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Office of U.S.

Senator Mark Begich Alaska :: March 2012

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Southeast Update

Promotes Resource Development in Southeast Alaska

Introduced legislation to exempt the Tongass from the Roadless Rule as part of his continuing efforts to promote timber sales, mining and hydroelectric projects. Has repeatedly requested that the USDA and USFS expedite permitting for the Greens Creek, Kensington, Niblack, and Bokan mines. Strongly supports mining, with its good paying jobs, as a key to economic revitalization in communities throughout Southeast Alaska. Supports the Sealaska billfinalizing this issue will allow development to move forward. Supports expansion of energy resources, including hydro and biomass. Has asked federal agencies to coordinate biomass development efforts with each other, local and state governments, and private sector companies like Sealaska. Is pushing for better-funded vocational training to prepare Alaskans for good jobs in the maritime and resource development sectors. As Chairman of Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard, is working to stop illegal fishing and to ban genetically-engineered salmon, called Frankenfish.

Supports the Alaska Marine Highway System Strongly supports the Alaska Marine Highway System. Recently cosponsored an amendment to the transportation bill to authorize funding for the construction of ferries and ferry terminal facilities in Alaska and other states. Supports construction of the Alaska Class ferries in Ketchikan, and believes the recent acquisition of the shipyard business by Vigor Industries will enhance that and other opportunities.

Supports Secure Rural Schools Program

Is working to renew the Secure Rural Schools program, which is designed to compensate rural communities for declining timber harvests as a result of federal policies. Knows how important this program is to schools and communities throughout the region. Recently supported amending the transportation bill to extend the Secure Rural Schools program and PILT for one year; the amendment passed 82-16 on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis.

Supports Alaska Oil and Gas Development

Introduced legislation to streamline the regulatory and permitting process to develop Alaskas energy potential and refill state coffers. Brought federal decision-makersInterior Secretary Ken Salazar and NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchencoto Alaska to better understand how we responsibly develop our resources. Working to make a natural gas pipeline a realityimproving construction training programs, pushing for federal loan guarantees and right-of-way permits, and making sure federal regulators understand Alaskas unique market conditions. Making progress on CD-5, off-shore development in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas; and continuing to push for opening ANWR to oil and gas development.

90% of State general fund revenue comes from oil production taxes. Oil production on the North Slope is falling 6% a year.

Promotes Alaska Tourism

Co-founded the Senate Tourism Caucus to promote policies which reduce travel barriers and raise awareness of the importance of the travel and tourism industry. Co-sponsored and passed the Travel Promotion Act to promote travel to all destinations in the U.S. Thanks to this bill, a new global marketing campaign will launch this spring. Pushed for a streamlined visitor visa process to cut the backlog of international tourists waiting to visit the United States.

Helps Small Businesses Grow

Supported the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act which increased lending to small businesses and allowed for increased deductions on business investments and health care costs. Introduced the Bi-Partisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act with Senators Ron Wyden and Dan Coats. The goal is to reduce the small business tax rate to a flat rate and allow small businesses to expense all equipment and inventory costs in a single tax year. Successfully worked to repeal burdensome 1099 requirements for small businesses. Please contact the Ketchikan office at (907) 225-3000 or the Juneau office at (907) 586-7700 if you have any questions, comments or need assistance working with a federal agency.

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