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1.1 COMPANY PROFILE 1.1.1 Corporate Policies

Corporate Vision: Strive for excellence in all we do through socially and environmentally acceptable means.

Corporate Mission We will have market leadership through customer delight. We will be a responsible corporate citizen and share the benefits with society. We will make our customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders feel proud of our association and want a long term relationship with us.

1.1.2 Corporate Core Values

Respect and concern for individuals. Customer, Employees and suppliers partners in the value chain. Encourage innovation and improvements accept noble failures. Continuous learning.

1.1.3 Profile Of The Organisation

PRICOL is one of the leading manufacturers of automobile parts in the country. Established as Premier Instruments Coimbatore Limited in 1974 for automotive products and then renamed as Premier Instruments and Controls Limited in 1984. Since then PRICOL has grown with its high quality and reliable products and services visualising the future needs of electronics in auto field. PRICOL ventured in electronics product group during 1980 and it has multi products, PRICOL diversified to machine tools, defence products, and industrial gauges during 1981, 1988 and 1989 respectively.

To cater to the needs of the cluster of OEM customers in North india, Pricol started its plant II at Gurgaon, Haryana during 1988.

With a view to give better service by way of access and communication to customers, vendors and share holders,

PRICOL has a registered office functioning at Coimbatore City. In addition to this, PRICOL has its marketing office at Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and representatives placed at important cities within India for better interaction with customers.

For better services to foreign clients. PRICOL has dedicated dealers / representatives in US, UK, Germany, Turkey and other places abroad.

1.1.4 Technical Collaborations

To meet the demands and quality levels of the Japanese breed of vehicles manufactured in India, PRICOL entered in to collaboration with Ms.Nippon Seika. U.S.A. In 1986 for two wheelers systems and they learnt, developed and adopted their expertise and became the sole suppliers for many of the vehicle manufactures in India.

To improve their technology for four wheelers systems, PRICOL has entered into collaboration with Demo Corporation, Japan during the period 199192. For a period of 10 years.

To further improve their technology, to manufacture combination meters (clusters) for high quality Cars, PRICOL entered in to a new collaboration (Technology agreement) in 1996 with M/s. Nippon Seiki Company Limited Japan.

PRICOL signed a new collaboration agreement to manufacture special angular speedometer with M/s. Nippon Seiki Company Limited Japan, 1997.

1.1.5 Denso Participation

Demo Corporation, Japan is the partner of PRICOL having invested in the equity capital of the company to the extent of 12%. This alliance started from April 1997.

1.1.6 Pricol Products

PRICOL products are approved and used by most of the original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in India. PRICOL product arc also exported for OEMs and market needs of UK, Australia, Turkey, Brazil, other European countries and US. The company has developed full-fledged infrastructure facilities to manufacture components and products to meet both national and international standards. The products, used by the various customers having Japanese collaboration, have been tested and approved by their respective collaboration in Japan.

Auto Product Group

Design /development manufacture and servicing Dashboard instruments. Wind shield washers. Cables, Switches, Guages, Sensors. and Accessories for on and off road vehicles.

Electronic Products Group

Design /development, manufacture and servicing of Electronic counters & controllers for textile Machinery and provides support for auto product Group for manufacturing an Electronic based instruments.

Pumps Product Group

Design/development, manufacture and servicing of instrument panels for Defence combat, vehicles, wind shiled washers, cigarette lighters, fuses and burners for specific applications.

Industrial Guages Product Group

Design /development, manufacture and servicing of Pressure gauges of various types for process industries, hospital and other special applications.

Manufacturing Engineering

Design/development, manufacture and servicing of pressure, coil winding machine, screen printing machine, Foil stamping machines, metal cutting and assembly SMPS to meet the internal manufacturing and market needs.

Plant Ii (Guragaon Hary Ana)

Manufacturing and servicing of Dash board instruments for Automotive vehicles predominantly for servicing OEM customers in and around New Delhi area.

1.1.7 Policy Statements

Quality Policy

Pricol will provide value and satisfaction to customers on products and services. This will be achieved through systematic training and motivation of employees.

