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(In Partnership with National HRD Network)

Call for Paper Presentation - Details

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the 14th World Human Resources Congress, HRIZON. Concurrent Session Streams: Diversity What does a diverse workforce look like and how can it be achieved. Technology Opportunities and challenges of new and existing technology. Sustainability Corporate, social and environmental. Skills and Talent Challenges of managing and developing human capability. Innovation Creativity and innovation in the workplace. Business Leadership HR and business thought and practice leaders. Inspirational Out of the box thinking of HR and business practitioners.

(You may select any one of the above mentioned themes) Submission of proposals: Important Informations

1. Submit proposals by Friday 30 March 2012 to NHRDN

( for initial assessment. 2. After initial screening, the best paper presentations will be forwarded to AHRI by NHRDN for consideration. 3. Presenters of successful submission will be contacted by AHRI. This will provide opportunity to be a part of the HRIZON program. Criteria for selection: Adherence to theme Demonstration of business benefits and outcomes Inclusion of new material Incorporates a case-study and/or thought leader material Identification of the session stream and the topic addressed Relevance to HR impact at the organisation level

Privacy By making a presentation submission, you are actively giving AHRI permission to keep your details on file. If selected Any handout material required must be provided by the speaker. Opportunity often available to provide readings in advance of the event. Permission must be given to AHRI for possible inclusion in papers and postconference publications. Contact details may be made available to the media for publicity. Agreement must be made to not market products or services during the presentation.

Speaker Slots Due to the limited availability of Sessions, the best 2 Submissions would be considered for Speaking Slots. Registration AHRI will provide return economy airfare (India-Melbourne-India) for Speaker(s) and will provide accommodation whilst engaged as a Speaker at the event. As a member-based organisation, AHRI does not pay speaker fees for call for papers submissions or provide commissions. Instructions for completing your submission To be considered, submission must follow these specifications: Proposals and any additional materials must be emailed to Follow the submission preparation format (see below) Any information included with your submission will be retained by AHRI.

Notification Notification will be given by AHRI upon receiving submissions from NHRDN. Presenters will be contacted if further clarification is needed or to ascertain availability for events if a placement for the presentation is identified. It is not necessary to contact AHRI regarding acceptance or rejection of your submission. All submissions will be kept on file. Presentation Agreement If your proposal is accepted by the Australian Human Resources Institute, presenters must guarantee that they are the sole proprietor of this material, and that no proprietary rights or copyrights belonging to any other person exist. You further agree to deliver in advance to the conference the proposed session materials and handouts. No fees or reimbursement of expenses will be paid by AHRI for selected proposals, unless agreed.

Results : Would be declared in the first half of May Please refer to the submission preparation format on the following page for the required format of all submissions.

Submission Preparation Format

Please indicate topic area and concurrent session stream in your submission Presentation title Maximum 10 words, please try to avoid use of abbreviations, acronyms, or trademarks. Details of person submitting proposal Name Title Organisation Street Address Postal Address (if different) State Country Phone, fax and mobile numbers E-mail address Website address (if applicable)

Details of presenter(s) Name Title Organisation Street Address Postal Address (if different) State Country Phone, fax and mobile numbers E-mail address Website address (if applicable)

250-word description of the topic Preference will be given to proposals reflecting a concurrent session theme as listed on page 1 Outline of the presentation content and structure

Biography Please include the biographies of presenter(s) with the submission.

Details of speaking experience Name of conferences or business groups to which you have made presentations Presentation title/s Date/location of presentation/s If available please provide video footage of a past presentation

Please forward all submissions to Submissions for consideration must be received by Friday 30 March 2012


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