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Geo: Chapter 7 The United States

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1. Industry and trade grew rapidly in the Northeast during the nineteenth century because river provided__________ and ________________ 2. Settlers were originally attracted to the South primarily for ________________. 3. The rich natural resources in Appalachia did not affect the growth of industry in the _________. 4. The South having a more diverse population is not a reason many industries moved south from _______________. 5. The Midwest is called the nations breadbasket because it is the region that produces most of the nations ________, _________, and ______. 6. Which of the following is not a reason the Midwest became an industrial center? a. It is where labor costs were most reasonable. b. It has a rich supply of natural resources. c. It has easy access to water transportation routes. d. It is the link, by railroad, of the east and west coasts. 7. Family farms in the Midwest have been replaced by large farms for all of the following reasons except a. modern machinery. c. pressure from foreign competition. b. push and pull migration factors. d. increase in the yields of the harvest. 8. In contrast to San Diego and Reno, the city of Seattle has a __________ climate. 9. The rapid increase of population in the West resulted from the discovery of_________ and ____________. 10. Residents of the West have adapted to their environment in all of the following ways except by a. building aqueducts. b. working in forestry. c. surmounting distances by traveling by boat and airplane. d. moving from the cities to the countryside. 11. The __________________ of the Northeast provides many excellent harbors. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.



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A decline in professional-level jobs following has not been a problem for the _____________ megalopolis? The Northeast became a leader in commerce because of its_________________. Industrial development in the South has been influenced primarily by the availability of _________________. The most common ecosystem found in the South is__________________. During the 1970s, the population of the South increased greatly because of ___________________________ that had moved south. ____ 17. Productive farmland is one characteristic common to all the states in the ______________. ____ 18. All of the following are accurate statements about the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system except: a. They aided the growth of industry in the Midwest. b. They are still important trade routes today. c. Cities connected by this transportation network are home to heavy manufacturing. d. They have helped the region become the nations center of business and finance. ____ 19. Because of the Wests natural resources, two important economic activities in the region are ___________ and _______________. ____ 20. Which of the following is an accurate statement about Alaska and Hawaii?
a. b. c. d. Alaska lies closer to the mainland of the United States than Hawaii. In comparison to Hawaii, Alaska is a smaller state in terms of both population density and area. Both states were ceded to the United States as a result of a war. An extensive road-building effort has made travel within both states much easier than in the past.

Essay CRITICAL THINKING 21. Synthesizing Information Explain the relationship between water resources and economic activity in the United States. Give examples to illustrate the relationship. 22. Synthesizing Information Why has farming in the Midwest become big business?

Geo: Chapter 7 The United States Answer Section

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: OBJ: 2. ANS: OBJ: 3. ANS: OBJ: 4. ANS: OBJ: 5. ANS: OBJ: 6. ANS: OBJ: 7. ANS: OBJ: 8. ANS: OBJ: 9. ANS: OBJ: 10. ANS: OBJ: 11. ANS: OBJ: 12. ANS: OBJ: 13. ANS: OBJ: 14. ANS: OBJ: 15. ANS: OBJ: 16. ANS: OBJ: 17. ANS: OBJ: 18. ANS: OBJ: TOP: 19. ANS: OBJ: 20. ANS: OBJ: D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 158-159 7.1.2 STA: SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Industry and Trade in the Northeast A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 162-163 7.2.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Settlement Patterns in the South C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 163-164 7.2.2 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Industry in the South D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 163-164 7.2.3 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2| SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Industry in the South C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 167-168 7.3.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Agriculture in the Midwest A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 169-170 7.3.3 STA: SS-HS-4.4.1| SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Industry in the Midwest C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 168-169 7.3.2 STA: SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Agriculture in the Midwest B PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: 174 7.4.1 STA: SS-HS-3.1.1 TOP: Growth of Cities in the West A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 172-173 7.4.2 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Population Growth in the West D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 172-175 7.4.3 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Human-Environment Interaction in the West C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 157 7.1.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Physical Features of the Northeast D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 159-160 7.1.3 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2| SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Megalopolis B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 158-159 7.1.3 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2| SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Industry in the Northeast A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 163-164 7.2.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Industry in the South D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 161-162 7.2.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Ecosystems in the South C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 165-166 7.2.2 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Population in the South A PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: 167-170 7.3.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: The Midwest D PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: 170 7.3.3 STA: SS-HS-4.4.1| SS-HS-5.1.2 Transportation and Industry in the Midwest C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 172-173 7.4.2 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Natural Resources and the Economy in the West A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 174-175 7.4.3 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 TOP: Alaska| Hawaii

ESSAY 21. ANS: Areas on or near rivers and lakes have developed into centers of industry and trade. In the Northeast, the growth of commercial fishing, manufacturing, and trade was aided by the regions jagged coastline with its excellent harbors. Throughout the 1800s, water-powered factories were built near waterfalls along the Northeasts many rivers. In the Midwest, trade routes on the Great Lakes or on the Mississippi River aided the growth of commerce and manufacturing centers. In the South, entrepreneurs built textile mills along the fall line in the Piedmont region. In the West, commercial fishing thrives in the Pacific Coast states. PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: 156-175 OBJ: 7.1.1| 7.2.2| 7.3.3| 7.4.1 STA: SS-HS-4.2.2 | SS-HS-4.4.1| SS-HS-5.1.2 | SS-HS-3.1.1 TOP: Water| Economic Activities and United States 22. ANS: New machinery that was developed to help farmers reap their huge harvests quickly also reduced the number of workers required to do the work. However, the cost of the machinery is high, making it more suitable for big business instead of a small family business. PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: 167-169 STA: SS-HS-5.1.2 TOP: Agriculture in the Midwest OBJ: 7.3.2

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