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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarenden Street, Oxford OX2 6DP (Oxford University Press isa department ofthe University of Oxford. Ie further the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Bucton Airs Cape Town Chena Dares Salaam Delhi Hong Keng Ianbul Karachi Kolkata ‘Koala Lampur Madhid Nelboarne Mexico City Mumbai Nakob ‘io Paulo Shasghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto (Oxford isa regstered trace mark of Oxford University Press {nthe UKaand in cerain ther counties ‘© stephen Pople 1989, ‘The mora rights of the athor have been asserted Database right Oxford Universcy Pres (maker) First published 1999 All ights reserved. No pat ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored {in aretrieval system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means, ‘without the pror permission in writing of Oxferd University Press, or as ‘expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriste reprographics rights organisation, Enquiries concerning reproduction ‘outside the scope ofthe above should be ent to the Rights Department. ‘Oxford University res, a the address above, ‘Yourmust not arcuate this book in any otter binding oF cover and you ‘must impose this same condition onany acquirer. Brith Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Dats avaiable Isp o19914738 5 BHR Ow Printed in Italy by Rotalito Lombardo, Milon ‘Awociate, p09 SPL iyo op) SPE} Bayes it gh) p263 Toy See, (p268 SID Parker p269 SPL p275 SPLM Bond. p276 SPL Nulvelill. p27 Sisiohorg Mossi, p79 Plmporit Collogep280 SFr, p2RS SPUNASA, [P87 S| Sanford, 247 SP/Rev k Royer, p290 S/NASA (et, SPU/L Psek (right), ‘291 SH rinse). SPUD Parker (right) p39 SPUtop). SPD Parker. (294 SH/T Hills, p295 SPLCelestal image Co, p296 SFU Dept ENE. {R297 le Oberoi, 298 SPUD Nm, p00 Do, WS Toy Stone |Wecichwast. pp306. 307 Alan Cash. p308 SPL p308 Sceace & Soci Picture near tps to pt SM Scenc Sct eure ir, [POLL SMNASA, p13 5 ‘Aditionl photography by Peter Could ‘Cover photo by A tj Verkaik/The Stock Market Inustrations by Jeff oseles, Roger Courthold, Mlk Ogden, Jeff Biwards, ‘Russell Waker. Clive Godver. amie Sneddon, and Tech Graphics ‘We regal o the flowing Examination Boards for ermision t we CSE cxtmiaton quetonrend pcmen ucstons )= 7pm. ‘Questions {incising all multiple choice questions attributed to EXAM) hive Been provided by London tsaminations a division of fecel Foundation. Edexcel Foundation, London [Examinations accepts no responsibilty whatseever fr the accuracy ce method 6 working inthe answers given. [MUEC: questions fom MEG reproduced by hind permision ofthe ‘Miglin Examising Group. The Midland Examining Group beats ‘no msponiibility forthe exanple anevers to questions taken from ts pest question papers which are contained in this CZontents Note: the Further Topics highlighted are not common to all syllabuses. Use the tick boxes Q to mark all material appropriate to the syllabus you are following. Measurements and Units 7 (2.4.01 Numbers and units 8 2.4.02 _A system of units 10 04,03 Volume and density 12 94.04 “Measuring volume and density 14 Examination Questions 16 Revision Checklist 16 ear OL Acai 22.01 Speed, velocity, and acceleration 18. 02.02 Motion graphs 20 (2.2.03 Equations of motion 22 0.2.04 Recording motion 24 2.05 Free fall (1) 26 2.06 Free fall (2) 28 2.2.07 Forces in balance 30 2.08 Force, mass, and acceleration 32 0.2.09 Force, weight, and gravity 34 012.10 Action and reaction 36 2.2.11 More abour wetors 38 0.2.12 Momentum (1) 40 0.2.13, Momentum (2) 42 0.2.14 Moving in circles 44 Examination Questions 46 Revision Checklist 48, ‘© OUP these contents pages may be photocopied solely by the purchaser’ institute 2.3.01 Forces and turning effects 302 2.3.03 Stretching and compressing 03.04 03.05 23.06 2307 2308 0309 0401 402 2403 0404 0405 2.4.06 Energy for electricity (1) 2.407 Energy for electricity (2) 408 2.4.09 How the world gets its energy 3410 aan Centre of gravity Pressure Pressure in liquids Hydraulic machines Pressure from the air Floating and sinking Fluid flow Examination Questions Revision Checklist ‘Work and energy Energy transformation Calculating PE and KE Friction and braking Efficiency and power ‘Energy resources ‘Machines (1) Machines (2) Examination Questions Revision Checklist 50 32 54 56 38 60 62 64 66 70 72 14 76 7 80 82 84 86 8g 92 94 96

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