On The Guard: Beads Make It Big

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A BYTE OF LIFE Monday, December 1, 2008

10 03
Agyaat, an EARLY STARS
inspired thriller Chennai’s rising television artistes

On the guard
As an aftermath of the Mumbai carnage, the Indian Govern-
ment affected a futile change of guard with the resignation
of the Home Minister. Whether it is enough remains to
be seen. With the recent increase in the frequency and
intensity of terror strikes and the failure of intelligence
agencies to predict and handle such situations, a com-
plete overhaul of the country’s internal security mech-
anism is needed. With the loopholes seeming
bigger than ever, will Indian politicians rise over
petty differences and address the situation?
Post your comments to my.ergo@goergo.in
with the subject line ‘Mumbai’.

Beads make it big

Her label ‘Aticute’ (Attitude + Cute)
is only six months old, but her
designs already have a place in many
boutiques in the city. Twenty-one-
year-old Preeti Agarwal on her
childhood hobby growing larger.

» PAGE 05
02 NAMMA CHENNAI ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

And a thousand images

Photographs taken by 12 participants at a
workshop are on display at Geothe-Institut/Max
Mueller Bhavan. ‘Photo stories from thousand
lights’ is on view till December 14. For details call
2833 2343.

Pay for fingerprints

An investigating officer in the city
visited a house that was struck by
burglars sometime ago. The khaki
pocketed Rs. 800 from the victim as
‘I am just a person
who wants to help’
fee for fingerprint extraction and
left. Little did he know that the victim
was a relative of a top cop. And when the
matter reached the top officer, the corrupt cop
received a royal dose. His punishment was not
just returning the money but also buying
groceries for the victim.

No raincoats How far would you go to make a difference in a child’s life,

The recent torrential rains that lashed our city especially when you are still a college student and
made life tough for not only civilians but also
the police. The inadequate number of dependent on your parents?
raincoats for the force hit the junior-level
khakis big-time. Some had to make do with SWETHA GANESAN
plastic sheets and large polythene bags on

duty during the downpour. A few even . Suresh Babu, a third-year
borrowed rain jackets from their kids as Mechanical Engineering
schools were luckily closed due to rains. student of SRM Easwari,
goes to prove that there are
An eye for an eye no limits, once you are deter-
mined to lend a hand.
The leader of a caste-based group based in The 20-year-old was your aver-
Madurai and some followers are said to be in age college student, living life for
Chennai. The reason – they are collecting the minute, until one particular
detailed information on all students who incident changed his life.
attacked and grievously injured three students “It was during my first year. My
in the Law College clash on November 12. A friend and I were driving down
detailed list is known to have been prepared the Marina stretch when I saw a
with the intension of an eye for an eye. small boy begging at the signal.
As the signal turned green, the
Taking revenge boy was trying to cross the road
but was hit by a car and he died
The khakis are on vengeance mode after the on the spot. This incident shook
Law College incident here. All the pending me and right then I decided that I
cases against Law College students in the city, would help children, whenever
including that of students attacking cops, have they were genuinely in need of
been unearthed. The result is a spree of arrests it.”
over the last few days. One student was also Following this incident, he ap-
booked for a pending motorcycle theft case proached a few orphanages and
against him. started doing his bit by donating
money, clothes and the like. This
went on for quite sometime until
one day; he and a friend were ap-
proached by two young boys,
studying in their 11th standard,
outside Citi Centre.
“I was puzzled when two chil-
dren ran up to me asking if I
could buy them their study guide.
When I asked them why, they
said that they didn’t have enough
money to buy them. I enquired anything at all and this went on wanted, I would provide them
about their family and learnt that, for more than a year until they with it,” he says.
like every other poor Indian fam- finally completed their secondary Suresh’s long-term goal is to
ily, half of their total earnings education. build a school to educate those
were used up by their alcoholic To finance his mission, he took who cannot afford education oth-
father and they barely ate one up to working part time for a call erwise. He also hopes to expand it
meal a day. I felt really bad and centre. Whatever they needed, he to include an orphanage and an
since the book was a matter of Rs. funded from his pocket. The two old age home, whenever possible.
100, I decided to pitch in,” he boys are now perusing an engi- Currently, he is pursuing his
says. neering degree at a government degree and hopes, when he com-
This was soon forgotten and a college in Coimbatore. pletes, he will be able to engage
few days later, when he hap- “My part-time stint paid me Rs. in this activity full-time.
pened to be at the same place he 7,000 monthly and I wanted to “I’m not part of any NGO or
was the other day, the very same put it to good use. What was I any organisation as such. I am
boys approached him, requesting going to do with so much money just a person who wants to help.
him to pay their examination fee. anyway? Their cause seemed There’s no greater satisfaction
He then took it upon himself to genuine and I wanted to help. than seeing someone you’ve
fund their education. He gave Whenever they called me with re- helped use the opportunity to
them his number and asked them quest for books, pens, pencils, grow. Those two boys gave me
to contact him if they needed paper or whatever little they that satisfaction,” he smiles. ■
Monday, December 1, 2008
Go Digital
Fastrack has launched its new range of digital watches. From the white digital watch
for the fast track girl to a steel case with a bright orange leather strap, the watches
are cool and trendy. They are priced from Rs. 895 to Rs. 2,495.

