 1.0914 1.1115 1.1291 1.1589 1.1833 1.0534 1.0853 1.1121 1.1348 1.1543 1.1866 1.2122 1.0638 1.1003 1.1298 1.1545 1.1752 1.2089 1.2351 1.0255 1.0429 1.0366 1.0604 1.0469 1.0758 1.0563 1.0896 1.0589 1.0813 1.1005 1.1172 1.0735 1.0868 1.1105 1.0998 1.1163 1.1445 1.1217 1.1403 1.1713 1.1405 1.1604 1.1931 1.1943 1.2190 1.2037 1.2363 1.2615 1.2333 1.2663 1.2913 1.2564 1.2892 1.3137

1.1309 1.1487 1.1785 1.2026 1.1679 1.1878 1.2199 1.2450 1.1963 1.21711.25001.2751 1.2190 1.2402 1.2731 1.2980 1.1262 1.1538 1.1767 1.1628 1.1936 1.2182 1.1910 1.2233 1.2484 1.2138 1.2466 1.2718

C20 :g C30 C') C40 ~ C50 ~ v ~ C20 C30 C40 CSO

1.0201 1.0343 1.0475 1.0598 1.0712 1.0918 1.1100 1.0292 1.0488 1.0665 1.0826 1.0971 1.1225 1.1441 1.0377 1.0620 1.0833 1.1021 1.1188 1.1474 1..1710 1.0456 1.0739 1.0982 1.1191 1.1375 1.1682 1.1930 1.0158 1.0271 1.0379 1.0481 1.0576 1.0231 1.0391 1.0538 1.0674 1.0799 1.0299 1.0500 1.0681 1.0844 1.0991 1.0365 1.0602 1.0811 1.0995 1.1160 1.0752 1.1023 1.1249 1.1442

1.0911 1.1054 1.1305 1.1517 1.1217 1.1389 1.1678 1.1915 1.1467 1.1655 1.1965 1.2212 1.1676 1.1874 1.2195 1.2447



of a section

to bending

and compression

The resistance of a section to bending and compression may be shown by the cross-section interaction curve, which describes the relationship between the inner normal force NAd and the inner bending moment MAd. The determination of the interaction curve generally requires comprehensive calculation. The position of the neutral axis of the stresses in fig. 6 (with the internal force equal to zero) is varied until it is the lowest border of the section and the inner force is equal to Npl.Ad'


0" ~ = q/4 4~!M SUO!~:>es eJenbs JOI el\Jn:> uo!~:>eJe~UI -8 "5!.:I











~lr';~:jt ::
g~~"O g~"O 9L~"0 '0


9"0 v"O GY"O



0" ~

pAl By

g :J9~8WBJed

g'O = q/4 4~!M suo!~:>es Jeln5ue~:>eJ

JOI el\Jn:> uo!~:>eJe~ul -L



v" I.







0"0 0'0



g~~"O g~"O 9L~'O "0


g"O v'O GY'O p~"ldN

-= g :Je~8WBred


O'~ p~"ldNjP~N




parameter:S= Aa fyd Npl.Rd

O.B 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0

0.45 0.4 0.35

0.3 0.275 0.250.225





Fig. 9 -Interaction curve for rectangular sections with h/b = 2.0

For selected relations of sections, the figures 7 through 10 show interaction curves depending on the cross-section parameter o. These may be used for a quick design to estimate the sections. They have been determined without any reinforcement, but they may be used also for reinforced sections, if the reinforcement is considered in the o-value and in the values of NpI,Rd and Mpl,Rd'respectively


parameter: As fyd ~= Npl.Rd



0.45 0.4 0.35

0.3 0.275


0.250.225 0.2

0.4 0.2 0.0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 MRa'Mpl.Rd
Fig. 10 -Interaction curve for circular sections


(3 40nOJ4~ V s~u!od) s!xe leJ~neu e4~ !O suo!~!sod pe~:>eles !O suo!~nq!J~s!P sseJ~S -~ ~ "O!::I

P~"3N ~--





p~.:I"ldN ~ ~-p~.xewIAI=p~"a'AI ., .,



-".'.':0::.. '..::.;";:;;:..' :




