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FormE68 EngineersWeeklyReportInstructions

ORIGINATEDBY: Engineer GUIDELINES: First report will be issued beginning with the week in which a project is advertised.Reportswillbecontinuousuntilfinalacceptanceofwork.Whenworkonaproject issuspendedbyFormE96,theweeklyreportsmaybesuspendeduntilworkresumes. FollowingisasetofnotesthatpertaintotheannotatedversionofFormE68andaflowchart for assessing contract time. In addition to these instructions reference is made to the ConstructionAdministrationManual,Chapter7,Section108andChapter8. Ifaprojectisarchitecturalinnature,buildings,restareas,etc.,itisrecommendedthatallwork belistedexclusivelyinDivision100. DISTRIBUTION: Theoriginalhardcopywillberetainedintheprojectfiles. Additional hard copies will be distributed to the FHWA (for Federal Aid Projects), to the contractor, and the district office. The engineer will ascertain at the preconstruction conference if the contractor would elect to receive their copy of the report in an Email (electronic) format. The same election should be afforded to other agencies or departments participatingintheprojectandbeingsentcopiesoftheWeeklyReport,preferablyatthetime thefirstreportisissued. The engineer may elect to Email the copy designated for Construction Staff, specifically to Select only one means (either hard copy or an electronic format) of conveying the copy to programs/agenciesonthedistributionlist. TheEngineersWeeklyReportwillbecomputergenerated.Formatwillbeasshown.

NOTATIONS (As numbered in file E-68 Engineers Weekly Report Annotated) FORM E-68 1. This date will be the 14th calendar day after the award of the contract. When the day falls within a month that is not included in the contract time, then contract time will begin April 1. Partial completion date(s) as it (they) appear(s) in the contract. As partial completion work is completed note the date completed under Remarks, item C and show any accumulation of overtime days charged when the partial completion date is not met. Completion date as it appears in the contract. This date does not change. Total accumulated number of additional working days added by Form E-61. A note referencing the E-61 No. will be made under the Remarks Section, item B Time Extensions. The date on the E-96 when the Contractor begins physical work on the project. The date of final acceptance of all work on the project as stated on the District Engineers acceptance letter. The date the project and paperwork for the project is complete. The final E-68 will be sent in by the District finals office when the project final is sent to Cheyenne. The date of the 41st day after the first date of advertising the project as complete. Federal Aid will determine this date. The District Finals Office will place the date on the final E-68. The Engineers will use their best judgement to determine if the Contractor will complete the job on the date shown in 3. Any time the Contractor is allowed a time extension, the extension will be considered in determining if progress is satisfactory. Contract progress should be shown as unsatisfactory any time that the actual progress vs project schedule is behind. Enter the choice of either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.


3. 4.

5. 6.




10. The Engineer will compare the Contractors progress schedule with actual progress and report the progress accordingly. When the Contractor is behind their schedule, the reason should be noted under Contract Progress and a revised schedule requested, in writing, from the Contractor. Enter the choice of either Ahead, On or Behind. 11. This percentage will be determined by dividing the total number of weeks or calendar days elapsed since the date under note 1. (excluding when applicable, the weeks or calendar days during December, January, February and March); by the total number of weeks or calendar days from the date under note 1., to the Contract Completion Date under note 3. If weeks are used to compute the percentage, no fractions of weeks need to be listed. Use the nearest whole week. 12. This percentage is determined by multiplying the percent complete (A) times the percent of contract (14) for each work section and totaling all sections. The percent of work completed will not exceed 97% until the project is accepted by the District Engineer, then the percent will be 98%. The percent of work completed will not exceed 98% until the E-96 is submitted stating the project is complete, then the percent will be 99%. Once the District Office has

NOTATIONS (As numbered in file E-68 Engineers Weekly Report Annotated) FORM E-68 (continued) checked the project and it is ready to be sent to Cheyenne, the percent of work will go to 100%. The District Office will prepare the final E-68. 13. The Engineer will note outstanding project documents that are required for contract completion. Use additional sheets if necessary. 14. This indicates the percent of the cost of items in each section as related to the total bid cost of the contract. The sum of each bid item for each section divided by the total bid cost. This percentage will be determined based on as bid quantities and will be altered for major extra work orders, when it creates a significant change in a percentage. 15. Every day of the contract, from the first day of monitoring work days to the contract completion date, will be shown in this column. After reaching the completion date, the DAYS CHARGED OVERTIME column will be used to record every day available for work on the project. All days evaluated and determined to be working days after the Completion Date will be recorded in the DAYS WORKED OVERTIME column. See FLOW CHART for ASSESSING CONTRACT TIME on WEEKLY REPORT FORM E-68 and Chapter Seven, Section 108 of the Construction Administration Manual for further assistance. 16. The days a contractor was on the job doing work, whether or not the day was an available working day, will be recorded here. Note the E-68 Flow Chart. 17. The Engineer will keep track of the monthly adverse weather days as accumulated in (B) for consideration at the completion of the contract. See Standard Specifications 108.6.6 for the Adverse Weather Days Expected table. 18. The Engineer will note all subcontractors that worked on the project for the week, whether or not the day was an available working day.

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