Raring to go: (From left) Ameena, Anush, Neha, Manav, Yakshi and Yash. Photo: S.S. Kumar

TWINKLE, TWINKLE Meet Chennai’s child

artistes who very well
know how to strike a

LITTLE STAR balance between school

and modelling

VIPASHA SINHA ings to TV-advertisements, they ling experience, he says: “It’s fun back home happy.” days or during holidays. Studies
are everywhere. while shooting as everyone Yash Lodha was spotted in come before anything else,”
Ten-year-old Manav Sanklecha around are sweet and pamper me Ajith-starter Aegan, where he beams Yash
There’s a brand new dance but I has done modelling for Chennai a lot. Sometimes, when the shoot played child Ajith. Aamina, an eight-year-old
don’t know its name Silks, RS Brothers, and Maruti Es- becomes too long or when asked Despite sharing screen with big model, has all reasons to make
That people from bad homes do teem and is looking forward to for continuous retakes, I feel like shots and modelling for brands her mother happy. “Aamina is a
again and again many more ads in the future. running away but at the end of like VSNL, Chennai Silks, Pothys first-rank holder in her class ev-
Its big and its bland full of ten- When asked about his model- the day I finish my work and go and Appy, seven-year-old Yash is ery year. In spite of her co-curric-
sion and fear timid and shy and turns back to ular activities, she manages her
They do it over there but we his mom after each question for academics equally well,” says Aa-
don’t do it here… hints, but when it comes to work mina’s mom.
it’s a different story. Being the Mr or Miss Popular in

he song from David Bowie is Like any other actor he patient- school or having tasted stardom
apt for the child artists who Yash Lodha is one ly does what he is asked to with- at such an early stage doesn’t
do modelling with such among the leading out complaining. matter much; they are their par-
ease, innocence and profes- Where adults are still trying to ent’s children and they make
sionalism, remaining untouched child artistes, figure out what time manage- them happy in all ways.
from the tantrums, glitz and gloss making a mark in ment and multi-tasking is, these Some want to become doctor,
of the fashion world. films and kids seem to have mastered it al- some choreographers, some
Where child actors like Taare ready. businessmen and some actors
Zameen Par fame Darsheel Safary commercials, Aegan They juggle their tasks so well when they grow up, but their
and Shriya Sharma, the Paanchvi being his latest that they surprise their class- blend of sugar-coated innocence
Paas kid making nation wide mates by performing brilliantly in and professionalism makes you
waves, Namma Chennai’s child studies as well. “I do my model- want them more. ■
artistes are no less. From hoard- ling work on Saturdays and Sun-
04 KALEIDOSCOPE ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

Open-ended fund
These are mutual funds whose units can be
bought and sold anytime without any so-
called last date. Thus investors can come and
To buy or
not to buy
go at any time during the operation of the
fund. This implies that the AUM will keep
changing everyday and so will the NAV. These
are the more common type of mutual funds
today in the country.

Close-ended fund
These are mutual funds whose units can on-
ly be bought during the NFO-New Fund Offer.
After the closing date, no new investor can buy
units. Also the fund has a fixed maturity date
and withdrawals can be only made on maturi-
ty date (excepting certain exceptions). Close
ended funds usually give a better return as
their expenses are usually lesser and the fund
manager does not have to bother about re-
demptions till maturity date, hence having the
freedom to make better investments.

A look at the housing loan industry in today’s perspective

onstructing or owning a house stock markets, huge question marks This high cost of housing is the
has a niche in the minds of ev- were thrown up in air. Most home major deterring factor when we con-
ery Indian. A house is always buyers, investors or end users post- sider the idea of a house. While the
more than just a building; it has poned their purchasing decision in banks say the builders should reduce
an emotional bonding with us. A anticipation of a price correction, housing price, builders put the onus
house for one’s self is always a dream thus bringing stagnancy in quantum on the banks saying it is the interest
for every one of us, but not all have of sales across most major markets. rate on home loans that is reducing
the solid cash at hand to make it on Despite falling housing sales, housing sales. But interest rates are
their own. builders are continuing to hold their determined by other factors affecting
Traditionally, our grandparents price line without effecting the much the greater economy and banks’ abil-
used to depend on their provident anticipated downward correction. ity to bring down interest rate on
fund and gratuity amounts received The situation has developed into a home loans is not a function of de-
after retirement – while considering tug of war between builders and mand-supply of housing stock.
buying a home, i.e. building a house home buyers. The banks, who are the The extensive rate cut by the RBI is
seemed a dream only post-retire- credit lenders, urge builders to re- widely expected to bring in more li-
ment. But lately, incomes of families duce housing price. quidity into the system by reducing
have been rising and their purchas- The builders cannot reduce hous- the cost of borrowing for retail con-
ing power and loan repayability went ing prices because of rising input sumers. Property prices in India
up, promoting the sector. costs and high land price. In general need to decline further before de-
With the emergence of housing fi- the construction cost has increased mand picks up around 10 per cent
nance as a major business in the due to the shortage and high cost of drop in property prices is equivalent
country, an increasingly large num- construction materials like cement to 1.5 per cent interest rate cut in
ber of people started going in for and steel. In case of residential prop- terms of affordability.
Answers on Page 6 home loans. Satellite towns around erties, there are two prices to be tak- The final take: Although the loan is
the metros shaped the demand for en into account, the price of the land cheap, the product needs some more
housing finance that catered to the and the price of the flat, where land time to cool down its prices. After all,
common man’s dream. prices remain unyielding due to the a Tamil adage says “Poruththaar
But the smooth road got eroded by land availability factor while the in- Boomi Aazhvaar” meaning ‘men of
the recent global economic hurri- creased cost of construction will add patience will rule the world’. ■
cane. In the past few months, due to to the hike in housing price. Of Ambiga Rajeshwari
slowdown in the economy, depleted course, location of the property has a Research Associate, email
market confidence and plummeting major bearing on the prices. ambiga@finerva.com
Monday, December 1, 2008
Websites of the day
Everything you could ever want to know about
pumpkins: http://pumpkinnook.com/
Fan of Superman? Check this out for all the
latest news and updates: http://