P~.:>.ldN=P~.~N p~"ld~=p~"~~ -t-. ~

~~~= ::=-

.::~.."::';..:~';:.-:~..: ~.::JR~~










:~~: ::;":~o;::":.:~:":

ps! pA! P:J!

.0."0:':..":':.:. ;

:,,:~::-.:"::..::':,:~:": 0

Concrete filled structural hollow section columns at the University of Winnipeg, Canada.


(G) (J -J -4
" gO)


V) (:J -E;J ~ -(:

OG -4) V OG -q)

= :>dM


8Je q pue 4 SUO!SU8W!P 84J I! 'UO!J'.J8S 84J 10 S!xe-z 84~ ~noqe 5U!PU8q JOI p8!ldde 8q ogle Aew S!Xe-A 84J ~noqe 5U!PU8q J8pUn SUO!J'.J8S Jeln5ue~'.J8J JOI 45noJ4J G SUO!Jenb8 841. " "5!110 suo!JeJou 84~ pue 9 45noJ4J G su0genb8 84~ 5u!MOIiOl p8~eln'.Jle'.J 8q JO s81qeJ WOJI u8)jeJ 8q Aew SU09'.J8S Moll04 84J JOI snlnpow U09'.J8S '.J!~Seld 841. (~) P:>l :>v ~ = p~":>"ldN ~ = p~"aN ~ ~ "G J8Jde4'.J oJ 5u!pJo'.J'.Je S4J5U8JJS U5!S8P 84J 8Je PSI pue P:>l 'PAl

84J pue 8J8J'.JUO'.J 84J '188JS leJnJ'.JnJJs 84J 10 !Inpow

pue Ju8w8'.JJOlU!8J U09'.J8S '.J9seld 84J 8Je

sdM pue :>dM ,edM 8J84M


psI sdM + P:>l :>dM ~ + PAl edM ~

= p~'xew~

= p~.a~

:p8Jeln'.Jle'.J 8q AI!Se8 Aew 'u09nq!J~S!P


S!4J oJ s5uol8q 4'.J!4M ,p~.a~ JU8WOW J8UU! 841. "J84Jo 4'.Je8 8JeSU8dwo'.J JU8W8'.JJOlU!8J 84J U! S8SS8JJS 84J se 118M se 188JS leJnJ'.JnJJs 84J U! S8SS8J~S 84J 8sne'.J8q S! S!41. "p~':>"ldN U09'.J8S 84J 10 jJed 8J8J'.JUO'.J8Jnd 84J 10 5U91nS8J 84J Je4J P8'.J90U 8q ue'.J "G ~ "5!1 pue ~ ~ "5!1 U! a ~u!od 84J AI~'.Jex8 S8P!'.JU!0'.J s!xe leJJn8U 84J 8'.JueJS!S8J '.J!~Seld 84J 10 lle4 8q ~snw 8'.JJOI leWJOU J8UU! J! (~~ '5!1) a Ju!od 84J Je u09nq!JJs!P SS8JJS 84J 5U!AJ8sqO se p8~eu5!S8p S! 'U09'.J8S SSOJ'.J84J 10 8U!1 8JJU8'.J 84J 4J!M U84M p8U!eJqo S! 4'.J!4M '8AJn'.J u09'.JeJ8JU! 84J 10 Ju!od 841.

3 01 'v' SIU!od 94110 UO!I:>9UUO:> leu05Alod e Aq p94:>eoJdde 9AJn:> UO!I:>eJElIUI ~ "5!::I -G p~'O~ PHV'4 ~"O~


P~"V~ P~.8N







84J 5u!sn





'U09'.J8S 84J 10 S8!jJ8dOJd JU8WOW J8UU! 84J pue 8'.JJOI

lewJOu J8UU! 84~ 8J84M 's!xe leJJn8u 84J 10 SU09!sod Jue'.J!I!u5!s SM04s ~ ~ "5!.:J "8U!1 8JJU8'.J 84J uo Aij'.Jex8 S8!1 s!xe leJJn8u 84J I! 'p8U!eJqo S! JU8WOW J8UU! 84J 10 8nlel\ wnw!xew 841.


-7t) (O.5h-t-r)


of the hollow section is exactly included. For slender rectangular of the corner radius is so small that all parts of the equations 32

w pc

-(d-2t -

) 3

Wpa = d3 -Wpc 6

For the reinforcement, the following equation is derived:


W ps =.2.

IAsi eil

where Asi ei are the cross sectional areas of the reinforcing bars

are their distances to the centre line of the section transverse to the relevant bending


Office building in Toulouse, France (architects: Starkier und Gaisne). Concrete filled square hollow section columns with 250 mm and 300 mm widths.

Comparing the stress distributions of the point B, where the inner normal force is zero, and the point D (fig. 11) the neutral axis moves over the distance of hn. So the inner normal force of the point D, NO.Rd may be determined by the additional compressed parts of the section. This can be used for the determination of the distance hn, because the force NO.Rd is determined by eqn. 31. As for an example, for the rectangular section, it results in: 32

.0 ~u!od e4~ ~Ia~la4~10 enllaA e4~ e:>!M~ s! e:>JolllaWJOU Jeuu! e41 .~uewow Jeuu! e4~ eslaeJ:>u! ~ou op suo!~:>es pesseJdwo:> IlaUO!~!PPIa e4~ esnla:>eq 'P~.8~ ~uewow e4~ o~ llanbe S! p~.:)~ ~uewow Jeuu! e41 .u4 u!la51a S! eu!1 eJ~ue:> e4~ Ol S!XIa IlaJlneU e4l10 e:>ulalS!P e4l '( ~ ~ .5!1) ~ lU!od e4llla uo!~nq!JlS!P SSeJlS e4llla 5u!>t00l e4l U!4l!M ell 4:>!4M 'SJlaq 5u!:>JOIU!eJ es04l f.luo 5u!sn (~p) .u4 G 10 e:>ulalS!P 9 UO!llanbe e4~ 4~!M peU!WJelep S! usdM ul/lG G
USdMul/OG-q) G

= uedM



'p f.q q 5u!lnl!lsqns SUO!l:>es Jlaln:>J!:>JOI pesn eq osila UIa:>SUO!llanbe ese41 .~ p l/5noJl/l ap suoijlanbe el/l f.q peU!lalqo eJIa ul/ G 10 l/ldep e4ll/l!M uoij:>es e4~ 10 !Inpow uoij:>es :>ijSlald e41

pUla eleJ:>uo:> e4~ 'Ieels

u4 G 10 uo!5eJ el/l U! luewe:>Jolu!eJ e4l IlaJnl:>nJlS el/llO !lnpoW uoij:>es :>ijSlald el/l eJIa usdM pUla u:>dM ,uedM

(6) psI usdM+pol u:>dM ~+P~l ~ uedM = p~'u~

.ul/ G 10 l/ldep (8)

e4~ 4l!M uoij:>es el/llo

e:>ulalS!SeJ 5u!pueq

el/l Sla peleJdJe~u! -p~.a~

eq UIa:>p~'u~ = P~.ld~


= P~.8~

= P~'8~ 5uijinSeJ

e:>ulalS!SeJ 5u!pueq el/lll "0 lU!od e4llla

el/l ,p~'a~



S! p~'u~

'peU!lalqo S! p~"ld~ SlJlad esel/llo luewow Jeuu! IlauOij!PPIa e4l SM04S ~ "5!::I

Uo!~:>es e4~ 10 SlJlad pesseJdwo:>

a lu!od



~ .6!.:I




'% Ula4l Jelilaws S! uoijlaln:>lla:> l:>laxe Ula Ol peJladwo:> uoijla!Aep e41 "suoij:>es Jlaln:>J!:>JOI UO!~law!xOJddla po05 4l!M pesn eq UIa:> L uoijlanbe el/l 'p f.q q uo!suew!p e4l 5uijnlijsqns .ul/ 10 l/~dep el/l U! 4lP!M lUlalSUO:>uou el/l 10 esnla:>eq pella:>!ldwo:> Je4llaJ S! suoij:>es Jlaln:>J!:> JOI u4 10 uoijlau!wJelep l:>laxe e41 "uoij:>es el/llo uo!5eJ S!l/~ U! sell ~uewe:>Jolu!eJ ou '( ~ ~ .5!1) eldwlaxe ues04:> e4l J::l "e~Ia~S el/l (L) ( 110 5u!punoJ el/l f.luo SlUeseJdeJ L .ube e4l f.q peq!J:>sep po usy lJlad luewe:>Jolu!eJ e41 =

(P:>l- P~IG) lP + POlqG

ps us p~.:>"ld 1IG) Y -N


MS,Rd = MPl,Rd


2NO,Rd = Npl.c.Rd

.It is a point between the points C and A of the polygonal interaction curve. For the determination of this point E, the neutral axis should be assumed at a position which enables a simple determination of the inner forces. The best point is just in the middle of the point C and A. The determination of the point E shall be shown for the mean value of Npl.Rd and Npl.c.Rd (fig. 11).

-pl.Rd E.Rd -2



hE = hn + NpI,Rd -Npl,c,Rd




2bfcd + 4t (2fYd -fCd)

where ASE is the sum of the cross sectional areas of the reinforcing bars at a distance between hE and hno The plastic section moduli may be determined according to the equations 40 and 41, if hn is replaced by hE. With the points A through E, the interaction curve has been well approximated (fig. 12).

Higher school of electronics, electricity and computer science in Marne la Vallee, France (architect: Perrault). Circular concrete filled hollow section columns with 273 mm and 323.9 mm diameters.


(6v) p~"ld A goO 5 PS A

6v "ube !! 'peJep!suo:> (8v)

eq lOU peeu

SeSSeJlS lewJou

e4l uo SeSSeJlS Jee4s


"pell!!ln! s! e4l !O e:>uenl!u! e41

p~"ld A ~ ~ -PSA"?;

) -~ ] l

= l peJ

:l peJ sseu>t:>!4l pe:>npeJ e4l all sseu>t:>!4lluel\eleJ e4l 5u!5ue4:> Aq pesn eq Aew el\oqe uel\!5 SUO!lenbe lie 'el\Jn:> UO!l:>eJelU! UO!l:>eS-SSOJ:> e4l !O uoqeU!WJelep e4l JO! pesn S! 8v "ube !I 'seeJe lUel\eleJ e4l !O 4lP!M e4l 5u!4S!U!W!P Aq peU!WJelep l p G = I\V l ( l -4 ) G = AV :ue>tel eq Aew seeJe )euoq:>es "Jee4S Jeeq ue:> 4:>!4M 'uoq:>es eq Ol se4 /IV peJ !O enlel\ e41 :SUO!l:>es MOIIO4 Jeln:>J!:> :suoq:>es MOIIO4 Jeln5uel:>eJ J::l AV p~"ldA pSA

SSOJ:>5U!MOIIO! e4l Jee4S e4l 5u!Jeeq eeJe leuoq:>es SSOJ:> e4l S!

leelS e4l!O

pue Jee4S JO! uoq:>es leelS e4l!O 'e:>Jo! Jee4S u5!sep

e:>uelS!SeJ e4l S! leelS e4l S!

e4l !O lueuodwo:>

(Lv) ~ pl.! -~ AV = p~"ldA



~ ~-~ P~"ld

] AV

= AV peJ

"(Lv '9v "sube) seeJe leuoq:>es Ol Jelleq SSOJ:> lUel\eleJ e4l !O uoq:>npeJ e OlU! SeSSeJlS lewJou e4l !O uoq:>npeJ e4l wJO!SUeJl S! l! 'el\Jn:> uoq:>eJelU! uoq:>es-ssoJ:> e4l !O uoqeU!WJelep e4l J::l 'v epo:>oJn3 :>qeJpenb eldw!s eJOW e Ol 5u!pJo:>:>e JO A>t:>ueH/seS!LI\J/JeqnH !O S!Se4l0dA4 e4l pe!JJe:> eq Aew SeSSeJlS Jee4S Ol enp SeSSeJlS leWJOU e4l !O uoq:>npeJ e41

WOJ! uoqenbe

Ol 5u!pJo:>:>e lno


Ol anp SaSSaJlS leWJOU aljllo



~ '6!~

Pl.l paJ

1. PI.I

--':~:":"::"';.:~':~:"..:~.~..: p:>.

U! SeSSeJlS lewJou

'(v ~ "5!!) Jee4s e4l Jeeq Ol elqe eJe 4:>!4M 'el!!oJd leels e4l!O slJed eso4l e4l 5u!:>npeJ Aq peJep!suo:> eq ue:> leels leJnl:>nJlS e4l JO! lueuodwo:>

e41 "G epo:>OJn3 !O suoqeln5eJ e4l 5U!MOIIO! lno pe!JJe:> eq IIe4s eleJ:>uo:> pe:>Jo!u!eJ e4l !O lueuodwo:> e4l JO! u5!sep e411ueuodwo:> eleJ:>uo:> pe:>Jo!u!eJ e pue leels e OlU! pep!l\!p eq JO euole el!!oJd leels e4l Ol peu5!sse eq Je4l!e Aew uwnl:> el!sodwo:> se:>Jo! Jee4s e !O e:>Jo! Jee4S e41 !O e:>uenl!ul L"E

