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ENG499CapstoneProject2008 CP0801/E32 10/24/2008





The Solar Tracker project is a required project component of study course ENG 499 Capstone Project. A Solar Tracker is a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. The Solar Tracker will attempt to navigate to the best angle of exposure of light from the sun.

This report aims to let the reader understand the project work which I have done. A brief introduction to Solar Panel and Solar Tracker is explained in the Literature Research section. Basically the Solar Tracker is divided into two main categories, hardware and software. It is further subdivided into six main functionalities: Method of Tracker Mount, Drives, Sensors, Motors, Data Acquisition/Interface Card and Power Supply of the Solar Tracker is also explained and explored. The reader would then be brief with some analysis and perceptions of the information.

Next, the overview of the hardware and software of the Solar Tracker would be introduced. A detailed insight and main focus of this report of the sensor system and circuitry is explained in Chapter 4.

Finally, the results, some discussions, conclusions and reflections of the project are discussed.






I would like to take this opportunity to thank several people and their support which made this ENG499 Capstone Project possible.

Firstly, to Mr Ng Kong Yew, whose invaluable insight into the construction and design of the Solar Tracker has proved to be an international standard.

To the lecturer of UniSim, who gives a briefing on Introduction to LabVIEW and National Instrument Application on Week 3 (29 February 2008, Saturday) which gives me a better understanding of LabVIEW.

To the staff of UniSim, for the help and support they provide in opening up the laboratories and the use of their equipments and components.






Abstract......................................................................................... 1 Acknowledgement .................................................................... 2 Definitions .................................................................................... 5 List of Tables............................................................................... 5 List of Figures ............................................................................. 6 Chapter 1 : Introduction.......................................................... 7
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Project Statements............................................................................................................................... 8 1.3 Project Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 9 1.4 Scope of Project ................................................................................................................................ 10 1.5 Skills Review .................................................................................................................................... 11 1.5.1 Criteria and targets for accessing progress................................................................................. 11 1.5.2 Skills needed to achieve targets ................................................................................................. 12 1.5.3 Strengths and Weaknesses ......................................................................................................... 13 1.5.4 Priorities for improving skills .................................................................................................... 13 1.6 Discussion on the Project Proposal and Approval Process ............................................................... 14

Chapter 2 : Literature Research........................................ 15

2.1 Technology of Solar Panel................................................................................................................ 15 2.1.1 Evolution of Solar Tracker......................................................................................................... 17 2.2 Solar Tracker..................................................................................................................................... 20 2.2.1 Methods of Tracker Mount ........................................................................................................ 21 2.2.2MethodsofDrive ....................................................................................................................... 23 2.2.3 Sensors ....................................................................................................................................... 24 2.2.4 Motors ........................................................................................................................................ 26 2.2.5 Data Acquisition/Interface Card ................................................................................................ 30 Page3of72




2.2.6 Power Supply ............................................................................................................................. 32 2.3 Solar Tracker Solving Algorithm................................................................................................... 34 2.4 Analysis and Perception.................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter 3 : Overview of Solar Tracker Hardware and Software ...................................................................................... 37

3.1 System Concept ................................................................................................................................ 38 3.2 Structure of Solar Tracker................................................................................................................. 40 3.3 Data Acquisition/Interface Card ....................................................................................................... 42 3.4 Sensing around the tracker................................................................................................................ 44 3.5 Motion Control.................................................................................................................................. 49 3.6 Power Supply .................................................................................................................................... 52

Chapter 4 : Software Development .................................. 53

4.1 Sensor Proximity Detection Circuit .................................................................................................. 53 4.2 Motor Proximity Detection Circuitry................................................................................................ 55

Chapter 5 : Testing and Results........................................ 57

5.1 Sensor Proximity Detection Circuit .................................................................................................. 57

Chapter 6 : Results and Discussion ................................. 61

6.1 Problem Encountered........................................................................................................................ 61 6.2 Advantages and Constraint of my Approach .................................................................................... 62

Chapter 7 : Conclusions........................................................ 63 Chapter 8 : Critical Review and Reflections ................ 64 References ................................................................................. 66





AppendixA:Datasheets ............................................................................................................................. 68 AppendixB:GanttChart ............................................................................................................................ 69 AppendixC:InstallationGuideforEMANT300.......................................................................................... 70 AppendixD:HowtouseLabVIEW ............................................................................................................. 71

LabVIEW PV VI ADC LSB PCB A/D I/O USB DAQ Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench PhotoVoltaic Virtual Instruments Analog to Digital Converter Least Significant Bit Printed Circuit Board Analog to Digital Input/Output Universal Serial Bus Data Acquisition

List of Tables
Table1:ComparisonofBatteries............................................................................................................... 33 Table2:PinsConfigurationofEMANT300................................................................................................. 43 Table3:PinConfigurationusedfortheEast&WestLightIntensity......................................................... 47 Table4:Steppingsequenceforafourcoilunipolarsteppers ................................................................... 49 Table5:SensorTrialTest ........................................................................................................................... 58





