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II. LIMBA ENGLEZ 61. We are going ... the opera tomorrow night. a) at; b) under; c) in; d) to.

62. This is ... winter we have had for 20 years. a) the worst; b) the more bad; c) worst; d) worse. 63. Her parents often complain because she comes home .... a) lately; b) latest; c) latter; d) late. 64. I look forward ... you soon. a) seeing; b) to seeing; c) to see; d) that I see. 65. Shes much taller ... me. a) than; b) as; c) that; d) like. 66. Were having a party ... April. a) in; b) on; c) at; d) to. 67. If you hadn t seen that film, you ... such a bad dream. a) don t have; b) wont have; c) wouldnt have had; d) shouldnt have. 68. Ill hit you, if you ... that again. a) would say; b) ll say; c) had said; d) say. 69. He said that the thieves ... by the boys. a) had been seen; b) has been seen; c) was seen; d) will be seen. 70. ... a successful author one day. a) Im being; b) I am going to be; c) I go to be; d) I be. 71. Shes ... university teacher. a) a; b) an; c) the; d) one. 72. If you want ... advice, go to Mary. a) a; b) the; c) an; d) some. 73. Sam and Luke have been best friends ... they were children. a) until; b) since; c) for; d) when. 74. Hurry up! The train ... in five minutes. a) leaves; b) left; c) was leaving; d) do leave. 75. There are no certain ... that he is guilty. a) prooves; b) proves; c) proofs; d) proofes. 76. Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an .... a) achievement; b) achieve;

c) achiever; d) achievable. 77. Could I have ... drink? a) other; b) an other; c) another; d) others. 78. Why ...? a) those men are laughing; b) are laughing those men; c) are those men laughing; d) is those men laughing. 79. She was lying in the middle of the road, ... for help. a) she was crying; b) she cried; c) crying; d) and she will cry. 80. We met when we ... in France. a) study; b) were studying; c) are studying; d) have studied. 81. This is the first time I ... a sports car. a) have driven; b) am driving; c) drive; d) was driving. 82. Don t interrupt me ... I am talking. a) while; b) by the time; c) until; d) after. 83. She told us we ... come as well. a) might; b) may; c) can; d) will. 84. Did he say if ... lend you that money? a) could he; b) can he; c) he could; d) he. 85. ... you speak French? a) Is; b) Are; c) Does; d) Do. 86. The students ... go to this school are all very intelligent. a) which; b) where; c) what; d) who. 87. John Hastings, ..., has just come to live in our street. a) which I was at school with; b) I were at school with; c) with who I was at school; d) with whom I was at school. 88. It would be nice if we ... a bit more room. a) had; b) would have; c) have; d) will have. 89. ... you see the lights? a) May; b) Shan t; c) Can t; d) Shouldnt. 90. ... help me? a) Can you to; b) Do you can; c) Can you; d) Did you can.

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