Residential building in Nantes, France (architects: Dubosc and Landowski). Concrete filled square hollow section columns with 200 mm width. 36

JO '9 ~ 'O!! u! e age::> "0 'e 'sluewow luelSUO::> JO~ '(0 < UX) se::>Jo! leWJOU 40!4 JO! peJep!suo::>

eq AIUO peeu UO!l::>eJjedw! e4l 'OS luewow wnw!xew e4l eA!O II!M luewow pue e4l 'se::>Jo! uwnl::> !O eoueJ ep!M e JeAO 'eldwexe JO! 'ou!pueq eJmeAJn::> elqnop !O le4l S! UO!lnq!JlS!P luewow ou!pueq e4l !! 'se::>Jo! le!xe 40!4 JO! AIUO uwnlo::> e4l !O pue e4l eAeel plnoM uwnl::> e4l !O lU!od uo!sep e4l 'AJOe4l JepJo puo::>es !O e::>uenl!u! e4l ou!Jep!suo::> pue ede4s ::>!loqeJed JO lep!osnu!s !O UO!l::>el!ep leij!u! ue ou!wnSSV ,uX enleA e4l !O sueew Aq peJep!suo::> eq ue::> suoijnq!JlS!P luewow ou!pueq lUeJe!!!p uo uoij::>eJjedw! e4l !O e::>uenl!u! e4.l


~ Ux -Px

)!li -Pli

= li

'rl enleA e4l lluewow uoij::>eJjedw! e4l !O Jjed lUeAeleJ e4l Aq pe~s!u!w!P S! Prl JOl::>e! S!4.l 'uoij::>es e4l !O N!::>ede::> e4l JO! Prl JOl::>e! luewow e4l Ol speel (P~"I N/PSN = PX) PSN e::>Jo! leWJOU uo!sep lem::>e e4l WOJ! OUijlnSeJ PX !O enleA e4.l ue4l JeMol sleAelle Sluewow pesn S! luewow uoij::>eJjedw! ,ux !O leAel e4lle OJez Ol AIJeeU!1 eseeJ::>ep Ol pewnsse S! II "X ou!pueq leuO!l!ppe JO! N!::>ede::> ou!Jeeq e4l e::>uenl!U! Ol All::>eJ!p S!4l 'suwnlo::> el!sodwo::> JO~ .suoij::>el!ep leij!U! eAijelUeSeJdeJ

OlU! peleln::>le::>eJ ueeq se4 luewow uoij::>eJjedw! S!4l ' epo::>oJn3 Ol OU!pJo::>::>esuwnlo::> leelS eJnd JO~ luewow ou!pueq leuoij!ppe Aue Jeeq louue::> uwnl::> e4l 'uo!sseJdwo::> le!xe JO! N!::>ede::> ou!Jeeq peal e4l pe4::>eeJ OU!AeH luewow uoij::>eJjedw! e4l se peu!!ep S! 'X !O leAel e4l le eJ\Jn::> uOij::>eJelU! e4l WOJ! peeJ eq ue::> 4::>!4M ')!rl luewow e4.l "(X "'() v. Jelde4::> Ol OU!pJo::>::>e peU!WJelep eq Ol se4 uo!sseJdwo::> le!xe JO! N!::>ede::> peal e4l1SJ!! W

cu!pueq IB!XB!Un pUB uo!sseJdwo:> JOl uc!sea -9 ~ "C!.:J

P~~ O"~ Pn >In





puo::>es e4l OU!Aldde peU!WJelep Ol enp slue wow e4l ou!Jep!suo:) pue uo!sseJdwo::> peu!qwo::>

"UM04S S! 'AJOe4l JepJo eJe 4::>!4M 'se::>Jo! leuJelu! e4l !O ou!Jeeq e4l 'uoij::>eJjedw! "eJ\Jn::> uOij::>eJelU! uoij::>es-ssoJ::> e4l ou!sn ou!pueq le!xe!Un Jeqwew e !O uo!sep e4l JO! p04lew pUB 6u!puaq e4l SM04S 9 ~ 'O!~ IB!XB!Un ""0" 0'


uo!ssaJdwo::> uo!sseJdwo::> pUB 6u!puaq

Ol Jaqwaw

B !O a::>uBlS!Sa~

lateral loads within the column length or for sway frames, the imperfection must always be taken into account (Xn = 0), because the design point of the column will always lie within the column length (fig. 16). For end moments, Xn may be determined according to: Xn = x, where r is the ratio of the larger to the smaller end moment (- 1 S r S +1)

1-r 4

(51 )



~ F



:- F




I ...T u- -I """'---=_!~~.-/

I Mf


+ +,

MF Mf + Mmax


Fig. 16 -Influence of moments from eccentric loads MF combined with moments from imperfections Mf By means of IJ, the capacity for combined and bending of the member is

MSd S 0.9 J.L Mpl.Rd where MSd is the design bending moment of the column according to chapter 3.9. (52)

MSd 1
Fig. 17 -Relation of the end moments (- 1 S r S + 1)


The additional reduction by the factor 0.9 covers the following assumptions of this simplified design method: -The interaction curve of the section is determined assuming full plastic behaviour of the materials. No strain limitation needs to be observed. -The calculation of the design bending moment MSd according to chapter 3.9 is carried out with the effective stiffness according to chapter 3.4. The influence of the cracking of the concrete on the stiffness is not covered for higher bending moments by the effective stiffness alone. Interaction curves of the composite sections always show an increase in the bending capacity higher than Mpl.Rd. The bending resistance increases with an increasing normal force, because former regions in tension are overpressed by the normal force (see chapter 3.6). This positive effect may only be taken into account if it is ensured that the bending moment and the axial force always act together. If this is not ensured and the bending moment and the axial force result from different loading situations, the related moment capacity IJ has to be limited to 1.0.


.uwnl:> JaMOI a4~ jO a~eldpea4 a4~ uodn p!eIAldw!s s! weaq a41. .uwnl:> JaMol a4~ o~ >j:>lq laa~s al\!ssew e Aq pa:>npSUeJ~ aJe uwnl:> Jaddn a4~ WOJjspeol .uwnl:> uo!~:>asMoII04 pall!j a~aJ:>uo:> o~ weaq a~!sodwo:> e jO uo!~:>auuo:J e


Biaxial bending

and compression

The design of a member under biaxial bending and compression is based on its design under uniaxial bending and compression. In addition to the chapter 3.8.1, the interaction curve of the section and the moment factor ~ have to be determined also for the second main axis. The influence of the imperfection needs only be taken into account for the axis, which is more endangered to fail.





0 0

0 My.sdiMpl.y.Rd 0 Mz.sdiMpl.z.Rd


ILd' 0.9

Mz.RdlMpl.z.Rd 0

1.0 My.R<t'Mpl.y.Rd

IL z Fig. 18 -Design of a member under combined compression and biaxial bending

Often the two main axes of a section have different effective lengths, so that the determination of the axis, which is more endangered to fail, is evident. On the other hand, the weak axis of the steel section may not be the same of the total section due to reinforcement. Also different acting moments may influence the failure on the single axes. The moment factor ~ should be determined for both main axes, so that the influence of imperfection on the axes can be checked quickly and the relevant axis for the imperfection can be determined clearly. With the related capacities ~y and ~z a new interaction curve is drawn (fig. 18c). The linear connection of ~y and ~z is cut at 0.9 ~y and 0.9 ~z' respectively, in order to cover small bending moments (mainly uniaxial bending). The design is successful if the vector from the bending moments of the two axes lies within the new interaction curve. This can also be expressed by means of the following equations: M y.Sd Ily Mpl.y.Rd M
Ily y.Sd

M z.Sd Ilz Mpl.z.Rd

~ 1.0


~ 0.9



M z.Sd Ilz Mpl.Z.Rd

~ 0.9



"4~5uel uwnl:J e4~ S! PU8 GG .ube o~ 5U!pJO:J:J8 peu!wJe~ep S! 1 8(13)




1 = ~


I = 3

PU8 ~uewow pue Je5J81 e4~ s! '(L ~ .5!!) s~uewow pue e4~ !O O!~8J e4~ S! '(6 ~ .5!!) 4~5uel uwnl:J

(~) PS L/IJ

e4~ 5uOl8 e~8U!pJOO:J e4~ S!

[~3U!SJ + (~3-3) 3 UIS U!S] ps;H-


SJU8WOWpu3 -6 ~ "6!.,j

PS"", N )","" ~!===:~

sp8el Bg .ube 'eUOI8 s~uewow "S~lnSeJ ~:J8Xe e4~ O~ pue !O eS8:J P801 UOWWO:J AJel\ e4~ J::l "sJjodeJ AU8W U! pUna! e4~ 5U!MOIIO! s~uewow s~uewow 5u!pueq 6u!pueq e4~ eu!wJe~ep O~ e8lnwJO! ~:>ex3 e41 ~"6'& eq A8W AJOe4~ JepJO puo:Jes !O UO!~eUIWJe~ap

"( ~"B" ees) uwnl:J e4~ !O e:Ju8~S!SeJ e4~ !O UO!~8U!WJe~ep e4~ U! ~unO:J:J8 O~U! ue~8~ ueeq Ap8eJI8 el\84 suO!~:JejJedw! ese4~ esn8:Jeq 'pO4~ew u5!sep pe!!!ldw!s e4~ U! peJep!suo:J eq ~ou peeu sUO!~:Jel!ep 18!~!UI 'ue~8~ eq A8W GG .ube O~ 5U!pJO:J:J8 sseu!!!~s e4~ 'AJOe4~ JepJO puo:Jes Uo pes8q s~uewow 5u!pueq e4~ !O UO!~8U!WJe~ep e4~ J::l '5U!P80118Je~81 AU8 !O eS8:J e4~ U! ~ = J S8 pesn eq O~s84 gg "ube "G"O = '( S! O!~8J sseuJepuels ~!W!I e4~ '4~5uel uwnl:J e4~ U!4~!M S~:J8 U! J enl81\ e4~ eJO!eJe41 .G epo:JOJn3 5U!P80118Je~81 AU8!1 "(L~ "5!!) ~uewow !O UO!~8In5eJ ~u8l\eleJ pue Je5J81 e4~ O~ Jel18WS e4~!O O!~8J e4~ S! J enl81\ e41 ueeq s84 gg 'ube e4~ !O ~!W!I e41

8 O~ 5U!pJO:J:J8 ueso4:J


~ 0> ps

(gg) (J-~)G.O51

"(Lg 'gg "sube) 118WS AJel\ eJ8 se:JJo! 18WJOU e4~ JO uwnl:J e4~ !O sseuJepuels e4~ Je4~!e !! 'AJOe4~ JepJO ~SJ!! e4~ 5U!MOIIO! ~no pe!JJ8:J eq A8W s~uewow 5u!pueq 18UJe~U! e4~ !O uo!~8In:J18:J e41 eq o~ s84 s~uewow "4~5uel uwnl:J UO!~8In:J18:JS!4~ '18Jeue5 pue ese4~ e4~ U!4~!M s~:Je!!e JepJo puo:Jes e4~ 5u!Jep!suo:J ~no pe!JJ8:J ul "se!~!:J!J~ue:J:Je 5U!P80118!X8 e4~ JO sP8o118Je~81 5u!pnl:JU! eJ8 uwnl:J e4~ !O se:JJo! 18UJe~U! e41 .s!sAI8U8 S!4~