List of Figures
Figure1:Sunsapparentmotion................................................................................................................ 18 Figure2:2KWSolarSystems...................................................................................................................... 19 Figure3:Trackerusinghorizontalaxle ...................................................................................................... 21 Figure4:Trackerusingbothhorizontalandverticalaxle.......................................................................... 22 Figure5:LightDependentResistor(LDR) .................................................................................................. 24 Figure6:DifferenttypesofPhotodiodes................................................................................................... 25 Figure7:StepperMotor............................................................................................................................. 26 Figure8:DCMotor..................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure9:ServoMotor Figure10:DisassembledServoMotor...................................................... 29 Figure11:FlowChartfortheSolarTrackerAlgorithm .............................................................................. 34 Figure12:OverviewofSolarTracker ......................................................................................................... 37 Figure13:Diagramofhorizontalaxissolartracker................................................................................... 39 Figure14:TopViewofMySolarTracker ................................................................................................... 40 Figure15:SideViewofMySolarTracker .................................................................................................. 41 Figure16:EMANT300 ................................................................................................................................ 42 Figure17:DB25pinoutconnection .......................................................................................................... 43 Figure18:CircuitdiagramofEastLightIntensity Figure19:CircuitdiagramofWestLightIntensity . 46 Figure20:TopViewofthephotodiodes.................................................................................................... 47 Figure21:OverviewofSensorSystem ...................................................................................................... 48 Figure22:ULN2003PinConfiguration....................................................................................................... 50 Figure23:CircuitDiagram&PCBboardoftheMotorDriver.................................................................... 51 Figure24:1packofeightnumbersof1.2Vbatteries................................................................................ 52 Figure25:FrontPanelofEast&WestLightIntensity ............................................................................... 53 Figure26:BlockDiagramofEastandWestIntensity ................................................................................ 54 Figure27:FrontPanelofSolarTracker...................................................................................................... 55 Figure28:BlockDiagramofSolarTracker ................................................................................................. 56 Figure29:LightIntensityVsDistanceTrial ................................................................................................ 59 Figure30:IntegrationTesting.................................................................................................................... 60





Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1 Background
This Solar Tracker project is a required component of ENG 499 Capstone Project. I am required to use my design and innovation skills to design a Solar Tracker System which will be able to navigate to the best angle of exposure of light from the sun. The Solar Tracker which I built and the poster will be presented on Week 44 (17 November 2008 to 23 November 2008).

This report details the Literature Research, Overview of the Hardware and Software of the Solar Tracker, the results achieved, some discussions and reflections related to the project.




1.2 Project Statements

Project To design and build a Solar Tracker system for course subject ENG 499 Capstone Project.

Advisor Mr Ng Kong Yew

Area of Project Development Project Management Sensor Hardware Motor Power Firmware

Deliverables TMA01 submission on Week 5 (29 February 2008, Thursday). Presentation of Solar Tracker on Week 44 (17 November 2008 to 23 November 2008) of course study. Project Report submission on Week 39 (24 October 2008, Friday).





1.3 Project Objectives

Some of the objectives to meet are: To design an effective sensor array to provide directional information to guide a major drive system to track the movement of the sun across the sky.

The drive will have to position a photo-voltaic panel to the best angle of exposure to sunlight for collection of solar energy.

To present and run the Solar Tracker during the end-of-the course presentation.





1.4 Scope of Project

This section details the scope of my project. Research and Design of Solar Tracker Gathering Information Discussion on Ideas and Concepts Testing and Evaluation of Ideas Finalization of Ideas Solar Tracker Design Implementation Software Research and Development

Software and Hardware Design Software Hardware

Implementation Testing Presentation





1.5 Skills Review

1.5.1 Criteria and targets for accessing progress

To write a 8,000 word report on the project Management of the project Understand how solar tracker works Draft out a project plan To complete Initial Report Review project plan Assess project progress Perform test and measurement Complete any works or issues related to project To complete Final Report Collate all related issues for oral presentation





1.5.2 Skills needed to achieve targets

Skills in getting ideas and data collection Through reading of books and materials available online Searching of journals and articles Consult project advisor

Skills in assessing and evaluating project progress Through setting of targets Data comparison Project management Testing, measurement and troubleshooting

Skills in presentation Report writing skills Collate and organize data, diagrams, charts, circuits etc Oral presentation skills





1.5.3 Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths: Able to work independently without supervision to meet the objectives and to achieve the deliverables required on time.

Empower the ability to understand any context from a high level fashion, yet able to identify any problems and bottlenecks encountered in the processes.

Being innovative, I am able to re-engineer feasible processes to streamline and improve the current application faced.

Weakness: Not skilled in LabVIEW.(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)

1.5.4 Priorities for improving skills

To improve information gathering within a given time

To read and understand on the project related topics

To fine tune project schedules

To have better time management on the project





1.6 Discussion on the Project Proposal and Approval Process

Project was first introduced by the advisor

Understand the project statement and define the project objectives

Completed courses and relevant experience related to this project

Expectations and tasks from the tutor

Special facilities requirement for the project which includes the software/hardware





Chapter 2 : Literature Research

This chapter aims to provide the reader a brief knowledge of Solar Panel, Solar Tracker and the components which made up Solar Tracker.

