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As we seek enlightenment through greater knowledge, help us to remember that you said, I am the light of the world.

As we seek our path through life and are tempted by many distractions, help us remember that you said, I am the way. As we seek to understand the deeper and ultimate meaning of our lives, help us to remember that you said, I am the truth. Graduation Prayer I have knowledge, so will You show me now, How to use it wisely and find a way somehow To make the world I live in a little better place, And make life with its problems a little bit easier to face. Grant me faith and courage and put purpose in my days, And show me how to serve Thee in effective ways. So my education, my knowledge and my skill May find their true fulfillment as I learn to do Thy will. And may I ever be aware in everything I do, That knowledge comes from learning, and wisdom comes from You. This invocation was just delivered by my husband, Rev. George Woodliff III, at the high school graduation of our daughter.

Father, we invite and invoke Your divine presence at this graduation ceremony and to be with these graduates. We ask that from this day forward You help them to remember Your Son Jesus and His words: As they walk out the door of _____ and through other doors in their lives, help them to remember that Jesus said, I am the door. As they seek enlightenment through greater knowledge, help them to remember that Jesus said, I am the light of the world. As they seek their path through life and are tempted by many distractions, help them to remember that Jesus said, I am the way. As they seek to understand the deeper and ultimate meaning of their lives, help them to remember that Jesus said, I am the truth. As they seek fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness, help them to remember that Jesus said, I am the life abundant and eternal life. Father, watch over them, protect, them, provide for them, guard them, guide them, and give them Your grace to enable them to persevere to the end. In Jesuss name. Amen.

We give you praise, O God, for everything that is new and beautiful, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy.

Bless us as we start this New Year with our friends and teachers Help us to make the most of every chance we have to start afresh. May we show love to one another and to all. May the new beginning of this school year remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again. Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness. Help us to learn and to work together. Help us to listen when we should and to know the best words when we speak and when it is better not to speak. We thank you for our friends Help us to be good friends this year. Help us to be patient with ourselves and with others. Bless our school and keep us safe. Be with us as we travel each day. Help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us.

Bless all those who care for us In school and at home. Help us show our care for them and to say sorry when we need to. May the Blessed Mother Mary protect us And help us to live as well as we can Giving thanks and glory to God as she did.

Teach me
Dear Lord, Teach me to live my life. Teach me to know how to use all the good I have inside of me. Teach me to think right, speak good words, and do good deeds. Teach me to see the good in all. Teach me to share with my fellow human beings in respect and love. Teach me love. Amen
May the Eternal protect us both (teacher and student)! May the Eternal nourish us both!

May the Eternal make us both strong! May our studies become illuminative! May we not hate each other! Om Peace, Peace, Peace. Thou art the father of the world, of all that moves and all that stand. Thou art the object of its worship and its greatest teacher. There is none equal to Thee. How then could there be in the three worlds any one equal to Thee, O thou of incomparable Power? Therefore, I bow down and prostrate myself before Thee, O, adorable Lord, and seek Thy grace. Bear with me as a father with a son, as a friend with a friend and as a lover with his beloved. Lead me from the Unreal to the Real Lead me from Darkness to Light; Lead me from Death to Immortality, In the name of the Eternal, let there be peace, peace, peace everywhere. O, Sri Ramakrishna, founder of the Religion Universal and the embodiment of all world religions! To Thee, the noblest of Divine Incarnations, I offer my salutation. Taking shelter at the feet of Sri Sarada Devi, the Universal Mother, and

Sri Ramakrishna, the Preceptor of the world, I salute them again and again. Salutations to the sage and seer Swami Vivekananda, the prince among Sannyasins. Salutations to that embodiment of Sat, Cit and Ananda and the remover of all sorrows.

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