4~!M peu!wJe~ep

WOJ! ue~8~ eq o~ el\84 ue4~ s~uewow pue e4~ 'eW8J! e4~ o~ pe!ldd8 S! s!sA18U8 JepJo puo:Jes 8 !I "eW8J! 18~O~e4~ !O s!sA18U8 U8 Aq peU!8~qo eJ8 uwnl:J e4~ !O s~uewow pue e41 'eW8J! 8 !O Jeqwew pe~810s! U8 S8 pesAI8u8 S! uwnl:J e~!sodwo:J e4~ 'el\oq8 peq!J:Jsep Ap8eJI8 S'v' leJeua~ s~uawow 5ulpuaq !O uoI~eu!wJa~aa ~"6"& 6.&

For this case of loading, eqn. 60 may be used in order to check whether the end moment MR.Sd is the maximum bending moment or if the effect of the application of the second order theory leads to a greater moment within the column length. NSd N ~

( arccos

r 2


Mmax.Sd = MR.Sd


otherwise: M Mmax.Sd = ~ Jr2 -2r cos E + 1 (61)

t! !!!!!!~~!~~

Fig. 20 -Uniform lateral loading For uniform lateral loading (fig. 20), the moments may be determined according to eqn. 62. MSd (E,) = 1 ~2'"[ COS(~-EE,)}
E cos 2


with E according to eqn. 59. The position of the maximum moment within the column length due to uniform lateral loading is E,= 0.5.

t F

t ;.~r -1e:!1
Fig. 21 -Single lateral load

t I

For a single lateral load (fig. 21), eqns. 63 and 64 lead to the moment distribution over the column length following the second order theory. .sin region 1: M Sd (E,) = FI M Sd ( ) (E-aE) sin EE, . E sin E

(63 )

. region. 2 .

" " -. FI sin EEa sinE EE, sin

where a is the position of the single lateral load according to fig. 21. For the combination of loadings (end moments and lateral loads), these formulae can be superposed, if the axial load is the same in all cases. So the moment distribution and the maximum moment due to practically any loading may be determined. On the other hand, these formulae seem to be complicated because of the trigonometrical functions in them, so that they might only be used using a computer.



"peJinbeJ SeM ewil UO!I~eJe 1J04S AleWeJIXe le41 os 'euJoq eJeM speol peep e41 DUileJ~UO~ Jeije pUB eJm~nJIS leelS eJnd e41 Aq eUJoq eJeM speol e41 UO!I~eJe JepUn "(A)I Nr:J ueu!ei4ner :1~el!4~Je) elseN Auedwo~ I!O elels 4S!UU!::I e41 ~o DU!PI!nq e~!~~opee4 Meu e41 ~o suwnlo~ UO!I~eS Moll04 Jeln~J!~ pell!~ eleJ~uo:J




for the determination

of bending


For a quick and simple hand calculation, the maximum design bending moment for a composite column may be determined by multiplying the maximum first order bending moment by a correction factor k according to eqn. 65.

k =~

~ Ncr

(65) NSd Ncr B is the design normal force, is the buckling load according to eqn. 21 is a factor considering eqn. 66. but ~ ~ 0.44 the first order moment distribution according to the (66)



~ = 0.66 + 0.44 r

The formula for ~ (eqn. 66) has been derived by comparing the results of the calculation with the linear formula of eqn. 66 with the results from the exact formula (eqn. 61). For the relationship of the end moments r = 1, the value of ~ becomes 1.1. This is exactly the factor ~ for NSd/Ncr = 0.4, which may be taken as the upper value for the common applications. The comparison led to higher discrepancies for the values of ~ less than 0.44. Therefore ~ = 0.44 has been taken as the lower limit value. For columns with lateral loads, the value of ~ has always to be taken as ~ = 1.0.


SseJ~S eJnpe::>oJd elj~ WOJ! ewes pe/\!Jep elj~ eq 6u!MOII0! ue::> e::>ue~s!seJ peu!wJe~ep elj~ eq !O Aew ~uewow 6u!pueq elj~ eJnd !O s~ueuodwo::> JO! s~ueuodwo::> elj.l '(OL 6u!peOI 'ube) elj.l
















ps! (89)


P:>! PA !

:>V e V


eV = g =

P~'ldN P"i;i'e-N

PSN ps:e N

"69 elj.l eljl s!seq '89 'speol elj~ 'ube le!xe uo elj~ !O eJnd peleln::>le::> sueew J::l




eq eq

uelj~ ue::> ~ue/\eleJ elj~

ue::> e::>Jo!

e~eJ::>uo::> lewJou eljl !O

pe::>Jo!u!eJ le~o~ se!~!::>ede::> eljl 'ele~s elj~ !O



~ueuodwo::> lee~s elj~ eljl !O ul

peu!wJe~ep uO!I::>es-SsoJ::> s~ueuodwo::>

~ueuodwo::> ::>!ISeld e~ew!~ln

"slJed eq Aew

6u!Jeeq ~!W!I
















6u!pJo::>::>e eq se::>Jo!

epew ue::>





slJed !O Moleq

uo!~::>es-ssoJ::> Jeqwnu pue esolj~!o lee~s Jelj~ouv e/\oqe eldwexe U! se::>Jo! 'uo!~::>es v epo::>oJn3 elj~

eljl pue slueuodwo::> ue eljl eljl 'esn



elj.l eq peal elj~ "6!::I elj~

'pe>t::>elj::> ue::> !O eeJe se::>ueJeu!p eljl eeJe uo 10 puoq peseq puoq elj~ elj~ SIn::> eljl SeSSeJIS U! WOJ::I 6u!l::>e 'uo!6eJ

SJOI::>euuo::> elj~ 'uo!~::>euuo::> peal

le::>!Uelj::>ew eljl e JO!


uo!~::>npOJIU! eleJ::>uo::> eljl elj~ eleln::>le::> !O

s~n::> pue

SMOljS U! !O e6uelj::>


'uwnlo::> o~ enp

le::>!~!J::> U!

ueeMleq se::>Jo! puoq

pe::>Jo!u!eJ o~ S! poljlew elj~

Jno!/\eljeq J::l





'pueljeJo!eq sIsal UO!~gwJo!ep S!lj.l 6uole !O '(suo!6eJ suo!~gn~!s uo!~eU!WJelep pe::>Jo!u!eJ U! pe>t::>elj::> eljl eq epnl::>U! ::>!~Seld SSeUU!IS ~::>gxe elj~ elj.l JO! leljl Iln! o~ Sglj Ilgljs PUg PUg Jno!/\gljeq lj::>!ljM ::>!~Sgld sseJ~s 'SeSSeJIS PUg UO!~gwJo!ep 'swgJ60Jd le!lJed IUeJeu!p puoq s~ueuodwo::> eljl '::>!ISele) lie sg >t::>elj::> leels ~uewel3 peJep!suo::> 'pe~e::>!ldwo::> 01 U! JepJo se::>Jo! U! elj~ S!lj.l 'geJg el!u!::I eq AJe/\ puoq Aq lsnw S! ~no eljl !O pe!JJe::> lj~6uel s~ueuodwo::> S! s~ueuodwo::> elj.l 'SJn::>::>o d!IS Aq IUg::>!!!u6!s pelS!SSg eq ou o~ leljl selj SIsal Je!SueJI Aq pgOI pe~gJ~suowep elj~ 'enle/\ eq elq!sS!Wpg 01 Sglj ~! elj~ 'SSeJIS UO!I::>!J! '~uno::>::>e Aq pesng::> OIU! ue>tg~ !.l!::>gdg::> ueeq elj~ Sglj AIUQ puoq 'el!!oJd e/\!seljpe leels oN elj~ "SISal !O e::>e!Jns WOJ! JO sJo~::>euuo::> sseJ~S elq!SS!Wpe eljl pe/\!Jep uo spuedep ueeq Sglj Jgeljs puoq elj~ ~! le::>!Uelj::>ew 6u!~::>e o~ pel esng::>eq S!lj.l 01 Sglj eljl sglj !I Jno!/\gljeq eq uwnl::> eseljl AgW eljl

AJesse::>eu 6u!pJg6eJ



spee::>xe puoq

enlg/\ eq







!O wnw!xgw g (Jeln::>J!::> PUg eJenbs pe::>Jo!u!eJ uo!~::>nJ~suo::> 'Jeln6ugl::>eJ) PUg eljl lee~s Aq suo!~::>es ueeMleq pe!!!Je/\ 'UO!I::>es PUg lJgd lee~s !O eljl u6!sep ueeM~eq elj~ U! eeJe pewnssg puoq eljl ueeq U! SJn::>::>o Sglj d!IS eq puoq lsnw elj~ lue::>!I!u6!s elj~ !O Mollolj elj~

SSeJIS pall!! Aq Sg

puoq e~eJ::>uo::> IleM Sg

elqgJe!SugJ~ elj~ uo!~::>npOJIU! Iln! pe::>Jo!u!eJ ~elj.l el!sodwo::> 'suwnl::> IIn::l S!lj.l elj~ J::l

'e~eJ::>uo::> pgOI !O suo!6eJ eljl !O

UO!~::>g lJed ou !O


e~eJ::>uo::> 'sueew uo!~::>e








UO!t:>npOJtU! peal pue Jea4S

distribution for Mpl.Rd. The sum of the components (eqn. 71).

is again equal to the total bending moment

~ NSd.o

fcd r---=-l




' !i.MSd

fcd I -I

.:::::::::,':::::~;:::.: ~) lvSd

[~~~~~~===~~=f +



i NSd.u=NSd.o+ VSd
Fig. 22 -Difference of forces in a load introduction region -plastic stress distribution

M ~

M = ~


Mc+s.Sd = Mc.Rd +M s.Rd

MSd Mpl.Rd


Mpl.Rd = Ma.Rd + Mc.Rd + Ms.Rd


Generally, the combinations of the internal forces and moments NSd and MSd act on the column, so that the interaction between Npl.Rd and Mpl.Rd has to be observed. The components of the cross-sections may be determined for any combination of NRd and MRd' In the case of introducing the forces from the steel to the concrete part (the most common way of a connection) the maximum differences of forces may be taken for the design of the bond area, which lies on the safe side. The maximum difference of normal forces results at the interaction point -Npl.Rd -(eqn. 68, 69), while the maximum difference of bending moments occurs at the point of the maximum bending moment resistance -Mmax.Rd -(eqn. 72). These values may be determined easily as shown in the chapters 3.5 and 3.6.


a~al:>UO:> pUB laa~s U! UO!~nq!l~S!P SSal~S -Pc "O!:I


'Al!:>edea Sl! Ol 5U!plO:>:>e peal e4l !O lueuodwo:> e4l se>tel eleJ:>UO:> e4ll!lUn A!jlSeld ue4lll!M l1ed leels e41 "eleld e4l !O sseu!!jls e4l !O esne:>eq pepeolleAo eq AqeJe4l Aew uO!l:>es leelS e41 'eleJ:>UO:> 4l!M pall!! S! uojl:>es MOII04 e4l Jeije e41 eleld-pee4 e4l Moleq elel:>UO:> e4l U! In:>:>o Aew el04 'v'

