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INTRODUCTION It is generally accepted that English is important in life now. It does not matter in

any field such as business, education, politics and more, the need to use this language could not be overstated. Even in matters of employment, most places use this language as the medium. When we talk about communication, it necessarily involves two or more persons (individually or collectively). Communication will involve speakers and listeners. Without one of these communications will not occur. We communicate with anyone regardless of age, young children, possibly with other nations in their own country or from abroad. We also may need or have talked with many listeners, whether in closed or open space.

Communication Process
Message Sender Receiver


Picture 1.1 Communication Process There are many definitions of communication:1) James A.F. Stoner and Charles Wankel (1989) said that communication is a way of involving people in relation to the shared meaning or purpose, provided that they have to agree with the definitions of terms used on a symbolic as alerts, letters, numbers, and words that symbolize or similar ideas that can serve the purpose.

2) Emery, Ault and Agee (dlm. Sulaiman Masri, 1997) Communication is the art of transferring information, ideas, and attitudes from person to person. 3) Sulaiman Masri (l997) concluded that communication begins when a message (information) from the sender (speaker, author) is transferred through the device or a specific channel to the receiver (reader, listener) who then provide feedback (encode and interpret) the message . 2.0 HOW TO COMMUNICATE In general, how to communicate is 3, namely: i) Oral communication ii) a written communication iii) visual communication. 2.1 Oral Communication The main tool for oral communication is the use of language. According to studies, oral communications made by almost 80% every day and it shows the importance of good communication in this type of work or daily interactions. Works to preserve good relations with others. 2.2 Communication in Writing Communication of this type in the former paper but significant changes can be seen as technological developments such as using SMS, MMS, e- mail and chatting.

Picture 2.1 2.3 Visual Communication

Communication In Writing

In addition to the use of two types of communication on the use of visuals is done close to 100% by humans every day. Sometimes people do not realize they are doing because it happened spontaneously, perhaps intentionally. For example, raised his eyebrows, shoulders and so on.

Picture 2.2 Visual Communication


MODEL OF COMMUNICATION For the model - a model of communication, many referring to the four general

types of models introduced by the four figures, namely: 3.1 Lasswell (1948) Lasswell emphasizes a direction only when communicating, such as: Who Said What Through What Channels To Who With What Effect on Receiver According to Lasswell, the forms of instruction, which is more suitable because of course the data or information received is in line with what you want.

Picture 3.1 3.2 Osgood (1954)

Lasswell Communication Model

Modified from Shahnon & Weaver model, modeling can be applied in communication engineering. Placing the role of receiving and channel information and

taking into account the purpose of a symbol. Each individual has a 'speech community' (the complete communication process), emphasizing the natural social communication and defines the message as a whole unit of output for the input source for the destination. 3.3 Schramm (1954) There is not much difference with the Osgood. The first model: considers communication as the interaction between two people. The second model: introducing that effective communication occurs only when a shared. A third model: the interaction between both parties in enkod, interpret, dekod, transporting and receiving signals.

Picture 3.2

Osgood & Schramm Communication Model


Newcomd Symmentry (1953)

Theodare Newcomb stated that communication as a relevant social psychological suspect the interaction between man and man. The simple model assumes that individuals A channel information to individuals on a, X. Assumed orientation of A (attitude - of B and of X is contained four coordination. Orientation A to X inclusive attitude towards X as an object to be approached @ put (disable by signs and intensive) and cognitive attributions (beliefs and cognitive structure). Orientation A to B in the same taste. Orientation B on X. Orientation B of A. 4.0 Interpersonal Communication 4.1 Definition Interpersonal Communication is communication between individuals with other individuals or group of individuals who communicate with others. Interpersonal communication is dynamic because the always moving and always influence each other.

Interpersonal Communication is a learned behavior. It is not happen by itself but is the result of observation and past experience. Interpersonal communication often has the explicit and implicit meanings.

Picture 4.1 Interpersonal Model 4.2 Interpersonal Communication System According to Drs. Jalaluddin Rahmat, M.Sc. later his book entitled Psychology of Communication, he describes a system in interpersonal communication, such as: 1. Interpersonal perception 2. Self concept 3. Internal Relations Interpersonal 4. External Relations Interpersonal. In this article, the author lists only interpersonalnya relationship only because thought the discussion about it are complex and may be misleading. 4.3 Interest to Public 4.3.1 Building social relationships Understand and respect the socio-cultural elements of society, including socio-cultural similarities and differences between.

For example, a multi-racial, and religious beliefs. 4.3.2 Discourse knowledge Helps to learn various disciplines.


Consultation Achieving consensus.


Career Able to explain the efficiency level of expertise and professionalism.


Community Understand, respect and create a feeling of acceptance in the community. The situation became cheerful


Guidance .Assist in communicating ideas, information, feelings and expression behavior of each other.


How to Face Barriers in Interpersonal Communication 5.1 The flow of filtered information Only the most important information should be presented. Information that is important to be neglected. 5.2 Encourage feedback Ensure that all information presented can be understood. Feedback can be found in the form of verbal or nonverbal.

5.3 5.4

The information is clear and easy Use simple language and easily understood by listeners. Listening actively Be a good listener to be attentive.


Avoid too emotional In the communication process to avoid too sentimental. More rational. Use body language or gesture.


To increase self-confidence Receive recognition of self and community in an honest and genuine.


Life becomes more meaningful Provide response to positive reinforcement. Individuals become more motivated.


Expanding the network of communication Build intimacy between individuals and groups become friends with vision.


