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Fukushima Daiichi Status Summary Unit

14:00 EDT 0312212011 - (03:00 JDT 312312011) Update



Damaged; RCS pressure unknown; RPV level -1/2 TAF; fire truck providing seawater to core spray line Primary - functional; Secondary - lost during hydrogen explosion 292 bundles (GEH); margin 127 days (Monninger); area temp <100 C Damaged; RCS pressure unknown; RPV level -1/2 TAF; fire truck providing seawater to recirc line; offsite power restored to load-side power panel (NISA); condition of pump motors and instrumentation being
evaluated (IAEA)

Containment SF Pool Core


Containment SF Pool Core

Primary - integrity unknown (possible torus damage); Secondary - blowout panel opened in side of reactor building to reduce H2 buildup; smoke (steam?) coming from hole 587 bundles (GEH); time margin 39 days (Monninger); area temp significantly <100 C Damaged; RCS pressure unknown; RPV level -2/3 TAF; fire truck providing seawater to recirc line Primary - integrity unknown; Secondary - lost during hydrogen explosion 514 bundles (GEH); water sprayed from ground several times; fuel likely uncovered 1201 to1331 bundles in SFP (GEH & NISA); pool likely dry at one point causing significant fuel damage; water sprayed into pool to refill; area temp <100 C; external elec cable now connected to power center Shutdown since 1/3/11; now in cold shutdown; RPV intact; RPV level +164 cm>TAF (IAEA); offsite electrical power restored (NISA); RHR providing cooling

Containment SF Pool


4sF Pool
SF Pool Core SF Pool Common SF Pool

950 bundles (GEH); pool temp 42 C (JAIF); RHR providing cooling Shutdown since 8/14/10; RPV press 7.9 atm (IAEA); RPV level +175cm>TAF (IAEA); 2 EDGs avail; RHR
providing cooling

876 bundles (GEH); pool temp 36 C (JAIF); RHR providing cooling 6,000 bundles (GEH) maintained at 57 C (NISA); sprayed pool on 3/21 (IAEA)

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