Design is all
over her place
What started as a hobby collecting
different beads has now turned In a Minute
Name: Aticute
into a full-time venture for this Started: 2008
Founder: Preeti Agarwal
commerce graduate Focus: Designing accessories
Funding: Self
VIPASHA SINHA preeti_aticute@yahoo.com

omen love jewellery. From earrings to anklets, bags
and mobile accessories, women are dressed in their
trendy best. Twenty one-year-old Preeti Agarwal not
just dons but also makes them.
After completing B.Com from MOP Vaishnav College for
Women, Preeti decided to go a step further by pursuing her
passion for jewellery.
What started as a hobby to collect different kinds of
beads for fun has today turned into a full-time
“Ever since a child, I had a flair for design. I
tried out different things, including a corre-
spondence degree in fashion designing. I real-
ised jewellery designing is my forte,” says Preeti.
In April 2008, Preeti named her fashion and
jewellery brand ‘Aticute’(Attitude + cute), which
she started in a small way at her home in Sow-

Business apart
In spite of coming from a business family, Preeti decided to
start off with her independent venture. Her first assignment?
“Initially, I had a tough time convincing people about my
work. I neither had a professional degree in design nor the
experience,” she recalls. Luckily, her visit to Theories on ECR
did not backfire. “The client was impressed with my design.”
From 50-100 accessories, which she is currently supplying to
Chennai-based boutiques, Preeti is confident of more orders

coming her way. Frenzzy, Ashaara, Marks and various other

boutiques are her regular clients.
“Aticute is my baby. Every piece or a design from Aticute is
self-made. Right from the raw materials, beads to designs, I
take care of them.
My focus group is young women who love funky accessories.
That’s why I limit myself to fashion jewellery rather than gold
Preeti Agarwal with some of her designs
or diamond. Each work is unique and different from the oth-
er,” she claims.
Besides regular accessories like earrings, bracelets, chains,
mobile and bag hangings, Preeti also designs bags, and foot-
wear. “Unlike my other accessories, I don’t make the bags and
footwear. I give the design and brief the concerned person who
makes the final product.”
“It’s just the beginning and Aticute is only six months old.
We do make reasonable profit but we need to work hard for
more success,” she says. Her future plans? “I wish to open my
own big jewellery store that specialises in all kinds of jeweller-
ies and accessories.” ■
(If you are an entrepreneur with a successful business model or
know one, write to us at firstinnings@goergo.in)
06 VILLAGE ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

A cluster of fireworks that
revolves is called a girandole.

Iran presses case for Microsoft and Yahoo! in talks

OPEC output cut again on online unit: report
Iran’s oil minister said on Sunday the oil market is Microsoft Inc is in talks
estimated to be oversupplied by about 2 million barrels with Yahoo! Inc to buy
per day (bpd) and OPEC will have to decide next the U.S internet
month in Algeria about how to stabilise prices. company’s online
Gholamhossein Nozari made the comments a day after search business for US$
OPEC ministers met in Cairo, where they deferred a 20 billion, according to
decision on a new supply cut amid signs Saudi Arabia a report in Britain’s
and its Gulf allies wanted more adherence to curbs put Sunday Times. The
in place over the past two months. proposal under
Reuters discussion involves a
complex transaction
that would see the U.S.
software giant support
Bill Clinton agrees to a new management
team to take control
disclose donors: report of Yahoo!, but it has
Former US president Bill Clinton has agreed to disclose the no intention of
names of more than 200,000 donors to his foundation so refreshing its bid, said the newspaper. Microsoft withdrew
his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton to become secretary of its US$ 47.5 billion buyout offer for Yahoo in May after
state, The New York Times reported on Sunday. The move Yahoo chief executive Jerry Yang and his board rejected
is part of an agreement with President-elect Barack Obama the bid as too low. Bid speculation was sparked again
to allow his wife to take up the key foreign policy position. earlier this month when Yang announced he was stepping
Citing unnamed Democrats close to both sides said, the down. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer ruled a bid out at the
newspaper said Clinton had decided to publish the list of time, but said he was ‘open’ to talks on a deal for
donors to avoid any Yahoo!’s search business.
appearance of conflict Reuters
of interest with Clinton’s
duties as the nation’s
top diplomat. Obama
plans to announce Thai police order airport
Hillary Clinton’s
nomination on Monday, protesters to disperse
the paper said. The Thai police on Sunday again ordered anti-
disclosure of government protesters who have laid siege to the
contributors is among city’s airports to disperse, banning gatherings of
nine conditions that Bill more than five people and warning offenders would
Clinton agreed to during be jailed or fined. Hours after a grenade blast
discussions with wounded more than 50 protesters, and ahead of a
representatives of big rally in the Thai capital planned by government
Obama, The Times supporters, the five-point statement did not say how
noted. police intended to enforce the emergency rules.
AFP Reuters

72 whales die in mass stranding in Australia

eventy-two whales have among reefs, to safety using a that the whales would not sur-
died after becoming small boat and these animals vive the night as they would
stranded on rocks in were now swimming strongly. have thrashed heavily on the
southern Australia, one Tasmanian officials were rocks, unlike the 64 animals
week after 53 of the giant ani- alerted to the beaching on Sat- which beached on a sandy
mals died nearby in a similar urday and a helicopter inspec- Tasmanian beach the previous
beaching, an official said on tion of the remote area week.
Sunday. showed that 12 were still alive, Eleven of those animals
The long-finned pilot despite being badly cut by the were saved after they were
whales are believed to have rocks. transported to another beach
beached themselves at the A rescue team reached the and dragged into deep water.
rocky and remote Sandy Cape area on Sunday but found only “On sand they tend to lie
on the west coast of the south- two of the pilot whales, which fairly quietly but when they
ern island of Tasmania on Sat- can reach up to more than sev- land on rocks and in amongst
urday. en metres (20 feet) in length boulders they thrash, they cut
“There are 72 deceased ani- and weigh up to three tonnes, themselves. There’s a lot of
mals,” Chris Arthur of Tasma- alive. blood loss,” the parks and
nia’s Parks and Wildlife “There were two alive in the wildlife service’s Rosemary
Service told AFP. Arthur said rocky shore, but they died ear- Gales told the Australian
rescuers had shepherded 32 lier this afternoon,” Arthur Broadcasting Corporation on
more whales, which had been said. Saturday. ■
trapped in a channel offshore Rescuers had been afraid AFP
Monday, December 1, 2008
This day, that year Farmer builds robot army
It was on December 1, 1953 A Chinese farmer has built himself 26 robots over the
that Playboy magazine was past 30 years. The machines are capable of climbing
launched in Chicago by walls, lighting cigarettes, playing musical instruments
publisher Hugh Hefner. and writing calligraphy.

