KLCE ECE 2nd Year Autonomous)

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EC 211


UNIT I: Fourier series: Introduction, Eulers Formulae, Conditions for a Fourier series change of interval, Odd and even functions, expansions of odd and even functions, Half range series, Parse Vals formulae, complex form of Fourier series, Harmonic analysis. (14) UNIT II: Integral Transforms: Definition, Fourier Integrals, Fourier sine and cosine integrals, complex form of Fourier integrals, Fourier Transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Finite Fourier sine and cosine, Transforms, Fourier transforms of derivatives of a function. (12) UNIT III: Numerical differentiation: Finding out first and second order differentials using Newtons Formulae. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rule, Gauss quadrature formula. Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations, Eulers method, modified Eulers method, Runge-Kutta method of 4th order. (12) UNIT IV: Taylors series: method of solving ordinary differential equations, Picards method, Boundary value problems, Solutions of Laplaces and poissions equations by integration methods. (10) UNIT V: Set theory, set operations, Theorems functions, Relations, Properties of relations, Equivalence Relations, Venn diagrams, Inverse of a function. Groups. (12) TEXT BOOKS 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Jon Wiley. 2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 36th edition by Dr.B.S.Grewal, Khanna Publication 3. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis by Rajaraman, Pearson education REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Engineering Mathematics, 5th edition by M.K.Venkata Raman, The National Publishing Company. 2. Numerical Methods, M.K. Jain and SRK Iyengar, John Wiley



Unit I Electron Dynamics: Motion of a charged particles in electric field, electrostatic deflection in a CRT, motion of charged particles in magnetic field, magnetic deflection in a CRT, electrostatic and magnetic focusing, principles of CRT Conduction in semiconductors: conductivity of a semiconductor, carrier concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor, Fermi-level in an intrinsic semiconductor, law of mass action, Donor and acceptor impurities, charge densities in a semiconductors, Fermi level in a semiconductor having impurities, diffusion. Unit II Semiconductor Diodes: Quantitative theory of P-N junction diode, V-I characteristics and its temperature dependence, transition and diffusion capacitances of P-N junction diode, breakdown of junctions under reverse bias. Avalanche diode, Zener diode, Varactor diode, Tunnel diode, LED and LCD, Characteristics and areas of applications . Unit III Junction Transistor: NPN and PNP junction transistors, transistor current components, transistor as an amplifier, CB,CE and CC configurations and their characteristics, DC bias and its stabilization, various stabilization and compensation circuits, thermal runaway and thermal stability, Hybrid parameter model of transistor. Unit - IV Uni-polar Devices: JFET, depletion MOSFET and enhancement MOSFET: basic construction, operation, drain and transfer characteristics FET parameters - rd , gm, ; biasing methods, FET low frequency model. UJT: Basic construction, electrical equivalent circuit and operation, emitter characteristics. Unit V Power Devices: SCR two transistor analogy and characteristics, Rectifiers: Diode as a Rectifier, Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifiers without filter and with inductor filter, Capacitor filter, L section and section filters. Regulators: Series and Shunt voltage regulators. TEXT BOOKS 1. Jacob Millman and Christos.C Halkias, Electronic Devices and circuits, TMH 2002. 2. Robert L Boylested and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 8th Edition PHI 2002. 3. G.S.N.Raju, Electronic Devices and circuits, IK International-2006. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. David A Bell, Electronic Devices and circuits, 4th Edition, PHI 2003. 2. Balbir Kumar & Shail B.Jain, Electronic Devices And Circuits,PHI-2007. 3. Jacob Millman,Christos C Halkias, Satya Bratha Jit, Electronic Devices And Circuits,2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill-2007 4. Jimmie J cathey, Electronics Devices and Circuits, 2nd Edition, TMH




Network functions for the one port and two port, Poles and Zeros, Poles and zeros of network functions, Restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving point functions and transfer functions, Time domain behavior from the pole zero plot.