2.1 Technology of Solar Panel

Solar panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are called solar after the sun or "Sol" because the sun is the most powerful source of the light available for use. They are sometimes called photovoltaic which means "light-electricity". Solar cells or PV cells rely on the photovoltaic effect to absorb the energy of the sun and cause current to flow between two oppositely charge layers.


A solar panel is a collection of solar cells. Although each solar cell provides a relatively small amount of power, many solar cells spread over a large area can provide enough power to be useful. To get the most power, solar panels have to be pointed directly at the Sun.

The development of solar cell technology begins with 1839 research of French physicist Antoine-Cesar Becquerel. He observed the photovoltaic effect while experimenting with a solid electrode in an electrolyte solution. After that he saw a voltage developed when light fell upon the electrode.





According to Encyclopedia Britannica the first genuine for solar panel was built around 1883 by Charles Fritts. He used junctions formed by coating selenium (a semiconductor) with an extremely thin layer of gold. (2)

Crystalline silicon and gallium arsenide are typical choices of materials for solar panels. Gallium arsenide crystals are grown especially for photovoltaic use, but silicon crystals are available in less-expensive standard ingots, which are produced mainly for consumption in the microelectronics industry.

Norways Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) has confirmed that it will build a solar manufacturing plant in Singapore by 2010 - the largest in the world. This plant will be able to produce products that can generate up to 1.5 gigawatts (GW) of energy every year. That is enough to power several million households at any one time. Last year, the world as a whole produced products that could generate just 2 GW in total. (3)





2.1.1 Evolution of Solar Tracker

Since the sun moves across the sky throughout the day, in order to receive the best angle of exposure to sunlight for collection energy. A tracking mechanism is often incorporated into the solar arrays to keep the array pointed towards the sun.

A solar tracker is a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. When compare to the price of the PV solar panels, the cost of a solar tracker is relatively low.

Most photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are fitted in a fixed location- for example on the sloping roof of a house, or on framework fixed to the ground. Since the sun moves across the sky though the day, this is far from an ideal solution.

Solar panels are usually set up to be in full direct sunshine at the middle of the day facing South in the Northern Hemisphere, or North in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore morning and evening sunlight hits the panels at an acute angle reducing the total amount of electricity which can be generated each day.






During the day the sun appears to move across the sky from left to right and up and down above the horizon from sunrise to noon to sunset. Figure 1 shows the schematic above of the Sun's apparent motion as seen from the Northern Hemisphere.

To keep up with other green energies, the solar cell market has to be as efficient as possible in order not to lose market shares on the global energy marketplace. There are two main ways to make the solar cells more efficient, one is to develop the solar cell material and make the panels even more efficient and another way is to optimize the output by installing the solar panels on a tracking base that follows the sun.

The end-user will prefer the tracking solution rather than a fixed ground system to increase their earnings because: The efficiency increases by 30-40% The space requirement for a solar park is reduced, and they keep the same output





The return of the investment timeline is reduced The tracking system amortizes itself within 4 years (on average)

In terms of cost per Watt of the completed solar system, it is usually cheaper (for all but the smallest solar installations) to use a solar tracker and less solar panels where space and planning permit.

A good solar tracker can typically lead to an increase in electricity generation capacity of 3050%. Figure 2 shows 2kw Solar Trackers System.






2.2 Solar Tracker

A Solar Tracker is basically a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. After finding the sunlight, the tracker will try to navigate through the path ensuring the best sunlight is detected.

The design of the Solar Tracker requires many components. The design and construction of it could be divided into six main parts, each with their main function. They are: 1. Methods of Tracker Mount 2. Methods of Drives 3. Sensor and Sensor Controller 4. Motor and Motor Controller 5. Tracker Solving Algorithm 6. Data Acquisition/Interface Card

The six main parts would need to work together harmoniously to achieve a smooth run for the Solar Tracker. I shall explore their functions individually in the next section.





2.2.1 Methods of Tracker Mount

1. Single axis solar trackers Single axis solar trackers can either have a horizontal or a vertical axle. The horizontal type is used in tropical regions where the sun gets very high at noon, but the days are short. The vertical type is used in high latitudes where the sun does not get very high, but summer days can be very long. Figure 3 shows a Solar Tracker using horizontal axle. The single axis tracking system is the simplest solution and the most common one used.






2. Double axis solar trackers Double axis solar trackers have both a horizontal and a vertical axle and so can track the Sun's apparent motion exactly anywhere in the World. Figure 4 shows a Solar Tracker using horizontal and vertical axle. This type of system is used to control astronomical telescopes, and so there is plenty of software available to automatically predict and track the motion of the sun across the sky. (4) By tracking the sun, the efficiency of the solar panels can be increased by 30-40%.The dual axis tracking system is also used for concentrating a solar reflector toward the concentrator on heliostat systems.



