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GOVERNMENT SERVICE As of December 31, 2012 (Required by R.A. Nos. 3019 and 6713) (Note: Husband and Wife who are both public officials or employees may file the required statements jointly or separately)


Jointly filed

Separately filed

DIGMA ROSALIE M. (Surname) (First Name ) (Middle Initial) Address: LEUTEBORO II, SOCORRO OR. MINDORO / I am married. Spouse: DIGMA, (Surname)

Position: TEACHER I Office : Dep Ed Leuteboro National HS Office Address: Leuteboro, Socorro, Or. Mindoro Position: _______N/A___________________________ Office : __________________________________ Office Address: _____________________________

I am not married. REYNANTE JOSE A. (First Name ) (Middle Initial)

Unmarried Children below 18 years of age living in his/her household: (use additional sheet/s if necessary) NAME DATE OF BIRTH 1.. MICO M. DIGMA JULY 21, 2008

I have no children below 18 years of age living in my household. A. ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NETWORTH

I. ASSETS (including that of declarants spouse and unmarried children below 18 years of age living in his/her household) A. REAL PROPERTY/IES (use additional sheet/s if necessary) NATURE OF PROPERTY ACQUISITION KIND (Paraphernalia, (Res./Comm./ LOCATION Conjugal Agri, etc.) or MODE YEAR Consanguinity) Conjugal 2009 Residential House Batong Dalig Constructed Acquisition Cost* ASSESSED VALUE FAIR MARKET VALUE 80,000.00 Land Building, others 60,000.00



TOTAL : PHP 60,000.00 B. PERSONAL PROPERTY/IES AND OTHER ASSETS (use additional sheet/s if necessary) ACQUISITION TANGIBLE ACQUISITION COST* MODE YEAR Motor cycle Purchased 2010 35,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures Purchased 2011 5,300.00 Appliances and Gadgets Purchased 2010 8,000.00 Jewelries Purchased 2009 5,000.00 Clothes/Bags/Shoes Purchased 2000 8,000.00 INTANGIBLE St. Peter Life Plan, Inc. Equity on installment purchases Equity on installment purchases 2008 70,000.00

Coop Share


2,100.00 TOTAL: PHP 133,400.00

*For computation purposes, use acquisition cost. Properties of unmarried children below 18 years of age living in his/her household shall be excluded as well as the paraphernal/exclusive properties of spouse, in case of separate filing. TOTAL ASSETS (A+B) = PHP 193,400.00

II. LIABILITIES (including that of declarants spouse and unmarried children below 18 years of age living in his/her household) Nature Name of Creditors *Outstanding Balance Regular Loan LNHS Coop 2,000.00 Bank Loans Rural Bank of Calapan 50,000.00 Personal Loans Private Persons 112,000.00 (use additional sheet/s if necessary) Total: Php _164,000.00 *In the computation of outstanding balances, properties of unmarried children below 18 years of age living in his/her household shall be excluded as well as the paraphernal/exclusive properties of spouse, in case of separate filing. III. NETWORTH (TOTAL ASSETS (I) LESS TOTAL LIABILITIES (II) = NETWORTH (III) TOTAL NETWORTH ___Php 29,400.00 AMOUNT AND SOURCES OF GROSS INCOME (ALL amounts received from ALL sources for the preceding calendar year) NATURE (salary/income, business, etc.) Salary SOURCES Government/DepEd AMOUNT Php 258,587.00

(use additional sheet/s if necessary) AMOUNT OF PERSONAL AND FAMILY EXPENSES PERSONAL EXPENSES Food allowance Clothing/Shoes/Bag Allowance Travel Allowance Cosmetics Professional Growth(tuition fee and allowance) ESTIMATED AMOUNT 18,250.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 1,200.00 10,680.00 FAMILY EXPENSES Food Allowance Groceries Annual Electric Bill Family Recreation House Rentals Mortgage Medication Fuel ESTIMATED AMOUNT 36,500.00 24,000.00 3,600.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,600.00 100,000.00 4800.00 TOTAL: Php186,500.00

(use additional sheet/s if necessary) TOTAL: Php.42,130.00 AMOUNT OF INCOME AND TAXES PAID (for the preceding calendar year) NATURE Compensation Business Income Other Income (use additional sheet/s if necessary) AMOUNT Php 172,898.58 /Php 14,079.72

BUSINESS INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS (Declarant/Spouse/Unmarried Children below 18 years of age living in the household of declarant) (Use additional sheet/s if necessary)

We dont have any business interests and financial connections. Name of Nature of Business Entity/Business Business Address Interest and/or Enterprise) Financial Connection

Date of Acquisition of Interest of Connection

RELATIVES IN THE GOVERNMENT (Up to the 4th civil degree of relationship, either by consanguinity or affinity, including bilas, inso and balae) (Use Additional Sheet/s if necessary)

We dont know of any relative/s in the Government. Name of Relative Relationship Position Name of Office/Address

I/We hereby certify that these are my/our true and detailed assets, liabilities, net worth and sources of income, personal and family expenses, amount of income taxes paid, business interests, and financial connections, including those of my spouse and my/our children below 18 years of age living in my household, and the name/s of my relative/s in the Government, as of December 31, _____, as required by and in accordance with Republic Act No. 3019 and 6713. I/We hereby authorize the Ombudsman or his duly authorized representative to obtain and secure from all appropriate agencies, including the Bureau of Internal Revenue, such documents that may show such assets, liabilities, net worth, business interests and financial connections, including those of my spouse and my/our children below 18 years of age living in my household, covering previous years, and if possible, including the year I /we first assumed office in Government. I / we further undertake to produce all supporting documents for each of the entries herein made when required.

Declarants Signature: ___________________ ROSALIE M. DIGMA Date: ___March 14, 2012__________ (For Separate Filing) Spouse Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________________

______________________________ Date: _________________________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of __________________________ affiant exhibiting his/her/their tax identification number (s) ___940-468-359-0000_ and employee number(s) 4586576.

___________________________ (Person Administering Oath)

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