Goa Migration Study: Appendix V Questionnaire

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Schedule Number




1. Return migrants from outside India 2. Emigrants living outside India 3. Return migrants from other states in India 4. Out-migrants living in other states in India 5. None of these



Schedule 1 BLOCK - 1 Identification Particulars

DistrictTaluk City/Panchayat WardLocality (rural-1, urban-2) NumberHouse No. /House Name .. Name of Informant .

Details about visits to the household

Date (s) of Interview Name of Investigator Name of the supervisor Time Taken

Notes: The respondent should be the Head of the household. If the head of the household is not present, the information should be collected from the immediate responsible person


Relation with the Head (Code) Sex Male 1 Female 2 Date of Birth (Month and Year) Activity status (See code) General Educational Status (See code) Marital Status (See code) Code Married women whose husband residing outside India - 1

Serial No.

Name of members of Household (Head of the HH first)









Codes: Column - 03

Column 06

Column 08

Head of the HH Husband/Wife Unmarried children Married children Son in law/Daughter in law Grand child Father/Mother/Mother in law 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Illiterate Literate without school Education Primary not completed Primary Upper Primary up to Secondary Secondary passed but have no Degree Degree holders Others (specify)

1 2 3 4 5

Unmarried Married Widow / Widower Divorced Separated

1 2 3 4 5


Column - 07 Employed in State /Central Govt. Employed in Semi Govt. Aided school/college, co-operative / local administrative bodies. etc Employed in Private sector Self employment Unpaid family work Agricultural labour Labourers in non-agric. Sector Job seekers Job not required Students Household works Pensioners, too old to work Others(specify)..

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


For persons listed in column 10 or 11









Serial No.

Migration Status of person referred in column 2

Ever lived outside Goa for a period of one year or more? (Write the name) Country / State where the person first stayed outside Goa Activity status of the person before leaving Goa (Code of column 7) Where was the person living before returning to Goa (State/Country) Residence code Within India 1 Outside India - 2

When did the person come back to Goa Month and year

Ever lived outside Goa for less than a year for work / looking for work / for studies (Write the name)

Month and year in which the person first stayed outside Goa Within Outside India India

Country /state codes 13 &15

Country Argentina Australia Bahrain Bangladesh Canada Caribbean Islands China France Germany Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Kuwait Latin America Malaysia Mascot Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Switzerland Taiwan Thailand United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America West Indies Others (specify) Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 State / Union territory Andaman Nicobar Andhra Pradesh Arunanchal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chattisgarh Dadar & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Lakshwdeep Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland New Delhi Orissa Pondicherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttaranchal West Bengal Code 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77


Sex Activity at present (Code of Column 7) Male 1 Female - 2 Within India 1 Outside India - 2 Month and Year (Code of column 6) Code of the Country currently residing When did the person go outside Goa for the first time? Education al status at time of emigratio n /outmigration Marital status at the time of emigration /out migration (Code of column 8) Activity status at the time of emigratio n/ out migration (Code of column 7) Age at which the person first went outside Goa Name of the State/Countr y where the person is currently residing (code 13,15)












Seria l No.

Name of persons (including women and children) who were members of this House hold now living outside Goa (in India or abroad)

Relation of the person to the head of the Household (Code of column 3)

Block 5 Household
29. Is your house electrified? Yes-1 No-2 30. What type of fuel is used for cooking? Wood-1 Kerosene-3 Others-5 (specify) Electricity-2 L.P. Gas-4 31. Type of house which the household is now occupying Luxurious-1 Very Good (2 bed rooms with attached bathrooms, concrete roof, Mosaic floor)-2 Good (1 bed room, brick and cement walls, concrete or tile roof)-3 Poor (Brick walls, cement floor, tin or asbestos roof)-4 Kutcha (Mud walls, Mud floor & Thatched roof)-5 32. Does any member of this household own a house here or anywhere else Yes-1 No-2 33.Does the household own any of the following 1. Motor car Yes 2. Taxi / Truck / Lorry 3. Motor Cycle /Scooter 4. Telephone (land phone) 5. Mobile Phone 6. Television 7. MP3/DVD/VCD 8. Refrigerator 9. Electric Cooking Oven 10. Microwave Oven 11. Baking Oven 12. Computer/Laptops Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No

34. What is your religion? (Hindu 1, Christian 2, Muslim 3, Sikhs-4, Others 5) 35. Which category of community you belong to Forward-1, SC/ST-2, Backward-3, OBC-4, Others-5 (specify)

Block 6 Questions to the members of the Household

36.Did anyone in your family receive money or goods or gifts other than cash from persons residing abroad during the last 12-month period? Yes-1 (If Yes, go to Q.37) No-2 (If No, go to Q.40)

37.If Yes, total amount of money received last year Rs. 38. If any goods/gifts received, specify by mark

(1) Clothes (2) Gold ornaments (3) Small electrical equipments (4) MP3/VCD/DVD (5) Others (Specify) Total value Rs. . 39. In what ways did you use the money? (Tick the appropriate) (1) For day-to-day household expenses (2) Education of children (3) To repay debts (4) To purchase land (5) Dowry payment of relatives (6) To build/purchase new house/renovation of old house (7) To embark new business/enlarging the existing one (8) To Maintain agricultural land (9) Deposited in bank (10) Others (Specify). 40. Did anyone in your family residing abroad bring money to build house / to purchase land during last one year? Yes-1 No-2

If Yes, how much? Rs. . 41. Did anyone in your family bring money last one year for any purpose, which is not included above? Item To buy a Car /. Scooter / Taxi etc To invest in share / Bonds / mutual funds etc To start a small enterprise Others (Dowry payments, education, medical expenses, payment of debts etc) (specify) . Amount in Rs.