Aq pelle!SUeJ~

eJe speol

"Uo!~:>es e4~ !O l1ed e~el:>UO:> e4~ pue lee~s e4~ O~U! ~:>e~uo:> "5u!~se:> e4~ 5U!lnp >tlOMeWeJ! se eNes 4:>!4M 'se~eld-pee4 Aq e4~ '4~5uel uwnl:> ~45!e4 AeJo~s e 4~!M suwnl:> e~!sodwo:> J::l p ele4M

peanpOJ~U! Alleleue5

ele speol

Uo!~:>es-SSOJ:> e4~ !O SUo!suew!p

IleJeAO OMl e4~ !O euo Jellews

e4~ S!


PG 5 61

.vL .ube U! ueA!5 S! 4~5uel uo!~:>npoJ~u! peal S!41 .61 4~5uel uo!~:>npoJ~u! e4~ Moleq se!~!:>ede:> J!e4~ o~ 5U!ploa:>e pepeol eJe uwnl:> e~!sodwo:> e4~ !O sl1ed uo!~:>es -SSOl:> lie le4~ peJnsue eq Pln04s ~! 'uwnl:> e4~ CluJ pe:>npol~U! eJe speol pelellue:>uo:> !I uo!~:>npoJJu! peal !O suo!6e~ &"P

"spn~s pepee4 Aq pell!!ln! eJe AileJeue5 s~uewel!nbeJ el!~:>np ese41 "eNn:> uo!~:>el!ep peal e4~ U! lnO!Ae4eq el!~:>np e M04s Slo~:>euuo:> Jee4s le:>!ue4:>ew e4~ !! AIUO ~no pe!lle:> eq Aew se:>ue~s!seJ :>!~Seld e4~ !O s!seq e4~ uo s~uewow pue speol e4~ 1O! senleA uO!~nq!l~S!P e4~ !O uo!~eu!wJe~ep e41

sa:>lO! leUla~U! a4~ !O s~uauodwo:> :>!~Selda4~ lO! aldwex3 Pij"~r4






~1=d::= +

0 0
" :"."

-ps~ po~



Ps"el/'j -psl/'j ps! SdM + p:>! :>dM G + p~! edM

= ps.s+:>l/'j


~ p~!edM

P~.ldl/'j psl/'j =~ =~

Example for the behaviour of buildings with reinforced concrete columns under the South Hyogo Earth. quake of January 17, 1995 in Japan. The building collapsed up to the third storey.

Typical collapse of a building with reinforced concrete columns in the South Hyogo Earthquake in Japan. One mid-story is totally destroyed. 48



Ol > ~



P~":>"ld- >


'(go ~ = :>J.)e~eJ~UO~ JoJ Jo~~eJ A~e!eS le!Je~eW e4~ S! 'lwW/N 'uwnlo~ (9L) U! 4~5ueJ~s e~eJ~UO~ ~!~s!Je~~eJe4~ e4~ S! 'e~eld e4~ Moleq eeJe e4~ S! e4~ Jo eJO~ e~eJ~UO~ e4~ Jo eeJe e4~ S! ~ ~ ~

:>J. >!:>J ~ :> eJe4M

<O"g + >!:>J) = p~"~n!



S9leld P9lJ9SU! f.q SUO!l:>9S MOIIOlj OlU! UO!l:>npOJlU!peal -96



"s~se~ e4~ uo peseq 9L pue vL suo!~enbe e4~ se IleM se 9l '5!~ "Speolle~!J~ue~~e



e Mo4s

JoJ se lIeM se le!xe JoJ el\!~~e S!

~ueweu!Juo~ S!4~ ~e4~ UMO4s el\e4 s~se.l "el!!oJd lee~s e4~ Aq peu!Juo~ S! e~eJ~uo~ e4~ esne~eq 'senlel\ 45!4 f.Jel\ 4~eeJ ue~ e~eld pe~esu! e4~ Moleq sesseJ~s e4.l "e~eJ~uo~ e4~ Jo 5u!peOI e4~ seJnsue 4~!4M'UO!~~es lee~s e4~ 45noJ4~ pe~esu! S! e~eld e4.l"(9l '5!J) peu5!sep ueeq se4 uo!~~euuo~ el\!~~eue AJel\ pue eldw!s e 'se~JoJ Je5Jel e~npoJ~u! o~ JepJo ul 'speol JelleWS JO! AIUO )jJOM Aew eJO~ e~eJ~uo~ e4~ o~ Uo!~~euuo~ e ~nO4~!M suwnlo~ uo!~~es Mollo4 e4~ Jo IleM e4~ O~U! uo!~~npoJ~u! peal e4.l 'uo!~~es e4~ !O IleM Je~no e4~ uo AIUO pax,! eq ue~ SUo!~~eUUO~ 'eS!MJe4~O 'suwnlo~ eq Aew sJo~~euuo~ peal pall!! e~eJ~UO~ snonu!~UO~ JO! Uo!~~es MOIIO4 e4~ U!4~!M pe!ldde Jee4s '45noue e5Jel S! Uo!~~es MOIIO4 e4~ JO Uo!suew!p e4~ ese~ ul

'~uno~~e O~U!ue)je~ eq ue~ VG "5!! O~5u!pJo~~e e~eJ~UO~ pue lee~s e4~ U! Uo!~nq!J~s!P e 'uo!~~es SSOJ~ uwnlo~ e4~ ue4~ Jellews S! e~eld e4~ el\oqe eeJe 5u!peOI e4~ JI


MSd .NSd

f f f f f f f f f fc,Sd fu1.Rd <



Fig. 26 -Design

proposal for connections

with inserted plates



~Ieep weJDoJd



't/ 'suo!~~es


!O epew


19~] uo!~nIOS S!4~ 4~!M !O SUO!DeJ uo!~~euuo~

e4~ II!! o~ S! DU!~eJ~uo~ le!JJed !O uO!~e~!ldde Je4~ou't/ '4~Duel uwnlo~ le~o~ e4~ !O %OG pee~xe ~ou seop uo!~!JJed lee~s eJnd e4~ !O JJed e4~ !! 'pe~Uenl!U! Alq!D!IDeU S! uwnlo~ e4~ !O A~!~ede~ DU!Jeeq peol e4~ ~e4~ UM04S eAe4 SUO!~eD!~SeAU! le~!~eJoe4~ pUB s~se~ e41 '4~DUel uwnlo~ e4~ JeAO (e~eJ~UO~ ~n04~!M JO 4~!M) sesseuJt!~S e4~!0 UO!~nq!J~S!P e4~ WOJ! ~lnSeJ 4~!4M 'S4~DUel DU!I)j~nq ~UeAeleJ e4~ DU!Jep!SUO~ peUD!Sep eq ue~ Ae41 'eldw!s eJOW eJe 4~!4M 'UO!DeJ lee~S eJnd e4~ U! Se!~!I!~e! UO!~~eUUO~ eAe4 O~ JepJO U! ~I!nq eq AeW suwnlo~ eSe41 '4~DUel le~o~ e4~ JeAO e~eJ~UO~ 4~!M pall!! ~OU S! uwnlo~ e4~ 4~!4M U! Uo!~en~!s e4~ seq!J~sep DU!II!! le!JJed





e4~ !O s~uewow


e4~ DU!~eln~le~ el!4M


O~U! ue)je~ eq Pln04s


'uwnlo~ S~! Jepun

uwnlo~ lee~s e4~ !O UO!~~el!ep e41 .suwnlo~ es04~ JO! Je~eweJed S!41 'e~eJ~UO~ Du!UepJe4 e4~ Aq pax!! S! peol e4~ Jepun uwnlo~ Aew uwnlo~ !O DU!peOleJd lee~s eJnd e4~ !O DU!peOleJd e 4~!M peol Jepun uwnlo~

UD!Sep e se pesn eq Plno~ lee~s e4~ !O UO!~~el!ep e41

"uwnlo~ e~!sodwo~ e4~ !O A~!~ede~ peol e4~ e~uenl!U! e4~ ~e4~ UM04S eAe4 'uwnlo~ lee~s e4~ !O %OL ~noqe e~!sodwo~ e o~ dn ~I!nq eJeM 4~!4M 'suwnlo~ 4~!M

s~se~ e41 "uo!~en~!s uo!~~eJe e4~ U! speol e4~ sJeeq uwnlo~ lee~s e41 "~se! Je4~eJ ~no pe!JJe~ eq ue~ uo!~~eJe e4~ pUB seuo e~!sodwo~ e4~ ue4~ ~4D!eM JelleWS e eAe4 ue4~ suwnlo~ e41 "Je~el e~eJ~UO~ e4~ U! II!! o~ pUB Uo!~~nJ~SUO~ lee~s eJnd e se DU!PI!nq e ~~eJe o~ le~!WOuo~e suwnl:) eq Aew ~I GS

lee~s papeOlaJd

SUO!I:J8S 81!Sodwo:J


JOI 81dwex3







le~!J~eWWAS e se pe~eeJ~ eq Aew uo!~~es uwnlo~

e4~ pUB 'eldwexe

JO! UD!Sep

e4~ U! pewnsse eq Aew el04 Je4~ou't/ uo!~~es le~!J~eWWAS e se uo!~~es e4~ ~n~ o~ S! UD!Sep e4~ JO! AeM ~!wouo~e pUB eldw!s eJOW e41 'v epo~oJn3 !O x!puedde e4~ U! UeA!D S! p04~ew 't/ 'suo!~e~!!!pOW Me! e 4~!M SUo!~~es le~!J~eWWAS-OUOW O~ pe!ldde eq osle Aew SUo!~~es MOII04 4~!M suwnlo~ e~!sodwo~ JO! p04~ew UD!Sep pe!!!ldw!s e41 "(eLG D!!) Uo!~~es uwnlo~ e4~ U!4~!M s~!npUO~ eAe4 O~ JepJO U! Alle~!J~eWWAS-OUOW ~I!nq eq Aew SUo!~~es pall!! e~eJ~uoo
suo!~:)as le:)!J~aWWAS-oUOIIII ~ "S



View of the buildings after carthquake

on the road with the bank office building shown in page 53.

5.4 Special concrete

Only a few investigations are known with columns filled with special concrete. Steel fibre reinforced concrete has been used in some of them. This is of small advantage, because the compression strength is comparable to that of normal weight concrete. The higher tension capacity of the concrete is not necessary for the concrete filled sections in normal design situations. The tests under fire situations demonstrated higher resistances when steel fibre reinforced concrete was used. The use of high strength concrete in the steel hollow sections is now under investigation. The general investigation with high strength concrete has shown that the tension capacity of the concrete is not enlarged in the same way as the compression capacity. For the concrete filled hollow sections, the tension problem is not so important, as the concrete cannot split away. So the full advantage of the high compression strength can be obtained from these concrete filled sections. Design proposals are not yet available. In [10] the results of 23 stub-column tests and also of 23 tests on slender columns are given. All specimens in this case are concrete filled rectangular hollow sections. The evaluation of these tests with the method of Eurocode 4 confirms that the EC4-method is on the safe side for hollow sections filled with high strength concrete. Similar results have been found in a CIDECT research program [11], where the confinement effects in concrete filled circular hollow sections could be verified also for high strength concrete. Additionally it could be shown that the design method for the load introduction according to eqn. 75 does also work for high strength concrete.


"a>jenb4IJea 01 suwnlo~ UO!I~aS MOII04 pall!~ alaJ~UO~ ~o a~UeIS!SaJ Jo!Jadns a41 aleJISUOwap suwnlo~ as041 41!M s6u!PI!nq Ja410 Jno~ pUB S!41 "pa6ewep IOU geM I! 'a>jenb4IJea a41 ~OaJIua~ a41 Jeau spuels 6u!PI!nq S!41 46n0411'v' "suwnIO~ le~!Ja4d!Jad a41 JO~ pasn aJaM suwnlo~ UO!I~aS Moll04 pall!~ alaJ~uo:) "ueder U! 966 ~ .L ~ f.Jenuer ~o a>jenb4lJe3 060AH 41nos a41 Jal~e aqo)! ~o eaJe leJIUa~ a41 U! 6u!PI!nq a~!~~o>jueq 4~UeJ8

Design for seismic


