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There are many method to made your betta fighter ready to fight.

I always used the easy program to training good betta fighter. Day 1-7; Keep your fighter separate in aged almond leaf water for about 7 days. This will give your fighter very tough scales.

Day 8; In the morning move him to new soft water. (condition new water with dry banana leaf) 15 minutes after you have moved him to his new container, put a small female into his container for a minute. The male will flare and chase female around. You must remove the female immediately if your fighter starts to bite her. This is to make your fighter active and fierce. Do this step again in the evening. Make sure he doesn't bite anything during training to protect his teeth for fighting! Day 9-11; Prepare a circle tank or at least 15" high bucket with a small aquarium water pump. Put 12" water high and put a small bottle with a female into the center of the males tank. Put your fighter into circle tank. He will swim around the female bottle to try to figtht the female. Turn on the water pump to flow the water around tank. Your fighter will try to go against the water flow. Let him exercise like this for 15 minutes after feeding in the morning and evening. This will give your fighter a strong body and help him to develop good breathing techniques.

Day 12-13; Let your fighter relax in his container. Repeat day 8 step once a day. Feed him only a little food in the evening.

Day 14 goto fight! Feed the fighter a bit food in the morning. Do the step of day 9 for about 5 minutes by releasing the female into tank without water pump and bottle.

Notes! Please use your judgement before goto arena. The ready fighter must be very fierce. He will be very active and very aggressive to bite immediately when see other fish or your finger. Some fish will be full flare his gill and open mount for bite when see everything that look like fish although he is far from object. Good Luck...

Betta Fish Training Methods

Betta splendens are great fighters. Some of the fighters don't know what defeat is, but only die when they can't enjoy the victory. It is often possible to train a betta fish to display certain behavior patterns. The behavior can be observed and desired, such as the Betta being a hard hitter, keeps on hitting the same position, its style and its tolerance. There are many betta fish training methods developed and extensively used worldwide. To make a great fighter, your betta needs special water conditioning. 1. Conditioning Ensure that the tank or jar has sufficient room for your betta to easily turn around. Plants or objects that might interfere with this should be placed at the back or to one side of the tank in order to leave sufficient room for circling. Bettas that are in compound tanks have softer skin and their scales are not smooth enough to tolerate hard hitting from the sharp teeth of the opponent. They need to be kept individually in a jar or bottle for conditioning for about a week. Add 5 ml of Atison's Betta SPA per gallon of water in the container. This extract of wild almond leaf will make the skin and scales harder. During one week in the container, just feed them once every two days with Atison's Betta PRO. This food is preferable since

the Betta will get a lower fat diet than with other foods for fish. Keep the fishes in their individual containers without seeing each other. After a week, the fishes will lose their fat, their scales will become stronger and harder and they will look shinier than before the conditioning. If there is no time to do the training or if there is a lack of opponents, the fish can be kept in the conditioning container for another 2-3 weeks without any problem. No water change is required during this conditioning, for up to a month. 2. In the morning move him to new soft water (condition new water with dry banana leaf). 15 minutes after you have moved him to his new container, put a small female into his container for a minute. The male will flare and chase female around. You should remove the female immediately if your betta fighter starts to bite her. This is to make your fighter active and fierce. Do this step again in the evening. Make sure he doesn't bite anything during training to protect his teeth for fighting! The whole process of training will last about 6 to 7 days, depending on the fitness of the fighter. The training period should not take longer than 10 days. The longer the training period, the more boring and stressful it becomes for the fish. If there is no suitable opponent, just put the fish back to the conditioning process again. Then do the exercising process, step by step. 3. Prepare a circle tank or at least 15" high bucket with a small aquarium water pump. Put 12" water high and put a small bottle with a female into the center of the male's tank. Put your fighter into circle tank. He will swim around the female bottle to try to fight the female. Turn on the water pump to flow the water around tank. Your fighter will try to go against the water flow. Let him exercise like this for 15 minutes after feeding in the morning and evening. This will give your fighter a strong body and help him to develop good breathing techniques. The fighter will chase the females around the container. It looks beautiful when he is chasing the females. Leave the fighter in the container for about 5 minutes or until the fighter starts to bite a female. Take him out and leave all the females in the container. Repeat this process again next morning for another 4 days. 4. Let your fighter have rest in his container. Repeat day 8 step once a day. Feed him only a little food in the evening. 5. To make a fighter more furious and aggressive is one of the most important part of this betta fish training method. If a fighter is not aggressive and furious, it will not bite hard and bites less often. Every betta has their own territory and will protect it for life. Therefore if one invades one's territory a fighting begin. I use a small healthy female put into a fighter's container. The fighter will chase the female and finally it bites the female furiously.