NAME:HANWANSIEW 2.2.2MethodsofDrive



1. Active Trackers Active Trackers use motors and gear trains to direct the tracker as commanded by a controller responding to the solar direction. Light-sensing trackers typically have two photosensors, such as photodiodes, configured differentially so that they output a null when receiving the same light flux. Mechanically, they should be omnidirectional (i.e. flat) and are aimed 90 degrees apart. This will cause the steepest part of their cosine transfer functions to balance at the steepest part, which translates into maximum sensitivity.

2. Passive Trackers Passive Trackers use a low boiling point compressed gas fluid that is driven to one side or the other (by solar heat creating gas pressure) to cause the tracker to move in response to an imbalance.

3. Chronological Tracker Chronological Tracker counteracts the earth's rotation by turning at an equal rate as the earth, but in the opposite direction. Actually the rates aren't quite equal, because as the earth goes around the sun, the position of the sun changes with respect to the earth by 360 every year or 365.24 days. (5)




2.2.3 Sensors A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. 1. Light Dependent Resistor Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is made of a high-resistance semiconductor. It can also be referred to as a photoconductor. If light falling on the device is of the high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering resistance.

Hence, Light Dependent Resistors (LDR) is very useful in light sensor

circuits. LDR is very high-resistance, sometimes as high as 1000 000, when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically.






2. Photodiode Photodiode (BPW34) is a light sensor which has a high speed and high sensitive silicon PIN photodiode in a miniature flat plastic package. A photodiode is designed to be responsive to optical input. Due to its waterclear epoxy the device is sensitive to visible and infrared radiation. The large active area combined with a flat case gives a high sensitivity at a wide viewing angle. Photodiodes can be used in either zero bias or reverse bias. In zero bias, light falling on the diode causes a voltage to develop across the device, leading to a current in the forward bias direction. This is called the photovoltaic effect, and is the basis for solar cells - in fact a solar cell is just a large number of big, cheap photodiodes. Diodes usually have extremely high resistance when reverse biased. This resistance is reduced when light of an appropriate frequency shines on the junction. Hence, a reverse biased diode can be used as a detector by monitoring the current running through it. Circuits based on this effect are more sensitive to light than ones based on the photovoltaic effect. (7)






2.2.4 Motors

Motors are use to drive the Solar Tracker to the best angle of exposure of light. For this section, we shall look at some of the motor types available on the market.

1. Stepper Motors Stepper motor has relatively limited power which means that wheelspin will not be a problem. It is not fast but it will work. The driver chips are operated by two signals. One signal determines the direction of rotation, plus for forward and minus for backwards. The other moves the stepper by one step each time it goes from minus to plus (8) .

Stepper motors move in steps, 200 or 400 steps per revolution to be precise. To move them, the stepper driver firmware had to have a smooth pulse. If the pulse timing is out, the motor would just stop and not move. They can also produce precise motor rotation if the correct motor driver firmware signals are obtained.






2. DC Motors

DC motors are cheaper to buy, and simple to drive but they need feed-back sensors to allow control of the speed. It is necessary to detect the rotation of the wheels, usually by means of sensors better controlled by pulling the motor supply that uses less battery power than the analogue/resistor methods. Low-inertia, efficient servo-motors bring advantages of fast response and efficiency, but add cost (9) .

The advantages of the DC motor are the torque and their speed is easier to control. The drawbacks of DC motors are that they consumed huge amounts of power. They would consumed the battery power in no time and power saving techniques must be employed to ensure the mouse do not stop halfway while navigating. They are also prone to dust and harder to maintain.






3. Servo Motors

Servos contain a small DC motor, a gearbox and some control circuitry, and feed on 5 volts at about 100mA maximum, and about 10-20mA when idle. They have a three-wire connector, one common wire (0 volt, usually black), one +5v wire (usually red), and one signal wire. In normal use they are controlled by pulses of about 1 to 2 milli-seconds at a repetition rate of about 50 per second. A short pulse makes the servo drive to one end of the travel, a long pulse makes it drive to the other end, and a medium one puts it somewhere proportionally between. Some servos have gear components that allow them to rotate continuously. This method needs the servo to have a feedback potentiometer used by internal circuits to measure the position of the output shaft. If this is disconnected and the wires taken to an external pre-set potentiometer, the servo will drive continuously in one direction if fed with short pulses and vice-versa. If there are no pulses, the servo stops. It is uses to drive the Solar Tracker Eastward and Westward. The pulses are at normal TTL levels. The speed though, is not greatly affected by the pulse repetition rate, as long as it is above about 30 per second. These pulses can easily be provided by an output port of just about any computer, for instance the data or control lines of a printer port or a serial port, or a simple addressed latch added to the memory circuits. A possible configuration is the tricycle described above, with one driving and steering-wheel at the front and two idler wheels at the rear. Using a Radio Controlled (RC) servo for steering is a good method, because the position of the steering mechanism is determined by the length of the servo drive pulse, which can be generated by a software countdown loop or a hard-ware counter. If an RC servo is used as a drive motor, wheel motion sensors are needed on at least one wheel as in any DC motor




(10) .

system. The use of an RC servo for driving only simplifies the mechanics servos are very small and precise motors.