Media portrayed ‘gun

under pillow’ incident as
mirth: Big B
egastar Amitabh Bach-
chan has blasted a sec-
tion of media for
presenting his act of
keeping a gun under his pillow as
one of ridicule, mirth and the one
that reflected fear on his part.
“It is a pity that the ‘intellectual
media’ portrays the incident of
the gun under my pillow as one
of ridicule and mirth. Of one that
reflects a fear on my part and that
makes an absurd simile with my
characters on screen and that of and subjected him to mockery
the real,” Bachchan wrote on his and derision. He said his critics in
blog. the cyberworld had written about
"It is a shame that the mettle of what they would have done had
my comment was not put across they been in his place.
in the context of its entirety, the- “I keep my security according
reby bisecting the thought and to my own assessment of my vul-
making it weak," he said. "The act nerability. When you will wear my
of pulling out my revolver is a shoes, and I do hope that you do
symbolic metaphor, to demon- one day, you shall also be sub-
strate my complete loss of faith in jected to the kind of vulnerability
the system and in the gover- that I and many others like me
nance, in providing me, a citizen face each day. Perhaps then you
of India, with my rightful sense of would be better placed to appre-
security," he said. ciate the hollowness of your accu-
Candles and flowers placed for victims of the Mumbai attacks are seen Bachchan said that respon- sation,” he said. ■
in front of the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai on Sunday. SHASHI ASHIWAL dents on his blog had taunted PTI

Concert called off

Cafe Leopold opens Live Earth India, a mega musical concert featur-
ing western and Indian musicians, including
Bon Jovi and Anoushka Shankar, scheduled in

amidst sloganeering Mumbai for December 7, has been called off af-
ter the terror attacks.
A statement issued by the Live Earth founder
Kevin Hall said the show had to be called off
C afe Leopold,the famous restaurant of southern Mumbai cheap beer, has its mention in roman clef novel Shanta-
which was one of the first sites to be attacked by the ram by Gregory David Roberts, a convicted Australian
terrorists, opened on Sunday amidst patriotic slogans and bank robber.
because of “circumstances beyond our control”.
The concert at the Andheri Sports Complex
presence of huge crowd outside it. On the dot of midday Farzad Jehani and his brother was to promote “Light a Billion Lives” campaign
Slogans ’Bharat Mata Ki Jai’, Farhang pulled up the shutters - a project to light up India’s villages with solar
’Vande Matram ’ and ’Pakis- of the 137-year-old cafe. energy.
tan Murdabad’ rented the air Supporting him is his 67- “But for now, our thoughts and our prayers are
the moment the cafe opened strong staff, who had reported with the victims of this terrible attack,” the state-
its door. It became the first for work at 11 in the morning. ment said.
terror hit site to start the oper- The kitchen staff, who arrived Billed as one of the largest green events across
ation. early, participated in a Jewish the globe, the show founded by Emmy winning
Established in 1871, the prayer organised at the cafe. producer Kevin Hall in partnership with former
cafe is behind another terror Dressed in bright red t-shirt with US vice-president Al Gore, Live Earth was built
attack site, the Taj Mahal Pal- ‘Leopold’ written on the back, a on the belief that entertainment has the power
ace hotel. It offers the scenic waiter says, “I was so angry that to transcend social and cultural barriers to move
view of the vibrant street life such a thing happened here. We the world and the community. ■
of the metropolis making it a had to re-open as fast as possible
famous joint of foreign tour- to tell the terrorists that we are
ists. not cowards to be bowed down
Its openness to the street
made it an easy target when
by their bullets.”
Named after an Australian
Answers to
two terrorists equipped with
assault rifles opened fire here
King Leopold, the cafe was first
an oil store, which opened in
Finergo Jumble
on November 26 evening. Ac- A bullet mark at the Leopold Cafe at 1871 before it took its present 1. Salary
cording to reports about 10 people Colaba which served its first customers form in 1987. ■ 2. Budget
were hit during the mayhem. after reopening at Colaba, Mumbai on PTI
3. Saving
The cafe known for offering Sunday morning. PTI PHOTO 4. Stocks
5. Dollar
08 SPORT ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

‘Symonds elbowed my jaw’

Andrew Symonds’ never-ending woes may be compounded further as
the man involved in the Brisbane hotel altercation has claimed that
the controversial Australian all-rounder elbowed him without
provocation. The 22-year-old man, identified only as Robert, said he
was merely trying to click a picture with Symonds when the burly
all-rounder lost his cool and hit him with his elbow.

