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Branden Jones 1. Robert Stewart the second 1371-1390 and Mary queen of scots 1542-1567 2.

Country house poem is when a poet compliments a wealthy friend on his house. Example ben Jonsons to Penhursts wrote in 1616. It has a lot of allusions in the poem. 3. Cavalier poet is a broad description of English 17th century poets who supported king Charles an example would be Robert Herrick The Vine 4. Blank verse is an unrhymed iambic pentameter. Alfred lord Tennyson Ulysses was a major work written in blank verse. He wrote this verse mainly to let his creativity flow without out restrictions. 5. He was a strict protestant his mother was also very strict in her religion and his work of paradise lost shows the fall of man and he also expressed some of his strict beliefs within the work. 6. Short story or poem that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden message. The way it relates to Shakespeares fairy queen is because the knights Britomart and Redcross represent the Christian values of holiness and chastity 7. An epic that features a serious topic that usually has a heroic deed that is done 8. Sonnet cycle is a collection of poems based on a central theme but in separate poems. Shakespeare has a sonnet cycle and he talks about love he also mentions a man so thats why some thought Shakespeare was gay because of his sonnet cycle. 9. The war began in 1642 the effects the war had on England was a war to gain control over the political presence and for the religion the country would follow

10. Pastoral poetry deals with shepherds or rural life in general that tells about the simplicity of country life and portrays the city as corrupt 11. Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. This was in interesting passage. In this passage it is explaining the things that Faustus desires and the things that he is sacrificing to get it. Mephistopheles is a minion of Lucifer and Faustus wants control of him for twenty four years. This passage explains what he wants to use these powers for, to aid his friends and to slay the enemies. This passage is also very serious because he is giving up his soul to the devil in order to get the twenty four years. Lucifer has to accept the deal but in my opinion this is a much better deal for the devil than Dr. Faustus. In this passage also I can get a feel for how desperate in many ways Faustus is because of the willingness to make this deal. Also the devil or Lucifer is not doing any of the work at all. He just loans him a minion that he knows he will get back and he is guaranteed a soul. 12. The works of John Donne. I liked this passage I thought it was very nice. My interpretation from this was that it is very deep; I think in this passage the author is comparing the people that can do certain things and other people that do things in a better way. He also uses metaphors such as take eyes from a comet. He does not mean exactly to take eyes from a comet he means in my opinion, that its better to already be there than watching something happen. He also makes a point that no man is an island. This line made the most since to me. The author is saying that no one man is complete and we are all made up of different elements. I think also that the author his saying we all in a whole make up something much bigger than ourselves and even the slightest lost makes us as a whole less

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