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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional

300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

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Copyright 2007 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

Table of Contents
1 Exam Information....................................................................... 1 2 Identify Fundamentals................................................................ 2 2.1 Objectives ............................................................................. 2 2.2 Focus Area............................................................................. 2 2.3 Review Question..................................................................... 3 3 Describe Timesheets................................................................... 4 3.1 Objectives ............................................................................. 4 3.2 Focus Area............................................................................. 4 3.3 Review Question..................................................................... 5 4 Explain Administration................................................................ 6 4.1 Objectives ............................................................................. 6 4.2 Focus Area............................................................................. 6 4.3 Review Question..................................................................... 6 5 Describe the CA Clarity Installation ............................................ 7 5.1 Objectives ............................................................................. 7 5.2 Focus Area............................................................................. 7 5.3 Review Question..................................................................... 8 6 Describe and Read the CA Clarity Data Model ............................. 9 6.1 Objectives ............................................................................. 9 6.2 Focus Area............................................................................. 9 6.3 Review Question..................................................................... 9 7 Define Datamart and Time Slices .............................................. 10 7.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 10 7.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 10 7.3 Review Question................................................................... 10 8 Describe XOG and WSDL ........................................................... 11 8.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 11 8.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 11 8.3 Review Question................................................................... 11 9 Describe Reporting and Jobs..................................................... 12 9.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 12 9.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 12 9.3 Review Question................................................................... 12

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

10 Describe Lookups...................................................................... 13 10.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 13 10.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 13 10.3 Review Question................................................................... 13 11 Describe Passwords .................................................................. 14 11.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 14 11.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 14 11.3 Review Question................................................................... 14 12 Identify the Process Engine ...................................................... 15 12.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 15 12.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 15 12.3 Review Question................................................................... 15 13 Identify Performance Tuning .................................................... 16 13.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 16 13.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 16 13.3 Review Question................................................................... 16 14 Configure using CA Clarity Studio ............................................. 17 14.1 Objectives ........................................................................... 17 14.2 Focus Area........................................................................... 18 14.3 Review Question................................................................... 19 15 Sample Certification Exam Questions........................................ 20

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

Exam Information

The purpose of the guide is to help you focus on the core knowledge presented in each course module. Reading the course materials alone cannot function as a substitute for the practical skills gained from the classroom environment. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of CA Clarity (CLC110) (2 hours) Time Management with CA Clarity (CLC115) (1 hour) Administration of CA Clarity (CLC120) (3 hours) Recommended readings: Review the latest support documents at After successful completion of this exam, you will be a certified CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional. You will be tested on: Identifying Fundamentals Describing Timesheets Explaining Administration Describing the CA Clarity Installation Describing and Reading the CA Clarity Data Model Defining Datamart and Time Slices Describing XOG and WSDL Describing Reporting and Jobs Describing Lookups Describing Passwords Identifying the Process Engine Identifying Performance Tuning Describing and Configuring using CA Clarity Studio Overall, certification validates your knowledge and understanding of CA Clarity.

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

2 2.1

Identify Fundamentals Objectives

Describe How to Log in and Basic Navigation Describe How to Create a Project Identify Participants and Participant Groups Describe How to Create and Maintain Action Items Identify Documents and Forms Describe How to Create and Maintain Events Describe How to Create Discussion Topics and Posting Messages Describe How to Select and Start a Process Describe How to Create and Manage Ideas Describe the Customization of the Overview Page Describe How to Manage Your Work in CA Clarity Explain How to Run Reports Identify Links and Searches Explain List Page Content Configuration, Format, and Filters Describe Account Settings


Focus Area
Navigate to each List page. Review and edit the portlets that appear on your Personal Page. Set your notifications to be Alert Only. Set your local time zone correctly. Configure a List page to remove one existing column and add one new column. Change the Sort field on the Project List page. Reset your Personal View on the Project List page to the System View. Add folders and documents to the Knowledge Store. Create a new event on your personal Calendar. Accept or decline all open events on your Calendar. Create a new Action Item through your Organizer.
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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

Open one of the projects that you have access to. Use Help to search for information about Calendars. Run the Project List report and save the parameters to use later.


Review Question

Which Calendar view also displays Action Items? A. Day B. Year C. Week D. Month Correct answer: D

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

3 3.1

Describe Timesheets Objectives

Explain Timesheet Filters Describe How to Manage Tasks and Entries on Timesheets Describe the Management of Timesheets Describe How to Correct Time Entry Errors Describe the Process of Approvals Describe How to Personalize Your Timesheet Settings Describe the Additional Features and Best Practices for Using Timesheets


Focus Area
Open Timesheets. Create a timesheet for a period two weeks ago with the Project XXXX. Enter values for the week to any task that you have listed. Create a note with the following explanation for working only six hours on Wednesday: The server was down. Adjust the Estimate to Complete (ETC) for one of the tasks. Create another timesheet for last week. Submit both timesheets. Navigate to one of your timesheets and return it with a note. Change one entry and resubmit it. Approve one timesheet. Post timesheets. Review the actuals from a timesheet on a project.