Two port network, Open circuit impedance, Short circuit admittance (Y), Transmission, Inverse transmission, Hybrid and inverse hybrid parameters, Relation between parameter sets, Interconnection of two port networks, Lattice networks, Image parameters.


Characteristic impedance of symmetrical networks, Properties of symmetrical networks, Filter fundamentals, Pass and stop bands, Characteristic impedance, Constant K low pass filter, Constant K high pass filter, m - derived T section, m - derived Section, Variation of characteristic impedance over the pass band, Termination with m-derived half section, Band pass filters, Filter circuit design, Filter performance, Composite filters.

Symmetrical and Asymmetrical attenuators, T-type attenuator, -type attenuator, Lattice attenuator, Bridged T attenuator, L-type attenuator. EQUALIZERS: Equalizer configuration, Inverse network, Two terminal equalizer, Constant resistance equalizer, Full series equalizer, Full shunt equalizer, Bridged T equalizer, Lattice equalizer.


Positive real functions, Reactance functions, RC and RL functions, Two Port functions, Minimum Phase Network, FOSTER and CAUER methods of Synthesis. TEXT BOOKS:

1. John D Ryder, Networks, Lines And Fields, 2nd Edition, Pearson , 2003.
2.Vasudev K Aatre, Network Theory And Filter Design, 2nd Edition, Wiley East 2002 REFERENCES: 1.M. E. Vanvalkenburg, Network Analysis, 3rd Edition Pearson Education, 2003 2. A.P.Godse & U.A.Bakshi Network Analysis Technical Publishers. 3.K.M.Sooni,Circuits & Systems,Katson publishers.

EC 214 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY & TRANSMISSION LINES UNIT I: Electrostatics Introduction: Applications of electrostatic fields, Different types of charge distributions, Coulombs law, Limitation of coulombs law, Electric field strength due to point charge, Salient features of electric intensity, Electric field due to line charge density, Electric field strength due to an infinite line charge ,Field due to surface charge density, Field due to volume charge density, Potential, Potential at a point, Potential difference, Salient features of potential difference, Potential gradient ,Salient features of Potential gradient, Equipotential surface, potential due to electric dipole, Electric field due to dipole, Electric flux, salient features of electric flux, Faradays experiment to define flux, Electric flux density, salient features of electric flux density, Gausss law and applications, proof of Gausss law, Gausss law in point form, Divergence of a vector, Applications of Gausss law, Limitations of Gausss law, salient features of Gausss law, Poissons and Laplaces equations, Applications of Poissons and Laplaces equations, uniqueness theorem, Boundary conditions on E and D, proof of boundary conditions, conductors in electric field, properties of conductors, Electric current, current densities, Equation of continuity, Relaxation time, Relation between current density and volume charge density, Dielectric materials in electric field, properties of dielectric materials, Dipole moment, polarization, Capacitance of different configurations, Energy stored in an electrostic field, Energy in a capacitor. UNIT - II: Steady Magnetic Fields Introduction: Applications of magneto-static fields, Fundamentals of steady magnetic fields, Faradays law of induction, Magnetic flux density, Amperes law for current, element of Biot-Savart law, Field due to infinitely long current element, Field due to a finite current element, Amperes work law or Amperes circuit law, Differential form Stokes theorem, Force on a moving charge due to electric and magnetic fields, Applications of Lorentz force equation, Force on a current element in a magnetic field, Amperes force law, Boundary conditions on H and B, scalar magnetic potentials, vector magnetic potentials, Force and torque on a loop or coil, Meterials in magnetic fields, Magnetization in materials, Inductance, Standard inductance configurations, Energy density in a magnetic field, Energy stored in inductor, expression for inductance L in terms of fundamental parameters, Mutual inductance, Comparison between electric and magnetic fields/circuits/parameters. Maxwells Equations Introduction, Equation of continuity for time varying fields, Maxwells equations for time varying fields, meaning of Maxwells equations, Conversion of differential form of Maxwells equation to integral form, Maxwells equations for static fields, Characteristics of free space, Maxwells equations for free space, Maxwells equations for static fields in free space, proof of Maxwells equations, Sinusoidal time varying fields, Maxwells equations in phasor form, influence of the medium on, he fields, types of media, summary of Maxwells equations for different cases, Boundary conditions, proof of boundary conditions on E,D,H and B complete, Boundary conditions in scalar form, Boundary conditions in vector form, Time varying potentials, Retorted potentials, Maxwells equations approach to relate potentials, fields and their sources, Helmoltz theorem, Lorentz gauge condition.

