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Lab Deliver o ing the r of Love o f Jesus Lo one bab v y at a t e i

Children of Simone Pele, inner city Port au Prince, watching us do prenatals .

FEB & MAR 2012 VOLUME 52


Young girl gathering water in the heat of the day.

When change is on the horizon, I tend to fret a bit. I dont like change as it brings questions, --lots of questions. Most of the time I cant answer those questions, so I worry. But this time, the changes creeping my direction came slow as the dawn. Each morning I could see things a bit clearer; each day the future seemed a bit brighter. This season of change is welcomed... yet still somehow sad.

Season of Change
The plans I have for you are good...
Jer 29:11

Prayer requests!
A new season of ministry has begun for me and Ill be transitioning out of Tonj this month. Please pray for God to be glorified in all the various challenges and opportunities that this presents. Flights back to the states need to be arranged. Please pray for easy connections and cheap flights. The details of where Ill stay when I get back to the States is still up in the air. I have a place in Vegas, but Ill likely be traveling to other places as well. I need a car or truck to use over the summer. If anyone has one please contact me. Contact info:

The biggest change came to me this week when I was informed midwives were hired to replace me. I am relieved to have the help, as the clinic needs it. And Im also grateful to have my furlough early... as I need it. But I cannot shake my sadness in having to say goodbye. This means Ill be Stateside in a couple of weeks. I dont know what is in store next, but I trust that God does. And thats more than enough for me. --Stephanie

My blog is updated regularly... Check it out and enjoy!

Radio Tower!
This month a great group of guys came to erect the Aid Sudan radio tower on the IDAT compound. Twenty three stories tall, this radio station will transmit health teaching, education, and sermons up to hundreds of miles away. Its exciting to see such a wonderful ministry tool come to Tonj. I know God is going to use it powerfully to bring many to salvation. Please pray as this tower still needs a few finishing touches before it is complete. Also pray that the community embraces this new evangelistic tool and is transformed spiritually, educationally, and physically.


A different Birth!
A year and a half ago, Elizabeth came into the clinic for help. She had tried to deliver at home, but something had gone terribly wrong. When she arrived, her baby was already dead... and stuck. With time and by Gods grace, she eventually delivered. But in the process, I become a different midwife. Afterward, I explained about the importance of prenatal care and delivering at a clinic next time around, and she promised she would. A year went by before I saw her again. But when I did, I was overcome with joy. As the months passed, her belly grew along with our hopeful expectation. So when her labor started, she arrived at the clinic early. And when her little girl was born, none of us could contain our joy! What a delightfully different birth!

Mailing Address:
Po Box 4513, 00100 Nairobi GPO Kenya AFRICA (Do NOT send packages to this address, email me for details)

Support Address:
In Deed and Truth Ministries Po Box 51253, Colorado Springs, CO 80949 (Write my name in Memo Line) Call 760/ 707-7367 or donate online at:

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