PMT-9 User Manual

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PMT-9 User Manual

PMT-9 User Manual

Automatic Electric Ltd.

Rectifier house,570, Naigum Cross road, Wadala, Mumbai 400031, Maharashtra, India. Phone: 091-22 -24131849 / 24151794 / 24162261. Fax:091 22-24112582 Web:

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PMT-9 User Manual

Table of Contents

Table of contents Overview Menu Option Form File Menu Mode Menu Settings Input Definition Analog Output A Analog Output B Analog Output C Analog Output D Digital Output 1 Digital Output 2 Mod-Bus Main Form Normal Run Mode Simulation Mode Port Settings Appendix

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PMT-9 User Manual

Overview PMT9 software is application software for Programmable Multi-Function Transducer with following features: Configuration of transducer. Real time monitoring of transducer parameter and analog outputs Various local settings viz. password change, communication and device ID settings.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Menu Option Form Purpose This form displays the available menus and settings for the application File Menu New: Open the configuration window.

Open: This menu option opens the text file in which the configurations have been save and displays in on the main window.

Save: This menu option allows the user to save the configuration in text file format.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Mode Menu Normal Run Mode: This menu option displays the normal run mode form to the user.

Simulation Mode: This menu option displays the simulation mode form to the user.

Settings Port Setting: This menu option displays the port setting form which enables the user to select appropriate port and its settings.

Screen Resolution: This menu option displays the screen resolution form wherein the user can apply appropriate screen resolutions.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Input Definition Purpose This form allows the user to 1. Select the system configuration 2. Enter the primary and secondary rated voltage 3. Enter the primary and secondary rated current

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PMT-9 User Manual

Analog Output A Purpose This form allows the user to 1. Select the measurand and its subtype 2. Select the output type 3. Select the characteristics 4. Select the output range 5. Enter the input values 6. Enter the output values Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Analog Output B Purpose This form allows the user to 1. Select the measurand and its subtype 2. Select the output type 3. Select the characteristics 4. Select the output range 5. Enter the input values 6. Enter the output values Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Analog Output C Purpose This form allows the user to 1. Select the measurand and its subtype 2. Select the output type 3. Select the characteristics 4. Select the output range 5. Enter the input values 6. Enter the output values Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Analog Output D Purpose This form allows the user to 1. Select the measurand and its subtype 2. Select the output type 3. Select the characteristics 4. Select the output range 5. Enter the input values 6. Enter the output values Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Digital Output 1 Purpose This form allows user to 1. Select measurand and its subtype for limit 1,limit 2 and limit 3 signals 2. Apply logical operations between limit 1,limit 2 and limit 3 signals 3. Select the comparator operators 4. Select the alarm condition i.e. Output ON or Output OFF Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Digital Output 2 Purpose This form allows user to 1. Select measurand and its subtype for limit 1,limit 2 and limit 3 signals 2. Apply logical operations between limit 1,limit 2 and limit 3 signals 3. Select the comparator operators 4. Select the alarm condition i.e. Output ON or Output OFF Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Mod-bus Purpose This from allows the user to 1. Enter the Mod-bus id(between 1 to 255) 2. Select the baud rate Prerequisites The input definition form should be filled with all the required data.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Main Form Purpose This form displays all input data, output data (analog output and digital output) and mod-bus information that is to be configured or has been read from the PMT-9 to the user. Prerequisites (while writing the configuration data to PMT-9) 1. 2. 3. 4. The The The The input definition form should be filled with its appropriate values analog output form should be filled with appropriate data digital output form should be filled with appropriate data mod-bus form should be filled with appropriate data

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PMT-9 User Manual

Normal run Mode Purpose This form displays current measurand and all measurand values according to the configuration. Current Measurand

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PMT-9 User Manual

All Measurand

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PMT-9 User Manual

Simulation Mode Purpose This form allows user to 1. Select the output type 2. Select the output range and accordingly verify the output using multi-meter(in case of analog output) 3. Provide ON or OFF values(in case of digital output)

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PMT-9 User Manual

Port Setting Purpose This screen enables the user set the following specifications for a particular instrument 1. Bits per Second (Baud Rate). 2. Data Bits. 3. Parity Bit. 4. Stop Port. 5. Comm Port

Screen Resolution Purpose This form allows user to change the screen resolution according to the resolution of his/her computer monitor.

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PMT-9 User Manual

Appendix For any queries contact, Automatic Electric Ltd. 366, Suriya Road, 12 Bunglow, Valvan, Lonavala, Pune 410401 Maharashtra India. Email -

User Data and Comments

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