Traditional Teaching Strategies

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Adlon L.


TRADITIONAL TEACHING STRATEGIES A. LECTURE o Lecturing is a highly structured method where the teacher acts as the resource person and transmitter of knowledge or information to learners. o Very effective to impart knowledge in the lower level of cognitive domain. o Purposes of the lecture method 1. An efficient means to introduce learners to new topics and placing the topic into perspective of what is already known 2. Stimulate students interest in a topic by pointing out how the facts apply to the lives or work of students 3. Can inspire people to apply the information that were conveyed in the lecture 4. Can clarify difficult graphics, charts, audio visuals o Advantages of the lecture method 1. Economical 2. Helps students develop their listening skills o Important points express concepts in the simplest possible way begin lecture by arousing students interest follow a prepared outline observe good personal interpersonal relationship with your students use different methods to prevent boredom conclude link new knowledge to past knowledge

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B. DISCUSSION o Purposes 1. To give learners the chance to apply the principles and concepts of previously introduced body of knowledge and to transfer his knowledge to new situations 2. To clarify information and concepts in the discussion with explanations from the instructor o What to avoid 1. The rapid reward 2. Non-specific feedback questions

C. QUESTIONING o Questioning is what teachers need to give and what they need to ask form an important facet of teaching strategies o A situation where the teacher is probing or inquiring the student as a feedback mechanism to find out if they have already grasped or understood the lesson or the matter being discussed D. USING AUDIOVISUALS o Can greatly enhance teaching and stimulate the students interest and participation o This includes handouts, chalkboards or whiteboards, illustrations

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