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What is that therapy/definition/origin?

Definition Hydrotherapy, or water therapy, is the use of water (hot, cold, steam, or ice) to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being.

The therapeutic use of water has a long history. Ruins of an ancient bath were unearthed in Pakistan and date as far back as 4500 B.C. Bathhouses were an essential part of ancient Roman culture. The use of steam, baths, and aromatic massage to promote well being is documented since the first century. Roman physicians Galen and Celsus wrote of treating patients with warm and cold baths in order to prevent disease. By the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, bathhouses were extremely popular with the public throughout Europe. Public bathhouses made their first American appearance in the mid 1700s. In the early nineteenth century, Sebastien Kneipp, a Bavarian priest and proponent of water healing, began treating his parishioners with cold water applications after he himself was cured of tuberculosis through the same methods. Kneipp wrote extensively on the subject, and opened a series of hydrotherapy clinics known as the Kneipp clinics, which are still in operation today. Around the same time in Austria, Vincenz Priessnitz was treating patients with baths, packs, and showers of cold spring water. Priessnitz also opened a spa that treated over 1,500 patients in its first year of operation, and became a model for physicians and other specialists to learn the techniques of hydrotherapy. Water can be used therapeutically in a number of ways. Common forms of hydrotherapy include:

Whirlpools, jacuzzis, and hot tubs. These soaking tubs use jet streams to massage the body. They are frequently used by physical therapists to help injured patients regain muscle strength and to soothe joint and muscle pain. Some midwives and obstetricians also approve of the use of hot tubs to soothe the pain of labor. Pools and Hubbard tanks. Physical therapists and rehabilitation specialists may prescribe underwater pool exercises as a low-impact method of rebuilding muscle strength in injured patients. The buoyancy experienced during pool immersion also helps ease pain in conditions such as arthritis. Baths. Tepid baths are prescribed to reduce a fever. Baths are also one of the oldest forms of relaxation therapy. Aromatherapists often recommend adding essential oils of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) to a warm to hot bath to promote relaxation and stress reduction. Adding Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) or Dead Sea salts to a bath can also promote relaxation and soothe rheumatism and arthritis. Showers. Showers are often prescribed to stimulate the circulation. Water jets from a shower head are also used to massage sore muscles. In addition, showering hydrotherapy has been shown to be preferable to immersion hydrotherapy for treating burn patients. Moist compresses. Cold, moist compresses can reduce swelling and inflammation of an injury. They can also be used to cool a fever and treat a headache. Hot or warm compresses are useful for soothing muscle aches and treating abscesses. Steam treatments and saunas. Steam rooms and saunas are recommended to open the skin pores and cleanse the body of toxins. Steam inhalation is prescribed to treat respiratory infections. Adding botanicals to the steam bath can increase its therapeutic value.

Internal hydrotherapy. Colonic irrigation is an enema that is designed to cleanse the entire bowel. Proponents of the therapy say it can cure a number of digestive problems. Douching, another form of internal hydrotherapy, directs a stream of water into the vagina for cleansing purposes. The water may or may not contain medications or other substances. Douches can be self-administered with kits available at most drug stores. What is the use of that therapy?


There are many medically accepted uses of hydrotherapy. Each involves water in the form of ice, liquid, or steam. Some of the more common examples of hydrotherapy include using water to clean wounds, use of warm moist compresses, ice packs, whirlpool or steam baths, and drinking water in order to prevent or reduce dehydration. Warm compresses (heat packs) expand blood vessels, which can temporarily increase circulation, help to relax muscles, and reduce pain. Warm water in the form of a bath, massaging water jets, or hot tub also provides relaxation and stress relief. The water vapor produced by a humidifier can reduce the discomfort of minor sore throats and colds. Warm water vapor from a sauna, hot shower, or "sweat lodge" can warm and moisten the nose and breathing passages. Hydrotherapy in the form of ice packs is used to reduce inflammation and swelling. The coldness constricts blood vessels and reduces circulation to the area, which helps to decrease swelling. The use of water for heating and cooling the body is also called hydrothermal therapy. Dehydration, which can be a serious medical problem, is treated by giving water or liquids, either by mouth or intravenously. Hydrotherapy is also used in physical rehabilitation and exercise. When performed in water, exercises can cause less strain on the bones and joints. The water also offers resistance to movement, which helps build muscle strength. Some claim that warm water baths or cleansing baths boost the immune system, invigorate the digestion, calm the lungs, and stimulate the mind. Streams of warm water directed at different parts of the body are claimed to help headaches, nervous disorders, paralysis, and multiple sclerosis, as well as liver, lung, and gallbladder disease. Some proponents claim one form of hydrotherapy, which involves frequent enemas, cleanses the bowels and helps cure cancer

What kind of disease that particular therapy cure? Hydrotherapy can soothe sore or inflamed muscles and joints, rehabilitate injured limbs, lower fevers, soothe headaches, promote relaxation, treat burns and frostbite, ease labor pains, and clear up skin problems. The temperature of water used affects the therapeutic properties of the treatment. Hot water is chosen for its relaxing properties. It is also thought to stimulate the immune system. Tepid water can also be used for stress reduction, and may be particularly relaxing in hot weather. Cold water is selected to reduce inflammation. Alternating hot and cold water can stimulate the circulatory system and improve the immune system. Adding herbs and essential oils to water can enhance its therapeutic value. Steam is frequently used as a carrier for essential oils that are inhaled to treat respiratory problems. Since the late 1990s, hydrotherapy has been used in critical care units to treat a variety of serious conditions, including such disorders of the nervous system as Guillain-Barr syndrome.

On your own opinion, what kind of prevention do you suggest? I suggest therapeutic processes. It may take a long process for your sickness to cure, but it has no side effect that can affect your internal organs.

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