Block 7 Expenses Incurred for Emigration

(For those who had gone abroad) On the basis of block 3 and 4 Q.42 Serial No. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Total Payment to recruitment agencies Payment to other Intermediaries Passport Visa Air ticket Emigration Clearance Loss due to fraud (Rs.) Return migrants from abroad and Emigrants

Block 8 Sources of financing for going abroad

( the relevant items) Q. 43 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. From other members of family Personal Savings Parents Savings Borrowing from friends / relatives Loans from moneylenders Loans from Bank Sale / mortgage of landed Property h. i. j. k. l. Sale / pledging of financial assets Sale / pledging of ornaments or Jewellery Government assistance Other sources (specify).. 1 2 3 4

Block 9 Information on Emigrants and Out-Migrants

Q.44 Out Migrants living in other states in India 1 Sl No. From Block 4 Name 2 3 4


Emigrants living out side India 1 2 3 4

Sl No. From Block 4 Name

Block 10 Information on Returnees

Q.46 Return migrants from other states in India 1 Sl No. from Block 2 Name from Block 2 2 3 4


Return migrants from out side India 1 2 3 4

Sl No. from Block 2 Name from Block 2


Block -11 Education (Particulars of Household members)

51 52 53 54 55 Private tuition fee paid for the month Cost of Transportation for the month Total cost (per month) Cost of Uniform, shoe etc. during the year (Rs.) (Rs.) Cost of books, school supplies etc during the year (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Scholarships / aid / assistance received during the year (Rs.) 56 57 58 59 60




If yes, in column 48
Type of educational institution (Code) Tuition fee paid for the month (Rs.) Payment for registration / enrolment / donation, etc If Higher secondary and enrolled in Entrance coaching classes, the amount of Fee paid during the year

Serial No. in Block 2

Do you (..) currently attend an educational institution? Yes 1 No 2

Which is the course you (..) currently attend? (code)

If there is a school student in the HH, what syllabus do they follow (code)

Question 50
1.state 2. ICSE 3.CBSE 4. others (specify)

Codes: Question 49 Pre-school Primary school (class 1-5) Secondary school (class 6-10) Higher secondary school (class 11-12) Vocational training Degree Post graduation Professional Courses Others (specify ________) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Question 52 Government Private aided Private unaided / Self financing

1 2 3


Block - 12 Health (Particulars of all the members of household)

63 Place of consultation (code) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 64 Consultation fee paid during the month (Rs.) 65 Cost of medicine / diagnostic tests etc. incurred during the month 66 Transportation cost incurred for health care during the month 67 Hospitalization charges incurred last year 69 Expenses incurred per month for treatment

Serial No. in Block 2

61 Was there any ailment / accident/ injury/aches etc during the previous month

62 Who was consulted for the ailment during the previous month?

Yes 1 No 2 (if no, skip to question 68)


68 Do any member of this HH suffer from any illness which needs continuous treatment? If yes, (Code)

Codes: Question 62 No Consultation Doctor/Dentist/Gynaecologist/Psychologist Nurse/nurse assistant Health worker/health assistant Traditional doctor Pharmacist Family/members of the household Others (specify) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Question 63 Government hospital Private Hospitals/Nursing Home/clinic Public Health Center / Sub centre Dispensary (Public or Private) Pharmacy Quacks Paramedical Persons Others (specify.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Question 68 Diabetes Heart Problem Arthritis Cholesterol Blood Pressure Asthma Cancer Kidney diseases Others (Specify)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Block - 13 Health (For married women)

Result of Pregnancy


71 Periodic consultation
Cost of consultations/ medicines/other medical remedies, etc during past year Type of child birth Normal 1 Premature 2 Normal 1 Induced 2 Caesarian 3 Pregnancy Continuing 1 Abortion 2 Delivery 3 Type of Delivery (Rs.) Place of Delivery / Child Birth (Code)

Serial No. in Block 2

During the last 12 months, have you or any other member of the HH been pregnant?

73 Child delivery




Expenses on child birth / delivery (Rs.) (Please indicate the number 0 if you did not make any payment)