In summary,







2.2.5 Data Acquisition/Interface Card

The Data Acquisition/Interface Card is the feedback of the Solar Tracker. This section covers the card itself and the programming language that is going to be use to control the Solar Tracker.

1. The Data Acquisition/Interface Card The main aim of the Data Acquisition/Interface Card is to provide testing functionality of the mains parts of the Solar Tracker. It should provide available ports for the sensors input, motor controlling output bits and also other interfaces to be controlled as simply as possible and in the shortest time. It must be within specifications and should be small enough to accommodate all the required components and not draw too much power. Popular choices for Data Acquisition/Interface Card are PCI-7334 and EMANT300.

2. Programming Language for the Solar Tracker The program which I have chosen to run this Solar Tracker Algorithm is LabVIEW. It is a programming language from National Instruments, also referred to a VI (Virtual Instrument), consists of two windows: the Front Panel and the Block Diagram. It is a graphical language in which the program is drawn rather than written. There is no text-based code like in Basic or C. The program is presented as a diagram with data flow determining the sequence of the program. It is use to create a virtual instrument for engineering education using a graphical programming language that uses icons instead of lines of text to create applications. LabVIEW uses dataflow programming, where the flow of data through the nodes on the block diagram determines the




execution order of the virtual instruments (VIs) and functions. Codes are added using graphical representations of functions to control the front panel objects. This graphical source code is also known as G code or block diagram code. LabVIEW uses its own National Instruments DataSocket technology to share live data with other VI on the Web. The LabVIEW Web Server is use to create HTML documents, publish front panel images on the Web, and embed VI in a Web page. It also controls browser access to the published front panels and configures which VIs are visible on the Web. Protocols that are use include the HTTP and TCP/IP and are dependable on the application. A plug-in package called the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is needed to access the LabVIEW applications. (11) Other programming languages like the Java, Pearl, Microprocessor and C++ could also be used to write the software.





2.2.6 Power Supply

The power supply of the solar tracker is also a consideration when designing. They would have to supply power to the interface card, the motors and the sensors. Although there are other electric power sources available, batteries is the best source for the Solar Tracker. To ensure the proper operation of all circuitry and their components, power must be provided through a voltage regulation scheme. The table below compares the different type of batteries available.





Battery Alkaline

Advantage Alkaline batteries are popular for small electronic devices. These batteries have a high energy density and they are usually quite inexpensive.

Nickel Cadmium (NiCd)

Nickel Cadmium batteries represent the majority of rechargeable batteries. The internal resistance of NiCd batteries is small, making these batteries efficient at fast discharging. Being rechargeable, NiCd batteries are economical in the long run. Nickel Metal Hydride batteries have twice the energy-density of NiCd batteries. For the same size and same mass, a NiMH battery stores twice the amount of energy. NiMH batteries also have low internal resistance and are rechargeable. NiMH batteries do not have memory effect, which means they do not need to be empty before being recharged. Lithium-ion batteries are used in many high end cordless and rechargeable devices. The energy-density of Lithiumion batteries is higher than that of NiMH batteries.

Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)

Disadvantage Alkaline batteries have high internal resistance and it is not possible to release energy at a fast rate. Alkaline batteries output voltage continues to drop linearly as the battery discharges with a linear slope. These characteristics would affect the torque or motors severely. The capacity of the NiCd batteries is recharged without first completely being discharged. NiCd batteries also have a relatively low energy-density. This means it takes more mass to store the same amount of energy compared to high energy density batteries. NiMH batteries lose their charge faster than other types of batteries. The also cannot be stored for more than days at a time.

Lithium-ion (Li-ion)

Although Li-ion batteries seem very suitable for robotics, they have some limitations. Li-ion batteries are not designed for continuous high drain rate. Li-ion batteries require constant current charging for the first stage, then constant voltage should take over for the second stage






2.3 Solar Tracker Solving Algorithm

The main objective of the Solar Tracker Algorithm is to quickly determine to the best angle of exposure of light from the sun. A pair of sensors is used to point the East and West of the location of the light. Figure 11 shows a flow chart of Solar Tracker Algorithm.






2.4 Analysis and Perception

To simulate interest in young professionals and students in solar, solar competitions are held worldwide annually. Of particular interest would be the Solar Tracker competition that saw professionals and students taking part. This competition sees solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day and complete the best sunlight that it absorbed.

The six main functions of a Solar Tracker are the methods of tracker mount, drives, sensors, motors, data acquisition/interface card and the Solar Tracker solving algorithm. There are a few methods of tracker mount and drive that is available for use. Each of the methods had their advantages and disadvantages. Of particular interest would be the single-axis and active tracker method as it is symmetric placements and turnings of the motor.

The eyes of the Solar Tracker are taken care by the photodiodes. The photodiodes are important because it is use to detect the amount of light intensity.