Strong earthquakes are rare events. When they occur, the yield strength of a typical frame structure is often exceeded and plastic mechanisms form (e.g.: rotating plastic hinges). In a sophisticated earthquake resistant design, two questions are taken into consideration and need to be checked. 1. Is the structure able to resist the earthquake loading or does it collapse, because the ductility capacity (or supply) is smaller than the ductility demand? 2. Is the maximum deformation during the earthquake response sufficiently small, so that an adequate degree of reliability against unacceptable damage can be ensured? The consideration of these two aspects, which are denoted as strength and ductility and limitation of deformation in the following, are of basic importance in the course of each earthquake resistant design. Most structural damages are due to the use of an unsuitable structural type or to the use of non-ductile materials, probably of a poor quality. Furthermore, a proper detailing plays an important role. As for the aspect of strength and ductility, the structural layout should strictly follow the principles of the "capacity design method", a method which is also mentioned in Eurocode 8 [16]. Thus, a basic requirement for an optimum overall energy dissipation, mainly by means of hysteretic energy due to plastic reversal stressing, is guaranteed. The "capacity design method" can be characterized as follows ([17], [18]): "In a structure, the plastified regions are deliberately chosen, and correspondingly designed and detailed, so that they are sufficiently ductile. The other regions are given a higher structural strength (capacity) than the plastified ones, in order that they always remain elastic. In this way it is guaranteed that the chosen mechanisms, even in the case of large structural deformations, always remain functional for energy dissipation." In order to meet the requirements of a reasonable limitation of deformation, a sufficient load carrying capacity, but above all a high structural stiffness needs to be provided. For each type of frame structure, the formation of plastic hinges in the columns should be avoided as far as possible and other mechanisms, such as plastic hinges in the beams or plastic shear mechanisms in eccentric braced frames, should mainly contribute to the overall energy dissipation. The importance of complying with the "weak beam-strong columnconcept" is demonstrated by the example of the multi-storey moment resisting frame shown in fig. 28. On the one hand, it can be seen that many plastic hinges in the ("weak") beams lead to a good-natured behaviour combined with an excellent energy dissipation (fig. 28a). On the other hand, it can be observed that the dangerous "soft-storey-mechanism" with only four plastic hinges in the ("weak") columns leads to a poor energy dissipation and a much higher ductility demand (62 61) with the same maximum displacement vmax (fig. 28b).




Fig. 28 -Comparison

of a favourable

with an unfavourable





"gxOOGXOOG dJ JOJ suo!~elaJ





[peJ] UO!~e~OJ le~O.l g\."O 0\."0 gO"O 00.0 so 'a0\."0g~"O-




Co 5"


co 3




"S!4~ eJ\e!4~e o~ elqe f.lle!~edse eJe suo!~~es Mollo4 pall!! e~eJ~UO~ 4~!M suwnlo~ e~!sodwo:) 'puna! eq ue~ ~~npoJd le~!WOUo~e ue JeJ\oeJOW pue peJn~ew f.lle~!U4~e~ e 'JnO!J\e4eq 5u!~ed!ss!p f.5Jeue ~uelle~xe ue pue f.~!I!~~np 45!4 e 4~!M pe!lddns "f.IJedoJd pel!e~ep pue peu5!sep !! '5u!peOI e>tenb4l,Jee eJeJ\es 5u!puedeo u!e~sns o~ pe!!!lenb f.IJeln~!l,Jed eJe seJn~~nJ~S eweJ! e~!sodwo~ eldw!s e~eJ~UO~-lee~s ',,~de~uo~ '8 epo~oJn3 U! puna! eq ue~ SeinJ 5u!l!e~ep eJe selnJ 5u!l!e~ep pue e!Je~!J~ u5!sep pue e!Je~!J~ u5!sep 4~ns 'edf.~ leJn~~nJ~S e4~ uodn Je4~O ewos

'4~!M pe!ldwo~

-uwnlo~ 5uOJ~s -weeq >teeM" e4~ o~ Uo!~!ppe U! '!! 5u!peOI e>tenb4l,Jee eJeJ\es Jepun eJn~~nJ~s e U! ~u!od ~se>teeM e4~ eq JeJ\eu II!M suo!~~es Mollo4 pall!! e~eJ~uo~ 4~!M suwnlo~ e~!sodwo:) euo SMo4s 6G "5!::I 'JnO!J\e4eq 5u!~ed!ss!p sessessod ~uewele f.5Jeue "(uo!~~es MoIIO4 eJenbs) eldwexe poo5 f.leWeJ~Xe ue pue f.~!I!~~np ~uelle~xe ue ~e4~ e~eJ~suowep f.e4.l "pewJoJjed ueeq

leJn~~nJ~s !O edf.~ S!4~ f.lle!~edse

eJ\e4 '5u!peOI ~!I~f.~ pue 5u!peOI 5u!seeJ~u! f.lle~!UO~oUOw 4~oq Jepun suo!~~es Mollo4 pall!! e~eJ~UO~ 4~!M suwnlo~ e~!sodwo~ !O JnO!J\e4eq e4~ e~e5!~seJ\u! o~ JepJo U! 's~se~ snoJewnN JnO!J\e4eq 5u!~ed!ss!p f.5Jeue "f.Jesse~eu S! '4~!MeJe4~ pe~~euuo~ pue JnO!J\e4eq ~!~Seld ~!I~f.~ e4~ !O uo!~e5!~seJ\u! ue ~e4~ ~uep!J\e

S! ~! 'Sn4.l 's5u!PI!nq f.eJo~s euo JO! JO s5u!PI!nq f.eJO~S!~lnW !O JOOI! do~ e4~ ~e peMolle eq ue~ suwnlo~ e4~ U! se5u!4 ~!~Seld 'JeJ\oeJol/IJ "eweJ! e4~!O eseq e4~ ~e l,Joddns pax!! e4~ eJ\oqe f.1~~eJ!p Jn~~o suwnlo~ 5uOJ~s -weeq e4~ U! se5u!4 ~!~Seld ~e4~ se~eJ~suowep ~nof.elleJn~~nJ~s e8G "5!! ',,~de~uo~ -uwnlo~ >teeM" e4~ 4~!M Se!ldwo~ e4~ eJe4M ese~ e4~ U! ueJ\e 'JeJ\eMoH


CIDECT Monograph No.1: Concrete filled hollow section steel columns design manual, British edition, Imperial units, CIDECT, 1970 . CIDECT Monograph No.5 -Calcul des Poteau x en Profiles Creux remplis de Beton, Fascicule 1 -Methode de Calcul et Technologie de mise en ceuvre, Fascicule 2 Abaque de calcul, CIDECT, 1979.


[3] Twilt, L., Hass, R., Klingsch, W., Edwards, M., Dutta, D.: Design guide for structural hollow section columns exposed to fire, CIDECT series "Construction with hollow steel sections", ISBN 3-8249-0171-4, Verlag TOV Rheinland, K6In,1994. [4] Eurocode No.4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, Rules and Rules for Buildings, ENV 1994-1-1: 1992. Part 1.1: General


Rondal, J., WOrker, K.-G., Dutta, D., Wardenier, J., Yeomans, N.: Structural stability of hollow sectios, CIDECT series "Construction with hollow steel sections", ISBN 3-8249-0075-0, Verlag TOV Rheinland, K6In,1992. Roik, K. and Bergmann, R.: Composite Columns, Constructional Steel Design: An International Guide, Chapter 4.2, Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd, UK, 1990. AIJ Standards for Structural calculation Architectural Institute of Japan, 1987. Canadian Standards Association, Structures, Toronto, 1994. of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures,



[8] [9]


Limit States Design of Steel

Bridge, R.O., Pham, L., Rotter, J.M.: Composite Steel and Concrete Columns -Design and Reliability, 10th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, University of Adelaide, 1986. Grauers, Concrete, M.: Composite Columns of Hollow Sections Filled with Chalmers University of Technology, G6teborg, 1993. High Strength

[10] [11]

Bergmann, R.: Load introduction in composite columns filled with High strength concrete, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 1994. Australian Standard AS4100-1990, Eurocode Buildings, Steel Structures, 1990.

[12] [13] [14]

No.3: Design of Steel Structures, ENV 1993-1-1: 1992.

Part 1.1: General Rules and Rules for Part 1: General Rules and Rules for

Eurocode No.2: Design of Concrete Structures, Buildings, Final Draft 1990. Packer, J.A.: Concrete-Filled 121, No.3, March 1995. HSS Connections,

[15] [16] [17] [18]

Journal of Structural Egineering, Vol. and Building,

Eurocode No.8: Structures in Seismic Regions, Design, Part 1 -General

Bachmann, H.: Earthquake Actions on Structures, und Konstruktion, ETH ZOrich, 1993. Bericht Nr.195, Institut fOr Baustatik von Stahlbetonhoch-

Paulay, T., Bachmann, H., Moser, K.: Erdbebenbemessung bauten, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel/Boston/Berlin, 1992.



(O~ 'ube) (S 'ube) 6'0> S"O = ~ 'Gg~L/O'gG' O"O~~ = g > G'O N>t G9~L = O"G" ~"S~~ + g"v' ~'6v + O"gG" O'O~~ = P~'ldN %v ~ %~"v = (O"O~~ -v/c:vg"Ov ,u)/~ "6v = d :JV Sv

c:w~~"S~~=~'6v-0"0~~-v/c:vg"OV"u= c:w~ ~'6v = ~6"v " o~ = :peJep!suo~ -u!eJ !O SJe!.tJl OM~ 6U!MOIIO! ~xeu elj~ putJ Je~no elj.l ~tJlj~ os uo!~~es elj~ !O uo!~!sod elqtJJnoJ\tJ! U! ell lj~!ljM

eJtJ ~uewe~Jo! elj~ eJeH

'ue>ttJ~ S! ItJsodoJd puo~es SJtJq 6u!~Jo!u!eJ

!.IUO 6u!Jep!suo~ -


6 ' -W~" .-v.

6 "1

-U -V'vO'O"

g~ (O'O~~-v/c:vg'OV"U)1

-P8J -

uo!~tJln~tJl~ elj~ U! ~uewe~Jo!u!eJ eq !.tJw S!lj.l 'UO!JtJln~ltJ~ eljJ JO! %v

elj~ !O sJeJewtJ!p



