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Organizational Behavior Averett University M460/BSA532 12 December 2011 Professor Anthony Davidson


This paper will address what role perception plays in communication. In addition, it will explain why American organizations are using teams in the workplace, and determine when teams should be used to do work rather than individuals. Finally, it will describe causes of conflict and how to resolve it by using cultural values. Perception and Communication Perception is an active process of becoming aware and understanding ones environment that is unique to the individual and is strongly influence by communication (Robbins and Judges, 2011). Perception is how other people see the situation and can be a very serious deal-breaker in communication. For instance, if employee A is saying something to employee B and is being entirely serious, but employee B perceived it as sarcastic, it changes the discussion. Perception can come from how a person grew up, and the likes and dislikes that a person has experienced within their lives. People engage in certain types of conduct based on how they believe they are supposed to behave. They get these perceptions from their surroundings, for instance, friends, family, coworkers, television, and books. Perception plays an important role in communication of any kind. People react to the same message in very different ways. Nobody can assume that a message will have the same intended meaning for all receivers, or even that it will have similar meaning for all receivers (Robbins and Judges, 2011). Workplace Teams Paul Brewerton wrote, Never has there been a better time to unleash the power of team strengths. With the ongoing restructuring of organizations, departments, many employees are suffering from general 'change fatigue', often being left unsure of the future and of how they can

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR best contribute in a fast-changing and uncertain environment. With the concept of doing more with less, teams are said to be more effective and efficient, also they are easy to assemble and dissolve. Individuals are selected for their knowledge, as well their skills, reasoning, and leadership abilities. Team members bring a varied viewpoint to the group, which promotes greater accuracy, adaptability and resolution development. Teams verses Individuals

Teams should be used to do work rather than individuals when there is a large project that requires a broad perspective and a short suspense. Organizations involve staff members from every level of the business to participate in these organized teams (Brewerton, 2011). It is very common for in the weeds employees, mid-level managers, and executives to join forces to improve the stability and viable advantage of the company. This practice allows the organization to gain understanding from every aspect, at every level. Causes of Conflict The initial step in detecting conflict is to consider the typical sources of conflict. There are various sources of workplace conflict including interpersonal, organizational, change related, and external factors. Personal conflict is the most obvious form of conflict for workplace. It is easy enough to recognize the results of office politics, gossip, and rumors. In addition, language and personality styles often clash, creating a great deal of conflict in the workplace. In many workplaces, there are strong cultural and racial sources of conflict as well as gender conflict. An additional source of workplace conflict can be found in varying ideas about personal success. The strong drive for work related achievement in some participants can clash with participants who do not emphasize work-related success in their lives. People often bring their stresses from home into the office leading to further conflict.

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR To resolve conflict, the manager must understand its origins. Determine whether it

comes from true prejudice or from different styles of working. Different cultural norms can lead one employee to think another is being disrespectful when they are really following the norms of their own culture. It is crucial that a supervisor learns about their employees' cultural norms. This is vital in using cultural values to resolve conflict. For example, the organization can offer seminars on cultural differences. If employees become more accepting and gain knowledge about other cultures, will recognize and resolve the conflict on their own. Conclusion This paper addressed what role perception plays in communication. In addition, it explained why American organizations are using teams in the workplace. It also examined when teams should be used to do work rather than individuals. Finally, it described some causes of conflict, also how to resolve it with the use of cultural values. The study of organizational behavior continues to be essential to the success, productive in a business.


References Brewerton, P. (2011). The power of the team. Training Journal, 37-41. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

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