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Review Question

What does ETC stand for? A. Estimate to Complete B. Evolution Time Critical C. Electronic Trade Confirmation D. Establish Temporary Connection Correct answer: A

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

4 4.1

Explain Administration Objectives

Describe Resources and Groups Explain the Management of the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) Explain Environment Parameters Describe Data Administration Explain Project Management Settings


Focus Area
Create a site-level link to your favorite website. Create a new Security group. Create a new Resource. Add new values to the Company Type drop-down list. Create an OBS to support Projects. Define Rooms and Equipment types and resources for scheduling events. Create a Base Calendar. Build the hierarchy for a skill.


Review Question

In which feature can you alter drop-down lists? A. Forms B. Rights C. Options D. Lookups Correct answer: D

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

5 5.1

Describe the CA Clarity Installation Objectives

Identify CA Clarity Modules Define Open Standard Support Describe Scale, Architecture, and Availability Define System Configurations Define Extensibility Define Niku System Administration (NSA) Describe the Classroom and Server Setup Identify Installation Requirements and Platforms Identify Installation Checklists Describe the Installation Test Process Describe the CA Clarity Installation Process for Microsoft Windows with Microsoft SQL Server Describe the CA Clarity Installation Process for Oracle Describe the IBM WebSphere Installation Process Describe the BEA WebLogic Installation Process Describe Clusters and Multiple Installs Describe CA Clarity Upgrades Describe CA Clarity Migrations Define CA Clarity Backups Define CA Clarity Fixpacks


Focus Area
Define the CA Clarity architecture. Review the CA Clarity system administration. Review pre-Microsoft SQL installation requirements and post-install checklists. Review Oracle installation requirements and post-install checklists. Review the XML properties printout. Record logins and passwords. Install CA Clarity on Microsoft SQL.
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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

Create the installation report and XML properties file. Review the Microsoft SQL installation. Uninstall CA Clarity on Microsoft SQL. Install CA Clarity on Oracle. Review Oracle ports. Uninstall CA Clarity on Oracle. Install IBM WebSphere. Follow WebLogic Installation demo. Review CA Clarity installation scenarios. Review fixpacks.


Review Question

Which application server has been removed from support for CA Clarity? A. Orion B. BEA WebLogic C. Apache Tomcat D. IBM WebSphere Correct answer: A

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

6 6.1

Describe and Read the CA Clarity Data Model Objectives

Describe the CA Clarity Data Model Describe How to Join Tables


Focus Area
Identify the CA Clarity data model. Join tables.


Review Question

Which type of business objects are tables that have a RSM prefix? A. Projects B. Security C. Resource D. Financials Correct answer: C

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

7 7.1

Define Datamart and Time Slices Objectives

Define Datamart Define Time Slices Describe the Datamart Setup Process Describe How to Run Datamart and Time Slices Define Datamart Tables


Focus Area
Define Time Slices. Set up the Datamart. Run Datamart and Time Slices. Apply Datamart and Time Slices in CA Clarity.


Review Question

What is the maximum number of Project Organizational Breakdown Structures (OBSs) that can be added to the Datamart settings? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 10 Correct answer: C

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

8 8.1

Describe XOG and WSDL Objectives

Define XML Open Gateway (XOG) Describe XOG Client Installation Describe XOG Setup Steps Describe XOG Reads Describe XOG Instances Describe XOG Writes Define Web Service Description Language (WSDL) Describe Objects Describe Process Actions Describe Queries Describe Web Services


Focus Area
Install the XOG Client. Use XOG Reads. Import and export data using XOG. Identify uses for WSDL


Review Question

Which option is an operation for the object Web Service Description Language (WSDL)? A. Import B. Export C. Messages D. WriteObject Correct answer: D

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

9 9.1

Describe Reporting and Jobs Objectives

Define Reporting Describe the Reporting Installation Process Identify Common Installation Issues Define Standard Jobs Describe the Job Running Process Identify Incompatible Jobs


Focus Area
Integrate and install a report. Install and test a report. Create a job definition. Run a job.


Review Question

Which job is scheduled by default during an installation? A. Delete Asset B. Purge Documents C. Oracle Table Filter D. Rate Matrix Extraction Correct answer: B

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Describe Lookups

10.1 Objectives
Define Lookups Describe Static Lookups Describe Static Dependent Lookups Describe Dynamic Query Lookups Describe Parameterized Lookups

10.2 Focus Area

Create static lookups. Create static dependent lookups. Create dynamic query lookups. Create parameterized lookups.