Normally training a betta takes two weeks - one week for conditioning, and one week to exercises. Be sure to feed your fish with proper food, and don't forget about relaxing. That way you can grow a real fighter with this simple betta fish training method!

Before you started to train your fish,there's a few things that we have to know. - Healthy and combat readiness betta recognize with bubble nest in their jars, active and flaring. so only picked those healthy betta for training. Mentally,he's ready and in protective teritory instinc. - Selection the perfect only. Choose the balance body characters. Big mouth, perfect skinn and full of teeth. - Aged water are recommended for training . Give 24 hours oksygen by aerator machine whenever you dont used the training tank. - Training room must have good air circulation, morning direct sunlight and temperature around 26-28 celcius. - Feed Your fish 1 hour before training get started. - Best way to train is in the morning and evening . - Environment and Smaller (Female) bettas must health and clean from all desease. - Stop watch and Papper note needed. helped your schedule on time. BASIC TRAINING. - RUNNING (Chase the Female) This training purpose is for aggressiveness and speed develop. Use big tank for best result. It can be 200 x 50 x 100 cm Aquarium , Big size Circle plastic tank or other things simillar. Before you transfer you fighter to

RUNNING TANK, transfer about 5-10 females to RUNNING Tank . Than Flaring your fighters with other male about 15 minutes untill shitt out from him. Finally transfer you Fighters to RUNNING TANK. He will chase the female more fiercely in next few days. This training are look so easy and simple.Thats why almost 99% players do this training. Running are most favorite training with simple and easy way, but result is awsome and great. - WATER SWIRL (Against the stream) This training purpose is for stamina buildup and training neck muscle. Use medium or big size round bowl or round plastic tank. Put other male side by side on out sider water swirl tank. The out side male is just for stimulate training fighters. Started with slowly swirl the water. Fighters will try to against the stream and try to keep close to both outside males. Dont ever try to hard swirl the water, bettas will just look like waiting head shots execution and bettas doesnt look doing exercise. Some betta trainer use machine to swirl the water. But they share to me that they already calculating everythings and not so simple. some trainer dont swirl they fish becoz a lot of conclusion. UNKNOWN TRAINING. - JANTUR (Deep pressure water) This training purpose is for Teritory instinc buildup (HEART),Endurance when mouthlock situation and prolong fight. Use at least 100cm height tank. You can make Jantur tank by handmade, for best result 30 x 30 x 200 cm. You can let your fighters in Jantur for 5-8 hours in one days. and transfer back your fighters to isolation jars after 5-8 hours and then feed your fighters with alot of food. Other alternate is you can let your fighters in Jantur tank for 3-5 days. Feed them with a lot of food is requirement. - BANTING (The "DRY") This training purpose is for create super strong neck and tail muscle also build movement power when attacking bites. so if you get successfull with this training you will got your fighters never stop fighting untill last second and his power shown everytimes bite his opponent. Used Cirlce plastic bowl or Medium Hamburger styrofoam box . surface of Banting bowl must smooth. Add about 0.3-0.5 cm height water,Than put your fighter into Banting tank. immidietly he will smacking him self and try to find deep water around the jars. This training started about 10 minutes untill 20 minutes. in next day you can improve the training with 30 untill 1 hours. Im personality doing 1-2 hours a days with my fighters for consecutive 8 days and continues with 3 days rest in isolation jars . A lot of betta trainer believed if BANTING is All in one package Training. My research also found that BANTING are shortcut to bring Top performance of bettas. But if your bettas no match in arena after your treat them with BANTING, they will

need long stay rest in Earthen jars about 1-2 weeks to recovery and keep them to be still good fighters . - SPARRING (Fighting Simulate) This training purpose is to improve fighting experience. Fought them forreal about 2-3 minutes with second mouth fish. Selection few kind fighting style of the second mouth fish. and fight your Fighters with those different second mouth fish with different fighting style. Some trainer cut off upper lips the petshops betta (but dont do this if you no have experience,Death fish waiting for you..) This training also become your success key. why? Watch your fish fight with those different fighting style, see what kind fighting style that your fish cant much improving his technique and difficult shown his ultimate speciality bites. So whenever you go to arenas, watch and spy whos have the simillar style fish that always make difficult your fish. and then dont fought your fish with him for high money.But If you think your fish is enough strong and have good preparation just LETS GET IT ON !!

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