Diary Series

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Dear Diary, I remember the night of the murder from back of my head.

It was a night that I will always recall. I remember the bell telling me to do it. hear it not, duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell. (act 2, scene 1, page 3). I stuck to the plan that the love of my life gave me. The servants were drunk so they were in a deep slumber. But then the servants awakened one cried, god bless us! and amen the other, as they had seen me with these hangmans hands. list'ning their fear i could not say amen, when they did say god bless us! (act 2, Scene 2, Page 2). After saying their prayers they went back to sleep. The fire place gave off great light. And then I reached the bed side of King duncan. my wife couldnt kill him because he looked like her father. I had to do it. i had to do it so the witches prophecies would come true. i did wrong by not leaving the daggers behind at the murder. I washed my hands to wash all the blood away. And Lady Macbeth did the same. Now I hear a knocking at the door. In order to keep all a secret we had to act like nothing happened. Macbeth Diary #1

Dear, diary So today I was crowned king of Scotland. No one knows that I killed king Duncan. It still remains a secret. Banquo accepted my invitation for the feast. he goes riding before the festivities with fleance. As far, my lord, as will fill up the time 'Twixt this and supper. Go not my horse the better, I must become a borrower of the night For a dark hour or twain. I hope i dont get caught. (Act 3, Scene 1, Page 2) The day and night is filled with a bunch of festivities. There was singing, dancing, and drinking. It feels good to finally be king. My wife looked beautiful wearing her crown and gown. What more could I ask for. Macbeth

Diary #2

Dear, Doctor Hello I am writing to you to see how my wife Lady Macbeth is doing. I know with you she is under good care. She is ill and needs medication to cure her. I do not know what she might be suffering from. But from what I heard it does not sound too good. life is too short and i wouldnt want her to be unhealthy. If she remains ill she will not be able to take the throne as queen. She is my queen. And she is my one and only love. No words can explain how much I love her. If possible please try to cure her of her sickness. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Feel free to contact me at the castle. Thank you doctor Macbeth

Diary #3

Dear, Diary This is a poem I have written to describe who I am and what has happened in the play. I feel like I have had many accomplishments. I have fought at battle and killed all that opposed a threat to me. I feel that everyone should know what I have done. I am Macbeth I fought at battle I am thane of Glamis and Cawdor I kill King Duncan and all that try to defeat me. I am king of Scotland i hear those witches prophecies I see Birnam forest I will die in my armor Macbeth Diary #4

Dear, Diary The murders do the deed that I have told them to do. Banquo is dead! Oh no but then I am given the news that Fleance has fled. I was filled with so much anger inside of me. I know that something has to be done. My throne is no longer secure. After receiving the news I returned to my guests. Just as I went to go sit at the head of the royal table banquos ghost appears to be sitting in my chair. I was the only one that seen the ghost. No one else could see Banquo present at the table. Lady Macbeth covers up for me by saying I am suffering for an illness that I have had ever since I was a child. She definitely saved me on that one. I knew that I had to visit the witches to see what is to happen in the future. Macbeth Diary #5

Dear, diary The show that I enjoy watching the most is pretty little liars. Pretty little liars is a show that is indeed a mystery. The show is about four girls trying to solve the mystery of their friend alisons death. throughout the show many events lead up to the discovery of who a is. a is someone that knows it all and wants to get the girls in trouble. The show premieres Monday on abc family. Macbeth

Diary #6

Dear, diary In the beginning of the play I started off being the loyal captain that everyone admired. I was given the thane of Cawdor for my defeat of battle. But then when my wife lady Macbeth came up with the plan to kill King Duncan I had to do it. I mean come on she did call me a coward. In the beginning I was very worried about what the outcome would be. But once I started killing i couldnt. it all started with the murder of the thane of Cawdor and the last murder being young siward. Poor young siward though he could defeat me but did not. I guess you can say I have become evil and a little crazy but I was made into this evil man. I had to get what i wanted didnt i? Macbeth

Diary #7

Dear, Diary im dead now. its been a while since i could found you so i can write in you. i still cant believe macduff killed me. i thought he would have been the one that died. Not me!! Well I visit the castle every now and then. I laugh at the way scotland is being run by king duncans son. the people look happier. I feel like they should not be happy because I was doing an excellent job at being king. Well at least I thought I was. I plan on haunting macduff for the rest of his life. So he too can go crazy. Life as a ghost isnt that bad. going through walls and vanishing whenever i want is what I do now a days. I will forever be king of Scotland! Long live Macbeth! Macbeth

Diary #8

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