UNIT III: Electro-magnetic Waves: Introduction, Applications of EM waves, Wave equations in free space, Wave equations in free space, Wave equations for a conducting medium, Uniform plane Wave equation, General solutions of uniform plane Wave equations, Relation between E and H in a uniform plane wave, Proof of E and H wave are perpendicular to each other, Wave equations in phasor form, Wave propagation in a lossless medium, propagation characteristics of EM waves in a free space, propagation characteristics of EM waves in a conducting medium, Conductors and Dielectrics, wave propagation characteristics in good conductors, summary of the propagation characteristics in good conductors, Depth of penetration, polarization of a wave, Sources of different polarized EM waves, Direction cosines of a vector field, waves on a perfect conductor-normal incidence, waves on dielectric, Brewster Angle, Total internal reflection, Surface impedance, Poynting vector and flow of power, Complex Poynting vector. UNIT IV: Guided Waves: Introduction: Waves between parallel plates, Derivation of field equations between parallel plates and propagation parameters, Field components for TE waves (Ez=0), Field components of TM waves (Hz = 0),Propagation parameters of TE and TM waves, Guide wavelength, Transverse electromagnetic wave(TEM wave),Velocities of propagation, Attenuation in parallel plane guides, Wave impedances, Waves in rectangular wave guides, Derivation of field equations in rectangular hollow wave guides, propagation parameters of TE and TM waves in rectangular waveguides, TEM does not exist in wave guides, excitation methods for different TE and TM modes, Evanescent wave or mode, wave impedance in wave guide, power transmitted in a lossless waveguide, Waveguide resonators, salient features of cavity resonators, circular wave guides, salient features of circular waveguides. UNIT V: Transmission lines: Types of transmission lines, Applications transmission lines, Equivalent circuit of a pair of transmission lines, Primary constants, Transmission line equations, Secondary constants, Lossless transmission lines, Distortionless line, Phase and Group velocities, loading of lines, Input impedance of transmission line, RF lines, Relation between reflection coefficient, load and characteristic impedance, Relation between reflection coefficient and voltage standing wave ratio(VSWR0,Lines of different lengths-/8, /4, /2 lines, Losses in transmission lines, Smith chart and applications, stubs, Double stubs. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Electromagnetic field Theory and Transmission lines, G.S.N Raju, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2005. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Engineering Electromagnetics, W.H.Hayt Jr., McGraw Hill-New York. 2.EM Waves and Radiating Systems, E.C.Jordan,PHI,1997. 3.Electromagnetics with Applications, Kraus and Fleisch ,McGraw Hill,1999. 4.Time Harmonic EM Fields, R.F. Harington, McGraw Hill.

EC 215



Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Number systems and their conversions, Signed binary numbers, Binary Arithmetic additions, subtraction using the method of complements, Binary Codes: BCD, Excess 3, Gray, Alphanumeric and Error detection codes, Error Detection and Correction using Hamming Code, Boolean postulates and laws Demorgans theorem, principle of Duality, types of Boolean expression (SOP, POS), canonical forms and their conversions, max term and min term designation, Minimization using K-map (up to 4 variables) including dont care conditions.
UNIT II:Logic Gates:

AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR gates, and their implementation using NAND and NOR gates, two level and multi level NAND and NOR implementations. Logic Families: Classification and characteristics of logic families, RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, IIL, MOS and C-MOS logic families and their comparison.
UNIT III: COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUITS: General design procedure for

Combinational logic circuits, Design and applications of Binary Adders and Subtractors, Comparators, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, Design of BCD to 7 Segment Decoder, Code converters, Sequence Generator, Parity Generator and Checker, BCD Adder / Subtractor, Carry look ahead adders, Programmable logic devices, PLA and PAL.

