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TEST I. DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements. Identify what is being referred by each statement and write your answers on the space before each number.

_______________________1. It refers to writings composed in areas of Greek influence, throughout the whole period in which the Greek-speaking people have existed. _____________________2. In Greek mythology, they were the principal deities of the Greek Pantheon, residing atop Mount Olympus. ____________________3. He was the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus. ____________________4. He was the master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods. ____________________5. She was the goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons.

TEST II. DIRECTIONS: Complete the given table about the 12 Olympians. Supply the lacking information by writing your answers on the blank part of the table.

Greek Name

Roman Name


God/Goddess of...


King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky and thunder. Youngest child of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Symbols include the thunderbolt, eagle, oak tree, scepter and scales. Brother and husband of Hera, although he had many lovers.






God of wine, celebrations and ecstasy. Patron god of the art oftheatre. Symbols include the grapevine, ivy, cup, tiger, panther, leopard, dolphin and goat. Son of Zeus and the mortal Theban princess Semele. Married to the Cretan princess Ariadne. The youngest Olympian, as well as the only one to have been born of a mortal woman.


Virgin goddess of the hunt, virginity, childbirth, archery and all animals. Symbols include the moon, deer, hound, she-bear, snake, cypress tree and bow and arrow. Daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo.




Virgin goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, defense and strategic warfare. Symbols include the owl and the olive tree. Daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Metis, she rose from her father's head fully grown and in full battle armor after he swallowed her mother.



Goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Symbols include the dove, bird, apple, bee, swan, myrtle and rose. Daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Dione, or perhaps born from the sea foam after Uranus' blood dripped onto the earth and into the sea after being defeated by his youngest son Cronus. Married to Hephaestus, although she had many adulterous affairs, most notably with Ares. Her name gave us the word "aphrodisiac", while her Latin name gave us the word "venereal".[B]


Master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of fire and the forge. Symbols include fire, anvil, ax, donkey, hammer, tongs and quail. Son of Hera, either by Zeus or alone. Married to Aphrodite, though unlike most divine husbands, he was rarely ever licentious. His Latin name, Vulcan, gave us the word "volcano."



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