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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Title: Progressivism: Presidents of the Era Description (1-2 sentences): This lesson is focused on the presidents of the Progressive Era. Discussed will be Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Unit Essential Question: What were the political, economic, and social factors that led to a need for progressive reform in the early 20th century. Subject: American History Instructional Time: 2 block periods, 3 hours Students grade level: 11th grade Standard(s) to be addressed (Iowa Core 6-8 or 9-12): 5.6 d Describe the events of Roosevelts, Tafts, and Wilsons presidency. Resources used in this lesson: Powerpoint and Projector Note sheet Political Campaign project assignment sheet Strips of paper with quotes from the Presidents on it Learning Objectives that meet the standard above (no more than three): Students will be able to explain the impact that Presidents Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson had on the United States and how they shaped the Progressive era. Students will be able to identify the important pieces of legislation that marked the early 1900s. Guiding question for this lesson: What were the important contributions of the presidents during the Progressive Era? Motivational strategies that you will use: Students will be able to work in groups to discuss the impact of the presidents. The material will be related to issues and things that are relevant to the students today. Type of instructional method(s) used in this lesson: Lecture Admit/exit slip Group work Whole Class discussion

Procedures - list carefully and completely what the students will do Admit Slip: What were the Jim Crow Laws and Plessy V Ferguson? What were the four goals of Progressivism? Who were WEB DuBois and Booker T Washington? Distribute and explain the political campaign project (political campaign project assignment sheet). Students will draw to see what president they have.

Lecture over the presidents and their impact on the Progressive Era. (Powerpoint) Break class into groups and distribute one quote to each group. Have that group discuss that quote and which president they think said it. How did they decide and what does the quote tell us about that President and his style of leadership. Provide students the opportunity to look through their book to compare and contrast Wilsons New Freedom and Roosevelts Square Deal. After coming up with their own list, have them get into groups to have everyone compare notes to see what they found out. Create a list on board of similarities and differences. Exit Slip: Name two important pieces of legislation to come out of the Progressive Era and what they established.

Technology needed for this lesson: VHS player and projector Powerpoint and Projector Elmo Whiteboard Adaptations needed to meet student needs (ELL, SPED, etc.): Students will have a note sheet to help them organize the main points. The powerpoint will help those who are visual learners and help ELL students gather the important material. Working in groups may be helpful for students who are hesitant to talk in front of the whole class. Thinking strategies used in this lesson: Students will need to compare and contrast Wilsons New Freedom and Roosevelts Square Deal. Students will also analyze a quote and determine its author and importance. Assignment (what happens after this lesson; if no assignment, write none): None Assessment of the objectives for this lesson (how do you know what the students learning): I will know what students are learning based on their in class participation and how they interact with each other during group discussion. I will also be able to observe students while they are interacting in small groups.

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