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For Entrance in Fall 2012 t Application Supplement
Ofce of Admissions and Financial Aid
86 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Valid for entrance in September 2012 only. Please submit
this form as well as the Common Application or the
Universal College Application as soon as possible.
Restrictive Early Action
Please return this form to us as soon as
possible, and by October 15, if possible.
Final deadline is November 1.
A completed application includes all portions of the Common Application or the Universal College Application, as well as
the Harvard Application Supplement, required ofcial testing results, a Secondary School Report, two Teacher Evaluations
and a $75 application fee or fee waiver request.
Full legal name
Last/Family First Middle Jr., etc.
Prefer to be called Date of Birth
No. and Street Apt./Unit
City State/Province Country Zip/Postal Code
Telephone Number (home) (cell)
Secondary School CEEB/ACT code
Fax number Contact person
E-mail address Contact person
If you can be reached
by fax or e-mail, please
provide a fax number or
e-mail address and name
of the contact person.
Yes No
A decision letter will be sent via regular mail to all applicants.
Would you like your
admission decision
e-mailed to you?

Of the following felds
of study, which are you
currently most likely to
For the following questions, please place the letter or number indicating your choice in the space provided.
A Social Sciences E Engineering
B Humanities F Mathematics
C Biological Sciences G Computer Science First Choice
D Physical Sciences
If you have previously
applied for admission to
Harvard, please indicate
when and for which
program you applied.
College (frst year) Summer School Extension School
Year(s) Year(s) Year(s)
Please arrange to have an ofcial transcript(s) sent to us for any program in which you enrolled.

Please indicate
under which
timetable you are
Regular Action
Please return this form to us as soon as possible, and by
December 15 if at all possible. Final deadline is January 1.
Generated Online 7780160 Benjamin Luo

Luo Benjamin
807 Kilbirnie Court
Sunnyvale CA United States of America 94087
Saint Francis High School 052077

Harvard Supplement: Side 2 of 3
At this time, which
two college activities
or sports interest you
01 Arts, Visual Arts
02 Dramatics
03 Vocal Music
04 Band
05 Orchestra
06 Writing / Literary Magazine
07 Journalism
08 Student Government
09 Debate
10 Social Service
11 Ethnic Groups
12 Religious Groups
13 Political Groups
14 Dance
15 Outdoor Activities
16 Baseball
17 Basketball
18 CrewHeavyweight
19 CrewLightweight
20 Fencing
21 Field Hockey
22 Football
23 Golf
24 Hockey
25 Lacrosse
26 Sailing
27 SkiAlpine
28 SkiNordic Racing
29 Soccer
30 Softball
31 Squash
32 Swimming/Diving
33 Tennis
For a sport, indicate
intended level of
Intercollegiate Intercollegiate
Club / Intramural / Recreational Club / Intramural / Recreational
While we recognize that many students plans change during their college years, we ask you to respond to the following questions
(please choose one rating per question):
How defnite do you
consider your
academic plans to be?
Absolutely certain 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely to change
How defnite do you
consider your
vocational plans to be?
Absolutely certain 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely to change
How defnite are your
extracurricular and/or
athletic interests?
Absolutely certain 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely to change
Please list the cities and
countries where you
have lived, with years of
residence in each.
Our ofce may send you
e-mail announcements
about the activities you
designate here. Tese
e-mails will be delivered
to your e-mail address as
provided on page one of
the Common or Universal
34 Track/Cross-Country
35 Volleyball
36 Water Polo
37 Wrestling
38 Cheerleading
39 Martial Arts
40 MUN
41 LGBT Groups
43 Badminton
44 Equestrian Sports/Polo
First Choice Second Choice 45 Other
OPTIONAL We do not expect or require applicants to submit supplementary materials or additional essays. We simply want to be certain that you have
every opportunity to tell us about yourself.
Te required components of the application to Harvard provide ample basis to make our admission decisions. However, students with
exceptional talents or achievements may send music recordings, slides of artwork or selected samples of academic work or creative writing
for us to consider as part of their application fles. At the discretion of the Admissions Committee, submissions may be evaluated by faculty.
Supplementary materials are not required or expectedand should be sent only if the applicants work is unusually advanced. Because
we cannot return such materials, applicants should send only duplicates. For more information, please visit our website: www.admissions.
Check here if you are planning to send supplementary materials to be evaluated as part of your application. Please send all supplementary
materials to the Admissions Ofce so that they can be properly labeled and included in your fle. DO NOT submit materials directly to
academic departments. If you are submitting research materials for review, please include a short statement putting the research project
into the context of your academic interests and future plans and clearly indicate the research advisor (if any) with whom you have worked.
Music tape or CD* Slides of artwork Other
Instrument Media (Explain)
*Please note that CD format is preferred, but tapes can be evaluated. Do not send video recordings (DVDs) of musical performances or recitals.
Academic work
Name of Research Advisor Title (if any)
Name of Institution (if any) Phone or E-mail
Generated Online 7780160 Benjamin Luo
05 13