:!.q peJ\e!lj~tJ OJ peJ!w!1 eq OJ StJlj d Juewe~Jo!u!eJ !O O!~tJJeljJ %v < %g'g = (O"O~~ -v/c:vg'Ov ,u)/9'SL = d :(u6!sep ell! JO!) OijtJJ Juewe~Jo!u!eJ -v/c:v9'Ov ,U = :JV Sv eV 0

c:w~ L'SO~~ = 9"SL -O"O~~

c:w~ 9'SL = c:w~ O'O~~ =

:stJeJtJ ItJuo!~~es SSOJ~ 0 c:w~/N>t OO'G = c:WWN/O"OG c:w~/N>t g'v = c:WWN/S"vv c:W~/N>t O"gG = c:WWN/O'09G = = = g' ~/O'O = P:J! 9 ~' ~/O"OOg = ps! ~'~/0"9LG = pA! 0

:sljJ6ueJJs wN>t Og = N>t OOOg = g~ 'a = ps'xewV-J psN "'(

:S!S!.ltJUtJ eljJ JO! suoijdwnsstJ


" ~C;t!: ~






4J!M uo!J~as


JtJln~J!~ pall!!-aJaJ~uo~


Saldwexa u6!saa

0 check of local buckling: ~ = ~ = 46.2<60 (table 4)

0 confinement effects: 1110=4.9- 1120= 0.25. (3 + 2.0.15) = 0.825 e Mmax.Sd 60. 100 a = -N";;;-d = 6000.40.64 = 0.025 (eqn.14) (eqn.15) (eqn.16) (eqn.12) (eqn.13) ~) (eqn.11)

111 = 2.508. (1 -10.0.025) = 1.881 112 = 0.825 + (1 -0.825) .10.0.025 = 0.869 Npl.Rd = 110.0. 25.0 .0.869 + 1138.1 .2.0 (1 + 1.881 ~ = 7651.6kN


increase in the bearing capacity caused by confinement: 8.2 Concrete-filled rectangular hollow section 29 20

7651.6/716.1 loading

= 1.07 = 7%

with eccentric F1 F2

Fe 235 C40 8500


140 0 assumptions for the analysis:

F1 =1000kN F2 = 300 kN MSd = 0.18 .300 = 54 kNm permanent load = 70% of the total load 0 strengths: fYd = 235.0/1.1 fsd = 500.0/1.15 fcd = 40.0/1.5 = 213.6/Nmm2 = 434.8/Nmm2 = 26.7/Nmm2 = 21.4 kN/cm2 = 43.5 kN/cm2 = 2.67 kN/cm2

0 cross sectional areas: Aa As Ac = 47.8 cm2 = 12.6 cm2 = (26.0 -2 .0.63) (14.0 -2

.0.63) -12.6

= 302.6 cm2

(neglecting the roundings off)

0 squash load: Npl.Rd = + 302.6.2.67 + 12.6 .43.5 = 2379.0 kN (eqn.8)


N)j ~"G9 ~ = 006LG .vv9"0 > N)j 00 ~ = PSN 0

I.l!~EdE~ 5U!JEeq JO! )j~e4~ (9G 'ube) I.l!~EdE~ 5U!JEeq e4l uo e~uenl!u! ou ~ GO ~ < v' ~ = v'O -~ 800 = W!I~

:e5E)jU!J4S PUE deeJ~ JO! )j~e4~ (L elqEl) vv9'O = X

:E eA.ln~ 5u!I)j~nq

(OG.U be )

7"'0 0I O'G8LG c;,c. ..=0.09"9G~+0'v09GO+9G"9.Lv


-'1/ -::. eA!lEleJ J:> N 0 0


GOOV N)jG8LG=GU"90~.~09v=

:PEOI 5u!I)j~nq (GG "ube) GW~/N)j 90~' ~'9v = L9~v ~ 009 800+ (90~ +09~)000~G . :sseUU!lS eA!l~eue :(uo!sseJdwo~ IE!XE) S!XE )jEeM e4lJO! )j~e4~ . = 8(13)


G9>'~v=6W=4 :5u!I)j~nq


IE~ol !O )j~e4~



G~ = 90~-vLoG~"vLovG=

:> I

vw~ 90~

= G6G. 9G~ = sl
vw~ 09~ = e 1

:S!XE-Z e4llnoqE


JO! E!j.leU! !O Sluewow



G~ = V96-VL'VG'VLG~=

:> I





~ =



:S!XE-I. e4llnoqE %O'v = v


JO! E!j.leU! !O sluewow =

00 0

(90"G-00v~)(900G-0'9G) 9'G ~


!O OijEJ 0

(O~ .ube)

600> v'O = O'6LG/v.

~G. 8'Lv

= g> G'O


for the strong axis (compression of X

and bending):

0 determination

0 effective stiffness: (EI) e = 21000 0 buckling load: N cr = 4002 0 relative slenderness: j;, = + 3~~~1..~.0:t 19.6. 50.0 = 0.584 < j;,lim (eqn.20) (4260 + 954) + 0.8 ~15122 = 140.9.106 kN cm2 (eqn.22)

(eqn. 21)

0 buckling curve a: X = 0.896 (table 7)

0 cross-section

interaction curve: (neglecting the roundings off) (eqn.36) = 1839.8 cm3 (eqn.32)

0 plastic section moduli Wps = = 109.6 cm3

Wpc = 12.74 ~24.742 -109.6

Wpa = 1.1~~~-1839.8-109.6=416.6cm3 0 interaction point D: 1 1839.8.2.67+ = 404.0 kN 16138.9kNcm


MO.Ad = 416.6.21.4+2 NO.Ad = 1 2302.6.2.67 0 interaction

(eqn.30) (eqn.31)

point C and B:

NC.Ad = 2 NO,Ad = Npl.c.Ad = 808.0 kN it is assumed that no reinforcement lies within the region of 2 hn (Asn = 0.0) = 4.59cm (eqn.37)

hn = 808.0 (2.21.4-2.67) the assumption for Asn is verified

0 plastic section moduli of the cross sectional areas in the region of 2 hn = 9.18 cm: Wpsn = 0.0 Wpcn = (14.0 -2.0.63) Wpan = Mn.Ad = .4.592 = 268.4 cm3 = 26.5 cm3 + 1 2 = 925.4 kNcm (eqn.40) (eqn.41) (eqn. 39)


~6v'O = g'~Gg~ v"6LL PH"ldl/lJ = ~ l/IJ , "90~ g"~Gg~ = 6'B~9~ PH"d l/IJ I = ~
PH"ld ." = ~ .0 ~ PH'0 l/IJ

,. PH"ldl/lJ "0 ~ = -p-;;;;;al/IJ


'" -~ "0 0 -PH"V' l/IJ "9LO

0"6LG = ~ PH"ldN = ~

'" ~ 0 "L

= 0'6LG -c:fW"i

PH"ldN = ~

~ '0 V

= 0"6LG -o:BOB"

PH"ldN p-;;;;;;s-

N ' 0 "0 =- PH"ldN " PH"8 N

N PH"ldN ,".0 ~ ---:PHV'N eAJn:> UO!l:>eJelU! leUO!SUeW!p-UOU 0

(B "ube)

W:>N>t v'6LL W:>N>t 9'69LB = g'V"

= 9"69LB-6"B~9~ 9"60~ + L9'G"

= PH"3l/1JV_PH"Ol/lJ = PH"3l/1J

~'6BO~ ~ + V' ~G" 9"B~ ~ = PH"3l/1JV ~ = PH"3l/1JV = 3edM = 3:JdM = 3sdM

(6 'ube) (~v"ube) (Ov"ube)

ps! 3sdM + P:J! 3:JdM ~ + pA! 3edM ~ e:W:>9'B~~=c:L"6"9G"~ e:w:> ~'6BO~ = 9"60~ -c:L"6" vL'G~ = 3sdM34


OG-q) = sdM

e:W:> 9"60~ 34 G 4ldep

e4l 4l!M UO!l:>es e4l WOJ! !lnpOW UO!l:>es :>!lSeld = ON + PH"3NV N>t 0'6L6 = = PH"3NV = PH"3NV = PH"3N

N>t 6"9BL ~ = 6" LOB + 0"6L6



(L9'G-v'~G"G) (P:J! -ps!G)



SYV + (P:J! -pA!G)

34VlG + P:J!34Vq

:34V q !O eeJe pesseJdwo:>

e4l WOJ! pel\e!4:>e

PH"3NV e:>Jo! leuO!l!ppe = U4_34 = 34V = 34 SSeJlS

W:> ~~'g = 69'v-L"6

W:>L'6=~+L"B :luewe:>Jo!u!eJ e4l X!! Ol Je!see os luewe:>Jo!u!eJ leu05/ilod e4l !O JepJoq JelnO e4l uo p!el S! l! eJeH "s!xe leJlneU

S! II 'pele:>!ldwo:> pue lln:>!u!p Je4leJ eq II!M SUO!lenbe lUel\eleJ e4l le4l e4l se4:>nol 4:>!4M '34 !O enlel\ e Ol peel pinOM S!41. "eAJn:> UO!l:>eJelU! lu!od Je4l0Ue JO! >tOOl Ol g' Jelde4:> e4l U! pesodoJd S! II 0

e4l !O y pue ~ ueeMleq

:3 lU!od UO!l:>eJelU! (B 'ube) w:>N>t g"~Gg~ = v'9G6-6"B~9~ = PH"8l/1J = PH"ldl/lJ

0 internal forces according to first order theory NSd = 1300 kN; max MSd = 54 kNm

0 check for the second order theory Alim = 0.2 (2 -r)


= 0.4 < A = 0.584

(eqn. 56; r = 0) (eqn.57)

NSd = 86"91-:4 = 0.15> 0.1 1300.0 ~ 0 k-factor for the second order theory: k = 0.66 = 0.77 < 1.0 with r = 0 => fi = 0.66

1- ~



the end moment is the maximum moment (k = 1.0) 0 check for compression Xn = X 1-r 4 and uniaxial bending = 0.22 (eqn.51)

1-0 = 0.90 ~

1300.0 = 0.55 Xd = 237M



Xd = 0.90 L~ = 0.64i ---4


~ ,




B I , MRcY Mpl.Rd
1.0 1.06


from the interaction curve: ~ = 0.64 MSd = 54 kNm < MRd = 152.14 = 87.6 kNm

0 shear (it is assumed that the shear is borne by the steel section alone) V Sd = MSd -=

54.0 -=


13.5 kN




~ = v"9v~



= P~VIj > wN>I v9



= GG"0-06"0 GG"O -99"0


= ~ Ux -Px


= 11

E:O" ~ = P11 00' ~ = P11

PUg PUg PUg = Px

9G"0 9G"0 LG"O

= >111 = >111 = >111

~ ~ ~

E:v"O = g 9v"0 v"O z 96B'0 = g = g

JO! os WOJ! WOJ! LIl!M 0

BO" ~ = P11 :GG"O = Ux ~99"0

~E:v"O = g :6 "5!!!0 SUEew

:06"0 f.q

= X

r1 !O UO!lEU!WJelep

wN>I wN>I L'vv = w:>N>I 9"E:L VV = (L9"G

v"9v~ -Bv"E:v)

= L"vv+L"~O~ .L"B " 9"G ~ =

= P~.ldVlj P~ldVljV

(p:>! -ps!)



~ =! 'I = U


:luewe:>Jo!u!eJ WN>I L" ~O~ = w:>N>I E:"OL~O~ = 9E:' ~G' L9"9~v"

eLll !O uoqnq!Jluo:> E:v~" ~ = -LIJJ P~ldVlj


"b e U

9 c.." I 7 "'"

V (E:9'0"G-0'V~)c:(E:9"0"G-0'9G)-0'v~"c:0"9G-

-P~ldVlj -

E:v = l/Ll JO! E:v ~ .~ = Ow ~


= l/Ll JO! E:9L ~ "~ = Ow



l/Ll JO! 9BE: ~ "~ = :Ov~


PUg 9E:Ge::l JO! =

E:"~v =! LI" :0 ~ elqEl!O SUEew f.q


= Q.t! 09G

9 LI 0


!O uoqEU!WJelep

:sWEJ5E!P !O uoqEln:>IE:> eLll 'e/\oqE ue/\!5 e>l!llnO

!O esn

eLll f.q Ol SEll

pe:>EldeJ PSVIj PUg

S! eAJn:> uoq:>EJelU! X !O UO!lEU!WJelep

eLll eLll

pe!JJE:> eq

selqEl PUg SWEJ5E!P !O SUEeW f.q 5u!pueq PUg Uo!sseJdwo:> f.l!:>EdE:> peU!qwo:> 5U!JEeq eLll uo JO! UO!lnIOS e/\qEUJellE ou /\ 0

JEeLlS !O e:>Uenl!U! N>I 9"E: ~ =

N>I L" L6 ~ = ~

(Lv "ube) N>I v"96E: = p~-o~ = P~ld /\

e:>uElS!SeJ c:w:> O"GE: = E:9"0 (E:9"0


:>qsEld G = I\V





forces and moments F N M V force internal normal force internal bending moment internal shear force

indices combined with forces and moments (more than one are separated by a dot): a concerning the steel hollow section c concerning the concrete part cr critical, buckling load of a member F due to forces f due to initial deformations (imperfections) pi p R Rd s Sd y z plastic plastic acting at the top or bottom of the column design resistance concerning the reinforcement design action concerning the y-axis of a section concerning the z-axis of a section properties

cross section A b h d t r I Wp

