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He works. We work.

He doesnt work. We dont work.

Does he work? Do we work?

Repeated actions Permanent states, General truths, laws of natre Habits, hobbies, likes/dislikes Timetables (future)

He is working. We are working.

He isnt working. We arent working.

Is he working? Are we working?

Actions that are happening around the time of speaking Temporary actions that are happening these days Fixed actions

He has worked. We have worked.

He hasnt worked. We havent worked.

Has he worked? Have we worked?

An action that finished a very short time ago. Experiences(ever/never) An action that started in the past and is still going on in the present An action that started in the past and is still going on in the present (the duration is emphasized with since, for, all da yor all morning, etc.)

He has been working. We have been working. He hasnt been working. We havent been working. Has he been working? Have we been working?

He will work. We will work. He wont work. We wont work. Will he work? Will we work?

On the-spot decisions Promises, warnings and threats; Predictions without evidence A possibility with the verbs: think, believe, ecpect, hope, be sure, be afraid, etc. And the adverbs: probably, perhaps,etc. Finished actions

He worked. We worked. He didnt work. We didnt work. Did he work? Did we work? He was working. We were working. He wasnt working. We werent working. Was he working? Were we working?

The action in progress at a stated time in the past A past action in progress that is also interrupted by another action Two simultaneous actions in the past

IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Read Set Shut Beat Bring Build Burn Buy Catch Deal Dream Feel Fight Find Get Have Hear Hold Keep Lose Make Learn Leave Meet Pay Say Sell Send Sleep Sit Smell Spend Stand Teach Think Understand Win Break Choose Do Drive Eat Forget Know PAST TENSE Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Read Set Shut Beat Brought Built Burnt/ Burned Bought Caught Dealt Dreamt/Dreamed Felt Fought Found Got Had Heard Held Kept Lost Made Learnt/Learned Left Met Paid Said Sold Sent Slept Sat Smelt/Smelled Spent Stood Taught Thought Understood Won Broke Chose Did Drove Ate Forgot Knew PAST PARTICIPLE Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Read Set Shut Beaten Brought Built Burnt/Burned Bought Caught Dealt Dreamt/Dreamed Felt Fought Found Got Had Heard Held Kept Lost Made Learnt/Learned Left Met Paid Said Sold Sent Slept Sat Smelt/Smelled Spent Stood Taught Thought Understood Won Broke Chosen Done Driven Eaten Forgotten Known TURKISH MEANING fiyat etmek Kesmek Vurmak ncinmek zin vermek Koymak Okumak Ayarlamak Barmak Dvmek Getirmek na etmek Yakmak Satn almak Yakalamak lgilenmek Hayal kurmak Hissetmek Kavga etmek Bulmak Almak, elde etmek Sahip olmak Duymak Tutmak Korumak Kaybolmak Yapmak renmek Brakmak, terk etmek Tanmak, bulumak demek Sylemek Satmak Gndermek Uyumak Oturmak Koklamak Harcamak Durmak retmek Dnmek Anlamak Kazanmak Krmak Semek Yapmak Srmek Yemek Unutmak Bilmek ii

INFINITIVE See Speak Swim Write Tell PAST TENSE Saw Spoke Swam Wrote Told PAST PARTICIPLE Seen Spoken Swum Wriiten Told TURKISH MEANING Grmek Konumak Yzmek Yazmak Sylemek

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVE Good Bad Little Far Much, Many COMPERATIVE Better Worse Less Farther, Further More SUPERLATIVE Best Worst Least Farthest, Furthest Most


We use the passive voice to express an event when the subject of the action is not important. In the passive, the action is more important than the subject. We do not mention the subject when it is unimportant or unknown or unclear: My car was stolen. ( we do not know who steal it.)

We can express the subject using by after the ver bor at the end of the sentence: The window was broken by Charlie.

TENSE Present simple Present continuous Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous Past simple Past continuous Future simple 1 Future simple 2 Modals

STRUCTURE Am, is ,are + verb3 Am, is ,are+ being + verb3 Have/ has been + verb3 Have/has been +being+ verb3 Was, were + verb3 Was, were+ being + verb3 Am, is, are going to+ be+ verb3 Will + be + verb3 Modal+ be+ verb3

EXAMPLE The door is painted. The door is being painted. The door has been painted. The door has been being painted. The door was painted. The door was being painted. The door is going to be painted. The door will be painted. The door must be painted.


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