Key players reluctant to tour

England will return to India to play their two- ERGO CORRESPONDENT
match Test series as per schedule, but without feedback@goergo.in
several senior players
including talismanic all-

ighting against all odds and months’ training before the I was not the only girl who was
rounder Andrew Flintoff, after a two-year sabbatical, world championships, her de- drawn into boxing. In just two
according to a media report pocket-sized Manipur dy- tractors had ruled out any fairy- weeks I had learnt all the basics. I
in London. Following the namite M.C. Mary Kom tale comeback and date with guess I had god-given talent for
terror attack on Mumbai, bagged an unprecedented fourth history. But again proving every- boxing,” she recalls.
Flintoff and fast bowler Steve world crown at Ningbo City in body wrong, she stunned Roma- Happy with her grand return to
Harmison and perhaps China on Saturday. nian Steluta Duta 7-1 in the final. the boxing arena, she says: “I
another bowler in the squad The Indian woman has dom- “I lost in the final of Asian thank god and my husband for
of 15 are expected to pull out inated women’s boxing since Championship. I wasn’t upset supporting me so much. I wasn’t
in the next two days, citing their children and winning her first gold at the sec- but, yes, the confidence was confident going into the tourna-
wives as their prime consideration, a report in ond AIBA World Women’s Senior slightly affected by that loss. I ment. I was away from the ring
Sunday Telegraph claimed. Boxing Championship held in think my willpower saw me for two years after my twins were
“Harmison has pulled out of tours before, but Antalya, Turkey, in 2002. She de- through during the world cham- born and trained for just four
Flintoff’s absence would deprive England of their fended her title twice successful- pionship. Besides, things haven’t months.” Dedicating her win to
best bowler in Indian conditions,” the report said. ly at world championships in changed much in my weight cat- the twins, the amateur boxer now
“A lot hinges on the attitude of captain Kevin Podolsk, Russia, in 2005 and also egory. You can still see the same hopes that women’s boxing will
Pietersen, but assuming he is persuaded by ECB in New Delhi in 2006. fighters around,” Mary Kom, who also be included in the Olympics.
of the enormous compensation which would be Surprising everybody, Mary competes in the 46 kg category, “It’s difficult leaving them (the
demanded by the Indian board (running into Kom withdrew from the ring af- told agencies. children) behind. They don’t talk
millions of dollars) and falls into line, the rest of ter her success in 2006 and went Mary Kom started following at the moment but when they
the England party will follow his lead,” it said. back to Manipur, detaching her- boxing and first entered the ring looked at me when I was leaving
England and Wales Cricket Board will make self completely from the world of inspired by the success of anoth- I knew they were wondering
available by Monday a security risk assessment boxing. But after a long two-year er Manipuri pugilist, Dingko where mama was going. I ded-
report on returning to India but the newspaper layoff she made a comeback ear- Singh, who had bagged gold at icate this win to them. They are
claimed that the report was just a formality and lier this year and won the Na- the Bangkok Asian Games. my world. It’s difficult to stay
the ECB has already decided on going ahead with tional Championship before “Dingko’s success triggered a away from them but I love box-
the Test series with first match starting in bagging a silver medal at the revolution of sorts in ing, too,” she says. “Now I will
Ahmedabad on December 11. The report also said Asian Championship in Manipur and dream again to represent India in
that England players are likely to have practice September. surprisingly I the Olympics at least once till the
either in Dubai or Abu Dhabi instead of playing a But with just four found that time my body permits.” ■
three-day practice game at Vadodara from
December 5-7, and then fly directly from there to
Ahmedabad for the first Test.


India cancels Pakistan tour

India’s government has refused permission to send

a cricket team for a full tour of Pakistan early next
year following the deadly Mumbai attacks,
according to reports on Sunday.
The tour was cancelled amid a government probe
into Pakistani links to the assaults on the country’s
financial capital by heavily-armed militants that left
nearly 200 people dead. Unnamed government
sources were quoted saying that the matches were
also unlikely to be played at neutral venues.
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)
declined to comment on the reports, saying its
request for a security clearance for the tour was
pending with the government. India were
scheduled to play three Tests, five one-day
internationals and a Twenty20 match during the
five-week tour from January 13 to February 19. It
was to be the fifth bilateral series between the Mary Kom
two countries since 2004, when
cricket ties resumed after a 15-year makes a
gap due to political tensions
between the warring neighbours. fairytale
The tour was first put in doubt
earlier this month when the Indian return to
government denied permission to
the national junior hockey team to the boxing
visit Pakistan. Australia cancelled a
Test tour of Pakistan in March and ring
the International Cricket Council put off the high-
profile Champions Trophy there in September due
to security concerns. Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)
chief Ijaz Butt had said on Friday the fate of India’s
tour lay in the hands of the respective
Monday, December 1, 2008

‘‘Barca run away

Every time I see the TV footage of the carnage in the Indian city, I realise how
close we were to death. I haven’t slept thinking about the three-day rampage
and siege. We were 800 miles from the attack, but suddenly we felt very vulnerable,
especially as we had stayed at the targeted Taj Mahal Hotel just two weeks ago.
Kevin Pietersen

