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Amaris Sicklick Lewis Creative Writing The House on the Hill A long time ago there was a house

on a hill. It sat alone in the dark. Some said that that was where the rain came from. Some said it was the house of a murderer and some said it was abandoned. The chimney would let out black smoke in the winter and the grass would always be cut in the summer. The house received mail, mostly pop culture magazines, and occasionally a car would leave for a short while and then return without a sound, only a shadowy figure quickly walking to his home. It was a tidy estate; the only thing scary about it was its church like appearance. The town asked no questions yet silently wondered who lived in the house and why they stayed hidden. Far away from the town behind the doors of the house on the hill lived Rufus Rolums. He ate 3 squared meals a day and enjoyed knitting in his spare time. He cut the grass in the summer and his fireplace roared in the winter. He enjoyed reading pop culture magazines and he allowed himself rides to the grocery store that were in a far distant town. He awoke at a quarter past eight and ate a hardy breakfast before taking his daily shower. His shower was precisely ten minutes long and he would always stand in front of his mirror for exactly twenty minutes after. He parted his hair to the right and checked to make sure all of his organs were correctly placed. From what you have heard Im sure you assume that our story is simply of a regular man who is just a tad introverted. In fact our story is rather the opposite. Its, its, WHAT IS THAT?! The doctor shrieked in absolute terror. Doctor, whats wrong with my baby? The woman sat up in terror. Its, its horrible he spoke in terror. He turned the baby over to his mother. She fainted at the very sight of her new born baby boy. He was horrible, he was hideous, and he was alive. Maybe it was the chemical plant in their backyard? Was it the polluted drinking water? Oh god, why didnt they have water purifiers in the 50s! Well that was a little more dramatic but it did get the point across now, didnt it? Rufus was born Rufus Lionel Rolums the third at five minutes and thirty seconds past noon on December first nineteen fifty three. He was a small boy with curly brown locks and he was entirely see-through. Now his skin had not fully developed due to a contamination of drinking water causing it to be something of a translucent manner. His eyes would be closed yet you could still see his eyes, when he ran you saw the muscles, and when his heart pounded in his chest you watched it shake with each beat. He was terrifying and worst of all he was a burden. On December first nineteen fifty three at six past noon Rufus parents gave him away to an orphanage, never to see him again. Rufus was locked away in his own room in the orphanage, kept away from the other children. Aside from his exterior, Rufus was a delightful child. He went to bed when the he was told and he always cleaned up his toys. He kept his hair neat and his clothes were never wrinkled. Time passed and he had grown. He could no longer sleep in the small cot

he spent his childhood in. One day one of head mistresses came to his room and said in the most tender tone: Weve found you a new home dear Rufus was overjoyed. He thought hed finally been adopted! Of course hed never met the family but he was so glad to have been found one. He could barely sleep that night and when he arose the next day he was driven to the new home. Before he left he was instructed to put on a turtleneck sweater, gloves, a pair of long pants, high socks, boots, and a hat to almost entirely cover his head. Normally this would bother him but he was simply too excited. When he arrived at the house he noticed its size. It was the biggest house hed ever seen, it was the only house hed ever seen. He thanked the head mistress before almost leaping out. He rung the doorbell but there was no answer. When He turned away the cab was gone. He turned the knob and entered the house. It was the moment he stepped in that he realized that there was no family. No mom, no dad, no little dog named spot. The first night he spent there he cried. It is now approximately six years, five days, 4 hours, and 36 seconds since he set foot in the house. The walls were now covered with colorful paintings that he had made. Every inch of the home was spotless. It was his pride and joy and he found himself more in love with it than anything in the world. He finds himself seated in the plush purple chair in his living room by the cozy fire he had lit while reading one of his pop culture magazines. He has made a new life for himself and he was happy. It was at that moment that the knock came on his door. He rose from his spot and with curiosity on his face slowly walked and opened the door. He looked both left and write until he saw the letter. He closed the door and went back to his spot to read it. The note read: Dear Sir or Madame, I am sorry to inform you that your house has been scheduled to be demolished. We do assure you that a lovely mall will soon be built where your home once was! We do hope you find somewhere else to live. However please keep in mind that you must be out of the house by the fifth of January. Thank you for your cooperation! Sincerely, The Town of North Hateroth He felt his knees buckle in and a horrible pain grow in his gut. He lifted his shirt to check and make sure everything was in place. He was unfamiliar with this feeling. He wasangry. He didnt know the first thing about being angry. Hed felt sad a hundred even a thousand times but anger was an unknown emotion to him. He was unsure as to what to do. Where would he move? Who would possibly want to sell a home to a monster like him? He covered himself up and then got in his car. He drove for a long time. He needed to see the empty road ahead and he needed the fresh air to calm him down. After some time he forgot where he was or where he was going. He stopped his car on the side of the road. He let his head crash down on the steering wheel. What can I do? Where can I go? he mumbled. A knock came to his window. He immediately thought it was the cops and began to freak out. He never had gotten a license and the car he drove was mysteriously left in the