Slave their characteristic equation, characteristic and excitation table, conversion of flip flops, Edge triggering and level triggering, Register shift register universal shift register, Asynchronous / ripple up / down counter, mod counters, State table and State diagrams for Flip-Flops, Analysis and Synthesis of Sequential Circuits, Sequence Detector.
UNIT V: Memories Devices:

Classification of memories RAM organization - write operation- read operation- Memory cycle- Timing wave forms Memory decoding Memory expansion Static RAM cell Dynamic RAM Cell- ROM organization, PROM EPROM EEPROM EAPROM.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. M Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, PHI, 2003.

2. RP Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 3rd Edition, TMH, 2003 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Zvi Kohavi, Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 2nd Edition, TMH, 1978. 2. Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 9th Edition. 3. Roger L tokheim, Theory and problems of digital principles, 3rd Edition, TMH.



UNIT I:LINKED LISTS: List operations and their implementation using arrays, Linked list operations and their implementations, Single linked, Double linked and Circular linked lists. UNIT II:STACKS: Logical operations on stack, Stack implementations with arrays and linked lists, Stack applications. QUEUES: Queue operations, Queue implementation with arrays and linked lists, Queue applications. TREES: Logical operations on Trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Binary Search Tree ADT, AVL - Tree, B - Tree and application. UNIT III:RECURSION: Introduction, Implementation of recursion. SORTING METHODS: Selection sort, Insertion sort, Bubble sort, Shell sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap sort, Hash sort, Radix sort, Bucket sort and their implementations. SEARCHING METHODS: Linear Search, Binary Search, Hashing methods and applications. UNIT IV PRINCIPLES OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: Concepts, benefits of OOPS, Object oriented Languages, Applications of OOP, Introduction to C++, C++ Statements, Creating the source file, Compiling and linking TOKENS, EXPRESSIONS AND CONTROL STRUCTURES Introduction, Tokens, Keywords, Basic Data Types, User defined data types, Derived data types, Declaration of variables, Operators in C++, Types, Scope resolution operator, Member de-referencing operator, Memory management operator, Type cast operator UNIT - V FUNCTIONS Main function, Function prototyping, Call by reference, Return by reference, Inline function, Function Overloading, Friend and Virtual functions. CLASSES AND OBJECTS: Specifying a class, Defining member functions, Memory allocation for objects, Friendly functions, Pointer to members, Polymorphism (Function and Operator), Constructors and Destructors TEXT BOOKS 1. Markallen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, The Benjamin & Cummings, Addison Wesley, 1997. 2 E.Balaguruswamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2nd Ed, TMH, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.S Tanenbaum, Data Structures Using C, Pearson Education, 1992. 2.Object Oriented programming with C++ by Stroutstroub.

EC 231


Experiments Based on Electronic Devices 1. Characteristics of PN Junction Diode 2. Characteristics of Zener Diode. 3. Verification of Half wave rectifier with out and with capacitor filter. 4. Verification of Full wave rectifier with out and with capacitor filter 5. Verification of Bridge rectifier with out and with capacitor filter 6. Characteristics of Transistor in Common Base Configuration. 7. Characteristics of Transistor in Common Emitter Configuration. 8. Characteristics of Transistor in common collector configuration. 9. Verification of Transistor Self-Bias Circuit. 10. Characteristics of Junction Field Effect Transistor 11. Characteristics of Unijunction Transistor. 12. Characteristics of Silicon Controlled Rectifier. 13. Transistor as switch 14. dTransistor as an amplifier.