Magical Messi fires

Barcelona clear as
Real crash

brace from Lionel Messi Kanoute who could only hit the la played well and it was unfair that Angel Albin converting a Jaime Gavi-
helped Barcelona clinch a 3-0 crossbar after beating the offside Barcelona went into the interval lan cross. Getafe, brimming with
victory over Sevilla on Saturday trap. with a lead but afterwards they were confidence following their draw
and open a six-point lead at In the second half, both sides were lethal. The quality of Daniel (Alves), against Barcelona a week ago, con-
the top of the Spanish league as Real reduced to shots from distance be- Messi and Xavi (Hernandez) caused tinued to take the game to Real
Madrid crashed 1-3 at city rivals Ge- fore Messi took centre stage. The Ar- us a lot of damage and to say other- whose outlook further deteriorated
tafe. Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola gentine ran onto a ball from midfield wise would be lying.” with Wesley Sneijder and Miguel
had told his players beforehand to and volleyed into the corner from 25 Torres both limping off before half-
show commitment and it was need- yards to extend Barca’s lead after 78 Real falters time.
ed against a Sevilla side who battled minutes and then he completed his Earlier, a convincing 3-1 victory by Fernando Gago did graze the
for every ball. brace in injury time, rounding the Getafe piled the pressure on Real crossbar but Real were unable to
The game was played at a frantic keeper before slotting home. Madrid coach Bernd Schuster whose take a hold of the game, and only a
pace with few clear chances but it side have now lost two out their last few minutes after the interval Albin
was Barcelona who made the most Red card three league games. “It was not a knocked in his second, slipping the
of theirs with Messi once again the Sevilla’s night was made worse by painful defeat because from the ball past Iker Casillas. Real were giv-
outstanding player. In the opening the controversial dismissal of Fabia- start of the game it was clear that it en hope when Javier Saviola finished
minutes Luis Fabiano shot over from no for elbowing Sergio Busquets. would have been very difficult to well inside the area, after Juan Guti
inside the box for Sevilla but after 20 “I’m happy as this was a step forward win,” said Schuster. “A lot of things had won back possession, but rather
minutes it was Samuel Eto’o who for us and these are important points happened in the match and at no than building on the goal, Madrid
opened the scoring latching onto a against a very strong rival,” said time did we have the feeling that we soon lost impetus and it was Getafe
loose ball in the area and firing Guardiola. “In the first half we were could win. Getafe were superior and who looked more likely to score
home. Fabiano then went close sloppy and took a lot of risks but af- they produced a spectacular game.” again. With nine minutes to go Ike-
again and Frederic Kanoute felt un- ter the break we were a lot better Schuster was forced into fielding a chukwu Uche secured the win for Ge-
lucky not to be awarded a penalty and more organised.” Sevilla coach makeshift team with seven players tafe with a clinical finish after the
after tumbling in the box following a Manolo Jimenez said: “In the second unavailable and they got off to the hard work had been done by his
challenge from Gerard Pique, but half they showed what they are ca- worst possible start conceding a goal strike partner Albin. ■
the clearest chance came later for pable of doing. In the first half Sevil- after just three minutes with Juan AFP

10 FLICK ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

Shriya to act with

Akshay Kumar
Actress Shriya Saran will play a prominent role in a
Hindi film opposite Akshay Kumar. The movie titled
Komagata Maru would be directed by Deepa Mehta.

Mirror, mirror…

Inspired to thrill B ritney Spears, who recently performed on the

talent show X Factor in Britain, motivates
herself by standing in front of a mirror.
Mirror.co.uk reports that Spears asked for a big
mirror in her dressing room during the X Factor
show. And she told herself , “I am beautiful” and
A self-obsessed star, heroine, director, producer, “I am a singer”. ■
a frustrated action director, a spot boy and one
mysterious killer… RGV’s next is a thriller with a
reality show feel

am Gopal Varma is set to make yet another volve around a film unit on a shoot in a remote
thriller, titled Agyaat, and the filmmaker says region, and how the members get killed one by one
he has taken inspiration from acclaimed in- under mysterious circumstances.
ternational thrillers like Ridley Scott’s Alien, “The film will be very near to a reality show in a
John Carpenter’s The Thing and Daniel Myrick’s certain sense as in putting a set of people in a cer-
Blair Witch Project. tain situation and to see what happens to them,”
“I have always been an incredible fan of the thrill- says Varma, whose last offering was horror flick
er genre where there is an unknown or a known Phoonk.
element which is out to kill at random a group of Agyaat would have an assorted list of characters
people trapped in a certain situation,” Varma ranging from a self-obsessed star, a heroine, direc-
has said in a post on his blog. tor, producer, a frustrated action director and a
According to the filmmaker, thrillers subservient spot boy, apart from others.
are a popular genre abroad, but no These parts will be played by unknown
film in the same genre has been or little known actors based on the com-
seriously attempted with Indian plete suitability of the way the charac-
actors and with a story de- ters are written in the script, Varma
signed for Indian audiences. reveals.
“My movie’s intention The director says that the most ex-
would be to explore that and citing and challenging part of mak-
it would also be about the ing such a film would be to
emotional complexities that ex- capture how the attitudes, perso-
treme fear would unleash,” he nalities and inter-relationships of
says. the protagonists change rapidly in
Shooting for Agyaat is expect- the face of the impending danger.
ed to begin next month and the The filmmaker is apparently going
film is likely to be ready for re- to use a lot of special effects for this
lease by June next year. project. ■
The movie’s plot would re- IANS

Puppy love
A fter 35 years in show business, John Travolta has
taken his first stab at animation as the voice of
an adorable puppy in Walt Disney’s Bolt. The
movie, which debuted in U.S. theatres a week ago,
was a leap of faith for Travolta after a film career
that started with musicals like Grease and Saturday
Night Fever and went on to embrace surprises like
Pulp Fiction and stingers like Battlefield Earth. ■
Monday, December 1, 2008
Yuvan to act
Though he has made a fleeting
appearance in Saroja, music director
Yuvan Shankar Raja will play a
prominent role in Venkat Prabhu’s
next flick, Goa.

Cine City
will make
me come
Gowtham to remake Vettaiyadu
back to Vilaiyaadu in Hindi
Gowtham Menon is on cloud nine after his recent
hit Vaaranam Aayiram. Not relaxing even a bit, the

films’ director is ready with his next flick, Chennaiyil Oru

Mazhaikalam. He has also completed penning the
script for a Telugu film to be produced by UTV
Pictures, starring Mahesh Babu in the lead role.
And the greatest of all excitements is that he
would be remaking his magnum opus Vettaiyadu
Vilaiyaadu in Hindi. Soundarya Rajinikanth is
expected to produce the film as a joint venture
with Warner Bros. Gowtham had requested
Soundarya to recommend Amitabh Bachchan to
play the lead role.