area width of a section (dimension in the direction of the bending axis) depth of a section (dimension transverse to the direction of the bending axis) diameter of a circular hollow section wall thickness of the hollow section corner radius of rectangular or square hollow sections moment of inertia plastic section modulus cross section properties (more than one are separated by a dot): the steel hollow section the concrete part the reinforcement a special region of a section the area below an inserted plate the area for shear transfer

indices combined with a concerning c concerning s concerning n concerning 1 concerning V concerning strengths E (EI)e f

and stiffnesses stiffness modulus (Young's modulus) effective stiffness strength

indices combined with strengths and stiffnesses (more than one are separated by a dot): a concerning the steel hollow section c concerning the concrete part cub cube cyl d e cylinder design situation effective


/io !>I>lnnJe~ne~

'P~l .0:) '&' s~:JnpoJd le~eVlj lee~s uodd!N 9'v' e>lJeM-ueJLlQJuuewseuueVlj :)ld eLl~ elqel!eJ\e 5u!>lew JOI SWJij 5u!MOIiOl lee~s LlS!~!J8

:ep!n5 S!LI~u! pesn SLldeJ50~OLld eLl~ o~ uo!~e!:JeJdde J!eLl~ sseJdxe SJoLl~ne eLll :s4deJ6otO4d JoJ tuawa6paIMOU>j:J'v'

s~u!od ~ueJ\eleJ eLl~ 5u!uJe:Juo:J


se) e/\Jn:> uo!~:>eJe~u! leu05/ilod

eLl~ 10 s~u!od uo!~:Je

3'a':)'8"v' S ~ e Ja4to

e:Jue~s!seJ e e/\Jn:J 5u!I>I:Jnq ueedoJn3 SUo!te~ou

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eLl~ 5u!uJe:>uo:J eLl~ 5u!uJe:Juo:J eLl~ 5u!uJe:Juo:J

z /i s :J e sa.?!pU! ~ 3 1.0 "( Ii r1 d X g ,t 9 >I

e~eJ:Juo:J eLl~ 5u!uJe:Juo:J

UO!~:Jes MOIIOLllee~s eLl~ 5u!uJe:Juo:J SJOI.?ej pue SIUa!.?!jjao.? l/1!M paU!qwo.? uwnl:J eLl~ 5uole e~eu!pJoo:J pe~eleJ

f.JoeLl~ JepJo puo:Jes eLl~ JOI ~ue!:Jijleo:J 5u!I>I:Jnq le:>OI JOI ~Ue!:Jijleo:J SSeJ~S JeeLlS SSeJ~S SSeUJepUelS eJ\!~eleJ ~UeWeuijuo:J JOI ~Ue!:J!lleo:J /i~!:Jede:J 5u!pueq pe~eleJ O!~eJ UO!~nq!J~uo:J ~uewe:JJOIU!eJ JO~:Jel UO!~:JnpeJ 5u!I>I:Jnq (O!~eJ UO!~nq!J~uo:J lee~S) Je~eweJed UO!~:Jes JO~:Jel /i~eles ~Ue!:J!lleo:> ~uewow f.JoeLl~ JepJO puo:Jes eLl~ o~ 5u!pJo:>:Je ~uewow JOI ~ue!:J!lleo:J SJot:JeJ pue Stua!:JIJJao:J


:(IOP e A"qpaleJedas aJe auo uel/l aJow) Sa!I!.?!Jlua.?:>a pue Sl//6ua/l/I!M pau!qwo:> sa.?!pu!
uwnl:> eLl~ 10 LI~5uel 5u!I>I:Jnq uwnl:J eLl~ 10 LI~5uel /i~!:J!J~ue:J:Je pue S4t6ual s >I J I e

salt!:JIJtua:J:Ja ~uewe:JJOlu!eJ

eLl~ 5u!uJe:Juo:J

enleJ\ :J!~s!Je~:JeJeLl:J

ComiteInternational Ie Developpement l'Etude pour et 8,50nstruction Tubuliare

International Committee for the Development and Study of Tubular Structures

CIDECT, foundet 1962 as an international association, joins together the research resources of major hollow steel section manufacturers to create a major force in the research and application of hollow steel sections worldwide.

The objectives

of CIDECT are:

0 to increase knowledge of hollow steel sections and their potential application by initiating and participating in appropriate researches and studies 0 to establish and maintain contacts and exchanges between the producers of the hollow steel sections and the ever increasing number of architects and engineers using hollow steel sections throughout the world. 0 to promote hollow steel section usage wherever this makes for good engineering practice and suitable architecture, in general by disseminating information, organizing congresses etc. 0 to co-operate with organizations concerned with practical design recommendations, regulations or standards at national and international level.



The technical activities of CIDECT have centred on the following research aspects of hollow steel design: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buckling behaviour of empty and concrete-filled columns Effective buckling lengths of members in trusses Fire resistance of concrete-filled columns Static strength of welded and bolted joints Fatigue resistance of joints Aerodynamic properties Bending strength Corrosion resistance Workshop fabrication

The results of CIDECT research form the basis of many national and international design requirements for hollow steel sections.

.uo!~ez!ue6Jo eLj~ !O 6u!uunJ /iep o~ /iep eLj~ JO! elq!suodseJ S!Jed U! ~e!Je~eJ:>es 0

>jJOM UO!~oWOJd le:>!uLj:>e~ pUB Lj:>JeeSeJ eLj~JO! elq!suodseJ /i1~:>eJ!p pUB Jee/i e e:>uo ~Seel ~e 6u!~eew sdnOJ9 6U!>jJOM pUB UO!SS!WWOO le:>!ULj:>e1 0 /i:>!IOd peLjS!qe~se !O 6u!~n:>exe pUB UO!~eJ~S!U!Wpe JO! elq!suodseJ ee~~!WWOO eA!~n:>ex3 ue 6U!~u!odde pUB Jee/i e e:>uo 6u!~eew sJeqwew lie !O /ilqwess'v' leJeue9 'v' 0 (spueIJeLj~eN eLj~) If!8 'l '0 :~uep!seJd-e:>!J\ (e:>ueJ::I) Je!ueqeLjO 'r :~uep!seJd :sas!Jdwo:J 1::>301::> Jo uo!~ez!ue6Jo

0 a41

.pesseJppe eq PlnoLjS suo!~:>es lee~s MOIIOLj 6u!sn u6!sep eLj~ JO >jJOM 103010 o~ 6u!~eleJ suo!~senb le:>!uLj:>e~ WOLjM o~ Moleq ueA!6 SJeq -wew lenp!A!pU! eLj~ WOJ! pau!e~qo eq ue:> suO!~e:>!lqnd eseLj~ !O selda:> 'Uo!~!ppe UI 'weLj~ o~ pe~eleJ se!6010ULj:>e~ uO!~e:>!ldde pUB spoLj~ew u6!sep eLj~ pUB SUo!~:>es lee~s MOIIOLj O~ pJe6eJ Lj~!M plJOM eLj~ ~nOLjDnOJLj~ peJ!nb:>e e6pelMou>j eLj~ !O e~e~s len~:>e eLj~ Du!~ueseJd /i~!unWWOO ueedoJn3 eLj~ !O d!Ljs -Josuods eLj~ Lj~!M peLjS!lqnd seM 'Ljs!ueds pUB uewJe9 'Lj:>ueJ::I 'LjS!IDU3 U! 103010 !O uo!~:>eJ!p eLj~ Jepun peJedeJd '"suo!~:>es lee~s MoiloH Lj~!M uo!~:>nJ~suoo" >jooq 'v' L .ON LjdeJ60uoVlj 'ON LjdeJ60uoVlj .0N LjdeJDOUOVlj "ON LjdeJDOUOVlj "ON LjdeJ60uoVlj

(9 '3) S~U!Or uo!~:>es MOIIOH !O JnO!AeLje8 en6!~e::l-uoO pepleM pepeol (3) suo!~:>es MoiloH leJn~:>nJ~S U! suo!~:>eu /ille:>!~e~s !O Jno!AeLje8 pUB Lj~DUeJ~SeLj1 -9 (::I) suwnioo (9 '::I '3) sJeqweVlj uo!~:>es MoiloH pell!!-e~eJ:>uoo -S JepJ!9 e:>!~~el !O SLj~DUel eA!~:>e!!3 -v

(9) seJn~:>nJ~S e:>!uel JO! speOIPU!M

'pe~e:>!pu! se uewJe9 pUB Lj:>ueJ::I 'LjS!16U3 U! elqel!eAe eJe eseLj1 .suo!~:>es lee~s MOl -loLj Lj~!M u6!sep !O s~:>edse SnO!JeA 6u!uJe:>uo:> sLjdeJ60uow !O Jeqwnu e peLjS!lqnd seLj103010 'e:>!Jd leU!WOU ~e puewep uo ~e!Je~eJ:>es le:>!uLj:>e1 eLj~ ~e elqel!eAe eJe Lj:>!LjM'sewweJ60Jd Lj:>JeeseJ peJosuods 103010 eLj~ !O s~odeJ leu!! eLj~ WOJ! ~ed'v' "S~lnSeJ Lj:>JeeseJ !O uo!~eu!wess!p eLj~ uo s!seLjdwe 6u!seeJ:>u! JeAe eLj~ s~:>el!eJ suO!~e:>!lqnd 103010 o~ 6u!~eleJ Uo!~en~!s ~ueJJn:> eLj1 suO!~e:J!lqnd .1::>301::>

.u6!sep 6U!AeS Jnoqel pUB le:>!wouo:>e 'le:>!~:>eJd Lj~!M peuJe:>uo:> /i1~:>eJ!peq II!M ~eLj~Du!uedo S! eseLjd /i.Je~uew -eldwo:> Meu e 'spee:>oJd S!Lj~ S'v' "Lj:>JeeseJ le~ueWepun! pe~eldwo:> eLj~ !O uo!~e~uew -eldw! pUB uo!~e~eJdJe~u! eLj~ pUB SUo!~:>es lee~s MOIIOLj !O JnO!AeLjeq leJn~:>nJ~s eLj~ DU!pJeDeJ e6pelMou>j eLj~ U! sde6 e4~ dn 6u!II!! ~e pew!e /i1!e!Lj:> S! >jJOM ~ueJJno aJn~nJ a4~ '.1::>301::>

Present members (1995) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

of CIDECT are:

British Steel PLC. United Kingdom EXMA, France ILVAForm, Italy IPSCO Inc., Canada Laminaciones de Lesaca S.A., Spain Laminoirs de Longtain, Belgium Mannesmannr6hren-Werke AG, Federal Republic of Germany Mannstadt Werke GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany Nippon Steel Metal Products Co. Ltd., Japan Rautaruukki Oy, Finland Sonnichsen AlS, Norway Tubemakers of Australia, Australia Tubeurop, France VOEST Alpine Krems, Austria

Cidect Research


can be obtained


Mr. E. Bollinger Office of the chairman of the CIDECT Technical Commission c/o Tubeurop France Immeuble Pacific TSA 20002 92070 La Defense Cedex Tel.: (33) 1/41258181 Fax: (33) 1/41258800 Mr. D. Dutta MarggrafstraBe 13 40878 Ratingen Germany Tel.: (49) 2102/842578 Fax: (49) 2102/842578

Care has been taken to ensure cal values are accurate. To the at the time of publication. CIDECT, its members and the tion of the information contained 68

that all data and information herein is factual and that numeribest of our knowledge, all information in this book is accurate authors assume no responsibility in this book or in its use. for errors or misinterpreta-

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