Different motors are available on the market to drive the mouse as reviewed. The servo motors are highly recommended as they have precise motor movements and consume power only when moving. One thing that would turn against them would be the cost they bring to the project. As for the DC motors, although they are easy to control and cheaper to buy, they consumed lots of power and are harder to maintain. Stepper motors are cheap and able to control precise rotations of the motor through software and firmware; they would provide us the alternative to the servo motor.




The feedback of the solar tracker depends on the interface card. The processor needs to have adequate ports for the input signals to make decisions in real time. The interface card must also not consume too much power from the batteries as to conserve energy. The programming language which I have chosen shall be one that must be easy to use and a new challenge to me. There is no point in choosing one that I am familiar in as this would hamper in my efforts to build the Solar Tracker. The LabVIEW programming language was chosen because I have not studied it before. It is fun to learn and there are several tools to help with debugging, making the development time quick and easy. The EMANT 300 interface face card was chosen because of the wide range of features it could give use.

For the power supply, I would need power that is able to operate the stepper motor. Rechargeable NiMH batteries would be suitable as they could be recharge quickly and do not hold up too much space.





Chapter 3 : Overview of Solar Tracker Hardware and Software

This chapter contains a brief description of the hardware and software of my Solar Tracker.

The following figure shows the brief overview of my Solar Tracker.

Program LabVIEW Motion Stepper Motor and Driver Circuit Processor EMANT 300

Power Supply 1 pack of eight numbers of 1.2V Navigation Sensor Circuit






3.1 System Concept

The notion of building a Solar Tracker through Mr Ng Kong Yew and I who make it work was conceived when we had our first few meeting.

My design of Solar Tracker is to develop and implement a simplified diagram of a horizontalaxis and active tracker method type of solar tracker fitted to a solar panel. It will be able to navigate to the best angle of exposure of light from the torchlight. A pair of sensors is used to point the East and West of the location of the light.

A scaled-down model of a prototype will be designed and built to test the workability of the tracking system. The center of the drive is a stepper motor. Figure 13 shows a schematic diagram of a horizontal-axis solar tracker. This will be controlled via an data acquisition / interface card linked to a notebook running a LABVIEW program. The designed algorithm will power the motor drive after processing the feedback signals from the sensor array. The LabVIEW program will also include monitoring and display of light intensity output from the photodiodes.






The light detected by the Eastward-facing sensor is at a lower intensity to that detected by the Westward-facing sensor. Hence, the sensor must be turned westwards (by the motor controlled by the solar tracker circuit) until the levels of light detected by both the East and the West sensors are equal. At the point of the solar panel will be directly facing the light and generated electricity optimally.

Obviously real world solar trackers are not so simple. A solar tracker must be able to reset itself at sunset so it is ready for sunrise, it must cope with heavy cloud, and it must work reliably 365 days a year. In addition a mount for the solar panel must be constructed which can cope with strong winds and a suitable motor found.





3.2 Structure of Solar Tracker

The structure of my Solar Tracker is based on the horizontal-axle Solar Tracker method. Figure 13(page 37), 14 and 15 show the overview, top view and side view respectively where all the components are place.

Sensors ComparatorUnit ACAdaptor

Driver Circuit

StepperMotor EMANT 300











3.3 Data Acquisition/Interface Card

The EMANT300 is a low-cost and compact data acquisition system. It can be used with a notebook for data acquisition and control.

Figure 16, 17 and table 2 show the EMANT300,

BD25 pin out connection and BD25 pin configuration respectively.

These features: Up to 6 channels of differential multiplexed ADC Single channel 22 bit @ 10 samples/sec Single channel 16 bit waveform @ 2500 samples/sec (max) 1 channel of 8-bit D/A conversion (current output) 8 digital I/O channels One 16-bit general-purpose counter OR 16-bit PWM USB 2.0 Full Speed connectivity to desktop PC, notebook Low cost and easily available 25 pin D-Sub connects to the physical world.












3.4 Sensing around the tracker

The sensors work on a system of two photodiodes comparator circuit. Figure 18 and 19 show the circuit diagram of East Light Intensity and West Light Intensity respectively. Photodiodes (BPW34) can be used in either zero bias or reverse bias. Diodes have extremely high resistance when reverse biased. This resistance is reduced when light of an appropriate frequency shines on the junction. Hence, a reverse biased diode can be used as a light detector by monitoring the current running through it. Coupled to a 10K resistor, and given the specification of the BPW34 a simple relationship between light intensity and the voltage is given by:

Light intensity = 2400 V o = 2400 2.5V = 6000 lux

The human eye is a very poor instrument for measuring light intensity, because the pupil adjusts constantly in response to the amount of light it receives. To accurately measure the light intensity in a given spot, it is best to use a light meter.