A ctress Sonali Bendre, who is

currently seen on television as a
judge on music reality show In-
dian Idol says she won’t
be returning to Bolly-
wood any time soon as
her son needs her more
than the film industry.
“Nothing will make
me come back to
films. My three-year-
old needs me more.
I want to be home
for my child. I’m
definitely not look-
ing at a commit-
ment that will
take me away
from home,”
says Sonali.
A source
from the sets
of Indian Idol
said that Sona-
li is the first one Karthi pairs up with Nayan
to zip out of the Paruthiveeran fame Karthi will be pairing up with
studio to her lit- Nayantara in a film to be directed by Lingusamy.
tle one as soon as The shooting of the film would commence once
shooting wraps up. Karthi completes Selvaraghavan’s Ayirathil Oruvan.
■ The movie is tentatively titled Paiyya, meaning
IANS ‘boy’. Meanwhile, Lingusamy’s production house,
Thirupathy Brothers, is currently doing a couple of
films including the Nadhiya-starrer Pattalam.
12 ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

Friday’s Question:
What would you do if you were
invisible for a day?
■ I’ll stand behind my friends and colleague and
watch what they talk about me in my absence
Rajesh Khanna J, DPIBPL

■ I will be with actress Trisha whole day in her

shooting spot.
Sundar Narayan, Polaris

■ I will shut down my boss PC in regular interval

say every 15 minutes.
Shankar Ganesh, TCS

■ I would waste the whole day thinking what to

do. Subashini of TCS has nominated her team as Partners in Crime.
Mukund, Scope International This pic was clicked at Coorg.

■ I can move freely in my chick’s house at least for

a day without getting caught
Jagan, Capgemini

■ Will spend my day in White House.

Prabhakaran, HCL

■ I would like to watch George Bush’s activities

and by the end of the day would like to give a
kick on his back for wasting my whole day.
Murali, Ramtech

■ I will give a small slap to those people who

speak in mobiles while driving and who do not
respect traffic signals.
Sudhakar Subramanian, Infosys

■ I would travel in an aircraft in morning roam a

new city then return evening.
J. Amarnath, Thinksoft

■ I would rob the Swiss bank money and keep it Kasirangan of Coastal has nominated his team as Partners in
for my life time expenditure. Crime. This pic was clicked at Elnet Software City
Ram, HCL

■ I will take over all the black money from the

rich people.
Manonmani Kesav, HCL

■ I will unplug all power supply even generator in

my office to give mass holiday to all employees of
my company.
Subhasis Das, Sify

■ I will kill all the Terrorists in the world and so

that there won’t be any more terrorist
organisations in this world.

Today’s Question:
What would you do if your best
friend forgot to wish you on
your birthday? Praveen Kumar of HCL has nominated his team as
Partners in Crime. This pic was clicked at Ooty.
Monday, December 1, 2008

■ Hi Karthick, ■ Dear Senthil Kumar,

R.S. Sarathy of DATMARK Many more happy returns of the day!
Prodapt. has been nominat- May this birthday bring more Wishing you a many more happy
ed as ‘Office Angel’ by Ra- prosperity in our life. Have a returns of the day.
jesh, Venkat and Aravind. wonderful birthday. Yours, Vinoth.G
“R.S. Sarathy is a very With sincere wishes, Financial Software Systems, Tidel Park
helpful person and he cares T&Q Team, DPIBPL
for people and their growth.
■ Hai da Kotte (enoah)
He owns the responsibility of ■ Hi Durairaja, Many more happy returns of the
setting a career path for the Hope your birthday lights up with day.. May the forthcoming year be
growth of his team members. smiles….. and glows with love. Many filled with love and joy and let your
We love him.” more happy returns of the day! Have dreams come true.
a wonderful birthday. With lots of love and friendship..
With sincere wishes, Ganesh M,
T&Q Team, DPIBPL Sify Technology

■ Dear Balaji (Kumaran Systems) and ■ My Dear Joyce Kuruvi,

Shakthi, This is a special birthday wish
Wish you a happy married life. That comes with love to you
May all your dreams come true. It brings warm and heartfelt thanks
Have a wonderful life ahead. For all the thoughtful things you do,
Best wishes, It also comes to let you know
Saravanarajah, Porkodi, UST Global You mean more to me each day
And to everyone your lives have
■ Hi Karthik [H.R], touched
U r 1 year older now, 1 year smarter In such a loving way my dear Joyce...
now, 1 year bigger now, and now u r With Love,
1 year closer to all your wishes. Karthiga, Abhishek, Vijay, Ganesh,
Wish u a many more happy returns Vivek, Hari,Vinoth, Farzi, Mangs, Kalps,
of the day. May all ur dreams come Kans, Thyanesh, Purna, Annapurna,
true. May god bless you with health, Vijayanth, Karthik, Fareen..
wealth & happiness in your life. Hexaware Technologies
It must be a rainy day when u were
born cuz the sky was crying for losing ■ Dear Tony,
Bhargav Medhi
from AT Software one of its precious stars. "Happy Birthday." We wish you to be
has doodled this. Hearty wishes from...Ram, HCL happy!!! (Anything that makes you
happy to be there for you!)
■ Hi Raj, Lovable Friends
We wish for u that wahtever u want Malarkodi and Narayani
most in life, it comes to u. Many
more happy returns of the day. ■ Hi Bhavani
- CSS Corp Friends Many more happy returns of the
day...You are the best among all..
■ Dear Aarthy Kutty, Enjoy ur day..
A Warm Birthday Wishes For My Ramshankar, HCL BPO
Kutty Pisasu...May God Bless You
Dear...I’m Glad That We Are ■ Dear Nisha (HCL),
Together And Not Only Friends, You Nee yena mattum vitutu thaniya
Are My Sweetheart From Beginning home ku poita , irunthalum enjoy
To End… well in your home town. Enjoy
Yours Ever Lovable Friend, well.Seekiram vaa, namma team oda
Oru Suriyanuku padhilaaga 10 suriyan udicha enna agum? Ramya,Tata Consultancy Services score unnoda kaila than iruku.
“Ten”Sun Agum… Wishes from
Venkatesh N, HCL ■ Dear Maha, Dhanyaa(HCL) , Arathi (AT&T), Nithya
Many More Happy Returns Of The (L&T) , Subathra (RR Donnelley).
“Kolammavil kolam podalam. Kadalai mavil kadalai poda Day! May God Bless U With
mudiuma?” Success,Peace And Joy Forever! ■ Hey Nithya Kumaran (Mr.Cool n
“Thooka marundhu sappitta thookam varum... Anaa...Irumal Have A Lethagic),
marundhu sappitta Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day! Birthday ku apuram wish panuren nu
irumal varathu” From kova padatha , Wish U all success da.
Subramanian K from AIG Systems Ravi K Indran, Wipro Technologies Wishes from BPN( Ms.Innocent Idiot),
Study = don’t fail---------(1) TNMM (Ms.Yehathalam) , AS
don’t study = fail---------------(2) ■ Dear Mi, (Ms.Singakural Singari)
add (1) and (2), Many More Happy Returns Of The
=> Study + don’t study = don’t fail + fail Day! Have a ■ Dear Suresh,
=> (1+don’t)study = (1+don’t)fail Superficalifragilisticexpialidocious Wish You Many More Happy Returns
=> study = fail Day! May U Get Ur 2 Lakhs Of The Day.May This Brings You a
Hence proved..so dont study... Sooooooon And Achieve Everything Lot Of Happy And Prosperous
Venugopal Koleti U Wish For In Life.. Moments In your Life.
ASE-Trainee From Sheshu,Ashok,Arjun, Pandi, Rajan&
Tata Consultancy Services Ur "Mama" Dhana, Kavi, Iindu
Ravi K Indran TCS
14 TRAFFIC JAM ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008

