Components of A Powerful Essay: Can You List Here What These Components Are and A Reason Why Each Is Important

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Components of a Powerful Essay

Can you list here what these components are and a reason why each is important. Component My Reason

Which format is better ? First party or third party view First Party : I , we

Third Party : he, she, they, it


Habits Basic character traits Goals & motivation

Quirks: Likes country


Habits: Wakes up late every day

Basic Traits: Selfless, smart , kind, cheerful

Wants: wants to rescue his best friend

Sample Paragraph about Character : Gerald wiped the sweat from his brow as he trudged wearily along the punishing slope of the hill. His friend was in danger, and he was ready to do whatever it took to rescue her. He already had a brilliant plan in place but he had to be careful. ..

Quirks:Ne ver rides on trains

Habits:Reads and eats at the same time Basic Traits: Comical, clumsy, reckless

Wants: Always wants to be around his best friend

Sample Paragraph about Character : Tom squinted , grinning as he spotted Jack in the distance. Still munching his apple, he put away the book he had been reading. He grabbed his backpack and stood up, stubbing his toe on a protruding rock. He waved enthusiastically as Jack approached. Jack! You made it! ..

Narrative :

A Believable Format

Acronym: SGOCS (Singapore Girls Often Can Sing)

Using the above format, let's try it with the following exercise:

Dad had promised to get a present for Jacks next birthday. A pet. Describe what Jack got and how his life changed after that.
Remember, no one enjoys a boring story. Just the same, the events within a story cannot be too complicated nor too simple. If it is too simple, there is nothing much readers can gather from your story. If it is too complicated, readers will have a hard time following through with what each character is doing. A good advice would be to keep the number of characters simple. Keep the profile of the characters as believable as possible and then spin a tale around the character. Character 2 Character 1

Positive Negative

Positive Negative

Best Friend

Things That Got Them In Trouble

Story Mapping / Flow Chart

Power Phrases


Name:________________________ _ Date:_______________ _

Sample Storyline Jack gazed _______________________ at the little guppies in the tank. They were so cute! Darting ____________________ in the water, they looked like they had the best time of their lives. He liked fishes but more than that, he wanted a puppy that he could play with. Hurry up, Jack! Its time to go, said Mom, _______________________. Jack cast one last look at the cute little creatures before scooting off towards his parents car. It was Saturday, and his parents had decided to bring him to the mall. His birthday was ________________________ and they wanted to get him a new pair of spectacles. Jack was uninterested. He was comfortable with his current pair. What he really wanted more than anything else at the moment was a pet. Everyone of his classmates had one, either a dog, a bird or a fish. If only he could __________________his parents to get him one too! It was crowded at the mall. Jack peered at all the shops, searching for a sign that said Pet Shop. Finally, just as they were leaving, he caught sight of it. Come on, Daddy! he cried excitedly, as he tugged at his fathers hands. Jack _________________ through the crowd towards the pet shop. Upon reaching the shop, Jack let go of his fathers hand and searched for his favourite pet a Maltese By the time, Mom had caught up with them, the duo were already inside the shop. Oblivious to her warning looks, Jacks father led him straight to the counter and asked the assistant if they sold any Maltese. Of course! the girl replied cheerfully and took them to another corner of the shop. Behind the glass panel, were little cubicles. And inside them were cute little puppies. Jack scanned about quickly and his eyes fell on a white ball of fur, a sleeping Maltese

About the Animal

Neutral a cross-breed a pedigree

Positive obedient inquisitive tame friendly affectionate

Negative aggressive wild hostile stubborn

The creature . Positive A welcome diversion Brought comfort in times of sadness / loneliness Helped cultivate a sense of responsibility Difficult to train / tame Caused trouble to the neighbours Negative Was a nuisance Messed up the place Troublesome to keep and care for

The creature would.. Crawl under Bolt straight to Leap walk Cower under Nuzzle up Scratch the Sprawl on Frolic about

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