Yes 1 No 2


Block 14- Household Consumer Expenditure Sl. No. Item group 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 14.15 14.16 14.17 14.18 14.19 14.20 14.21 14.22 14.23 14.24 14.25 14.26 14.27 14.28 14.29 14.30 14.31 14.32 14.33 14.34 14.35 14.36 Cereals (include rice, wheat, jowar, maize, barley, ragi, etc) Cereal substitutes ( include atta, suji, maida, muri, chira etc) Pulses (include arhar, urad, moong, gram, kesar etc) Pulse products ( include gram flour, bason, soya bean power etc) Milk ( include all types of milk) Milk products (include curd, butter milk, butter, ghee, condensed milk, milk powder, baby food etc) Edible oils and vanaspati (include coconut oil, gingely oil, ground nut oil, palm oil, soya bean oil, sunflower oil, mustard oil etc) Vegetables (include all kinds of root, leafy and other kinds of vegetables, ginger, green chillies, coconut etc) Fruits (include banana, apple, guava, mango etc) Egg, Fish and Meat Sugar (all types of sugar including candy) Salt (include all kinds of salt) Condiments and spices (include dry chilies, coriander, jeera, pepper, cardamom, turmeric, curry powder, masala powder etc) Tea, Coffee, Bournvita, Complan, Horlicks etc Other food items (include bakery products, biscuits, cake, noodles, processed food items such as pickles, sauce, fruit juices, juice powders like Rasna, Tang etc) Ready to eat food items (items procured from eateries, hotels and restaurants) Food Items (Total of items 2.1 to 2.16) Pan, tobacco, cigarettes, bidi etc Intoxicants (include liquor, country liquor, arrack, fenny, beer, rum and similar products) Personal care and toilet articles (include tooth paste, brush, powder, soap, hair oil, shampoo, deodorants etc) Consumer services ( include domestic servant , grinding charges, tailoring charges, ironing services and other similar expenses Entertainment (include cinema, picnic, sports, video, cable charges etc) Sundry items (include spectacles, umbrella, torch, lighter etc) Travel and conveyance (include train / bus fare, petrol / diesel expenses, taxi / auto hiring charges etc) News paper, books and periodicals Fuel (firewood, charcoal, gas, kerosene etc) Light (electricity, kerosene etc) Rent and taxes (house rent, telephone rent, consumer services, taxes, water charges, mobile prepaid / post paid coupons, property tax etc) Medical expenses (include cost of medicines, doctors fee, diagnostic tests, hospitalization expenses etc) Education expenses( include tuition fee, books, school bags, private tuition, hostel fees and all other related expenses) Clothing and foot wear Consumer durables( include expenses for purchase of utensils, fan, mixie, cooker, furniture items and similar household durables) Other non food expenses (pocket money, internet browsing charges, prepaid charges etc) Proportionate expenses on items 14.26 to 14.32 All non food expenses (Total of items 14.18 to 14.25 and 14.33 and 14.34) Total consumer expenditure (Items 14.17 + 14.35) Value of consumption (Rs 0.00)during last 365 last 30 days days

Not required

Not required

Not required


Sl. No. 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8

Enquiry on Household Consumer Expenditure Block 15- Household savings Savings (Rs 0.00) during Particulars Last month Last year Savings account in Bank Fixed deposits Recurring deposits Chitty, Kuris and similar instruments PF installment, LIC premium etc

All savings (Total of 15.1 to15.7)

Sl. No. 16.1. 16.2. 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 16.10 16.11 16.12


Block 16. Investments during last year Investment during (Rs 0.00) last year

Land Buildings Other constructions Business enterprises Shares, debentures etc Mutual funds Human Capital (Education and training) Bonds and Similar financial instruments

All Investments (Total of 16.1 to 16.11)

Block 17. Remarks of the filed Investigator

Date of interview

Signature of the investigator


FSU Number

Questionnaire Number







1.1 1.3.

FSU Number Serial Number of the main module Serial number of the return emigrant (from Schedule 1, block 2)

1.2 1.4.



Schedule Serial Number Tabulation Serial Number of the main module Name (from Schedule 1, block 2)



Activity status on the eve of first emigration (Code: Use the same code as used in column 7 of Block 2 of the main schedule) 2. Income status on the eve of first emigration (annual income in Rs) Report 0 if code 8 to 13 against item 1. 3. Reasons for the first emigration: Identify three most important reasons in the order of their importance. (Code: Get employment 1, Accumulate savings 2, Meet household expenditure 3, Marriage of siblings/children 4, Construction/purchase of house 5, Purchase of vehicle 6, Repay debts 7, Experience pleasure of travel 8, Others 9) 3.1 First priority 3.2 Second priority 3.3 Third priority First Episode Last episode Report the status on the following for the first and last episodes of emigration 4. Sources of information on emigration opportunity: Report the main reason for the emigration. (Code: News paper advertisement 1, Advertisement in other mass media 2, Friends and relatives 3, Recruitment agencies 4, Emigrants 5, Foreign employment agents 6, Individual agents 7, Others 8) 5. Year of emigration (yyyy) 6. Status in the household (Code: Head 1, Earning dependent 2, Non earning dependent 3) 7. Marital status on the eve of emigration (Code: Never married 1, Currently married 2, Widowed 3, Divorced 4, Separated - 5) Channel through which the emigration took place (Code: Direct application 1, Govt. agencies 2, 8. Licensed Recruiting Agencies - 3, Unlicensed Recruiting Agencies 4, Relatives 5, Friends 6, Individual agents 7, Others 8) 9. Name of the Country to which emigrated 10. Country Code



First Episode Last episode

11. 12.

Did you get pre emigration counseling (Code: Yes 1,

No 2)



Type of visa obtained (Code: Employment visa 1, Visit Visa -2, Tourist visa 3, Pilgrimage visa 4, Others 5) Did you sign an employment contract before emigration? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 12 in which language the contract was prepared? (Code: English 1, Arabic 2, English and Arabic 3, Other languages 4, Dont know 5)


Migration episode

BLOCK 3: EMIGRATION EXPERIENCE Country to which Period Activity status emigrated (Use country of stay (Use the code of column 7 code) (years) of block 2 of the main schedule)

Annual Income (Rs)

Reasons for return (Code) *

15.1 1 15.2 2 15.3 3 15.4 4 15.5 5 * (Code: Expiry of contract 1, Compulsory expatriation 2, Low wages 3, Ill health 4, Problems at
home 5, Poor working conditions 6, Harsh behavior of employer 7, Hostile climate 8, Others 9)