EC 232


1. Realisation of Gates using Universal Building Block. 2. Design of Combinational Logic Circuits like Half-adder, Full-adder, Half-subtractor and Full-subtractor. 3. Design of single bit and two bit comparator 4. Design of Code Converters 5. Multiplexers & Demultiplexer 6. Design of Decoders. 7. Verification of Truth Table of Flip-Flops using Gates. 8. Design of Shift Register, Ring Counter and Johnson Counter (To verify serial to parallel, parallel to serial, serial to serial and parallel to parallel Converters) using flip-flops. 9. Design of Asynchronous Counter, Mod Counter, Down Counter & Up/Down counters using flip-flops. 10. Design of Synchronous Counter, Mod Counter, down counter & Up/Down counter using flip-flops. 11. Design of Sequence Generator using Shift Registers and Multiplexers.

EC 233


1. Linear list-Three programs. 2. Linear and Binary search. 3. Stacks Basic Operations (push, pop, peep) 4. Stack application in recursion 5. Queues basic operations (enqueue, dequeue) 6. Single Linked Lists operations (insertion, deletion, sorting) 7. Circular linked list 8. Double Linked Lists operations (insertion, deletion, sorting) 9. Heap - One program. 10. Quick Sort Programme 11. Radix Sort 12. Merge Sort 13. Binary Sort 14. Tree Traversal 15. Insertion Sort and Selection Sort



Complex Analysis: Introduction, Continuity, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, Harmonic function, Orthogonal systems. UNIT II Complex integration, Cauchys integral theorem, Cauchys integral formula, Poissons integral formula. UNIT III Taylors series, Laurents series, Zeros and singularities, Residue theorem, Calculation of Residues. UNIT IV Evaluation of real definite integrals (by applying the residue theorem), Series solutions of differential equations; Introduction, series solution, validity of series solution, general method (Frobenius method), forms of series solution. UNIT V Series solution of Bessels and Legendres equation, Recurrence formulae, generating functions, Rodrigues formula, Orthogonality of Bessels functions and legendre polynomials. TEXT BOOKS: 1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 36th edition, Khanna Publishers, 2. Erwin Krayazig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, New Age International (P) Ltd., Wisely Eastern Ltd. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. B.V.Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, TMH-2007.



UNIT I PROBABILITY: Probability introduced trough sets and relative frequency: Experiments and sample spaces, discrete and continuous sample spaces, Events, Probability Definitions and Axioms, Mathematical Model of Experiments, Probability as a Relative Frequency, Joint Probability, Conditional Probability, Total probability, Bayes Theorem, Independent events: Two events, Multiple events, Combined sample space, Events on the combined space, Probabilities, Permutations, Combinations, Bernoullitrials. UNIT II RANDOM VARIABLES: Definition of Random Variable, Probability of Distribution Function, Probability Density Function(PDF), Conditional and Joint Distribution and Densities, Functions of Random Variables, Determining the pdf of Y = g(X), Expected value of a Random Variable, Conditional Expectations, Moments, Joint Moment, Binomal, Poisson, Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential, Rayleigh distribution and density functions. UNIT III RANDOM PROCESS: Introduction, Mathematical definition of a Random Process, Stationary Processes, Mean, Correlation, and Covariance Functions, Ergodic Processes, Transmission of a Random Process through a Linear Time-invariant Filter. UNIT IV NOISE: Noise Sources, Thermal Noise, Noise power spectral density, Noise temperature, Available noise power and available noise power density, available noise bandwidth, Noise figure, Effective input noise temperature, Noise figure of cascaded systems. Narrow band noise, Quadrature representation of narrow band noise. RANDOM PROCESS SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS The power Spectrum: Properties, Relationship between power spectrum and auto correlation function, The cross power density spectrum, Properties, Relationship between cross power spectrum and cross correlation function, Power spectrums for discrete time process and sequences UNIT-V INFORMATION THEORY: Uncertainty, Information, Entropy, Source Coding Theorem, Data Compaction, Discrete Memory-less channels, Mutual information, Channel capacity, Channel-Coding Theorem, Differential Entropy and Mutual information for continuous Ensemble, Information capacity theorem, Implications of the information capacity theorem, Information capacity of colored Noise channel, Rate Distortion theory, Data Compression.

