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Act & Inquire in an Unnished Universe

The 1st Multidisciplinary Summer School on Design as Inquiry is hosted by the Institute of Educational Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel. The summer school will provide an opportunity for teachers and researchers across disciplines to explore, share, and reect on emerging methods and teaching approaches at the intersection of design and research. The Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel is located in the capital of Schleswig Holstein and only a stone's throw to the seaside resorts that line up along the coast of the Baltic Sea outside the city. Organized by the Creating Knowledge through Design & Conceptual Innovation Project and funded with support of the European Commission, the summer school aims to promote new forms of learning and research in support of creativity and innovation.

Important Dates
15 May 2012 31 May 2012 20 June 2012 3-7 September 2012 Application deadline Notication of acceptance Registration deadline Summer school

Aims & Background

As researchers and teachers across disciplines are becoming more and more expected not only to provide explanations about the world as it is, but also to foster innovation, the summer school aims to: Provide an introduction to models and methods in support of design-based forms of inquiry. Foster the exchange of ideas and experiences on how to bridge between creativity and scientic rigor. Offer inspiration and assistance in planning new courses or research projects. Support trans-disciplinary exchange and discourse.

Modes of Working
The summer school is foreseen to become a highly interactive event combining diverent modes of working, such as: Introductory & keynote talks on the relation of design and research providing a common ground for subsequent discussions. Poster sessions on teaching and research methods to raise awareness for common themes and shared interests. Hands-on workshops to gain rst-hand experiences with various methods and ways of working. Group work & discussions to elaborate on selected topics in more detail.

Taking Part
The summer school invites everyone interested in teaching and research methods at the intersection of creative design and scientic research. Aiming to foster a trans-disciplinary discourse we are especially encouraging applications from teachers and researchers working in non-traditional design disciplines such as the social sciences and the humanities. For more information on how to take part in the summer school, please visit us at www.knowledge-through-design. or e-mail us on

Organizing Team
Heidrun Allert & Christoph Richter
Christian-Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel Germany

Jeannette Hemmecke
FH Obersterreich Austria

Merja Bauters

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Finland

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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