16. Cost of Emigration (Rs) 16.1 Payment to recruiting agencies 16.2 Payment to other intermediaries 16.3 Passport 16.4 Visa expenses 16.5 Air ticket 16.6 Emigration clearance 16.7 Medical Test 16.8 Loss due to fraud 16.9 Others (specify) 16.10 Total 17. Sources of Financing emigration (Code: Yes 1, No 2) 17.1. Personal savings 17.2. Parents savings 17.3. Other members of the family 17.4. Borrowing from friends and relatives 17.5. Loan from money lenders

First episode

Last episode


17.6. 17.7. 17.8 17.9 17.10 17.11

Loan from Bank Sale / mortgage of landed property Sale / pledging of financial assets Sale / pledging of ornaments / Jewellery etc Govt. assistance Other sources (specify) Last episode


18. 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Problems faced at the time of arrival at the destination (Code: Yes 1, No 2) With regard to passport With regard to visa With regard to work permit With regard to employment contract Others (specify) Whom did you contact on arrival? (Code: Employer / employers representative 1, Friends 2, Relatives 3, Indian embassy officials 4, Others 5, none 6) Was the job received the same as the one promised at the time of recruitment? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Were you required to sign a new contract at the time of arrival? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Were you allowed to keep the passport and other documents with you? ? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Were the conditions of work agreeable to you? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Did the employer provide free accommodation and food? (Code: Accommodation only 1, Food only 2, Accommodation and food 3, None 4) Were you required to share accommodation with others? (Code: Yes 1, No 2, Not applicable - 3) Was your accommodation satisfactory? (Code: Yes 1, No 2, Not applicable - 3) Was the quality of food offered passable? (Code: Yes 1, No 2, Not applicable - 3) How was the food given to you by the employer
(Code: Free 1, Subsidized 2, Normally priced 3, Exorbitantly priced 4, No food provided 5)

Medical facilities provided by the employer

(Code: Good 1, Satisfactory 2, Poor 3, Not provided 4)

Were religious practices permitted in the place where you lived? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Were facilities available in the place you lived to observe religious practices? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Did your spouse accompany you? (Code: Yes 1, No 2, Not applicable 3) If yes to item 32 was your spouse employed at the destination? (Code: Yes 1, No 2)



35. 36. 37. 37.1. 37.2. 37.3. 37.4. 37.5 38. 39. 40. 41.. 42. 43.



46 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.5 46.6 46.7

BLOCK 4. WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS ABROAD (contd.) If no to item 32 what was the main reason? (Code: Unwillingness of spouse 1, Spouse employed in India 2, Responsibilities at home 3, Permission not granted by India 4, Desire to maximize savings 5, Lack of accommodation 6, Inadequate income abroad 7, Others 8) Did you report your arrival at the Indian Embassy in the destination country? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Did you approach the Indian Embassy with any problem / complaint? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 36 nature of the problem (Code Yes 1, No 2) Grievances against employer Problems of pay Problems of communication Harassment from local police/public Other (specify) If yes to 37.1 to 37.4, did you receive positive response from the Indian embassy officials? (Code Yes 1, No 2) Your average monthly income (Rs) Your average monthly living expenses (Rs) Your average monthly home remittances (Rs) Your average monthly savings (Rs) Who was managing household affairs during your employment abroad? (Code: Spouse 1, Parents 2, Siblings 3, Children 4, In laws 5, Other (specify) 6) To whom did you use to send regular remittances? (Code: Spouse 1, Parents 2, Children 3, In laws 4, Other (specify) 5) How did you send money home? (Code: Mail transfer 1, Bank deposits 2, Friends / relatives 3, During home visits 4, Hawala 5 Other means (specify) 6) Did your household face the following problems during your absence? (Code Yes 1, No 2) Prolonged Illness Death of family members Loss of assets Threats to personal safety Litigation Poverty / Deprivation Childrens behavioral issues Others (specify)



47. 48.

Year of return from your last emigration episode (yyyy) Reasons for return (Code: Expiry of contract 1, Compulsory expatriation 2, Low
wages 3, Ill health 4, Problems at home 5, Poor working conditions 6, Harsh behavior of employer 7, Hostile climate 8, Others 9)

49. Were skills acquired from work abroad? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) 49.1 Technical skill 49.2 Managerial / Supervisory 49.3 Accounting 49.4 Housekeeping 49.5 Marketing / trading skills 49.6 Navigation skills (driving, sailing etc) 49.7 Leadership/organizational skills 49.8 Financial management skills 49.9 Others (specify) 50. Identify the forms in which you kept your savings? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) 50.1 Bank deposits 50.2 Shares/ debentures 50.3 Gold/Jewellery 50.4 Mutual funds 50.5 Invested with private financiers 50.6 Invested with money lenders 50.7 Others (specify) 51. Have you invested / spent your earnings in the following forms? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) 51.1 Agricultural land 51.2 Real estate 51.3 Residential / Non residential buildings 51.4 Transport vehicles 51.5 Education of children 51.6 Medical treatment of family members 51.7 Marriage of sisters / daughters etc 51.8 Business enterprises 51.9. Repayment of debts 51.10. Others (specify) 52. Activity status (use the same code as in column 7 of block 2 of the main schedule) If working (code 1 to 8 against item 52 report data against items 53 and 54 53. Nature of employment (Code: Regular 1, Temporary 2, Casual 3) Sector in which engaged (Code: Agriculture / Animal husbandry / Fishing / 54. mining 1, Manufacturing 2, Construction 3, Transport 4, Trade 5, Hotels and restaurant 6, Communication 7, Personal services 8, Other services 9) 55. If self-employed (Code 4 against item 52), nature of self-employment (Code: Own account worker 1, Employer 2, Both -3 If code 2 against item 55 report data for items 56 to 62. 56. Year of starting the enterprise (yyyy)



57. 57.1 57.2 57.3 58.

