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National specification National specification is the standard grade that any precede items produced in the country must follow. In a country there must be an organization that test material to determine their performance and evaluate their fitness for purpose. Develop national standards for the mechanical and metals industrial and co-ordinates South African inputs, to the development of industrial standards by international organization for standards. Customer specification Customer specification is the specification that the customer gives to the producer to produce a certain material based on the chemical composition that the customer wants.The customer may say he /she needs the above mentioned specification considering mechanical, metallurgical and the condition which the material will be used. Company specification Company specificatiofs the standard which the company produces the material which is based

on their specifications; most of the companies use the minimum requirements of the national standards.

International Specifications Most of the specifications for standard grades of ductile iron are based on properties - that is, strength and hardness is specified for each grade of ductile iron, e g the AISI, SAE designations,

the most widely used system for designating carbon and alloy steel is that of the America Iron and Steel Institute (AlS!) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).

Calibration of eguipments The accurate measurements of mechanical properties reqUlre well calibrated and testing

equipment. While the load and displacement calibration is usually provided by the manufacture using procedure specific to the machine. A number of calibrations must be routine performed by the user. These calibrations are in an order that roughly reflects the frequency of their necessity - that is: thermal drift calibration is performed most frequently. With minor modifications the procedures are essentially those developed by Oliver Pharr(ref No: two). Many of the calibration require that a calibration material be indented during the procedure. One material commonly used for this procedure is fused quarts. This relatively inexpensive material is readily available in a polished form that gives repeatable results with little scatter. Due to its amorphous nature, it is highly isotopic and is relatively low elastic modulus and high hardness. Facilities calibration that are best served by a large elastic recovery during unloading such as area-function calibration. Pile up is not observed in quarts and because it is not sucsecpatable to oxidation its near surface properties are similar to those of the bulk and do not to a large degree on the depth penetration. Fused quarts also exhibit no time dependence when indented at room temperature, so there are no complications in separating thermal drift from the time depended

deformation defects. Thermal drift calibration seeks to adjust the measured displacement to account for small amounts of thermal expansion or contraction. In fact the calibration is best achieved by incorporation directly into the indentation test procedure itself. A procedure that works well for material exhibiting little or no time dependence deformation behavior is based on the motion displacements observed when the indenter is pressed against the sample surface at a small fixed load must arise from thermal drift. This is an implemented in an indentation experiments enouncing the period near the end of the test during which the bed is held constant for a fixed period of time the displacements are monitors to measure the thermal drift rate. A small rate is preferred to minimize the possibility of creep in a specimen of a guideline of this load is 10% of the maximum indentation on load. Displacement to changes measured during this period is attributed to thermal expansion or contract in the test material and indentation equipment and a drift rate is calculated from the data. All displacement measurements during displacement test are then corrected according to the time at which they are required. Fitness for purpose Fitness for purpose concept allows deriving critical sizes and necessary inspection intervals to ensure safe component operations. In present study of fitness for purpose concept, has been applied to EN-19 and alloy 4340. Fitnts for purpose aim to create a framework within which

this can be provided and a more clearly publicized complaints procedures as investigated and property dealt with. Quotation of Metallurgy

ASTM - American Society of Testing Material

organizations (ASTM, ISO, CEN, etc), trade associations, corporations and others. A product specification does not necessarily prove the product to be correct.

Content of a specification A specification might include: Scope, which can cover product classification (including size range when necessary), condition and any comments on product processing deemed helpful to either the supplier or user. An informative title plus a statement of the required form can be used instead of a scope clause.

Chemical composition which can be detailed or indicated by a well recognized designation based on chemical composition. The SAE AISI are frequently used The quality statement which includes any appropriate quality descriptor and whichever additional requirements are necessary. It can also include the type of steel and the steelmaking processes permitted Quantitative requirements which identify allowable ranges of the composition and all physical and mechanical properties necessary to characterize the material. Test methods used to determine these properties should also be included, at least by reference to standard test methods. Some of the important specification writing groups are listed below. It is obvious from the names of some of these that the specifications prepared by a particular group may be limited to its own specialized field.


To make it worthwhile, mass production requires mass consumption until relatively recent times the only large scale demand for standardized, uniform products come from military

organizations. The major experiments that eventually lead to mass production were first performed under the aegis of the military. Mass production also heightened the trend towards an international division of labor. The huge new factories often needed raw material from abroad, while saturation of local market led to a search for customers overseas. The skills needed by workers on assembly line tasks were easily acquired and standards of living in these countries were so low that wages be kept below those of the already industrialized nations. Many large manufactures in the United States and elsewhere therefore began outsourcing. That is having parts made or products assembled in developing nations; consequently those countries are rapidly becoming integrated into world economic community. Specification A specification is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product or service (ASTM definition). It is written statement of the requirements both technical and commercial, that a product must meet the document that controls procurement. Uses of specification In engineering, manufacturing and business a specification is type of a standard which is often referenced by a contract or procurement document. It provides the necessary details about the specific requirements. Specifications may be written by government agencies, standard


Material testing is the area of knowledge that deals with the behavior and the response of the metals to applied forces. The forces may be of different nature, like for example, tension stresses or compression forces. The materials are tested in different conditions, like for example in annealed conditions or tempered conditions to determine the best condition a steel should be applied to so as to manufacture a best material for a certain application. Material testing does not say that once the material is in its application it will not fail, yet it gives information on what could cause the material to fail and what could be done to prevent or extend the time at which failure would have occurred. The philosophy of materials is based on materials that provide the balance between price and the performance via smart engineering. We find out what the material is capable of and expand what can be achieved. How mass production affect quality requirement. Mass production is a name given to a method of producing large quantities of goods at low cost per unit. Mass production although allowing lower prices, does not have to mean low quality production. Mass produced goods are standardized by means of a precision manufactured interchangeable parts. The mass production process itself is characterized by mechanization to achieve high volume, elaborate organization of materials flow through various stages of manufacturing, careful supervision of quality standards and minute division of labor.

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