Clarification Ability to express feelings or thoughts with their own language and style and have the spirit. For example sindirin words, analogy, quotation.


COMMUNICATION IN SMALL GROUPS 6.1 Small Group Who? Individuals interact. to 12 or 15 people (Tim Moorhead, 1999). People who have the same goals and purposes.


Types of Small Group Relationship and Task Group Primary Group Secondary Group


Reference and Membership Group Reference group Membership group


Factors That Affect Communication In Small Groups. 6.4.1 Gender For example, in Malay society, men are given priority to be a leader or leaders, especially in the family and in small groups. In small groups where men can not play Set as leader, this will cause problems. 6.4.2 Practice It refers to the procedure to do something that is followed by each member of the group concerned and for generations. Each human community to impose rules (taboos) to regulate the conduct of certain members. 6.4.3 Religion & Beliefs Religion that limit the behavior and social relations between people. Belief refers to the social taboos that guide members in interacting with others. 6.4.3 Language and Communication Polar

In small groups, language often causes the problem because sometimes the language used by a different member of the language used by the other member causes the purpose to be served is difficult to understand. Language is often a different meaning according to their cultural understanding.


Value It is part of our internal components that make up our perceptions and determine the behavior and actions in the past, today and tomorrow.


Age Member of the age are also more sensitive and feel younger members of each are not eligible to criticize his actions even though his actions were clearly in violation of norms in small groups.


Ethnic The difference is that sometimes cause problems in this group. Ethnic difference that causes the various perceptions arise and cause conflicts and lead to a split in small groups.


Effect of Communication in Small Groups 6.5.1 6.5.2 Positive Impact Increase Self Motivation Can Enhance Understanding Space for self-development Negative Impact Like Criticism Misunderstanding The break-Team Member

6.6 6.6.1

Step Coping Open Attitude It should enhance cooperation with mutual help and understand each other with openness. 6.6.2 To issue comments / constructive criticism Is not a negative comment or dissatisfaction Individuals need to exchange comments or criticism into a positive question or statement that was issued when he realized the less polite criticism. 6.6.3 The language understood There is a different style of conversation, body language or translation of symbols. 6.6.4 Role of the Chief Head-sensitive and skilled observe and understand the causes of conflict. The need to know how to use strategies to resolve such disputes. Failure to give other purposes


PUBLIC COMMUNICATION When asked to speak in front of the public, the various reactions will be given

by each person. What about us? Perhaps we will feel palpitations, nervous and afraid? In fact, every speaker, whether new, old or what has become known around the world have all experienced the same events, especially feeling pretty nervous to speak in public, especially in the first and second.

By learning the proper techniques, then gradually feeling pretty nervous, nervous, and not completed will be able to overcome and control the self-confidence has been built upon repeatedly lectured both in the same or different. Here are the techniques that have been studied by many experts world's communications. 6.1 It's intentions and determination to speak before the public. The intention and determination to create the spirit which gives a vibration energy to face any obstacles when we speak and through the maturation process. If we are to avoid it until we will feel fear. 6.3 Make observations Start making observations on speaker for us to make a guidelines. Listen to the tone of speech and speech in terms of high and low tones. See the body and mimic the movements of their faces. 6.3 Preparation Need to make preparations before the speech. Provide the framework and content we want to convey. Identify the target audience we are and what they hear the needed of content of our speech. Create a reference to. 6.4 Continuous training Create a training using the framework of the content and try to practice in front of the mirror. Good Perucap will not see and read passages of text. If you lack confidence or are new, make sure we provide a small card in order to fill posts to speak. 6.5 Mental Preparation

Is the mental preparation before we spoke for mental rehearsal. Speaking earlier in the stage of our minds. "See, hear and feel the power of our speech and our audience was dazzled audiences with a welcome and applause we are so great. Playback what they see, hear and feel the emotions even before we speak. 6.6 Acceptance of Self-AS The focus in our speech and not on the weakness. Say: "Whatever happens I accept with open hearts and I will improve over time. I enjoyed the new experience." 6.7 Positive Speak with positive thoughts and emotions. Make sure we are in a positive mood before the speech. 6.8 First Impression Important aspects of appropriate dress and make sure that start with a smile. We need to love the audience. State the words that show or give a sign that we are very pleased with the audience should be given priority. Start with the ice breaking and build relationships with our audiences so that dapt created compatibility 6.9 State the objective Specify clear objectives and then develop the content and the cover.

Preamble 15% content of 70% and 15% cover 6.10 Ignore Errors If there are any mistakes such as not only remember the speeches go on and do not apologize because it will make errors when speaking. 6.11 Comic Speak with a joke. 6.12 Carity conversation Make sure do not speak like scatter bullets. Speaking clearly and loudly, do not be too quick and make sure all the words in line with our minds. This will ensure us a dramatic speech by a variety of tones that make us live speech. Use the movement of the hand, foot and mimic the appropriate interface to portray the emotions and explain the purpose of our speech. 6.13 Eye Contact In a large gathering of public relations point of view of our eyes start to focus on the eye in front of audiences at the center and the audience at the right corner of the audience followed the right corner at the back left corner behind the audience, the front left corner of the audience and the audience in the middle space. This method allows the 'power of our eyes will' bind 'your audience to hear and see us with interest. 6.14 Come early Come 15 minutes early for good preparation so you do not look messy.


Tools Aid can also be used as a charm and explain the purpose of speech in order to achieve its objectives. These tools are mahjung board and paper, pens, markers, audio systems, laptops and LCD using power point or so.


CONCLUSION Communications in everyday life people to communicate and execute. Effective communication can maintain a good friendship and relationship.

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