The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

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The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template Note: Already filled information should not be changed

1. Name of the Project Online Market for buying and Selling different Products Main Objective of this project is to build an E- Market where people can buy, sell or advertise products. Here, suppose one person wants to sell his car then he can go to this e market and advertise his product for sell. He need to fill some basic information about his product(car in this case). Now suppose some other customer wants to buy some used car then he can search for it from the site by providing some basic information. A. Any user who wants to sell/buy any products B. Director (Admin) C. Employees i. Basic information for user who just visit the site ii. Enrollment is must for users who wish to see details of any products or want to buy/sell any product. For enrollment he needs to provide some basic information like Name, Contact no/email id, userid and if user wants to sell something then he needs to fill description part of the product. iii. Registration page should be available for registering in the site. Temporary password should automatically send to users contact no/ email id and after first login user should be able to change it as per his convenience. iv. User who registered in the site must be able to get search box where he can search for products which he wants to buy v. User can also advertise like: house for rent, temporary uses of playing kits etc. vi. After registration, there should be an auto mail forwarded to user in his contact no/e-mail id. vii. User should also be able to de-register from the site by providing user id and password with some security question. viii. auto reply facility to customers who found that some other customer has shown interest in his product. ix. Employees should be able to maintains


Objective/ Vision


Users of the System Functional Requirements (Atleast Eight)


all types of request, information etc which is required for giving 24/7 services to online users. x. Admin authority should be given to director.


Non-functional requirements (Atleast Four)

i. Secure access of confidential data (users details). SSL can be used. ii. 24 X 7 availability iii. Better component design to get better performance at peak time iv. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension a. Drag and Drop functionality. b. Customizable color schemes and skins


Optional features


User interface priorities

A. Professional look and feel B. Use of XFORMS atleast with all registration forms C. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox. D. Use of Graphical tool like JASPER to show strategic data to admin E. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF or any other desirable format


Reports Other important issues Team Size Technologies to be used

A. Daily report should be generated as how many users visits the site and how many has registered in the site to Admin person. B. Monthly reports based on daily reports for different products to admin person. None 2 4 members UML, J2EE, XML, e-Forms, AJAX, Web 2.0, Web-services, SOA
ry Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Portlet FactoWebSphere Portal/ WAS/ DB2 Express C or DB2 UDB Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server Linux will be the preferred OS.

9. 10. 11.


Tools to be Used


Final Deliverable must include

A. Online or offline help to above said users, Application deployment executive and developer B. Application archive ( .war/.ear ) with source code C. Database backup and DDL Script D. Complete Source code


Because of the use of XForms which generate XML data as input, its easy to consume (gather) all user information in a single XML document and store it as a single entity without breaking it up into pieces as done is case of relational database. Since the data will be stored in a single XML document, its easy to fetch it using a simple XQuery without any complex joins Since the data is stored as XML, it is very easy to construct SOAP messages from this XML content as no relational to XML transformation is required. Use of XSLT to report data in multiple format is now possible because of the XML data model. XML Indexes can be used to further increase the XQUERY performance. Xml functions can be used to query the data efficiently as the data given by a person will not be in a proper format , for example a person living in delhi can give , New Delhi or Delhi. And also if someone wanted to sell a mobile phone he can write only cell phone or phone etc



Advantages of using DB2 PureXML IV.

V. VI.




Webservice application Diagrammatic Repre- which will have registration form and a search engine sentation which will search for particular information regarding different products.


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