Number of persons working in the enterprise Unpaid household workers Apprentices Paid employees Nature of activity of the enterprise (Code: Processing of agricultural produce 1,
Repair workshop 2, Production of handicraft / pottery etc. 3, Transport / Communication services 4, Trading establishment 5, Hotel / restaurant 6, Personal services 7, Others 8)

59. 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 59.6 59.7 59.8 60 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 61. 62.

Identify the motive for starting the enterprise (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Desire to be financially independent Find jobs for members of the family Perpetuation of the family business Access to raw materials Access to markets for the outputs Experience /expertise gained abroad Incentives from government Others (specify) Particulars Number of workers Size of the unit in terms of capital (Code: Rs < 1 lakh 1,
1 to 5 lakhs 2, 5 10 lakhs 3, More than 10 lakhs-4)

Performance of the Enterprise

At the beginning

At present

Annual turn over (Rs) Annual net profit (Rs) Did you get public support in starting your enterprise? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If code 1 to item 60 report the type of support received

If unemployed at present (code 9 against item 52) report data for items 63 and 64. 63. Have you pursued an economic activity at any time in the past? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If yes how did that activity terminate? (Code: Employer terminated job 1, Employer closed / shifted business 2, 64. Left the job on account of low remuneration 3, Left due to ill-health - 4, Old age 5, Decided to start own business 6, Others 7)



65. 65.1 65.2 65.3 65.4 65.5 66. 67.

Future plans? (Report response in terms of code: Yes 1, No 2) Start a new business Take up employment Re-emigrate Retire from work Others (specify) Do you think that the government has to pay more attention to the rehabilitation of return emigrants? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 66 what are the areas


Name of the Investigator

Date of Interview


FSU Number

Questionnaire Number




(Only to those women whose husbands are currently emigrants)


SCHEDULE III. Women Left Behind


1.1 1.3.

FSU Number Serial Number of the main module Serial number of the woman left behind (from Schedule 1, block 2)



Schedule Serial Number 1.4. Tabulation Serial Number of the main module 1.6. Name (from Schedule 1, block 2)


1.Name of the husband 2.Husbands date of birth: MonthYear 3.Date of Marriage: Month Year 4.Duration of marital life (in completed years) 5.Activity status of husband at the time of marriage (use codes) 6.Husbands Educational Status (use codes) 7. Activity status of husband at present (use codes) 8.During the time of marriage, where was husband living? (In Goa - 1, Outside Goa but within India - 2, Outside India - 3) 9. If the answer is Outside India, specify the country (use codes) 10.If code 3 for item 8, was it one of the reasons for your getting married to him? (Yes - 1, No - 2) 11. When did he go from Goa in search of job, for the first time? Month Year 12. When did he go for taking up job, after marriage? Month Year 13. After marriage, how many times has he visited you on leave from abroad? (report 0 if he has not visited) 14. After your marriage how many times your husband visited and duration of his stay at home with you? (last six visits) Visit Year of arrival Duration of stay Month Days First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth


BLOCK 2: GENERAL INFORMATION (continued) 15. How many times you have visited husbands working place overseas? (report 0 if you have not visited, Code: Yes 1, No - 2) 16. How long did you stay with him at his work place during the last visit? (One week - 1, 8 days to 1 month - 2, 1 3 months - 3, 4 months to 1 year 4 , More than one year - 5) 17.Do you keep in touch with your husband while he is abroad? (Yes -1 , No -2) If Yes to item 17 : answer 18, 19 , 20. 18. What are the means of communication used? (Code :Letters - 1, Telephone/ mobile - 2, E-mail - 3,Web cam - 4, More than one mode 5, Others (specify) 6) 19.Frequency of receiving letters/e-mails/telephone calls from your husband (Code:Daily - 1, At least once in a week - 2, 3- at least once in 2 weeks - 3, at least once month - 4, Occasionally - 5 ) 20. Frequency of your sending letters/mails/telephones to your husband (Daily - 1, At least once in a week - 2, 3- at least once in 2 weeks - 3, at least once month - 4, Occasionally - 5 )


21. In whose name your husband sends money? (Code: My name -1, His parents name -2, His brothers name -3, My parents name -4, Others -5) 22. Do you have control over the money sent by your husband? (Full control -1, Partial control -2 , No control -3) 23. If code 3 to items 22 how does you meet your daily expenses? (Code: Income from property - 1, Earnings from Work-2, My parents take care 3, Husbands parents take care -4, , Others - 5 (specify) ) 24.What is the mode of transfer of money? (Code: Through bank -1, Through Cheques/drafts -2, Through other financial institutions -3, Through relatives/ friends coming on leave -4, Others - 5 (specify) ) 25. During the past 12 months, how much money was received as remittance ? (in Rs) 25.1.To you 25.2.To others