Light intensity may be measured in lux (metric system) or foot-candles (Imperial system). Note that 1 foot-candle = 10.76 lux





To provide some points of reference: Full sunlight 11000 lux Morning sunlight 6000 lux A bright office has about 400 lux Moonlight represents about 1 lux

With the EMANT300, a regular computer can now be used to measure this voltage. The EMANT300 contains a 24-bit ADC (analog to digital converter). During analog to digital conversion, a digital value can correspond to a range of analog values. Any analog signal within the zone of one least significant bit (LSB) will have the same digital value. This error is known as quantization error. The relationship between this error and the bit resolution is given by:

Error = 1 / 2n where n is the resolution in bits of the ADC







The East Light Intensity has the photodiode BPW34 connected to AIN1 (input signal) of the EMANT300 and the resistor connected to AIN0. The West Light Intensity has the photodiode BPW34 connected to AIN5 (input signal) of the EMANT300 and the resistor connected to AIN4. VDD and ground is connected to USB 5V and USB ground respectively. Figure 20 shows the East and West photodiodes which I mounted on the PCB board. The pin configuration of the East and West Light Intensity is show on table 3. (13)






PIN 10 11 6 7 12 13

Signal Name AIN 1 AIN 0 AIN 5 AIN 4 USB Gnd USB 5V

Usage East photodiode Input East photodiode Input West photodiode Input West photodiode Input East & West photodiodes for Gnd East & West photodiodes for DVDD






East & West Photodiode EMANT 300

Stepper Motors

Sensors Comparator Circuitry

Motor Controller






3.5 Motion Control

A common stepper motor is the four-coil unipolar. They are called unipolar because they require only that their coils be driven on and off. The stepping sequence for a four-coil unipolar steppers is shown on table 4 below.


The motors speed depends on how fast the controller runs through the step sequence. The stepper motor I have used is the PF443-03A from Mycom. It requires a supply voltage of 12V and the coil current is 0.31A. Each step is 1.8 degrees.

The EMANT300 digital output current drive is about 20mA too low to drive the stepper motor coil. Besides, the Mycom PF443 stepper motor operates from a 12V supply which is higher than the 5V allowed for the EMANT300 digital output. Therefore, one simple solution is to add the ULN2003. Figure 22 shows the pin configuration of ULN2003. It is a high voltage, high current darlington driver comprising seven NPN darlington pairs. All feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The ULN2003 has a maximum sustaining output voltage of 50V and maximum output current of 0.5A per channel which easily exceeds the requirements of the





Mycom PF443 stepper motor. (14) Figure 23 also show the circuit diagram and the PCB motor driver that is use for the Solar Tracker.











3.6 Power Supply

The power supply is provided by 1 pack of eight numbers of 1.2V, 1600mAH NiMH rechargeable batteries. The total power supply to the stepper motor to operate is 9.6V which is higher than the 5V for the EMANT300 digital output. Figure 24 shows a pack of eight numbers of 1.2V, 1600mAH NiMH rechargeable batteries.






Chapter 4 : Software Development

4.1 Sensor Proximity Detection Circuit

Figure 25 and 26 show the Front Panel and Block Diagram of the East & West Light Intensity. The task of accurately determining and detecting the light intensity of the East and West are important. When light is shine on the photodiodes, an output voltage will be given for the east and west light intensity. Appendix D will explain in detail how I create it.






From figure 26, it shows that when light is shines on the east and west photodiodes, a voltage will be given.

Light intensity = (2400 V o ) lux






4.2 Motor Proximity Detection Circuitry

Figure 27 and 28 show the Front Panel and Block Diagram of the Solar Tracker. Appendix D will explain in detail how I create it. It would be initializing and started by shining light on the solar panel. It would wait for the user to start it before detecting the light intensity. It would then apply its algorithm functions to move around and get the best angle of light where both the photodiodes are equal. The difference light intensity become the feedback signals LabVIEW used to command the stepper motor movement.











Chapter 5 : Testing and Results

This chapter details the development and testing of the different part of the sensor function circuitry. It contains two parts, namely the sensor proximity detection circuitry and the sensor comparator.

5.1 Sensor Proximity Detection Circuit

To gain insight on how the BPW34 photodiode works, its functionality test is conducted with torchlight. Stepper motor will not move until both the east and west photodiode have the equal of light. Table 5 shows the results of the two trials that were conducted, and the average light intensity





Distance (cm)

Light Intensity (1 trial)


Light Intensity (2 trial)


Light Intensity (Average) 900 1300 2200 3300 4250 4900 6000 6000 6000 6000

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 4800 6000 6000 6000 6000

800 1100 2400 3600 4500 5000 6000 6000 6000 6000






Figure 29 suggested that light intensity output seems to taper off when the distance gets nearer to within the 20cm range. We also notice that the difference between the trial light intensity is roughly around 6000. This proves that we can get quite accurate readings from the sensor.





The two sensors and other components are bread boarded to test out the circuit. The sensors are first all placed to the front to test for their average readings. The sensor are confirmed to be working against the average readings from the trial with a +/- 10mV variance. Once that is confirmed, they are placed accordingly to the layout on the PCB explained earlier. See Figure 30 on the test.

Once all test results are confirmed positive, the PCB fabrication for the circuit is done. Components placed on the PCB board are wire jumper to each other. Once that is done, check for continuity are done before confirming the sensors are working by pumping 5V through it and repeating the sensors test again. Two sensors output ports and a power supply port are provided on the PCB through use of Molexs connections.






