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Positives And Negatives Of Virtue Ethics

Name: Varun Selvaraj Student id: 008089237

The virtue ethics of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Epicureans, and the Stoics were very individualistic
and primarily concerned with helping one person become a worthier person though self-improvement. This is a sharp contrast to the current popular moral theories that tend to be concerned with categorizing actions as right and wrong. These moral theories provide us with a set of rules to follow. They are much like computer programs invented to determine which actions are right or wrong. The personal requirement of thinking for yourself would ideally be dispensable because the moral theory can think for us. It becomes critical for an engineer to build and maintain an ethical reputation within his engineering carrier. Virtue ethics helps to build character and motivation in making ethical judgments. They help to switch of focus for moral value from the act to the agent. It concentrates more on the character and the nature an engineer has to acquire so that he becomes a better person and in turn it becomes an opportunity to learn and improve ones moral life. By following Virtual ethics, the recognition that moral dilemmas can be resolved practically, unlike a conflict of absolute rules. There may arise situations where recognition that agents are emotionally involved in ethical reasoning in such situations virtue ethics play a major role. Virtue ethics also has its own negatives. The circularity of definition: an right decision is what a virtuous person would decide; a virtuous person possesses virtues; virtues are what allow one to make a right decision. It becomes difficulty of defining the end, eudemonia. The main philosopher of Virtue Ethics is Aristotle claim that particular virtues lead to eudemonia is difficult to establish. It is not always clear what guidance virtue ethics offers in resolving a dilemma. The difficulty of discovering a virtuous person whose opinion will define a right course of action. Another negative of virtue ethics is Relativism: deciding on what mean to apply in what situation depends on particular circumstances; different virtuous persons may plausibly act differently in the same situation; a virtuous person may act differently at different times. Lastly, the ability to cultivate the right virtues will be affected by several different factors beyond a persons control due to education, society, friends and family. If moral character is so reliant on luck, what role does this leave for appropriate praise and blame of the person? Though virtue ethics lacks popularity, many people still think it is indispensable. Everything has its own positives and negatives. As an individual, it is required to understand how to transform ourselves into better person. That means we have to understand what is moral, how to be motivated to be moral, and how to behave morally and for this one has to know the positives and negatives of all the three ethics and adapt one of these in his person life for a better living.

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