26. Do you posses any landed property or any other property, in your name? (Code: yes in my name -1, yes jointly with my husband -2, yes jointly with other members of household -3, no property -4) 27. If yes to item 26, what is the type of property owned? (Code: Land -1, House -2, Others - 3 (specify)) 28. Sources of income (Code: No independent source -1, Agriculture / dairying -2, Enterprise -3, Salary / Wage - 4, Rent 5, Interest / dividend etc 6, Remittance 7, Other sources 8, More than one source -9) 29. Control on income (Code: Myself -1, My parents -2, My in laws -3, My children -4, Others -5) 30. How do you spend your income? (Code: Savings -1, Emergencies -2, Day to day household expenses 3, Purchase of durables 4, Purchase of ornaments -5, Others -6) 31. Do you keep money without knowledge of husband/other family members? (code : Yes -1, No 2) 32. Do you have a savings account in Bank/ Post Office? (Code: Yes -1, No 2) 33. Do you subscribe to any Chitties / Kuries? ? (Code: Yes -1, No 2) 34.Some women manage household affairs on their own while others depend on parents / fathers-in-law / mothers-in-law / others for such matters. Answer the following questions to show the category to which you belong. (Code: own decision 1, directions from husband -2, directions from parents -3, directions from in laws 4, directions from others -5) 34.1 Day to day household expenses 34.2 Purchase of apparel (sari, chappel etc) 34.3 Purchase of clothes for children 34.4 Taking children for treatment 34.5 Going out for social visits 35. Do you have a circle of friends around? (Code: yes 1, No 2) 36. How many children do you have? (Indicate 0 if you have no child) Sex ( male 1, female 2) Age 37. If you have children give their particulars

Class in which studying

38. Do you feel that your children will fare better in their studies if your husband is around? (Code: Yes 1, No 2, Not applicable -3)


39. 40. 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 41.

BLOCK 4: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS In the absence of your husband do you feel any problems of (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 42, nature of the problems (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Loneliness Added responsibility Insecurity Health of parents / in-laws Bringing up children Financial adjustments Others What is the nature of relationship with your in laws? (Code: Excellent 1, Normal 2, Strained 3)


If code 3 to item 41 what is the main reason? (Code: Financial issues 1, Disciplining children 2, Typical in law problems 3, Basic misunderstandings 4, Others 5,) In case somebody in the family has to be taken to hospital urgently, who does it? (Code: Myself 1, My parents 2, My father in law 3,Other members 4) In the absence of your husband, do you face problems in bringing up your children? (Code: Yes 1, No 2, Not applicable 3)




If yes to item 44 nature of problems ( Code: yes 1, No 2)

45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6

Disobedience Misbehavior Stubbornness Lack of interest in studies Money mishandling Others (specify)




During your husbands absence, you might have had both good and bad experiences in your Life. Please specify 3 good experiences & 3 bad experiences. Indicate your choice by circling the entries. 46.1.Good experiences 46.2. Bad experiences Financial benefits 1 Loneliness and isolation 1 Could construct a house 2 Heavy responsibilities 2 Bought Gold Ornaments 3 Worries about the future / 3 studies of children Purchased land 4 Outstanding debts / disposal 4 of property Improved status with relatives 5 Insecurity 5 Helped relatives/in-laws 6 Childrens health problems 6 Cleared debts 7 Anxiety and fear 7 Improved life style 8 Disarray in household 8 matters Could afford better education for 9 Legal disputes 9 children Greater exposure to outside world 10 Dependence on outside help 10 47. All things considered how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with your life these days? (Code: Extremely satisfied 1, Very satisfied 2, satisfied 3, neutral 4, dissatisfied 5, very dissatisfied 6, extremely dissatisfied 7) If you have a daughter of marriageable age, who would you like her to get married to? (Code: A person with in Goa 1, A person outside Goa but with in India 2, A person outside India 3)


Block 5: Remarks of the Investigator


Date of interview


FSU Number

Question Number





(Only to those who are aged 60 and above)



1.1. 1.3 1.5. BLOCK 1: IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS FSU Number 1.2. Schedule Serial Number Serial Number of the 1.4 Tabulation Serial Number of main module the main module Serial number of the 1.6. Name of the person as in person as in block 2 of Block 2 of the main schedule the main schedule

BLOCK 2: GENERAL INFORMATION Current marital status (Never married -1, Currently married -2, Widowed -3, Divorced -4, Separated -5) 2. If code other than 1 for item 1, were you married more than once? (Code : Yes -1, No -2) 3 If code no to item 2 month and year of marriage (mm yyyy) 4. If yes to item 2 reason (Death of spouse -1, Divorce 2, Separation 3, Others -4) 5. If code 1 for item 2 ie. married more than once 5.1 Month and year of first marriage (mm - yyyy) 1. 5.2 Month and year of last marriage (mm - yyyy) 6. If widowed / divorced / separated 6.1 Month and year of death / divorce / separation 6.2 Month and year of widowed / divorced / separated spouse of the first marriage (mm yyyy) 7. Number of living children including married daughters (all sons/ daughters may not be members of the household and as such need not be in block 2 of the main schedule) 7.1. Sons 7.2. Daughters 8. How many of your children are staying with you in this house? 8.1 Sons 8.2 Daughters 9. How many of your children are staying away 9.1 In Goa 9.2. Outside Goa but within India 9.3. Outside India 10. Do your children who do not stay with you visit you often? (Code: Never -1, Yes occasionally 2, Yes as often as they can -3 ) 11. Number of persons other than spouse and children staying in the house


BLOCK 2: GENERAL INFORMATION (contd ) 12. Do you get financial assistance from your children (Code: Yes -1, No -2)

13. Do your children help you financially on the following (Code: Yes -1, No -2) 13.1 Subsistence / household expenses 13.2 Medical / health related expenses 13.3 Emergencies 13.4 Other needs 14. 15. Are any of your children readily available to take you to doctor / hospital etc? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Who takes care of your household matters the person who takes decision about matters relating to the day-today-activities in the household? (Code: Myself 1, My spouse 2, Son -3, Daughter -4, Son in law -5, Daughter in law -6, Bother / sister 7, Others - 9) It is often said that children are the main support for the parents at old age. Do you agree with this view? (Code: Agree -1, Do not agree -2, No comments 3) When people become old they experience several problems. Have you experienced / experiencing any of the problems identified below? (Code Yes 1, No -2, Do not know 9)

16. 17.