Corporate Policy

Strive for excellence in all we do through socially and environmentally acceptable means and share the benefit with society.

1.1.8 Laurels to the Company

1982- Ancillary Development Awards by codissia, Coimbatore. 1986 - In house R&D Recognition by DGTD (Department of science and Technology). Government of India (Continuously extended upto now) 1986 - F.I.E Foundation Awards. 1988-99 ACME Technology Award. By Automobile Component Manufactures Association for outstanding performance. 1990 - Outstanding Quality performance award by M/s. Hero Honda Motors Ltd. HARYANA. 1990 - Best vendor award by M/s kinetic Honda Motors Ltd., Pithampur. 1993 - ISO 9001 Accreditation (Renewed in 1996) by M/s. Bureau veritas Quality

7 international, UK. For Automotive instruments & Accessories, Electronic products and defence for plant I & II 1996 - Certificate of Merit for outstanding Export performance 1994 - 95 by Engineering Export promotion council, southern region.

1.1.9 Company Membership with Professional Association


Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), USA, Screen Graphic international Association (SGIA), USA, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), USA.


Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Pune Automobile Component Manufactures Association (ACMA), NewDelhi. Confederation of India industries (CIl), NewDelhi. Indian value Engineering Society. Institute of Standards Engineers. Indian Machine Tool Manufactures Association (IMTMA). NewDelhi Indian institute of Material Management. Magnetic society of India, Hydrabad. National information centers for Machine tools & Production (VIC MAP, CMTI), Bangalore. Fluid power society of India (FPSI), Chennai

8 Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) NewDelhi.

Industrial Associateship Programme

Indian institute of Technology, Chennai. PSG college of Technology. (PSGCI) Coimbatore. Small Industries Testing & Research Center (SITRC), Coimbatore.

1.1.10 H.R.D

The activities carried out by HRD in PRICOL can be classified into 3 cells. Recruitment Training Organizational development

Manpower Planning

The required man power by various department are given to their department from the information available, they scrutnize it & make the allocation of man power according to the field requirement for the requirement of further people apart form employed. The can select from., Unsolicited Application Advertisement

9 Their own employees Campus recruitment

Training & Development Training need identification Faculty identification Conduct of training Analyzing Effect of training Documentation. Training are provided for further activities like Technical Behaviour Conceptual

Organizational Development In order to develop an organization as a whole, the following activities are carried out: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT. Management by Objectives. Potential Appraisal. LOANS The loans for medical purposes are given immediately & for other

10 purpose. The time gap between one loan to the other should be at a minimum of years. EDUCATIONAL The company awards Rs. 3500 form 6th to 12th the best outstanding students of the workers.

1.1.11 Achievements of Pricol

It was the first company in Indian automotive Instrumentation to get ISO 9002 for its Quality Management 1991 ACMA Technology award by automobile Component Manufactures Association for Excellence in Technology innovation. 1996 Certificate as merits for outstanding Export Performance 94-95 by Engineering Export Promotion Council Southern Region. 1997- 1998 Certificate as merits for old export performance 97-98 by Engineering Export Promotion Council Southern Region. 1998 - Safety award by Government for longest accident free hours.



1.2.1 Definition

Prof. Mee, However, holds the view that good employee morale is the mental attitude of the individuals, or of the group, which enables an employee to realise that the maximum satisfaction of his drives coincides with the fulfillment of the objectives with those of the company, and subordinates his own desires to those of the company.

1.2.2. Individual and Group Morale

Individuals morale is related with knowing ones own expectations and living up to them. If one is clear of his own needs and how to satisfy them most of the time, his morale is morale is height. Individuals morale is a single persons attitude toward life. While group morale refects the general exprit de corps of a collective griop of personalities.

1.2.3 Factors Affecting Morale

According to McFarland, the important factors which have a bearing on morale are: The attitudes of the executives and managers towards their


12 working conditions, including pay, hours of work, and safety rules. Effective leadership and an intelligent distribution of authority and responsibility in the organization. The design of the organisations structure which facilitates the flow of work. The size of the organization.