Chapter 6 : Results and Discussion

6.1 Problem Encountered

During testing of the whole sensor circuitry, I found out that one of the photodiodes do not respond as well as which I would like them to. After troubleshooting, one of the photodiodes the proximity detection circuit was found out had been shorted together. The reason for this is that the amount of solder had been applied too much and it shorted the ground to the DVDD. I have to de-solder and change a new photodiode and to do the tests again. This also affected the resistor and both of them had changed too.

Another problem I had encountered is that the positioning of the PCB board of the photodiodes and the stepper motor. When I placed it on the vertical-axis and run the LabVIEW program, it was unable to detect the best angle of exposure of light from the torchlight. After re-positioning on the horizontal-axis, it was able to detect the best angle of exposure of light from the torchlight.





6.2 Advantages and Constraint of my Approach

One advantage of my approach is that the PCB board of the stepper motor is already available. I only need to solder the PCB board of the photodiodes, hence less time is spend on soldering which allows me to have more time to design my LabVIEW for solar tracker and report writing.

Another advantage would be the EMANT300. Been a low cost USB data acquisition module, mean that less money is spend and useful for learning purposes.

One constraint would the lack of time available to me. I am a part-time student who is working shift. Although time management is needed to work on the project, I believe that if more time is on hand, I would be able to design a better project.

The opening hours of the UniSIM lab are also another constraint for me. The lab opens only on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I need the equipment in the labs to do my testing. I do not have the necessary equipment outside to do the testing. This hamper our progresses to some extend.





Chapter 7 : Conclusions

This project had been a great learning experience. Apart from engineering skills, I also learnt time management skills, project management skills and experience in starting a project which I had no idea about.

I believe that I have done well with all the constraints. I am a part time student from different working backgrounds and experiences. Although lacking in the expertise of solar tracker, Im still manage to complete the individual parts.





Chapter 8 : Critical Review and Reflections

When told that the proposed project was to research and build a solar tracker which attempt to navigate to the best angle of exposure of light from the sun, I was apprehensive because I have no prior experience in this area.

For the initial report, I focus in onto the various solar tracker that had been created through journals and online reading. I also researched the various methodologies and technologies available for the solar tracker project. This gives me a general idea of what to do for the project.

A meeting was arranged with Mr Ng Kong Yew to discuss the concept of Solar Tracker. Mr Ng had wanted to use the LabVIEW software to run the solar tracker because the program is drawn rather than written. LabVIEW is easy to learn and which I have no learned before. He had given me some ideas on solar tracker and interface card from EMANT. With the specifications for the EMANT given, I read through the LabView and the EMANT training kit websites and manuals to understand the working mechanics.

At first, I tried to use the study guide from EMANT to work on the building light intensity and found out that it does provide the flexibility for the LabVIEW. I was delighted that it did materialize as I had spent some time on it.





I reread through the journals again and found that using two photodiodes to detect the light intensity, the difference light intensity became feedback signals LabVIEW used to command the stepper motor. At first, it was tough for me as I am not well versed in programming languages. After numerous tries of writing and rewriting the code, I began to understand the LabVIEW principles and it helped me to write the codes for the solar tracker. With the stepper motor training kit codes done, I have a better understanding how the stepper motor works on LabVIEW program. I had to travel to UniSIM lab to test the circuit which I had fabricated. For the first few test, it resulted in errors. Spending weekends in the lab with Mr Ng support, I was able to refine the circuit and script to successfully run the implementation. The final report was then written to document the project done.

Throughout eight months, it had been a difficult yet rewarding time. Skills learned such as LabVIEW programming certainly enhance and add to the knowledge acquired from UniSIM studies. Time management was certainly tight as I had to balance my time on working (shiftwork) and researching. The LabVIEW roadblock was certainly a lesson learned that research must be done more thoroughly before embarking and decisions made. The demands on work and family commitments had drained me out completely. I had learned that through perseverance and hard work, things can be achieved no matter how difficult it had looked in the first place. It is certainly a fruitful and rewarding experience for me and this would certainly do me well in my future job commitments.





(1) Concept: What is Solar Panel?

(2) 1st Solar Panel (3) Solar plant to be set up by 2010 in Singapore (4) Solar Tracker Mount Types (5) Solar Tracker Drive Types (6) A General overview of Light Dependent Resistor (7) A General overview of Photodiode (8) A General overview of Stepper Motor (9) A General overview of DC Motor (10) A General overview of Servo Motor (11) Understanding of LabVIEW Graphical Programming (12) Data Acquisition/Interface Card EMANT300





(13) EMANT300 Light Intensity using photodiode (14) EMANT300 Stepper Motor Control





BPW34 and ULN2003 datasheets use in the Solar Tracker is found in the CD-ROM submitted together with this ENG499 Capstone Project.









EMANT300 installation guide use in the Solar Tracker is found in the CD-ROM submitted together with this ENG499 Capstone Project.




Guide use in design the Solar Tracker by LabVIEW is found in the CD-ROM submitted together with this ENG499 Capstone Project.


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