TEXT BOOKS 1. Peyton Z.Peebles Jr, Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal

Principles, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2. Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai, Probability, Random

Variables and Stochastic Processes, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill. REFERENCES 1. Probability, Random variables and Random process- Hwei Hse, Schaums Outline, Mc Graw-Hill. 2. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 3. B.P.Lathi, Communication Systems, S K Kataria and Sons. 4. Seymour Lipschutz, Theory and Problems of Probability, John Wiley and Sons



Unit I Transistor at High Frequencies: Hybrid model of transistor, CE short circuit gain, CE current gain with Resistive load, Single stage CE amplifier response, Gain Bandwidth product, Emitter follower at high frequencies Multistage Amplifiers: Distortion in amplifiers, Frequency response of an amplifier, Band pass of cascaded stage Interaction and Non-interacting, RC coupled amplifier, direct coupled amplifier, Effect of emitter bypass capacitor on overall response Unit II LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS: Classification Design and analysis of DirectCoupled Class A, Transformer Coupled Class A, Class B, Push-Pull, Direct Coupled Push-Pull, Complementary Symmetry Push-Pull, Class C power amplifiers, Harmonic distortion in amplifiers, Phase inverter circuits for power amplifiers, Temperature considerations, class D and Class S amplifiers. Unit III FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS: Block Diagram, Loop gain, gain with feedback, De-sensitivity of gain, Distortion and Cutoff frequencies with feedback, Four basic feedback topologies and the type of gain stabilized by each type of feedback. Input and Output resistances with feedback. method of identifying topology, Analysis of feedback amplifiers, Nyquist criterion for stability of feedback amplifiers. Unit IV TUNED AMPLIFIERS: Classification, Analysis-Single tuned amplifier, Tuned primary, tuned secondary FET amplifier, Double tuned amplifier, Synchronous and Stagger tuned amplifiers. Instability of tuned amplifiers, Stabilization techniques, Narrow band neutralization using coils, Broad banding using Hazeltine neutralization, Class C amplifier-applications, efficiency Unit V OSCILLATORS: Barkhausen criterion, RC Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Analysis of LC Oscillators, Colpitts, Hartley, Clapp, Miller, and Pierce oscillators, Frequency range of LC and RC oscillators, Quartz crystal construction, electrical equivalent of crystal, crystal oscillator circuits. TEXT BOOKS Jacob Milliman and Christos C Halkias, Electronic Devices and circuits, TMH 2002. Jacob Milliman and Christos C Halkias, Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems, TMH, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Donald L. Schilling and Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated, 3rd Edition, TMH, 2002. 2. Theodore F Bogart Jr., Jeffery S Beasley and Guillermo Rico, Electronic Devices and circuits, 6th Edition, Pearson Education 2004 3. Jimmie J cathey, Electronics Devices and Circuits, 2nd Edition, TMH

EC 224


UNIT I INTRODUCTION Control system terminology, example of simple control systems, open loop and closed loop control systems, effect of feed back on over all gain, stability, sensitivity, external noise, types of feedback control systems-linear time invariant and time varying, non linear, discrete data. MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: Formulation of differential equations for electrical, mechanical and electromechanical systems, analogous systems, transfer functions of open and closed loop systems, poles and zeros, block diagram representation of control systems, block diagram algebra, signal flow graph, Masons gain formula. UNIT II TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS Standard test signals step, ramp, parabolic and impulse: impulse response function, characteristic polynomial and characteristic equation of feed back systems, transient response of first order and second order systems to standard test signals, time domain specifications, steady state response steady state error and error constants; Introduction to P, PI, PID controllers. UNIT III STABILITY ANALYSIS IN THE COMPLEX PLANE Absolute, relative, conditional, bounded input bounded output, zero input stability, conditions for stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, dominant poles of trasfer function. ROOT LOCUS TECHNIQUE The root locus concept, basic properties, magnitude and angle conditions, properties and construction of the complex root loci, root sensitivity, effects of adding poles and zeros to G(s) H(s) on the root loci, root contours multi parameter variation.

FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS & DESIGN Introduction, typical frequency response plots of ideal low pass and high pass filters, frequency domain specifications, correlation between time and frequency response, polar (Nyquist) plot, Bode plot, magnitude vs phase plot, Determination of frequency domain specifications and transfer function from Bode diagram; phase margin and gain margin; stabillity analysis from Bode plots. Nyquist stability criterion, effect of adding poles & zeros to G(s) H(s) on the shape of polar plots, constant M and N circles, Nichols chart. Preliminary design considerations Introduction to lead, lead lag compensation techniques. UNIT V STATE SPACE ANALYSIS Concept of State, State variables, Phase Variables, Canonical variables, State vector, input vector, output vector, Development of State models for simple systems, Solution of State equation, the state transition matrix and its properties, Characteristic equation and transfer

function from state models, Eigen values, Eigen vectors. Diagonalization; transformation to phase variable canonical form, diagonal canonical form, Jordan canonical form. Concepts of controllability and observability.

TEXT BOOKS 1. B.C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Pearson Education. 2. IJ Nagrath & M Gopal, Control Systems: Principles a Design, 2nd Edition New Age International publication. 3. K Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Education. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Schaum Series, Feedback and Control Systems, TMH 2. M Gopal, Control Systems Principles and design, New Age International publication.

EC 225


UNIT I REPRESENTATION OF SIGNALS Continuous and discrete time signals: Classification of Signals Periodic aperiodic even odd energy and power signals Deterministic and random signals complex exponential and sinusoidal signals periodicity properties of discrete time complex exponential unit impulse unit step impulse functions Transformation in independent variable of signals: time scaling, time shifting. Determination of Fourier series representation of continuous time and discrete time periodic signals Explanation of properties of continuous time and discrete time Fourier series UNIT II ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Continuous time Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform analysis with examples properties of the Continuous time Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform basic properties, Parsevals relation, and convolution in time and frequency domains. Basic properties of continuous time systems: Linearity, Causality, time invariance, stability, magnitude and Phase representations of frequency response of LTI systems -Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Laplace transform: Computation of impulse response and transfer function using Laplace Transform. UNIT III SAMPLING THEOREM AND z-TRANSFORMS Representation of continuous time signals by its sample - Sampling theorem Reconstruction of a Signal from its samples, aliasing discrete time processing of continuous time signals, sampling of band pass signals Basic principles of z-transform - z-transform definition region of convergence properties of ROC Properties of z-transform Poles and Zeros inverse z-transform using Contour integration - Residue Theorem, Power Series expansion and Partial fraction expansion, Relationship between z-transform and Fourier transform.

DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS Computation of Impulse & response & Transfer function using Z Transform. DTFT Properties and examples LTI-DT systems -Characterization using difference equation Block diagram representation Properties of convolution and the interconnection of LTI Systems Causality and stability of LTI Systems. UNIT V SYSTEMS WITH FINITE AND INFINITE DURATION IMPULSE RESPONSE Systems with finite duration and infinite duration impulse response recursive and nonrecursive discrete time system realization structures direct form I, direct form II, Transpose, cascade and parallel forms.


1. 3.

Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley, 1999 B.P.Lathi ,Signals ,Systems and communications,BSP,2003. Alan V.Oppenheim, Alan S.Willsky with S.Hamid Nawab, Signals & Systems, 2nd Edition., Pearson Education, 1997.