10.3 Review Question

Which type of lookup requires the creation of a hierarchical tree? A. Static B. Dynamic Query C. Value Dependent D. Static Dependent Correct answer: D

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Describe Passwords

11.1 Objectives
Describe Password Expressions

11.2 Focus Area

Build password expressions.

11.3 Review Question

Which expression translates in to a password with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 10 characters? A. {2,} B. {,10} C. {2,10} D. {10,2} Correct answer: C

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Identify the Process Engine

12.1 Objectives
Identify Process Engine Monitoring Features

12.2 Focus Area

Understand event management features Describe the process engine. Describe process engine monitoring.

12.3 Review Question

Which option enables the Process Engine to run with maximum efficiency? A. Single threaded B. Fully event-driven C. No message delivery D. Elimination of the background service Correct answer: B

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Identify Performance Tuning

13.1 Objectives
Identify Performance Monitoring Tools

13.2 Focus Area

Describe monitoring tools. Describe performance tracking. Identify files.

13.3 Review Question

Where is the CA Clarity Performance Toolkit found? A. NSA B. Process Engine C. Default Settings D. Admin Tool, Performance Toolkit Correct answer: A

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Configure using CA Clarity Studio

14.1 Objectives
Identify CA Clarity Studio Components Define Objects Define Attributes Define Views Describe Links Define the Audit Trail Define Pages, Tabs, and Menus Describe Portlets Describe HTML Portlet Creation Describe Grid Portlets Describe Grid Portlet Creation Describe How to add a Gantt Chart to a Grid Portlet Define Graph Portlet Types Describe Graph Portlet Creation Describe Filter Portlet Creation Define Drill-Down Portlets Define NSQL Describe Basic NSQL Queries Describe How to Join Multiple Tables with NSQL Define Aggregate NSQL Describe NSQL Where Clause Constructs Describe Multidimensional Queries Define Partitions Describe Partition Setup Define User Impact of Partitions

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

14.2 Focus Area

Identify the benefits of using CA Clarity Studio. Identify the uses of CA Clarity Studio. Describe CA Clarity terminology. Explain CA Clarity Studio rights. Create objects. Build attributes. Create links. Define fields in views. Define create page views. Define edit page views. Define list page views. Define filter views. Define Audit Trail. Specify Object configuration. Define pages, tabs, and menus. Build HTML portlets. View Grid Navigation. View Grid portlets. Build Grid portlets. Add Gantt Charts on Grid portlets. Define Grid portlets. Build Graph portlets. Build Filter portlets. Define Drilldown portlets. Review Data Model. Create basic Niku SQL (NSQL) queries. Define special NSQL constructs. Build multi-dimensional queries. Use NSQL queries. Define Partitions - Partition Example. Set up Partitions. Define the impacts on the user.
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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

14.3 Review Question

Which option can be determined using a Calculated attribute? A. Start Date B. Time Varying C. Date Difference D. Hours and Minutes Correct answer: C

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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide


Sample Certification Exam Questions

1. Which CA Clarity service is required to enable jobs to run? A. NSA B. Beacon C. Application D. Background (Bg) Correct answer: D 2. Which expression evaluates the result as a digit match? A. (?=.*\d) B. (?=.*[a-z]) C. (?=.*[A-Z]) D. (?=.*[^0-9]) Correct answer: A 3. In the Install and Upgrade link of the Niku System Administration (NSA), what is available for installation? A. SDM B. XDM C. XML D. JMS Correct answer: B 4. Which application server has been removed from support for CA Clarity? A. Orion B. IBM WebSphere C. BEA WebLogic D. Apache Tomcat Correct answer: A 5. Where do you set a user's default project partition that is used when creating a new project or viewing the project list? A. In Account Settings B. In CA Clarity Studio, in the Partition Model C. In the Administration tool, Resources, User record D. In the Resource Manager, Resource, Resource record Correct answer: A
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CL310 CA Clarity r8 Technical Professional 300 Level Technical Exam Study Guide

6. Which job is scheduled by default during an installation? A. Delete Asset B. Purge Documents C. Oracle Table Filter D. Rate Matrix Extraction Correct answer: B 7. Which option is an operation for the object Web Service Description Language (WSDL)? A. Export B. Import C. Messages D. WriteObject Correct answer: D 8. What type of field stores time information in CA Clarity? A. Key B. Blob C. Virtual D. Number Correct answer: B 9. What is the command used to install ApacheTomcat5.5.17 as an application server? A. java jar tomcat5.5.17 B. jar -xvf C. jar -xvf tomcat5.5.17.jar D. java -jar -tomcat5.5.17.jar install Correct answer: B 10. Which version of IBM WebSphere is currently supported by CA Clarity? A. 5.1 B. 5.5 C. 6.1 D. 9.2 Correct answer: C

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