1.2.4 Determination of Levels Of Works Morale

The organisation itself The nature of the work The level of Satisfaction The supervision received The perception of the self Workers perception of the past awards and future opportunities for rewards. The employees age The employees educational level and occupational level

1.2.5. Types of Morale

High morale is represented by the use of such terms as team spirit, zest, enthusiasm, loyalty, dependability and resistance to frustration. Low morale, on the other hand, is described by such words and phrases as apathy, bickering, jealousy, pessimism, fighting, disloyalty to the organisation, disobedience of the orders of the leader, dislike of, or lack of interest in, ones job, and laziness.

1.2.6 Measurement or Evaluation of Morale


The indicators of morale are the various attitudes and behaviour patterns of employees, which have to be properly and correctly interpreted to determine the kind of organisational climate and mores which prevail at a given time. The most commonly used methods for measuring morale are Observation Attitude or morale surveys Company records and Counseling

By this method, executives observe the behaviour of their employees, listen to them while they talk, and note their actions- the shrugging of shoulders, a change in facial expression, a shuffling of feet, a nervous fluttering of hands, a change in work habits or avoidance of company. Any departure or deviation from the normal is likely to tell them that something is wrong and needs to be set right.

Attitude or Morale Surveys This method is generally used to discover the feelings of employees about their jobs, their supervisors, company policies or the organisation as a whole. It is classified into two categories the interview method and the questionnaire method. The Interview Method

14 By this method, employees are interviewed so that a judgement may be arrived at about their feelings and opinions about the different aspects of their jobs and the company for which they work. An interview may be a face to face affair, it may be oral, it may be in the form of an evaluation that is put down in writing. If interviews are to be relied upon, they must be employer oriented. The Questionnaire Method The method is generally used to collect employee opinions about the factors which affect morale and their effect on personnel objectives.

Company Records and Reports These are usually prepared by the personnel department at regular intervals with the assistance of supervisors and department heads.

Counseling This method is used to find out the causes of the dissatisfaction of the employees and to take remedial action, and offer advice on personal matters.

1.2.7 Warning Signs of Low Morals

Signs of low morale are generally not noticed till it is obviously low or when something has gone amiss. By the time the management recognises the fact that morale has deteriorated, it is faced with one crisis or another. Perceptive managers are, therefore, constantly on the lookout for clues to any deterioration in the morale of the employees, Among the more significant of the warning signals of low morale are

15 High rate of absenteeism Tardiness High labour turnover Strikes and sabotage Lack of pride in work and Wastage and spoilage.



To identify the moral level of the staffs of Pricol plant I To find out the attributes that influence their morale To find out the satisfaction level of the staffs in the following areas:

Training and development programme Wages & Incentives Trust level Social and Working environment



The top management can use the information obtained through the study in the following areas: To identify the drawbacks in the existing system. Adopt as a tool to To enhance the opportunities for improvement and self development To provide creative job to the employees. To improve participative management techniques.

To improve the system in human resource development area



Due to the time constraint the study is made only among 252 respondents There is a chance of personal bias which affects the original data.





The Research design used in the study was descriptive research design. It indudes surveys and fact-finding requires of different kinds. The major purpose of description reearch designs, as it exits at present. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control our the variables, he can report only what has happened or what is happening.


3.2.1. Sampling Method


In this study stratified sampling method was used in selecting the samples. The samples are selected based on the grade which is followed in the company.

Grade 1-3 4-7 8-13 Total

Employees 25 202 25 252

3.2.2 Population

The population comprises of 730 employees.

3.2.3 Frame

The Frame comprises the permanent employees of pricol.

3.2.4. Sample Size

The universe of the study includes permanent workers above. In PRICOL the total number of employee are 730. Out of 730 employees 252 are selected for the study.



Primary data collection was done through structured questionnaire. Secondary data was collected from company records.


The instrument used for the collecting data was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, with a combination of open ended and close ended questions as shows in the table.


OPEN ENDED QUESTION CLOSE ENDED Dichotomous QUESTIONS Multiple Choice Total questions

1 1 18 20

Format of the questionnaire can be seen in appendix 1.


This researcher has used the following statistical tools: 1. simple percentage 2. Chi square.


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