garage with red stains on the seats. He hesitantly looked to the window and saw a feminine figure. She let herself in his car. Thankfully he was completely covered. At approximately half past 8 Rufus fell in love. She said her name was Caroline Butterscotch and she wanted to see the world. Shed grown up in a small town just outside of Hateroth. She was born into a small family where she was the only child. He mother was a baker and her father was a scientist at a Cryopreservation lab. She had long brown hair and big blue eyes. Around her wrist was a bracelet that instructed that she was to be frozen upon her death. Her shirt was wrinkled and her skirt looked long unwashed. Everything about her was untamed, and when she opened her mouth, he fell head over heels. Are you alright? she chimed almost musically. He could feel the blush in his cheeks and his heart pounding in his chest. Im fine, how can I help you? Would you adventure with me? she asked eyes a shine with drops of moonlight. You dont even know my name I dont need to. I already see your soul she softly pressed her hand to the center of his chest. He was overjoyed. Her, a beautiful young lady, was touching him. She loved him for who he was. He was smiling under the thick scarf around his face. Youre beautiful he said muffled by the scarf slightly. Why dont you take that off silly! she teased and pulled at the scarf over his mouth. Her face contorted in horror upon seeing his face. He watched as the color drained from her cheeks and she began struggling to leave his vehicles. After being in love with Caroline for approximately five minutes and forty-three seconds he fell right out. She struggled with the door for a few more moments before being able to get out. She screamed as she ran: Monster! Theres a monster in that car! He sighed and turned the key in the ignition. He turned his car around and began driving back home. Everything became very clear to him now. He knew what to do to keep his house. He pulled up the driveway to his home. He walked up the stairs and through the big doors. He took a broom from the closet and calmly swept the floor. His eyes appeared to be full of tears as he tidied his abode. The house was his mother, his father, his wife. He loved the house and the house loved him. He glided his hand along the railing of the stairs as he descended to his room. He made his bed, he folded his clothes and he sat on his bed fully exposed. He sat and stared at himself in the mirror. He watched the blood flow through his veins. He watched his eyes flutter open and closed and he watched his heart beat fervently in his chest. He opened the bedside table and began writing on a piece of paper. The note he wrote wasnt long but it was well written. Folded it over once and rose from his bed. He felt cold. As he walked across his room he grabbed a chair and from the drawer beside his bed he grabbed a rope. He stood on the chair and cast the rope from the ceiling fan. He let his head slide through the tight noose he had been practicing to tie. He was still staring in the mirror. He wanted to watch it happen. He wanted his last few moments to be spent being able to

watch the life drain from his body. He took a deep breath and watched his lungs expand. As he let it out he kicked the chair from beneath him. It took a few moments before his neck was snapped. He watched himself kick, he watched his heart pound to live while he wanted to extinguish its life. When his neck had snapped you could see it all. The mirror watched as his heart slowed and finally ceased its beating. His body beginning to grey. After twenty-five years, five days, six hours, and thirty seconds of life Rufus Lionel Rolums the Third died. Time passed and his body rotted. The translucent skin now began to slide off his body. His heart was now as cold as everyone assumed it was. He was now loved only by the flies that ate at his corpse. The fifth of January came and inspectors entered the house to make sure it was empty before it was demolished. The town stood outside, staring and waiting to see who lived in the house. The crew left barged out of the home in disgust. The town watched as they puked their guts on to the porch. The mayor stood before them and said that he would take care of this matter. He entered the house. The once tidy home was now covered in dust. There was no light and all of the windows were covered with heavy drapes. No light at all. He walked cautiously up the stairs and could not help but be terrified as to what he might find. When he got to the top of the stairs he saw one door open at the end of the hall. He walked even slower but he eventually go to the doorway. His jaw dropped at the sight. Flies covered the room the decomposing body smell seeping into his nostrils. The sight was horrifying. His eyes stung but caught glance of a folded note on the bedside table. He quickly grabbed it and stumbled out of the room. Thirty days, four hours, twelve minutes and forty-five minutes after the note was written it was read to the general public. The mayor descended the steps and opened the letter gently. He read: Dear whoever finds this note, I hope I go to heaven. I read that those who kill themselves dont go to heaven but I hope they let me in. Anyway, Hello my name is Rufus. Im twenty-five years old and this is my suicide note. Ive grown sick and tired of people calling me a monster. I didnt ask to look like this. I read magazines like you do, I get up at the same time everyday, and I make sure my home is spotlessly clean. Who are you to judge me on my appearance! What does appearance even matter anyway? Im gone now though. Im not coming back so you dont have to listen to what I say but if you can, could you do me just this one favor? Dont let them take my home. Its the only thing that I have to be proud of. My home is the only thing that was always there for me. Please dont take that away from me. Well I think thats all I have to say. Goodbye. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Rufus Lionel Rolums the Third As the mayor finished his reading the crowd stood in awe. They could not believe what they had just heard. The crowd dispersed to their separate homes and the mayor stood before the house. He was almost sorry for what would happen next. On Jauary 5th 1977, at half past 6 the house was torn down and with it the kindest soul to walk the earth.

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