17.1 Daily subsistence 17.2 Financial 17.3 Health problems 17.4 Feeling lonely 17.5 Not able to move around 17.6 Nobody to help when you are sick 17.7 Nobody to prepare food 17.8 Children away 17.9 Children don't visit often 17.10 Security problems/afraid of thieves etc 17.11 Disrespect from relatives and others 18. Whether staying with spouse? (Code Yes -1, No -2, Not applicable -3)


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

BLOCK 3: LIVING ARRANGEMENTS With whom you are residing now? (Code: With spouse only 1, With married daughters -2,
With married sons -3, With unmarried children 4, With other relatives 5, Alone 6)

If living alone whether any close relative is living nearby?(Code: Yes -1, No -2, ) Possession of the house in which staying (Code: Owned by self / spouse -1,
Owned by son / daughter -2, Owned by other relatives -3, Rented 4, Others -5)

If living with son / daughters / relatives do you have a separate room for yourself? (Code: Yes -1, No -2) Location of toilet / bath used by the elderly (Code: Attached to the house -1,
Close to the house 2, Away from the house -3, No toilet / bath -4)

Suitability of toilet / bath for the subject

(Code: Good -1, Satisfactory -2, Not satisfactory -3)

Suitability of sleeping arrangements

(Code: Good -1, Satisfactory -2, Not satisfactory -3) Suitability of accommodation (Code: Good -1, Satisfactory -2, Not satisfactory -3)

In your opinion, which is the best place for persons to live in old age?
(Code: With spouse only 1, With married daughters -2, With married sons -3, With unmarried children 4, With other relatives 5, Alone 6, Old age homes 7) Have you heard of OLD AGE HOMES? (Code: Yes -1, No -2) If yes to item 28, have you ever visited an OLD AGE HOME? (Code Yes -1, No -2) Do you consider old age homes suitable for elderly?(Code: Yes -1, No -2, No idea -3)

If you have the financial ability or if your children or somebody else agrees to meet the expenses of an old age home will you be happy to move in to an old age home? (Code Willingly 1, Only as a last resort 2, - Not at all - 3)

32. 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 33

34. 35.

36. 37. 38.

BLOCK 4: ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL SECURITY As on date do you or your spouse own / possess the following assets? (Code: Yes -1, No 2) Land House / Building Bank Deposits Other assets During the last 10 years whether you have gifted your / your spouses property / assets? (Code: No assets -1, Keeping entire assets 2, Partially gifted -3, Fully gifted -4) If owns property who manages the property? (Code: Self / Spouse -1, Children -2, Other relatives 3, Not applicable 4) What is your current state of economic dependence? (Code: Fully independent 1, Dependent on spouse 2, Partially dependent on others 3, Fully dependent on others - 4) What is the main source of your income? (Code: Employment 1, Pension -2, Interest -3, Rent -4, Property 5, Remittances 6, Others -7) Are you currently working? (Code: Yes -1, No -2) If you are working nature of employment (Code: Own account worker 1, Employer -2,
Regular salary / wage paid employment 3, Casual wage labor 4, Others 5)


39. 40. 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 40.8 40.9 41. 42. 43.

BLOCK 4: ECONOMIC SECURITY (contd) If working type of remuneration that you get? (Code: Cash -1, Kind -2, Cash and Kind -3, No payment -4) What are your means of your subsistence? ( Code; Yes -1, No -2) Income from own current work Pensions arising out of own retirement/spouse pension Income from savings, rent and property Support from children residing in the house Support from children residing elsewhere but within India Remittances/support from children who work outside India Support from other relatives Support from NGOs, charitable organizations etc Others Do you have a bank account? (Code: Yes -1, No 2 ) If yes to item 41. Type of account: (Code: Savings account -1, Current account 2, Others 3) Who operates your bank account? (Code: Myself -1, Spouse -2, Children -3, Others -4) What happened to the assets owned by you or your spouse after his / her death?
Type of asset Status ( I inherited -1, My children inherited -2, Sold -3, Others -4) If sold who received the proceeds? (Code: Myself -1, My children -2, Others -3)



44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 45. 46

Land House / Building Bank Deposits Other assets Do you contribute to the household expenditure? ( Code: Yes -1, No -2) If yes to item 45 what percentage? BLOCK 5: HEALTH STATUS How do you rate your current state of health? (Code: Excellent 1, Very good - 2, Good - 3, Fair 4, Poor 5) How is your current state of health compared to that in the previous year (Code: Much better 1, Some what better 2, Same 3, Worse 4) Are you physically mobile? (Can move around by self -1, Can move around only with help -2, Cannot move around 3) Can you do your daily routines without assistance? (Yes 1, No 2) Can you travel by auto, bus, train etc without assistance? (Yes 1, No 2) Can you read newspaper? (Yes without specks -1, Yes with specks only -2, Cannot read even with specks -3)

47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.


