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Zhi Jian (David) Wong University of Auckland

Natural Environment (Ecology) Renewable Energy System(R.E) Energy Efficiency System(E.E) R.E + E.E =

Green Economy.

Conventional Myth Choose one: 1. Economy 2. Sustainability Green Economy = A Sustainable Economy

Green Economy
A green economy is aneconomic developmentmodel based onsustainable development. Its most distinguishing feature from prior economic regimes is direct valuation ofnatural capitaland ecological servicesas having economic value.

Green Economy
Karl Burkartdefines a green economy as based on six main sectors:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Renewable energy Green buildings Clean transportation Water management Waste management Land management











Why a green economy would be ideal for Christchurch?

1. 2. 3. 4. NZ identity to be a clean green country Prototype City Test Case City Growing Energy Crisis Climate and Weather


NZ identity to be a clean green country

NZ Electricity Generation Sources

Energy Supply Sources

Christchurch Energy Sources

Renewable Energy Sources

Non - renewable Energy Sources


1. 2. 3. 4.

Prototype City Test Case City

Importance Largest City Centre for the South Island of New Zealand Pilot City Only around 370,000 population Strong sense of community and change is welcomed Pre-Earthquake City A good comparison for test cases as the previous city was a typical urban rural township Opportunity In great need of rebuilding and for smart plans to be implemented



Growing Energy Crisis

Oil products (tonnes per person) 4.41 3.88 4.29 2.49 2.04 2.31 1.82 1.87 1.9 1.7 0.45 1.17 Gas (m3 per person) 1,545 3,014 2,208 1,531 981 806 759 1,144 1,693 475 494 580 Electricity (kWh per person) 27,682 17,998 14,355 12,570 10,200 8,533 8,196 7,446 6,576 5,165 2,599 2,326

International consumption of energy (calendar year 2008) Norway Canada USA Australia New Zealand Japan France Germany UK Portugal Turkey Mexico


Climate and Weather

Dry Hot NW Winds Damp coastal Easterly Winds Sunshine Hrs 2,050 hours

Energy Areas in NZ


Double-Cropping Solar Energy with Agriculture

Enhancing the Agriculture process by using the solar panels to protect from the harsh direct sun to create a more efficient micro-climate underneath

Green Economy = NEW Green Jobs

1. Economic Recession 2. Unemployment Levels 3. Upgrade Talent pool 4. Upgrade skill set for residents 5. Increased Population
we must connect the people who need work the most with the work that most needs to be done.
- Van Jones, Co-Founder of the Ella Baker Center

Green Jobs

R.E + E.E sales outpaced the combined sales of the three largest U.S. corporations. (2006)

NZ / Christchurch Identity
1. Renown for people being innovative and creative 2. Case-study city = added tourism = added economy 3. New Innovative Green Economy =
Perfect environment for New Zealand and the rebuilding of Christchurch is the perfect opportunity for this to happen.

1. Educational facilities 2. Creative/ Innovative Businesses 3. Research Centres 4. Community Support How to make all this happen:
Government/State incentives. Tax credits, Rebates, Grants/Loans Programmes to train and encourage Green proposals

Christchurch becomes the worlds first city that is sustained by a Green Economy and becomes a pilot project city for others to learn from.

Christchurch the Green Garden City.

Which is more Green ?

Masdar City in Abu Dhabi (US$22 billion)

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