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Verband Türkisch- Europäischer Unternehmervereine e.V.

Federation Of European Turkish Businessmen Association - Türk İşadamları Dernekleri Avrupa Federasyonu


The subprime mortgage crisis that began in the US credit markets in the fall of
2007 has turned into a global economic crisis. On the one hand, the financial markets
of the developed world are experiencing collapse that will have a long term effect,
and, on the other hand, it has caused problems that will create significant stress on
the real sector as it results in a serious global slowdown. The shrinking global
economy and reduced world trade has forced public opinion around the global to
review every relationship on a global level and to consider the necessity of taking
significant economic measures with regard to individual countries.
Because there is the possibility that the recession which has begun in the
global economy will turn into an economic collapse that could extend for several
years and because of significant dangers, such as widespread unemployment and
company bankruptcies, that will happen as a result of this, MSMEs stand before us
as one of the issues that require the most immediate attention due to the important
economic and social roles that they assume in the new world order and because of
the bridge they form between large enterprises and consumers.
As TIDAF executives representing the 200,000 Turkish entrepreneurs in
Europe, our understanding is that permanent and effective measures can prevent
this financial crisis, which is becoming more serious with each passing day, from
doing even more harm to MSMEs.
500 million strong, MSMEs comprise 99% of all global economic enterprise
and they can be protected and strengthened against this global crisis with
coordinated joint efforts conducted by both supra-national organizations and
individual countries.
Therefore, as the TIDAF Administration, we are calling on global institutions,
such as the EU, UN, WTO, IMF and the World Bank, as well as on the governments
of every country to implement with all haste the measures we have outlined below,
none of which can be delayed.

Urgent Global Demands of MSMEs:

1. Entrepreneurial Culture and Education at Every Stage of Education;
Implementation of training and education policies at every stage of education
supported with global campaigns and incentives for raising up thoughtful, self-
confident, productive individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit who are active in every
sphere of life and the life-long protection of the situation of these adults.
2. Free-of-charge and Incentivized Life-long Consultation for MSMEs; Making
arrangements for providing educational and consulting services, continuous
information and vocational-type training that is augmented with incentive and reward
packages that will ensure that this segment of society takes advantage of new
information and technology as well as technical advances that increase global
economic productivity in general because they do not have the opportunity to receive
vocational training and consultation nor do they have such a tradition.
Tel: +(49) 02233-208980 Fax: +(49)02233-208983 E-mail:
Bankverbindung: Ziraat Bank International, BLZ 51220700, Konto-Nr:
Verband Türkisch- Europäischer Unternehmervereine e.V. TIDAF
Federation Of European Turkish Businessmen Association - Türk İşadamları Dernekleri Avrupa Federasyonu

3. Zero Bureaucracy for MSME Entrepreneurs; Creation of public and private

institutions that provide expert service, such as all legal and bureaucratic licensing
and permissions for aspiring entrepreneurs with regard to the urgent implementation
of Red Carpet policies that encourage entrepreneurs, as well as measures and
4. Global MSME Assistance and Rescue Fund, Interest-free Global MSME
Loans and Entrepreneur Grants; Having the state assume the debts of MSME with
excessive debt loads with international MSME Funds, taking measures with 10-year
micro loans at no interest or very low interest and grants that reward successful
entrepreneurs, transitioning to state-guaranteed loan applications and rulers that are
simpler for MSMEs than the BASEL applications.
5. Tax Exemption on Earnings up to 100,000 Euro per Year; Adoption of
regulations that allow for exemptions of 50,000 and 25,000 depending on the
country’s classification as High, Medium or Low income and individual country
characteristics based on criteria specified by international institutions, such as
6. Zero Tax for Micro-Entrepreneurs; VAT and Sales Tax exemption for Micro-
Enterprises, a finance policy that will eliminate the unproductive and oppressive
accounting records expenses incurred by small entrepreneurs and exemption from
all miscellaneous taxes, fees and duties for MSMEs.
7. Development of Information Processing Devices Appropriate for Use by
MSMEs and Promotion of More Widespread Internet Use; Providing techniques
and tools that will allow more efficient use of the internet in inconvenient places and
work environments with very little space by supporting incentives for research and
development studies.
8. Global MSME Association, Ministry of MME; Allowing voluntary organization of
MSMEs in associations where their interests are represented free of not only
bureaucracy and aristocracy but also free of all compulsion and obligation, creation
of a Ministry of MSME in every country, and ensuring that global policies are
supervised and activated by creating a supra-national MSME ASSOCIATION
responsible for every situation and problem.
9. Global MSME Information Bank; Serving users in an effective and widespread
manner with a variety of platforms by centralizing the knowledge and experience of
10. Global MSME Exhibitions; Launching global MSME exhibitionism that will
encourage MSMEs, taking measures to make this more widespread, and passing all
of the needed regulations.
These measures will form the foundation that makes it possible to overcome more
Tel: +(49) 02233-208980 Fax: +(49)02233-208983 E-mail:
Bankverbindung: Ziraat Bank International, BLZ 51220700, Konto-Nr:
Verband Türkisch- Europäischer Unternehmervereine e.V. TIDAF
Federation Of European Turkish Businessmen Association - Türk İşadamları Dernekleri Avrupa Federasyonu

severe economic shocks that may be encountered in the next few years and to
achieve the 2020 goals with more inspiring studies in a safe, relatively prosperous
and peaceful manner. It should not be forgotten that the success of the EU’s Lisbon
objectives was dependent on the competitiveness provided in cooperation with

President Secretary General

Ahmet Serdar Yenice Nesrullah Karaca

Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Advisory Committee

Member Member Member
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özer Osman Sirkeci Prof. Dr. Canan Balkır

Tel: +(49) 02233-208980 Fax: +(49)02233-208983 E-mail:
Bankverbindung: Ziraat Bank International, BLZ 51220700, Konto-Nr:

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