Tomato raid
Scottish police raided a 79-year-old
widow’s cottage - after mistaking her
tomato plants for a crop of cannabis.


Vijai Parthiban
EP of Hexaware
clicked this
picture in
Cricket, music
and biking

So you think you would make a terrific photographer but never really had the
platform? Mail us your best work and we’ll publish it in this space, with credit.
E-mail: clickpick@goergo.in

Editor: Karthik Subramanian

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Dy Chief Designer: R. Ravi Kannan
Illustrator: R. Venugopal

Technical Support:
V.R. Vasudevan, K.G. Gurumurthy
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Contact: 2857 5757
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Website: www.goergo.in

Head of Circulation:
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Printed and Published by S. Karthik on behalf of

KASTURI & SONS LTD., at Plot B-6 & B-7,
CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin:
603209 & at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860,
Anna Salai, Chennai-600002. Editor: S. Karthik
(Editor responsible for selection of news under
the PRB Act). RNI No. TNENG/2007/24553
Monday, December 1, 2008
Robotic delivery Word’s worth
Robots are appearing on stage "Katavothron" (kat-uh-vah-thrun) a
alongside human actors in a new play subterranean channel or deep chasm
in Japan. The machines deliver lines formed by running water. From Greek
and move around the stage. words meaning ’swallow’ and ’hole.’



At office, you may be very persistent about tasks on
hand. You can be highly practical and to some
extent shrewd to people around you. Ganesha
advises you not to misuse your authority. Main
focus of the day could be your occupation.


You may work hard to accomplish the goals. You
may be firm in decisions and may want others to
follow you. Ensure that this doesn’t create disliking
for you at office. In personal life, you may have very
practical approach, even in matters of love.


You must avoid being dependant on others. If you
BORN LOSER are in a situation to count on someone and if work
is not done in time, you may feel frustrated. Try to
seek guidance of elders or seniors at work. In
relationships, you may be more passionate.
Let others handle important task and trust them. It’s
not your day, so even if you try to do something
good, you may not get due credit for the same. In
relationships, you may enjoy togetherness. It is best
day to bring positive changes in relationships.
LEO JULY 21 - AUG 20
If you are at highest position in the organisation, it
would be a power day for you. However, if you are
reporting to someone, you may disagree with your
superiors views, yet will have to accept them. Your
beloved one may understand you very well.
This is best day to plan activities of week or month.
FREE RANGE WORKING IT OUT You will minutely observe practical aspects related
to your work. It is favourable day for meetings. In
love life, you must avoid calculations as love cannot
be measured with yardstick of ’give and take’.
You should avoid confrontations with people around
you. You would not be able to prove your points
through relevant arguments. In love life, you need
to have a mature approach. If you expect more
from partner, it will reduce the joy of life.
It is a favourable day for all technical work. If you
need to download or sort out some data, it will be
done within time. In personal life, Ganesha doesn’t
find you facing any major issue. In short, day
ensures smoother sailing.
Ganesha finds you thinking seriously about financial
matters. You may also be thinking about job
security. ’Honesty is the best policy’, keep this in
mind and go ahead with your endeavours. You may
discuss money matters with your life partner.
You may set a target today and start working in
that direction. Nothing will matter, except your
professional progress. You may be highly concerned
about ‘way ahead’ in your vocation. You will receive
enough care and nurturing from your beloved one.
PREVIOUS Ganesha suggests you not to hurry up in anything.
Do your work calmly. Your primary goals may be
ISSUE’S kept aside and you might have to get involved in
sorting out issues related to other people. In love
SOLUTIONS life, it is day to sacrifice or compromise.
You are likely to establish beneficial associations
today. You will receive support from your team
members. Day favours all group activities like
seminars and conferences. In love life, partner may
take a lead and initiate good conversation with you.
Predictions by Bhavesh N. Pattni
16 ! ERGO Monday, December 1, 2008


News and newsmakers in pictures

Mao Asada of
Japan competes in
the Ladies Free of
the ISU Grand Prix
of Figure Skating
NHK Trophy at
Madonna performs
Yoyogi National
at the Foro Sol on Saturday
Gymnasium on
in Mexico City. AFP PHOTO

Natalie Imbruglia
arrives at the UK
premiere of Ano
Una at Curzon
Renoir Cinema
on Saturday in
London, England.

Emma Watson
arrives at the UK
premiere of Ano
Una at Curzon
Renoir Cinema on
Saturday in
London, England.

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