REFERENCES 1. John G.Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, 2000. 2. Moman .H. Hays, Digital Signal Processing , Schaums outlines, Tata McGraw- Hill Co Ltd., 2004



DC MACHINES: Construction, Principle and operation of DC generator, EMF equation, Methods of excitation, DC motor principle, Back EMF, Torque equation, Load characteristics of DC shunt, series and compound generators, Motors, Losses and Efficiency, Applications of speed control, Swinburnes test, Three-point starter.

TRANSFORMERS: Principle, Operation on load and no load, Phasor diagrams, Equivalent circuit, Regulation, Losses and Efficiency, OC and SC tests, Auto transformers, Elementary treatment of 3 phase transformer connections, Star/star, Delta/star connections.

POLYPHASE CIRCUITS: Polyphase system, Advantages of three phase system, Generation of three phase voltages, Phase sequence, interconnection of 3 phase sources and loads, Star to Delta and Delta to star transformation, Voltage, Current and Power in Star and Delta connected Systems, 3 phase Balanced Circuits, Power measurement in 3 phase circuits.

THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Construction, Rotating magnetic field, Principle of operation of Induction Motors, Torque equation, Torque-slip characteristics, Types of starters. SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Construction, Starting methods, Fractional Horse Power motors for tape recorders and teleprinters. STEPPER MOTORS: Principle, Construction, Working and different types UNIT V SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES Principle and constructional features of an alternator, EMF equation, Synchronous impedance method, Synchronous motors, Principle of operation, Methods of starting and applications. TEXT BOOKS 1. Edward Hughes Electrical Technology, 6th Edition, Longman Group, 1987. 2. B.L Theraja, A Text Book of Electrical Technology, S Chand Publications, 1995. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. H Cotton Advanced Electrical Technology, AH Wheeler & Co., 1990.

2. P K Mukerjee and S Chakravorti, Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Roi and Sons Publication.



Design and Simulation using Multisim / Pspice / Lab view simulation Software. 1. Frequency Response of CE Amplifier 2. Frequency Response of CS Amplifier 3. Analysis of small signal parameters models. 4. Analysis and frequency response of two stage CE amplifier 5. Verification of Half-wave and Full-wave rectifier Testing in the Hardware Laboratory 6. Frequency Response of CE Amplifier 7. Verification of Half-wave and Full-wave rectifier 8. Constant K Low-Pass and High-Pass Filter 9. Constant K Band-Pass and Band-Elimination Filters 10. M-Derived Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters 11. T And Attenuators 12. Measurement of Impedance, Admittance and Transmission Parameters

EC242 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Verification of Thevenins Theorem, Superposition Theorem, Reciprocity & Maximum power transfer theorem. Resonance of a RLC Series & Parallel circuits, KCL & KVL verification. Speed control of a DC shunt motor. Open circuit characteristics of a DC Shunt generator and obtaining critical field resistance and critical speed. Load test on a DC shunt Generator. Load test on a DC Compound Generator. Swinburnes test on a DC Shunt Machine. OC & SC test on Single Phase Transformer. Direct load test on Single Phase Transformer. Regulation of 3-Phase altimeter by Synchronous impedance method. Direct load test on a 3-Phase Induction Motor.



1. Simulation of Fourier Transform of Rectangular Pulse. 2. Simulation of Fourier Transform of Triangular Pulse. 3. Simulation of Fourier series Pulse. 4. Linear Convolution two signals in Continuous and Discrete Signals. 5. Auto Correlation of two signals. 6. Cross Correlation of two signals. 7. Z-Transform. 8. Laplace Transform. 9. Plot Exponential, Impulse, Step, Sinusoidal Sequence (Analog and Digital). 10. Demonstration of DFT 11. Demonstration of down sampling 12. Demonstration of Fourier series 13. Spectrum of a Noisy Sinusoidal sequence 14. Aliasing due to under sampling 15. Estimation of mean of a sequence of random variable.



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