BLOCK 5: HEALTH STATUS (cond) Type of treatment (Code: Suffering Since when 53. 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 53.6 53.7 53.8 53.9 53.11 53.12 53.13 53.14 53.15 53.16 53.17 53.18 53.19 53.20 54. 54.1 Chronic ailments
(Code: Yes -1, No - 2) diagnosed by health professional: yyyy) Allopathic -1, Ayurveda -2, Homeopathy -3, Other systems -4, No treatment -5)

Monthly expenditure

Arthritis Bronchitis Asthma Alzheimers disease Blood pressure Cataract/Glaucoma Diabetes Heart Disease Hearing loss High cholesterol Kidney problems Prostrate problems Renal/urinary infection Epilepsy Thyroid Migrant headache Tuberculosis Stomach Ulcer Cancer Others Do you suffer from any disability (Code: Yes -1, No -2) If yes type of disability (Code: Visual 1, Speech - 2, Hearing 3, Loco motor -4, Other types 5) 54.2 Since when you are disabled (report the year of onset of disability: yyyy)
Did you suffer from any ailment / injury / accident during last one month (Yes -1, No -2) If yes provide details


55.1 Type of ailment 55.2 Did you go undertake any treatment? (Yes -1, No -2) 55.3 If yes to item 55.2 place of treatment (Govt. hospital -1, Private hospital -2, PHC / PHSC 3, Govt. Doctor -4, Private doctor -5, Others -6) 55.4 Type of treatment (Code: Allopathic -1, Ayurveda -2, Homeopathy -3, Others 4)
Cost of treatment

55.5 55.6 55.7 55.8 55.9

Doctors fee / Consultation charges Cost of diagnostic tests Cost of medicines Travel cost Other costs

55.10 Total cost


BLOCK 5: HEALTH STATUS (cond) 56. Were you hospitalized as an inpatient during last one year? (Code: Yes -1, No -2)
If yes to item 56 Provide details for items 57.1 to 57.5
Who stayed with you in the hospital (Code: Spouse -1, Children -2, Other relatives -3, Others -4) Nature of treatment (Code: Medicine 1, Surgery -2, Physiotherapy -3, Others 4)


Hospitalization spell

Type of hospital (Govt. 1, Private -2)

Duration in days

Cost of treatment (Rs)

Source of financing the cost *

57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5

*(Code: Own savings -1, Sons and daughters -2, Other family members -3, Borrowings -4, Other sources -5)

58. Details of cost of last spell of hospitalization 58.1 Doctors fee / consultation charges 58.2 Diagnostic tests 58.3 Medicines 58.4 Room rent, food etc 58.5 Travel cost 58.6 Other costs 58.7 Total cost


60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

BLOCK 6. GENERAL FEATURES Who are the normal resident members of the household? (Code: Spouse only -1, Spouse and children -2, Children only -3, Grand children only -4, Other relatives only 5, Non relatives only -6) Do you feel lonely or left out by your children, relatives and friends? (Yes -1, No -2) Do you visit your friends? (Regularly 1, Occasionally 2, Never 3) Do your friends visit you? (Regularly 1, Occasionally 2, Never 3) Are you engaged in any community / voluntary work? (Code Yes 1, No 2) Are you a member of any social or religious groups, which meet regularly? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Do you participate regularly in activities related religious organizations such as church / temple/ mosque etc? (Code: Yes 1, No 2)


BLOCK 6. GENERAL FEATURES(contd.) 66. 67. Do you use any of the following aids on a regular basis (Code: Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 66 report for items 67.1 to 67.5 Since when (report Type of aid the age from which stated using) 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.4 67.5 68. 69. 69.1 69.2 70. 71. 71.1 71.2 Spectacles Walking stick Denture Hearing aid Any other aid Ever smoked cigarette / cigar etc (Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 68report for items 69.1 and 69.2 At what age you started smoking Do you smoke now? (No stopped on doctors advice 1, No stopped on my own 2, Yes occasionally 3, Yes regularly 4, Yes many times a day 5) Ever drink alcohol / intoxicant drinks? (Yes 1, No 2) If yes to item 70 report for items 71.1 and 71.2 At what age you started drinking Do you drink now? (No stopped on doctors advice 1, No stopped on my own 2, Yes occasionally 3, Yes regularly 4, Yes every day 5) Cost of the aid currently in use (Rs) Source of financing (Code: Own money 1, help from Children 2, Help from relatives 3, Help from NGOs 4, Others 5)

72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 76.1 76.2 76.3

BLOCK 7 FOOD AND NUTRITION How often do you take your meals per day? How many times did you take meals yesterday? Are you generally satisfied with the food you have taken? (Code: Yes 1, No 2) Do you experience any problem in taking your food (Code: Yes -1, No 2) If yes to item 75 is it on account of the following (Code: Yes -1, No -2) Cannot chew on account of teeth problems Cannot digest on account of stomach problems Others (specify)


77 77.1 77.2 77.3 77.4 77.5 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

BLOCK 7 FOOD AND NUTRITION Does your food include the following (Code: Every day -1, Once in a week -2, Once in a fortnight -3, Once in a month -4, Never 5) Milk Fruit juices Fruits Green salad Raw vegetables like cucumber, carrot etc Do you feel that you are getting nutritious food (Code: Yes -1, No -2) What is your height (cms) What is your weight (kgs) What do you think about your weight? (Code: Normal 1, Under weight 2, Over weight 3) Do you receive any old age pension provided by the Government of Goa/India on account of poverty, old age or widowhood? (code : Yes -1, No -2 If yes, how long (years) How much? Rs. Are you satisfied by the pension amount provided by the Government? 1 Yes 2 No Did you heard about the National Policy for Older Persons? 1 Yes 2 No BLOCK 8 REMARKS OF THE INVESTIGATOR




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