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Penitential Rite:

Having called us to a life of faith that reason cannot fathom: Having shown us the victory of such faith in your Resurrection: Having given us a community to support the weakness of our faith:


1. That the joys and hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of our people may be also the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of the Risen Lord, we pray to the Lord. 2. That the triumph of the resurrection may motivate the policy makers of the world to trust in the power of faith over merely human reason or timid prudence, we pray.. 3. That all who entered our community of faith through baptism at the Easter Vigil may be enthusiastic witnesses of the spirit, who led them into the paschal mystery, we pray... 4. That Christ who died to all the weaknesses of human nature and rose to possess the fullness of the spirit, may be the strength of all who struggle for holiness, we pray..


Preface: Cel. 1 Heavenly Father, death and birth become one mystery in the rising of your Son, a mystery in which our lives receive new meaning in your love. We give you thanks and call upon your name to bring us to birth in the power of his death and rising. Pres. Because you raised Jesus and gave Him glory, we give you thanks and join your whole creation in a hymn of praise, singing: Eucharistic Prayer: Pres. We thank you, almighty Father, because from the very beginning you promised us peace. Despite our sins and guilt you have worked to unlock our hearts. Cel 2 We sought after the pagan food of Egypt, and you led us to a land of milk and honey. We broke away from your covenant, and you welcomed us back to fellowship. When we turned away from the idols, you returned us from exile. Cel 3 When we locked ourselves within the law, you sent your only Son to free us from bondage with a new covenant of freedom. He has moved among us teaching and healing, and we have known him in the breaking of the bread. Cel: Let your spirit come upon these gifts.... Before He was given up ..... Cel: We thank you God our Father, that you have shown us the power of faith, the beauty of love in the life of your son, Jesus Christ. By raising Christ from the dead you have given us hope with all nations. May we have the courage to live as fully as Jesus did. Cel 4 We thank you, Father that you have given freed us from the power of sin and have given us victory over death in your Son, Jesus Christ. May we who have died in baptism with him and have been raised to new life with him, be witnesses to our faith in him. Cel 1 Lord, remember your Church throughout the world; make us grow in love and faith with .....Remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again; bring them and all the departed into the light of your presence. 888h) 8888888880*0*0*88Cel 2 Send upon us the spirit of the Risen Lord that he may enlighten the eyes of our hearts so that we may witness to your love with Mary, our mother, the apostles and all the saints until your son returns in glory. May his spirit teach us how to pray until the day of his return. Through Him...

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