Sunnyvale/USA 1994 2011

Harvard Supplement: Side 3 of 3
Additional Essays Occasionally, students feel that college application forms do not provide sufcient opportunity to convey important information about
themselves or their accomplishments. If you wish to include an additional essay, you may do so.
Possible Topics:
- Unusual circumstances in your life
- Travel or living experiences in other countries
- Books that have most aected you
- An academic experience (course, project, paper or research topic) that has
meant the most to you
- A list of books you have read during the past twelve months
If interviews are available
in your area, have you had
or have you scheduled an
admissions interview?
What specifc plan do
you have, if any, for
using the education you
hope to receive?
When will your secondary
school leaving or qualifying
examination results be
available to Harvard?
When? Where? With Whom?
No, but I plan to do so.
When? Where? With Whom?
Please state reason
Please see our website to determine whether an interview is possible in your home country:
- Students applying to Harvard under the Early Action program are not permitted to apply early elsewhere in the
fall under Single Choice Early Action or Early Decision programs. Harvard will rescind any oer of admission to a
student who does so.
Students are allowed to apply in the fall to public institutions under rolling or other non-binding programs, and they
may apply to colleges under Interim Decision programs, that inform applicants of admission afer January 1. Tey
may also apply to any institution under its Regular Action program and to foreign colleges and universities on any
application schedule.
Afer students receive notifcation from Harvards Early Action program (around December 15), they are free to apply
to any institution under any plan, including binding programs such as Early Decision II.
- Students admitted under an Early Decision program at another college must withdraw any pending application to
Harvard and are not eligible for admission.
Important Information
about Early Admission
Please be aware that Harvard, like most schools, uses outside companies to help process, review and collect data for
applications. For this purpose we share application materials and information with them. Examples of such outside
companies include the Common Application and Universal College Application, transcript request services, and services
that review materials for plagiarism. Tese companies in many cases will retain the application information in their
databases. We also share application information with our alumni interviewers.
Verifcation of
Application Materials
Generated Online 7780160 Benjamin Luo
After wandering through the school library on a Friday afternoon, I decided to check out
Animal Farm on a whim. I glanced over the worn blue cover and eagerly opened the yellowed
pages, ready to swallow a dose of Orwellian satire. Immediately, I was overjoyed that I could
connect various characters to prominent figures in the formative days of the Soviet Union
Snowball was Trotsky, Napoleon was Stalin, and Squealer was Molotov, Stalins trusty
mouthpiece. The assassination of Sergei Kirov and the subsequent show trials of the Great Purge
were cleverly depicted through Napoleons claim that Snowball had destroyed the windmill and
his bloody reign of terror that soon followed. Mr. Fredericks use of forged notes to purchase
wood from Napoleon and the subsequent destruction of the windmill symbolized the Germany-
Soviet Union Non-Aggression Pact and Operation Barbarossa. I particularly relished the closing
statement: The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to
man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which. Napoleon and his cronies had
perverted Animalism until it was indistinguishable from Old Majors vision, just as Stalin had
distorted Lenins ideas until they bore no resemblance at all to Vladimir Ilychs original
intentions. I felt immensely satisfied that my hours of poring over Elizabeth Wilsons biography
of Shostakovich and World War II: Battles and Leaders had given me the necessary background
on Russian history to better comprehend Orwells great work.
Following a suggestion made by my English teacher during a lecture on existentialism, I
decided to read Mother Night. The odd front cover depicting a blue man trumpeting out slogans
with a loudspeaker while riding on a dachshund with a swastika piqued my interest I soon
realized that this absurd image resembled Kurt Vonneguts writing. I laughed at the various
ridiculous situations created by Vonnegut. One of Campbells Israeli guards had supposedly
hidden his Jewish identity and served as a member of the Hungarian SS, thus undermining the
Additional Essay
Generated Online 7780160 Benjamin Luo
organization from within. However, I was simultaneously troubled by this humor how could
such a troubling novel be so hilarious? The torment that Campbell must have undergone with the
death of his wife and being a stranger in his own homeland should have aroused feelings of
sympathy, yet his agony was my entertainment. After struggling to reconcile these two
conflicting feelings, I realized that that Vonnegut had presented Campbells situation in such a
way so that readers would not overlook the key theme people are the sum of their actions. By
giving an absurd flavor to the novel, he had disarmed his audience of any underlying notions that
might have prevented them from grasping his perspective on life.
Additional Essay
Generated Online 7780160 Benjamin Luo

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