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1.1. Background
Fungus or fungi are single celled organism or multicellular, the cell walls contain chitin, eukaryotic, and no chlorophyll, a saprophyte living heterotrophic, parasitic, or symbiotic fungi (Fungi) including living eukaryotes that are not chlorophyll. Another distinctive feature is the fungal cell wall composed of chitin substances. His body consists of a single cell or in the form thread called hyphae. Fungi can not photosynthesize, so that the fungus to take food from the environment (heterotrophic). Saprophyte fungi living or parasitic. Most of the multicellular fungi, microscopic or macroscopic, in the unicellular oval-shaped, and shaped to form filaments or at the multicellular fruit body. Multicellular fungi are formed from a series of hyphal cells that form a thread, there is a cross sectional and some do not. Collection of hyphae forming mycelium. Fungi live in various places, especially on land in damp environments. Fungi reproduce asexually and sexually. Asexually by bud formation in unicellular fungi, as well as the fragmentation of the mycelium and the formation of asexual spores on a multicellular fungus. Sexual reproduction of fungi is the formation of sexual spores. Deuteromycota multicellular hyphae have septum. Deuteromycota is the class of all fungi are not yet known how sexual reproduction. So that the fungus is called fungi imperfecti (imperfect fungi). Fungal hyphae are multicellular with sectional and reproduce vegetatively by konidiospora. These fungi are living saprophyte or a parasite. Hyphae sectional size and microscopic body.

1.2 Basic problem

Based on the above background of the obtained formulation of the problem as follows: Why are mushrooms called fungi imperfecti Deuteromycota (imperfect fungi)? With what Deuteromycota fungi reproduce?

What impact and benefits Deuteromycota mushrooms?

1.3 Purpose
Based on the above formulation of the problem then the purpose of this lab are: To know the concept of Deuteromycota (imperfect fungi). Know what Deuteromycota fungi reproduce by. Know the impact and benefits Deuteromycota mushrooms in life.


Deuteromycota Deuteromycota is a fungus called fungi imperfecti (imperfect fungi) because sexual reproduction is unknown. Fungal hyphae are multicellular with sectional and reproduce vegetatively by konidiospora. These fungi are living saprophyte or a parasite. Hyphae sectional size and microscopic body. Fungi which sexual reproduction produces askus will classified in Ascomycota and which produce basidium classified in Basidiomycota. However, not all fungi are found in nature have been known to sexual reproduction. There are approximately 1500 species of fungi is not known how sexual reproduction. As a result, scientists can not put it into a Zygomycota, Ascomycota, or Basidiomycota. Such fungi, for the time being classified Deuteromycota or "mushroom indeterminate" or also called imperfect fungi. So, the classification is not a real Deuteromycota or not a taxon. If then there is the type of research according to these fungi are known to sexual reproduction, it will be incorporated into the Zygomycota, Ascomycota, or Basidiomycota. If the result askus will be put into Ascomycota, and if the result will be classed Basidiomycota basidium.

The fungus classification changes will change the name of the species. For example, is oncom fungi. At first, this fungi is not currently listed under the name Monilia sitophila Deuteromycota. However, when Prof. Dwidjoseputro (deceased) of Malaysia Training College (now State University of Malang) conduct research, it turns out sitophilia Monilia may reproduce sexually and produce askus. By fungi oncom he put his name in the Ascomycota and sitophila Neurospora. Several other fungi Deuteromycota reclassified into the other Ascomycota fungi of the genus Aspergillus, Candida, and Penicillium. By mycologist, the name changed to Eurotium genus Aspergillus, Candida into Pichia and Penicillium become Talaromyces. Deuteromycota reproduce asexually with vegetative spores. Fungi which originally included within this division just moved pd interchangeable another division after sexual reproduction is known. Here are a member Deuteromycota: 1. Chladosporium 2. Curvularia 3. Trichophyton 4. Aspergillus oryzae 5. wentii 6. flavus 7. fumigatus 8. Fusarium

Distinctive characteristic of Deutereomycota are: 1. hyphae sectional 2. Reproduce asexually by forming konidiospora 3. Sexual propagation is not yet known 4. An example is the Helminthosporium oryzae and Sclerotium rolfsii

Live Cycle Asexual reproduction by producing conidia or produce specialized hyphae called conidiophores. The possibility of this fungus is a fungal growth that belong

to Basidiomicetes or Ascomycocetes but do not know. These are saprophyte fungi in many types of organic matter, as parasites on higher plants, and destroying crops and ornamental plants. This fungus also causes disease in humans, namely dermatokinosis (ringworm and tinea versicolor) and cause decay in wood. The classic example is the fungus monilia sitophila, the fungus oncom. This fungus is commonly used for the manufacture of peanut meal oncom. Monilia can also grow out of bread, food scraps, corn cobs, the milestone - a milestone or the rest of the grass on fire, its konodium very much and orange.

The vegetative to the reproductive phase of monilia sp. Discovered by Dodge (1927) from the United States, while the generative phase was found by dwidjoseputro (1961), once known generative phase, the fungus was introduced kenudian ascomycocetes group and renamed as Neurospora crassa sitophilla or Neurospora.

Role in life Diadvantage of Deuteromycota In Human Life: Microsporum audodini, Trychophyton, and Epiderophyton, causes of ringworm and dandruff (ringworm on the head) Epidermophyton floccosum, the causes of athlete's foot disease Sclothium rolfsii, cause rot disease in plants Helmintrosporium oryzae, the destroyer of sprouts and fruit Malassezia furfur, the cause phlegm Fusarium, attacked the potato crops, tomatoes, bananas, and tobacco

Advantage of Deuteromycota In Human Life: Aspergillus : Aspergillus Nobody has put it in the Ascomycota. However, some are putting it in Deuteromycota. Saprophyte Aspergillus and there are everywhere, both in tropical and subtropical countries. Aspergillus live on food, garbage, wood, and clothing. Aspergillus hyphae branching. At a certain hif appear konidior (conidia carriers) which has a growing radial konidiaspora on conidiophores. Take a look yellowish or brown mushrooms on toast, and check with a microscope. Some of Aspergillus species that are used for food processing, for example: 1. Aspergillus niger for clear juice 2. Aspergillus oryzae is used to soften the bread dough 3. Aspergillus wentii used for the manufacture of soy sauce, tauco, sake, and oxalic acid.

Aspergillus Niger

Aspergillus Oryzae

Aspergillus Wentii


From our explanation above we can make conclusion are : Deuteromycota or called imperfect fungi is a fungi that have no sexual reproduction, so its must cannt put in Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes.. Most Deuteromycota fungi reproduce by conidia. Some of advantage of deutromycetes is aspergilus wentii for making sauce and one of the disadvantage is Epidermophyton floccosum that causes of athlete's foot disease





By : HENDRA ROSADI FIRLY AYU 093204027 093204007



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