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Community Penitential Rite: a) We misunderstand one another; we are suspicious; we twist the meaning of what people say to us and

straight away conclude that we are right and they are wrong. b) We are intolerant; we are blind to the needs of others; we live in discord with our neighbour and try to outdo the other. c) We are too ready to judge others. We despise the human weaknesses and failings of others. We confess to you almighty God and to all who are present here that we have sinned. We confess our guilt in having caused others to suffer through our selfishness, love of ease and our desire to dominate. Of all those to whom we have caused any sort of pain and of all those to whom we have caused offense we ask forgiveness. God of forgiveness, gracious and loving, protect us from evil through Christ, our Lord.

Lord, Father of all life, how difficult it is to admit that we need you for every breath we draw, for our daily bread, for mercy and forgiveness for growing to be persons; persons who love, who are loved. We would rather be our own persons, independent, powerful, alone. Yet the truth keeps popping up no matter how we try to hide it. It is in every illness that afflicts us, in every love gone sour, in every failure in our lives, in every opportunity for ever lost that we discover the need of community. humbly we come recognize this fact and our need for friends, for love, and above for you the centre of our community life. Offertory: We offer to you God, creator and friend, all the good desires of our lives; we want to be people who can love as you love, who can see in each of us here a reflection of yourself and your love, as bread and wine are a reflection for you and for us of the death and love of Jesus your son who is Lord for ever and ever.

Opening Prayer:

Preface: Praise and Thanksgiving to you, heavenly Father for you are a God of nearness. Praise and thanksgiving to you loving father for providing us with the care and concern of families and communities so that we can all the more experience your creative goodness. Praise and thanksgiving to you Almighty Father, for the beauty and mystery that abounds in our world, in our community, in the individuals that make our family, for the gift of each person here. We see you, Father, in the hope of each sunrise, the relief and rest of each sunset. We see you in every person who has touched us and blessed us. As children surrounded and protected by the warmth of a Father's love, we join all creation in rejoicing, in celebrating your great care and concern for us. And so we join all the angels your people.

and saints and raise our voices and praise your name...Holy, Communion: You have gently allowed us to enjoy your presence and support this year. You have graciously let us celebrate our fellowship as Holy cross and as religious. Yo have generously shared with us the gifts and talents of each other, and so their love, laughter and life. We thank you. Grant us, dear Lord, we pray the indomitable, invincible and unconquerable spirit of Jesus that despite the trials and tragedies of this life, despite the odds and obstacles of our ministries & studies, despite the pains and passions of our bodies and despite the constraints and criticisms of our communities, we may go forth to bring some light, love and liberation to

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